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Originally posted by Bullypulpit
I work with minorities of all colors on a daily basis. Their nursing skills and knowledge are every bit as sharp as any other nurse I have ever worked with.
Need a Doctor?

Medical school admission is uncommonly competitive, there being many more applicants than slots. The competition is so intense that if black applicants were held to the same admission standards as whites and Asians, we would turn out almost no black physicians.

We now have a double standard for admission to medical school brought about by affirmative action. As a result, two tiers of American physicians have emerged separated by race and ability.

But their scores are clearly lower. And if admissions were based solely on MCATs and grades, the number of minority medical students would plummet, according to the AAMC.

In 2001 the use of racial preferences meant that 1,868 minority applicants were accepted, 11% of total medical school acceptances. Only 537 minority students, or 3% of all acceptances, would have made it in on their scores alone. Even using affirmative action, schools haven't been able to enroll enough underrepresented minorities, Dr. Cohen said.
so me any proof you have , anything, dont matter..where they can get their shingle without passing the test...same test as all take...without a leg up...getting in is one thing passing is another...as for you cares for me when I am ill....a Dr will do...a caring nurse or two...I could care less where their parents started out at...only that they are there to care for me when I need the care...ever had to have blood???... wonder whose arm it came from when you needed it???
I don't think it can be LEGALLY challenged, it may be in questionable taste for some of us, but that is irrelevant.
Originally posted by jon_forward
...as for you cares for me when I am ill....a Dr will do...a caring nurse or two...I could care less

Seven years ago, Chavis became the toast of the media elite and the racial preference crowd when he was profiled lavishly by New York Times magazine writer Nicholas Lemann. Chavis, who made the cover of the magazine, was a black physician admitted to the University of California-Davis medical school under a special racial-preference quota.
What The New York Times never got around to reporting, as Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby first noted and journalist William McGowan later chronicled in his award-winning book "Coloring the News," is that the "difference" Chavis made in the lives of several young black women involved gruesome pain -- and death -- as a result of botched "body sculpting" operations at his clinic.
I can't believe you are still at this. We can find appalling people of every color, gender, religion, ethnicity etc.

For every evil-doer you cite, I can find an article about an admirable person.

All this proves is that character matters.
Originally posted by wonderwench

All this proves is that character matters.
Sure, who cares if a doctor is qualified or not,
as long as they have character.
passing the med boards is not easy and no one gets extra help...guess you side-stepped that...nobody with a IQ of 89 is going to get by...Hell I am up there fairly good and I dont think I would...
Originally posted by jon_forward
passing the med boards is not easy and no one gets extra help...guess you side-stepped that...nobody with a IQ of 89 is going to get by...Hell I am up there fairly good and I dont think I would...
Men scored higher than women, and whites higher than other racial groups, on the lengthy multiple-choice exam administered to all prospective medical doctors, according to a nationwide research study. Differences in academic backgrounds explained some of the overall gap between ethnic groups, but a large disparity between men and women of all races remained after controlling for preparation.

The scores and school records of more than 10,000 medical school students who took the test in 1986, 1987 and 1988 were studied. Typically the test is taken two years before expected graduation.
The Energizer Bigot just keeps going and going.

What is the point of these stats with no other context?

Answer: To spew hatred and encourage bigotry.
Big D ...your stats do not take into concideration the person...singlely....one at a time.....stats are great for some back room bean counter....as a whole doesnt amount to much when I have ONE Dr treating me...not a whole class...but thanks for the input....I do have to wonder why all these stats are kept??? seems one hell of a waste of money to me...
Originally posted by wonderwench
I can't believe you are still at this. We can find appalling people of every color, gender, religion, ethnicity etc.

For every evil-doer you cite, I can find an article about an admirable person.

All this proves is that character matters.

And, as I think we've all seen, Big D and Sweet William have no character...
Originally posted by William Joyce
"Why do you think Hitler chose jews to villainize? Because they were successful. Envy is an easy emotion to whip up."

I don't see it that way. I wouldn't say that a bank robber should be richer than I am because he's shown the initiative to buy a gun and stick it in the teller's face. Or that black slaves ought not worry about their situation because their white slavemasters were simply "more successful."

All I ask is that America return to white gentile, and not Jewish, control. Why shouldn't my people direct their own destiny?

It's time for you to be chained to the "Racism" thread.
Originally posted by OCA
Again I repeat if you lump everybody together into races, of course there is going to be an order, just like in sports. Not everybody scores the exact same on the test just like if you have 16 game season not every team goes 8-8.

So show us what the score is,
Anything, anyway, anykind of test in anywhere in the world.

Lets take Asians and Blacks two minoritys in the USA, what is the score?

You show me any kind of educational test about anything SAT, IQ, goverment jobs, cooking, fireman, doctor, lawyer, carpet cleaning, math, spelling, african history, shoe shining, I don't care what it is any test of anykind about anything.
Show us a test that blacks out perfrom Asians in, no wait, a test that blacks score equal to Asians in, no wait, A test that blacks even score close to Asians. Ya, thats it, any test of anykind in anyway about anything where blacks score just even close to that of Asians.

Show us what the score is:
Anything, anyway anykind of crime that asians commit more than blacks?

I don't care what kind of crime it is, murder, rape to much MSG's, assult, bank robbery, riding a bike to fast, anything, anykind, anyway show us a crime that asians commit more then blacks, no wait, just show us a crime that Asians commit the same as blacks, no wait, just show us a crime of anykind, anywhere in anyway where Asians and blacks even come close to commiting at the same rate.

I tell you what, you find anything of anykind of whatever that shows blacks and Asians prefrom close to the same on anything and I mean anything.

I don't care what it is, raising a family, driving a car, eating, drinking, having the same pets, watching TV, I don't care, anything?
Originally posted by Big D
So show us what the score is,
Anything, anyway, anykind of test in anywhere in the world.

Lets take Asians and Blacks two minoritys in the USA, what is the score?

You show me any kind of educational test about anything SAT, IQ, goverment jobs, cooking, fireman, doctor, lawyer, carpet cleaning, math, spelling, african history, shoe shining, I don't care what it is any test of anykind about anything.
Show us a test that blacks out perfrom Asians in, no wait, a test that blacks score equal to Asians in, no wait, A test that blacks even score close to Asians. Ya, thats it, any test of anykind in anyway about anything where blacks score just even close to that of Asians.

Show us what the score is:
Anything, anyway anykind of crime that asians commit more than blacks?

I don't care what kind of crime it is, murder, rape to much MSG's, assult, bank robbery, riding a bike to fast, anything, anykind, anyway show us a crime that asians commit more then blacks, no wait, just show us a crime that Asians commit the same as blacks, no wait, just show us a crime of anykind, anywhere in anyway where Asians and blacks even come close to commiting at the same rate.

I tell you what, you find anything of anykind of whatever that shows blacks and Asians prefrom close to the same on anything and I mean anything.

I don't care what it is, raising a family, driving a car, eating, drinking, having the same pets, watching TV, I don't care, anything?


Same tired crap, different post.

You're sowing the seeds of your own future you know. And as you sow...So shall ye reap, and thou shalt reap the whirlwind. Your fears will be your undoing old son...As you draw your last breath, they will crowd about you and drag you down into a hell of your own creation. I truly pity you and I will keep you in my prayers.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit

You're sowing the seeds of your own future you know. And as you sow...So shall ye reap, and thou shalt reap the whirlwind. Your fears will be your undoing old son...As you draw your last breath, they will crowd about you and drag you down into a hell of your own creation. I truly pity you and I will keep you in my prayers.
As you try to promote forcing parents to explain to there children about how two men have sex on another thread you worry about me having a crowd drag me into a hell of my own creation?

The seeds I sow are of honesty, something I cannot reap from you.
Originally posted by OCA
Again I repeat if you lump everybody together into races, of course there is going to be an order, just like in sports. Not everybody scores the exact same on the test just like if you have 16 game season not every team goes 8-8.

So show us what the score is,
Anything, anyway, anykind of test in anywhere in the world.

Lets take Asians and Blacks two minoritys in the USA, what is the score?

You show me any kind of educational test about anything SAT, IQ, goverment jobs, cooking, fireman, doctor, lawyer, carpet cleaning, math, spelling, african history, shoe shining, I don't care what it is any test of anykind about anything.
Show us a test that blacks out perfrom Asians in, no wait, a test that blacks score equal to Asians in, no wait, A test that blacks even score close to Asians. Ya, thats it, any test of anykind in anyway about anything where blacks score just even close to that of Asians.

Show us what the score is:
Anything, anyway anykind of crime that asians commit more than blacks?

I don't care what kind of crime it is, murder, rape to much MSG's, assult, bank robbery, riding a bike to fast, anything, anykind, anyway show us a crime that asians commit more then blacks, no wait, just show us a crime that Asians commit the same as blacks, no wait, just show us a crime of anykind, anywhere in anyway where Asians and blacks even come close to commiting at the same rate.

I tell you what, you find anything of anykind of whatever that shows blacks and Asians prefrom close to the same on anything and I mean anything.

I don't care what it is, raising a family, driving a car, eating, drinking, having the same pets, watching TV, I don't care, anything?
Originally posted by Big D
As you try to promote forcing parents to explain to there children about how two men have sex on another thread you worry about me having a crowd drag me into a hell of my own creation?

The seeds I sow are of honesty, something I cannot reap from you.

Parents don't even explain a man and a woman having sex to their children let alone same-gendered couples. And God (whichever you prefer) forbid the subject of sex should be broached in any sensible manner in the schools.

As for honesty...Are you even honest with yourself? No, you cannot even engage in honest self-examination. It's far too painful for you. For what its worth, you have my pity and my prayers.
Parents don't even explain a man and a woman having sex to their children let alone same-gendered couples. And God (whichever you prefer) forbid the subject of sex should be broached in any sensible manner in the schools

I seem to think that parents should be talking to their children about sex to their children - if they don't talk to their children about it, they will only go out and learn for themselves, and it's a shame that this is the way most teenage girls wind up pregnant!

If parents aren't going to teach their kids, then why not in school?
Originally posted by janeeng
I seem to think that parents should be talking to their children about sex to their children - if they don't talk to their children about it, they will only go out and learn for themselves, and it's a shame that this is the way most teenage girls wind up pregnant!

If parents aren't going to teach their kids, then why not in school?

Couldn't agree more!
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