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Originally posted by William Joyce
I'm reaching across the table to slap some sense into your ass, boy. Hey, OCA, been to Anacostia lately?

Yep, don't bother me a bit to go down by the shipyards. I guess its how you carry yourself, if you go down there as a scared racist such as yourself they will smell the fear on you right away and screw your ass. If you go down there and mind your business and are friendly, no problems. By the way alot of white trash down there.
Originally posted by OCA
Yep, don't bother me a bit to go down by the shipyards. I guess its how you carry yourself, if you go down there as a scared racist such as yourself they will smell the fear on you right away and screw your ass. If you go down there and mind your business and are friendly, no problems. By the way alot of white trash down there.

Sweet William's fears will be the end of him. They will hound him right up to his dying breath, then drag him down to a hell of his own making. But it sounds as if he's already there. So, just say a prayer for him. He's too blinded by his fears to learn how wrong he truly is.
"But to let that single encounter color your view of an entire race is irrational."

That's correct. But I have buttressed that with hundreds of other life experiences, and copious reading on the topic of racial differences. Becomes more and more rational that way.
cattle crap is cattle crap...dont matter what cow it comes from,its still cattle crap.becomes more rational that way? If you hear something long and loud enough you will start to believe it is true, whether or not it is true . If you wish to surrond yourself with folks like you. Might I suggest Idaho? I am sure you will find like minded people there that share your thoughts and worrys. may be you will feel better with a change like this....
"If you hear something long and loud enough you will start to believe it is true"

Yes, that's how we've come to believe as we do on race. People like me are everywhere, not just Idaho. Manhattan, Boston, Florida, Virginia. At the American Renaissance conference last weekend, every region of the country was represented.
Reinforces my belief that there are kooks in every region of the country. Thanks for the reinforcement Willie but call a meeting of KKK and Nazi members exactly what it is, a gathering of misery loving racists. American Renaissance Weekend LOLLLLL
Yes, there was misery, but hope, as well.


Check out their site --- very good. Scroll down to see the Washington Times' coverage of the conference, which included former National Review editor Joe Sobran, Jared Taylor, and syndicated columnist Sam Francis as speakers. In all, more than 250 white men concerned about what is happening to them, their families and their race gathered to discuss disparagement of white people, immigration invasion, affirmative action, and other issues. I enjoyed myself. Hope you can make the next conference!
"You are misguided in that you espouse a belief system in which destiny is entirely determined by biology. You seem determined to ignore individual character and the impact of environment.

"Your obsession with facts of the differfences between races comes across as advocating that race is the main and only cause of the "facts"."

Interesting words here since from what i understand WW has also been defending gay with the cxlaim that its biology. i could be wrong but that is another thread.

There are facts that show that certain races are doing better at academics and working than others. I dont think that shows that one race is biologically superior in theses areas. I dont think the problem is biology or racism. I think the differences in are majorly cultural and not biological and racial.

In certain racial cultures, hard work and education are highly touted. There are different values. Some value education. Others say that if you go through the educational process you are selling out. I think most of the racial problems are more cultural problems then actual racial differences.
Trying to reason with racists is like trying to reason with homophobes is like pounding your head against a wall. They'll cling to their stupidly narrow-minded, wrong-headed, non-sensical, irrational, no-basis-in-reality, dogmatic, unreasoning, half-baked, unproven assertions until they draw their last breath and shuffle off this mortal coil.
Willie you done a good thing by getting rid of the quote from the sheister and scam artist fascist J. Phillippe Rushton. Maybe you are starting to think for yourself now.
Very few people actually "think for themselves." Most people simply listen to the available opinions and pick one they like. Some choose popular opinions (i.e., that race does not exist), some choose unpopular. I have chosen an unpopular view. But that does not mean that I'm not thinking, as well. As Camille Paglia has said, generalization is what "thinking" is all about. I generalize about race. Entirely appropriate.

If races are all the same, what makes you think so?
You know, I am a Democrat, and I understand civil rights. I agree with the fact that blacks were discriminated against. Well, where I live, there are lots of black people, but there was not much discrimination at all before the Civil Rights Act in the 1960s. Civil Rights really stirred things up. The worst part of all of it is that the decency of black people in general has been going down hill ever since civil rights. Most blacks were good people, and many got discrimination that they didn't deserve. However, so many blacks these days are thugs, bums, druggies, and criminals. I don't know where this all came from. This world was once a good place. It has never been this violent: where I live, I see up close all the violence blacks in general cause. Of course, everything is not their fault, but these people are animals. Now, I have black friends, but most black people are terrible people that I don't like to be around at all. Many other people know this. Of course, though, this is considered racism and discrimination by blacks. I don't care if these people are black, white, red, yellow, or purple. They are menaces to society, and their influence is so great. Their so-called "culture" is corrupting many good kids. No one deserves being treated the way these people treat them, and no one deserves to be corrupted by these people. What makes me mad is how these blacks are constantly catered to out of fear. They get what they want a lot of times. All you hear from them is how they are being discriminated against though. When someone refuses to accept them because of their presence or bad attitude, they call it racism and everyone believes them. What should be done...?
Yes, it was only after I posted it that I read the first post in this thread. So, let me ask you how you feel about what I say?
Originally posted by USA90210
Yes, it was only after I posted it that I read the first post in this thread. So, let me ask you how you feel about what I say?

I think there are a lot of decent black folks just as there are decent white folks.

I also believe there is a bad element of blacks that give the rest a bad name.

The question I would raise is why are there so many more black criminals than any other race? It seems a huge percentage are involved in taking drugs, dealing drugs, murders, carjackings...

I have no problem if a regular black man or woman move into the neighborhood and are productive citizens. On the other hand, I won't be visiting any black dominated neighborhoods anytime soon. They tend to turn their backyards into war zones. For my own safety I'll stay clear.
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