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I hear what you are saying, though I do wonder about your numbers. Nevertheless, what your message is esposing is worth hearing.

Blacks and other minority groups commit and are convicted of an inproportionate amount of crime. Notice I am saying 'commit.' With that said, they are convicted of rates far ahead of their committment. They are more likely to be held and convicted of a more serious crime than the majority groups in the US. Part of this is prejudice, a larger part is economics. They cannot afford the attorneys you might hire for your own kid.

At the same time, other factors are at work. By and large blacks have been more mainstreamed than could be said in the 60's, and 70's. They certainly are attending college at a brisk pace, and the females are graduating.

Jobs too, for the educated blacks are opening up, with matching salaries. Yet crime goes on.

The crime goes on for a multitude of reasons. I am no apologist for any group. However, for the offspring of the really poor, those with no education and those whose parents are just above the 'earned income level' there are a myriad of problems. Again, no excuses, but white kids at the same point have the same level of criminal statistics, just are far less likely to be charged.
Aren't you missing the point of the stats?

When you post stats about crime rates of white, blacks, hispanic, ... The most significant factor is not, who's rates are higher. The most significant factor is that those crimes are being committed by all races. Since all races are doing them, we should all be aware that any of those crimes can be committed by any one of any race. The opposite side of those stats, also says that all races have some percentage of people that don't commit crimes as well.

Hypothetically: If green people have a 10% chance of a crime and orange people have a 30% chance of crime, that in no way implies that when I associate with green people, I should drop my guard with regards to that crime happening. Even with those stats, that says that a large percentage of orange people aren't going be criminals.

Given that all races will commit crimes, that means that I should be prepared to protect myself from the crime from any person of any race. And, since all races have some percentage of people that don't commit crimes, that means there are some good people in all races.

Can we at least agree on that?
Of course there are good people in all races. I know many "good" black people. The thing is, some of these people agree with me. They see it even more than white people do becuase of growing up and living with other black people. Some are ashamed of their fellow African Americans for giving them such a bad image, because that's what happenes. People that are truely racist these days are racist for that reason--not simply because their skin is a different color, but because the image they create for themselves. Now, I definately agree that people that are truely racist don't see the entire picture, but in some cases, they aren't able to see the entire picture. All they see is hate, crime, and bad things coming from blacks, and that's what they believe. I see the same thing and I sympathize, however of course there's a lot this person doesn't know. I feel growing up in a half-white/half-black community, I've gotten the best of both sides and I'm confident in my views even though sometimes I get over the edge with anger. You see, my grandmother lives in a "very dark area." She's very old, but she's still going. She walks almost 5 blocks up and down hills to church every morning. She's had her purse stolen, been held at gunpoint, and had her house broken into by blacks. Not to mention, our dog was mysteriously poisoned shortly after the burgulary while spending the week there. I get very emotional sometimes because what blacks have done to my family--not just my grandmother--and because of what I see them do to other people. I don't care that their skin is black, but I see many others with the same skin color that act the same way and I cannot and will not accept someone that acts in that way...
Originally posted by Kathianne

I hear what you are saying, though I do wonder about your numbers. Nevertheless, what your message is esposing is worth hearing.

Blacks and other minority groups commit and are convicted of an inproportionate amount of crime. Notice I am saying 'commit.' With that said, they are convicted of rates far ahead of their committment. They are more likely to be held and convicted of a more serious crime than the majority groups in the US. Part of this is prejudice, a larger part is economics. They cannot afford the attorneys you might hire for your own kid.

At the same time, other factors are at work. By and large blacks have been more mainstreamed than could be said in the 60's, and 70's. They certainly are attending college at a brisk pace, and the females are graduating.

Jobs too, for the educated blacks are opening up, with matching salaries. Yet crime goes on.

The crime goes on for a multitude of reasons. I am no apologist for any group. However, for the offspring of the really poor, those with no education and those whose parents are just above the 'earned income level' there are a myriad of problems. Again, no excuses, but white kids at the same point have the same level of criminal statistics, just are far less likely to be charged.

You bring up an interesting point Kathianne, about the crime level between blacks and whites and that blacks are more likely to be convicted. First of all, not at all in a blunt attempt to contradict you, I'd like to bring up a few points from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/crimoff.htm):


*The prevalence of imprisonment in 2001 was higher for
-- black males (16.6%) and Hispanic males (7.7%) than for white males (2.6%)
-- black females (1.7%) and Hispanic females (0.7%) than white females (0.3%)

*Lifetime chances of a person going to prison are higher for
-- men (11.3%) than for women (1.8%)
-- blacks (18.6%) and Hispanics (10%) than for whites (3.4%)

Based on current rates of first incarceration, an estimated 32% of black males will enter State or Federal prison during their lifetime, compared to 17% of Hispanic males and 5.9% of white males.

I realize you must be thinking about the fact that you just said that blacks are more likely to be convicted and that's the meaning of this statistic. There are many statistics that will say just that. However, many of these statistics of conviction began in the 1970's when purely racial injustices were much more frequent. Believe me, when a black person goes on trial these days, there are plenty of blacks on the jury--usually it's at the very least: half-white/half-black. But, past results lean the statistics to a side that may not truely reflect the actual conviction rate today. Besides, I really don't think that being convicted and not begin convicted is the case. Nowadays, the only complaints are usually that blacks get a tougher sentence, and that has to do with the severity of the crime, which statistics do not tell you. For example, there may be an equal amount of crime between blacks and whites where I live, but at least 8 out of every 10 homicides are committed by blacks. I see it on the news all the times and I hear through my father. He is an investigator for the Public Defenders Office in our city. He deals with this poor scum every day. There are no statistics for our town that can overrun his experience of over 21 years in the field. And I can assure you that the lawyers that he works with are very good. The only problem is that 98% of their clients are clearly guilty. It's hard to build a case when "everything" points to your client. I think that public defenders never get the respect they deserve, because they do their job, but their clients are guilty and belong behind bars. I really to this day don't know why my father would want to attempt to defend these people, but it's his job. And it definately gives him an insight into the real world.
Originally posted by jon_forward
not jumping on you usa90210...you arec welcome to your views...just that most folks dont feel the same way as you do, there are good and bad everywhere...we see what we choose to see.

You also bring up an INCREDIBLE point! Too many people close their eyes to reality these days. They are tremendously naive to the fact that the things I say really happen. I don't close my eyes to the world, and I can't. I don't mind people arguing with my opinion, but no one better dare argue with fact when "their" eyes are closed upon the world!
Originally posted by USA90210
You also bring up an INCREDIBLE point! Too many people close their eyes to reality these days. They are tremendously naive to the fact that the things I say really happen. I don't close my eyes to the world, and I can't. I don't mind people arguing with my opinion, but no one better dare argue with fact when "their" eyes are closed upon the world!

If thine eye offends thee...Pluck it out.
Originally posted by jimnyc
Ignore this piece of trash, USA, he's just another minority screaming out for attention.

Ignore me because you think what I'm saying is not true or becuase you don't like to hear the truth?

I'm trying to be as nice as I can to tell you how things really are whether you "want" to believe it or not. I don't like it, but it's the way things are. I'm speaking from my experiences, not my opinion. Why is it considered to be so bad to speak out against these people anyway, like they're "God's gift" and a complete necessity in our society (these trouble-makers, druggies, and criminals that is)? Why is anyone who brings up the subject crushed like an ant? Does no one really get it?

The fact of the matter is, is that you have no arguement and just beat around the bush by trying to bring me down. You're not the only person that has done that.
Originally posted by USA90210
You bring up an interesting point Kathianne, about the crime level between blacks and whites and that blacks are more likely to be convicted. First of all, not at all in a blunt attempt to contradict you, I'd like to bring up a few points from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/crimoff.htm):


*The prevalence of imprisonment in 2001 was higher for
-- black males (16.6%) and Hispanic males (7.7%) than for white males (2.6%)
-- black females (1.7%) and Hispanic females (0.7%) than white females (0.3%)

*Lifetime chances of a person going to prison are higher for
-- men (11.3%) than for women (1.8%)
-- blacks (18.6%) and Hispanics (10%) than for whites (3.4%)

Based on current rates of first incarceration, an estimated 32% of black males will enter State or Federal prison during their lifetime, compared to 17% of Hispanic males and 5.9% of white males.

I realize you must be thinking about the fact that you just said that blacks are more likely to be convicted and that's the meaning of this statistic. There are many statistics that will say just that. However, many of these statistics of conviction began in the 1970's when purely racial injustices were much more frequent. Believe me, when a black person goes on trial these days, there are plenty of blacks on the jury--usually it's at the very least: half-white/half-black. But, past results lean the statistics to a side that may not truely reflect the actual conviction rate today. Besides, I really don't think that being convicted and not begin convicted is the case. Nowadays, the only complaints are usually that blacks get a tougher sentence, and that has to do with the severity of the crime, which statistics do not tell you. For example, there may be an equal amount of crime between blacks and whites where I live, but at least 8 out of every 10 homicides are committed by blacks. I see it on the news all the times and I hear through my father. He is an investigator for the Public Defenders Office in our city. He deals with this poor scum every day. There are no statistics for our town that can overrun his experience of over 21 years in the field. And I can assure you that the lawyers that he works with are very good. The only problem is that 98% of their clients are clearly guilty. It's hard to build a case when "everything" points to your client. I think that public defenders never get the respect they deserve, because they do their job, but their clients are guilty and belong behind bars. I really to this day don't know why my father would want to attempt to defend these people, but it's his job. And it definately gives him an insight into the real world.

Big D whats up?
Hey Big D don't be nice, lets get nasty because the muddy end of the field is where I play my best ball. "Wiggers" "I know many good black people" why don't you just call them boy? You are a silly ignorant piece of trash and should be castrated so you cannot carry on your lineage of lies and twisted half truths. Also not many Blacks in Sandpoint, ID.
Originally posted by OCA
Hey Big D don't be nice, lets get nasty because the muddy end of the field is where I play my best ball. "Wiggers" "I know many good black people" why don't you just call them boy? You are a silly ignorant piece of trash and should be castrated so you cannot carry on your lineage of lies and twisted half truths. Also not many Blacks in Sandpoint, ID.

Once again, the irrelevance continues. WHAT IS YOUR ARGUEMENT? Why are they "lies and twisted half truths?" What's your contradiction? You're are the "ignorant" (to use the word in the right way--unknowing) piece of trash!" You have no idea...
I knew you were Big D. The fact that you have to use two nics makes you a non factor on these here boards. Bye bye wigger lol:afro:
my world is not decaying, I see happy folks everywhere I look...the problem lays in people like you that spread hatred and fear with your non-stop BS...The only time I can see where caucasians had a problem with other nationalities is when they decide that they are the choosen ones...better then all others...old George needs to kick you ass...what you want that the caucasians had for a long time was wrong to began with...and by continueing the supremist view ...2 wrongs does not a right make....we are all humans, of the human race...get over it....damn ass
Originally posted by OCA
I knew you were Big D. The fact that you have to use two nics makes you a non factor on these here boards. Bye bye wigger lol:afro:

Who is Big D. I only have this one nickname.
One last thing, the burden of proof does not lay with rigfht thinking people such as me but with charachters such as yourself. Now if you can make your case without using "selection bias", a term you might not be familiar with, than do it. If not then stop your fear rant and get on with life.
Originally posted by jon_forward
my world is not decaying, I see happy folks everywhere I look...the problem lays in people like you that spread hatred and fear with your non-stop BS...The only time I can see where caucasians had a problem with other nationalities is when they decide that they are the choosen ones...better then all others...old George needs to kick you ass...what you want that the caucasians had for a long time was wrong to began with...and by continueing the supremist view ...2 wrongs does not a right make....we are all humans, of the human race...get over it....damn ass

Of course there are plenty of places that aren't decaying. These are the place were good citizens and individuals (black and white) live and have proven that they are respectable people and can live happily with their neighbor instead of killing them. Not many people see the things I see because they don't live near "depressed areas." So they just think everything that sounds wrong is a lie. Saying that "everyone is equal no matter what" like you seem to be saying is like saying that a mass murderer is equal to the cop out to get him--one doing the right thing and the other doing the wrong. Think about it. I only ask that people be respectful to yourself and others. Just have respect and be a descent person. If you don't do that, then why should people respect you. Minorities expect to be treated well. but many of them treat the majority (who are the ones that are helping them) like garbage.
Originally posted by OCA
Huh huh right.......

Look WHO IS THIS BIG D? I don't know what you're talking about. I only joined this forum yesterday.
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