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Originally posted by jon_forward
I guess that means that myself..and about 300 million others live a charmed life...

Well they live a somewhat "charmed" life, but like you've proved to me, people that think everything is happy, pretty, and good are all just thick headed. I don't think that people should have to deal with these problems and I don't like to myself. However, I only want to know why no one believes at all what I'm saying. Did everyone become brain washed in the last 30 or 40 years?
Originally posted by jon_forward
my world is not decaying, I see happy folks everywhere I look...the problem lays in people like you that spread hatred and fear with your non-stop BS...The only time I can see where caucasians had a problem with other nationalities is when they decide that they are the choosen ones...better then all others...old George needs to kick you ass...what you want that the caucasians had for a long time was wrong to began with...and by continueing the supremist view ...2 wrongs does not a right make....we are all humans, of the human race...get over it....damn ass

I'm not trying to spread hatred for anyone. I'm just trying to get the opinions of other people--get their thoughts on this situation (black vs. white). I never said blacks were the culprits in every crime or misfortune. I never said that we should HATE black people. I don't "hate" anyone. I may hate the way they act, walk, talk, dress, etc., but I hate no one...
I love how Bully, Jon, OCA, ignore what is happing in HAITI

FACT #55: The Republic of Haiti, the only completely Black republic in the Western Hemisphere also happens to be the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. It also has the lowest life expectancy, highest illiteracy, lowest per capita consumption of newsprint, lowest per capita GNP, and the lowest level of political stability.

FACT #56: Haiti once had a promising future. Before 1789 as a French colony under White rule, San Domingo (Haiti) was as rich or richer in productivity as all the 13 American Colonies combined. It was considered the "crown jewel" of the French colonial system, and was in fact the most prosperous colony anywhere in the world. Populated by 40,000 Whites, 27,000 freed Mulattoes, and 450,000 Black slaves and with a bountiful climate and productive soil, it supplied all of France and half of Europe with sugar, coffee, and cotton. But in 1791, the French government issued a decree ordering Haiti to give the vote to the Mulattoes, and soon after another ordering freedom for all the slaves. This resulted in a bloody civil war in which the entire White population (about 40,000 Frenchmen) was murdered, down to the last man, woman, and child. Rape, decapitation, and mutilation were committed almost universally upon their bodies.

FACT #57: After the Blacks massacred the last of the White population in 1804, Haiti remained a part of Santa Domingo, until 1844 when it became a separate "republic." Between 1844 and 1915 only one Haitian president completed his term in office. Fourteen were ousted by armed uprisings, one was blown up, one was poisoned and another was hacked to pieces by a mob. Between 1908 and 1915 the revolutions and assassinations increased so rapidly that a United States military occupation was needed to restore order. This lasted from 1915 to 1934. Thereafter followed twelve years of rule by a Mulatto elite which ended in the resumption of control by the Black military in 1946. Since then wholesale corruption and political murder have been the rule.

USA90210, you are debating with people who will look for anything other then reality, thus why they are calling you me.

Here is a list of 100 facts: http://www.powow.com/radio88/wb.htm

None of these facts have or will be disproven by anyone on this board.
Originally posted by USA90210
I'm not trying to spread hatred for anyone. I'm just trying to get the opinions of other people--get their thoughts on this situation (black vs. white). I never said blacks were the culprits in every crime or misfortune. I never said that we should HATE black people. I don't "hate" anyone. I may hate the way they act, walk, talk, dress, etc., but I hate no one...

the us vs them thing..thats just it....we are all in this together pal...pony up or move to france
Originally posted by Big D
USA90210, you are debating with people who will look for anything other then reality, thus why they are calling you me.

That's what I've been trying to tell them. They don't want to accept reality. Have you read all of my posts? I assure you that nothing I say is far from the truth.
Originally posted by jon_forward
the us vs them thing..thats just it....we are all in this together pal...pony up or move to france

Nah, the French are too rude. LOL I'd probably move to Italy for some good Italian hospitality.
Originally posted by jon_forward
the us vs them thing..thats just it....we are all in this together pal...pony up or move to france

We ARE in this all together and I won't let some low-life's get in my way. THEY need to get the picture--that we're all in this together, not me. I've realized that for a long time. I just don't like how racial discrimination is the answer to everything a white does to a black. And then everybody's got to jump on it like someone just tried to assassinate the President. There are better things to worry about than how whites are supposedly trying to plot against blacks all the time. How about worrying about how so many blacks are killing each other over drugs and other stupid shit.
450,000 BLACK SLAVES! You are such a fucking idiot, its unbelievable how dimwitted you are. You cannot enslave other races no matter the situation and expect things to turn out alright. But hey for seperatists such as yourself why do you care about Haiti, isn't that what you want, all the blacks there or somewhere else and America for whites only? Or do you need a few blacks around to pick some potatoes for your lazy ass there in Idaho?
I am all for some way to help these troubled individuals (whether white or black) to become better people, but not by giving them an advantage over everyone else. Someone needs to give these people a clue. There's no excuse to act the way people do these days. Things live poverty were much worse in the history of ouor country (both of my parents grew up with little money), but the descency of our people had always been quite good. Now look at it. What's this world coming to. Explain that.
Originally posted by USA90210
That's what I've been trying to tell them. They don't want to accept reality. Have you read all of my posts? I assure you that nothing I say is far from the truth.
These people are not interested in facts or truth, they think everybody and everything is the same, they will NEVER provide any kind of information that shows in anyway that what they think has any merit. The more facts or information you present to them will only result in personal attacks.

Here is my story:
I grew up in a area of LA called the San Fernando Valley, as a kid I thought it was the greatest place ever to live. Lots of friends and family, leave your doors unlocked on you cars and homes, no crime or gangs.

At 18 I got a job with the City of L.A as a lineman, my apprenticeship was all in the city of Compton, South Central. and East L.A. I was part of the city's "diversity" training program where I worked on the streets of these city's every day. These areas of L.A are ALL black and hispanic areas. At the time I thought this was a great thing, I had learned in school just like everyone else about racism, slavery and segregation and how bad whites have always treated blacks. I felt the guilt of all this and looked forward to showing blacks and hispanics that I was not that way.

Well, being in a area of All blacks and hispanics it does not take long for anyone of any intelligence to realize that all the problems that blacks and hispanics have, are created by themselfs. I would come home from work, back to my all white neighborhood and tell all my friends and family about my new "racist" views. They responded much like alot of you, that I was "hateful, racist".

I debated for years weather I was racist or hateful, but I had to be honest with both myself and others, everyday the evidence of the differences betwen the different races was more apparent. During these same years I noticed the changes going on in my own neighborhood at home. Hispanics (illegal alians) were moving in at a alarming rate, more apartments and low income housing were being built to accommodate these people. Of course my friends and family and my girlfriend at the time all thought this was a great thing because now they had more chances to prove that they were not racist either.

At about my 7 year of working for the city of L.A we had the L.A riots, at first what I thought was a terrible thing turned out to be a blessing. Because I am white I could not work in these areas anymore because they knew my safety was in danger because of the color of my skin. I was transfered to work in the Valley, working in a white neigborhood things were totaly different, having to worry about my safety as I did for years in the ALL black and hispanic neighborhoods was no longer a issue.

Sadly these white neighborhoods started to change to hispanic and black neighborhoods. Even though it was very early in the change I knew of the things to come.

I began to tell my now pregnate wife that I wanted to move, and move far. Her and her family and my family hated the idea of us moving, lots of fights, and I am amazed that we are still together. When our little girl was born, I knew I had to do what was best for her, I forced the issue and quit my job.

I moved us to a little town in Idaho http://sandpoint.com/ got a job with the local power company bought a nice little house in town and I was happy. My wife hated it and me, her family hated me my family hated me, but I had to do what I thought was right.

We would go to L.A at least twice a year and visit family and friends, and every time we would visit the changes in this once great area and neigborhood became more and more apparant.
Graffti everywhere, gangs, crime, rape, murder were now out of control in the Valley. The hispanic population in the Valley became one of the largest in the country in the fastest time. The friends I had in the area were now themselfs moving. The friends and family that stayed put alarms and bars on there cars and homes and had to change there way of life as they had known.

It has been almost 11 years now since that move and things have changed quite a bit. We now have four children, three girls and a boy. I invented a few things that did quite well and my wife will graduate in July to be a pharmacist. We now have 18 acres with a family homes and two guest homes we also board horses.
O yea, her family and mine have since then moved here and they love it, not a day goes by that I don't get the feeling of thanks from them all for doing what I did 11 years ago.

I wish I could end this story here but there is one last note.

One of my high school friends that never moved from the old neighborhood called me about 3 months ago, sadly his 12 year old daughter was raped by a gang of hispanics, as he cried on the phone I insisted that they come stay with us, they were here with in two days. The mother and daughter have been here since, my friend has gone back to sell his house and quit his job. They want to move here and I am going to help them.

The other day I took the kids skiing, as we reached the top of the mountain my daughter pointed out a rainbow over the lake to all of us, it was the first time I had seen my friends daughter smile.
Maybe you should think about yor membership in the Democratic party and join the Natuional Front or the American White Pride Party, they sound like a much better fit for a bigot and xenophobe such as yourself. And i'm calling you that because that is what you are representing yourself as with your words.
Originally posted by jon_forward
who are they???

Actually, I was talking about the "low-lifes" that I mentioned in teh previous sentence.
Jon didn't you know that all blacks are low lifes? Jeez that is in racist 101. Hypocrite you cannot call blacks garbage and then say you have black friends. That is the biggest cop out going.
Originally posted by OCA
450,000 BLACK SLAVES! You are such a fucking idiot, its unbelievable how dimwitted you are. You cannot enslave other races no matter the situation and expect things to turn out alright. But hey for seperatists such as yourself why do you care about Haiti, isn't that what you want, all the blacks there or somewhere else and America for whites only? Or do you need a few blacks around to pick some potatoes for your lazy ass there in Idaho?

What is happing in Haiti is perfectly natural behaviour for blacks, watching the people of Haiti on the news reminds me of my days while working in Los Angeles.

Hey don't some of you owe USA90210 here a apology?
Originally posted by OCA
Maybe you should think about yor membership in the Democratic party and join the Natuional Front or the American White Pride Party, they sound like a much better fit for a bigot and xenophobe such as yourself. And i'm calling you that because that is what you are representing yourself as with your words.

As if I'm the bad guy. Have you ever been to a depressed area that is all black. A white person going into an area like this let's say at night, has a good chance of getting killed. Like I'm so racist, I use words, other people choose to use guns. Get it trait.

Who says I can't have white pride. Blacks are allowed to have black pride--they're encouraged to. Besides, look at all that white people have accomplished. We are allowed to look what black people have accomplished; why can't we look at what whites have, or is that racist. This country, for example, has been made great by white people. There were a few bumps along the way like slavery and other racial issues that WHITE PEOPLE have for so long strived to correct because values and views changed. You want to give white people no credit for anything. I'm white and I find it natural to defend white people. Black people are allowed to defend themselves for being black.
Originally posted by OCA
Jon didn't you know that all blacks are low lifes? Jeez that is in racist 101. Hypocrite you cannot call blacks garbage and then say you have black friends. That is the biggest cop out going.

Is it so hard to understand that many black people are bad but not all of them are. When I spoke of low-lifes, I never said black or white. I meant eveyone who falls under that category.
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