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Still, no one has answered my question. I WANT AN ANSWER because you guys "know everything!"

If a group of people came in and over-ran "your" neighborhood, turning it into a potentially dangerous and horrible place to live, HOW WOULD YOU FEEL!?!
Whats the address of the mental hospital that you're in? You are freaking ranting like a raving lunatic.

Contradictions: As many black people leave neighborhoods and move to suburbs/country for the exact same reasons you mention. Ever been to Portland,OR? You probably have since its close to Sandpoint,ID but I digress, very small black population and one of the worst homeless and teen crime problems in U.S. Most of these teens are runaways and whites and commit some vicious crimes which i'm sure as forced some folks to move from the city. You see the point, you want to make everything white vs minority and you know what, that is never ever going to get the problem solved. You have to address the root problems. Also if you want to say you don't hate blacks because of color stop using terms such as "pests" and "garbage" you're making yourself out to be a complete jackass.

Also this defending ourselves one day from minorities, WHOA LOOKOUT THE BLACK HELICOPTERS AND INFANTRY ARE JUST OVER THE RISE! What a moron!

Also Democrats are responsible for todays problems, sorry.
Originally posted by OCA
Whats the address of the mental hospital that you're in? You are freaking ranting like a raving lunatic.

Contradictions: As many black people leave neighborhoods and move to suburbs/country for the exact same reasons you mention. Ever been to Portland,OR? You probably have since its close to Sandpoint,ID but I digress, very small black population and one of the worst homeless and teen crime problems in U.S. Most of these teens are runaways and whites and commit some vicious crimes which i'm sure as forced some folks to move from the city. You see the point, you want to make everything white vs minority and you know what, that is never ever going to get the problem solved. You have to address the root problems. Also if you want to say you don't hate blacks because of color stop using terms such as "pests" and "garbage" you're making yourself out to be a complete jackass.

Also this defending ourselves one day from minorities, WHOA LOOKOUT THE BLACK HELICOPTERS AND INFANTRY ARE JUST OVER THE RISE! What a moron!

Also Democrats are responsible for todays problems, sorry.

You dodged the question again. I asked you how you would feel if it happened to you.

When I use the terms such as "pests" and "garbage" I'm not speaking for every black person in the world. I'm talking about the thugs, junkies, criminals, indescent, rude, scum out there--WHITE AND BLACK. Of course, black culture is a big influence on good white people.

What are the root of the problems?

By the way, tell me that you would like someone if they broke into your house, stole from you, or held you at gunpoint. Blacks have done it to my family, and that's no joke you sore sack o' shit.
Also, where did you hear that Portland, OR has the worst homeless and teen crime problems in the country? What about places like New York City, Detriot, Los Angeles, etc? Their inter-city neighborhoods must be charming.
Wife is from Portland,OR Mr. David Duke, know exactly what i'm talking about.

How would I feel? I would be pissed no matter who it was. I think the better question was, if it was a black man would it immediately sour me on the black race like you? No, thats where i'm a better person than you,I see the individual not the color.

Root of problems: tell me you are not so stupid to have no comprehension of socio-economic problems in U.S. You think whites have not suppressed minorities in U.S. in last 150 years? And no i'm not saying that you and I have to pay for past sins but be honest about this shit.

Got blacks that live all around me in surrounding blocks and have never had one problem. Its all about how you carry yourself. They probably smell the fear on you and take you as an easy mark.

"Of course black culture is a big influence on GOOD white people" you just showed your flag right there you racist pig.
Originally posted by OCA
Wife is from Portland,OR Mr. David Duke, know exactly what i'm talking about.

How would I feel? I would be pissed no matter who it was. I think the better question was, if it was a black man would it immediately sour me on the black race like you? No, thats where i'm a better person than you,I see the individual not the color.

Root of problems: tell me you are not so stupid to have no comprehension of socio-economic problems in U.S. You think whites have not suppressed minorities in U.S. in last 150 years? And no i'm not saying that you and I have to pay for past sins but be honest about this shit.

Got blacks that live all around me in surrounding blocks and have never had one problem. Its all about how you carry yourself. They probably smell the fear on you and take you as an easy mark.

"Of course black culture is a big influence on GOOD white people" you just showed your flag right there you racist pig.

I have no problem judging people individually. That's what I'm attempting to tell you. I see so many "individual" black people acting in this way that I can't ignore it. "They probably smell the fear on you and take you as an easy mark." What's that supposed to mean. Are you suggesting that it is my fault if they "target" me for crime? How dare you. I have nothing to do with the way they act, and I'm 100 times the person than some of these criminals.

As far as past suppression of blacks, of course it happened. It was wrong, but you can't neccesarily blame the people. That was the way of life back then. People didn't no any better for a long time. That hardly as anything to do with racial problems these days. It's all in the image that minorites give themselves. That's the root of modern racial problems.

Black culture is an influence on GOOD white people. It's not racist. I just happen to care. It kills me to watch people grow up with these blacks and turn into them. They dress like them, talk like them, walk like them, and they get into crime and drugs. Calling it racist is just irresponsible and ignorant.
USA, don't be bothered by the reactions you're getting. You're seeing (and speaking) some truths about racial reality, and people hate that because it threatens their entire worldview, i.e., we're all equal and everything's fine.

I am a white nationalist, but I do not wish harm to black people, only that I not clean up their messes, whether in Haiti or in Los Angeles.

By the way, has anyone noticed the eerie similarity between the pictures coming out of Haiti now and the pictures that came out of Los Angeles?

Here is a good writer on the issue of race:

Originally posted by OCA

Got blacks that live all around me in surrounding blocks and have never had one problem. Its all about how you carry yourself. They probably smell the fear on you and take you as an easy mark.
Good observation OCA, the way you compare blacks to animals, if blacks smell fear on you they will attack?
So OCA when you see a black person, how do you act so as not to show them fear?
Some of us would ratter not live are lives wondering if a black person is going to smell "fear" on us or are family members.
Originally posted by William Joyce
USA, don't be bothered by the reactions you're getting. You're seeing (and speaking) some truths about racial reality, and people hate that because it threatens their entire worldview, i.e., we're all equal and everything's fine.

I am a white nationalist, but I do not wish harm to black people, only that I not clean up their messes, whether in Haiti or in Los Angeles.

By the way, has anyone noticed the eerie similarity between the pictures coming out of Haiti now and the pictures that came out of Los Angeles?

Here is a good writer on the issue of race:


I don't wish to harm black people either, and as far as cleaning up their messes, I feel the same way. Yet, I also know that of course blacks aren't the cause of everything. They don't commit all the crime and use all the drugs, but blacks are the people that affect me. I don't see nearly as much white crime as black crime where I live, so where is it. Where is all the crime whites are committing? I really don't have the answer, but I know that every time you bring up what blacks do, someone always has to compare it to whites and how we're are so evil. White people are the ones that are out to help minorities. I am angered that we get no thanks. Not only have white people stopped the suppression towards blacks, but we're trying to heal the wounds. The reality is that we countered our bad deeds by good ones and we should all be even. But whites still remain to be the bad guys. And many blacks continue to be as indescent as ever. When they are called upon about it, it's the "white man's" fault. We've done everything wrong huh? We are long overdue with trying to heal wounds of past injustices. It's time for us to take blacks for what they're worth. No more special treatment. If they are deserving, they have nothing to worry about. If they aren't, well, they need to learn to fit into society rather than continuing to rebel against it...
Originally posted by OCA
No apologies to racist xenophobes such as yourselves. So the fact that they were slaves in a country where they were the majority has no bearing on their current state of affairs? I'm sure the French educated them to the hilt. Again Big D you have proved nothing to anybody here. You are fearful of anything that is different than you, hell any 2nd year psych major could tell you that. All you do is spout mindless skewed stats from highly suspicious sources and then swallow it whole like a 20 year old porn queen.

I still believe that you are one and the same people but i'm under gag order to talk about it.
Blacks have been in control of Haiti for over 200 years, and you blame the French for not educating them?
Where ever blacks are the majority in ANY area is where you will find the most violence. Nobody will be able to provide ANY evidence that this is not true.

Todays news:
The 'carnival' killing in Uganda
The LRA are accused of killing 200 people in the refugee camp
Andrew Harding travelled to Lira after a massacre in the area of 200 people by rebels a week ago which led the Ugandan parliament to declare the northern part of the country a disaster zone.


Gag order to talk about what, black helicopters?
Yes, but there is some truth to which they speak. I have watched neighborhood after neighborhood go down the drain on LI, when minorities moved in. Seems a little coincendental to me. I will not blame it on race, but someone please educate me on why it seems it is always the blacks and the spanish !
Originally posted by eric
Yes, but there is some truth to which they speak. I have watched neighborhood after neighborhood go down the drain on LI, when minorities moved in. Seems a little coincendental to me. I will not blame it on race, but some please educate me on why it seems it is always the blacks and the spanish !

I've witnessed many cities hit the shitters as well.

Look up the top 50 crime ridden cities in America. I'm willing to bet thet at least 40 of them are predominantly black.
This is all I see anymore!!!!!!!! and you bet in the dark, those eyes and teeth sure stand out!:D
hehehehe, one never knows, around here, that surely could be TRUE!!!!!!!
Originally posted by OCA

Got blacks that live all around me in surrounding blocks and have never had one problem. Its all about how you carry yourself. They probably smell the fear on you and take you as an easy mark.


Good observation OCA, the way you compare blacks to animals, if blacks smell fear on you they will attack?
So OCA when you see a black person, how do you act so as not to show them fear?
Some of us would rather not live are lives wondering if a black person is going to smell "fear" on us or are family members
Big D/90210 do you always do this when you don't have retort? Post the same thing over and over?

In my time here I have heard nothing but bitching and moaning from you but no solutions, so tell us what is a viable and realistic solution to the supposed minority problem as you see it?

Oh yeah and i'm thinking about coming to Sandpoint and jacking ya, you must be easy target. hehehe
Originally posted by USA90210
I have no problem judging people individually. That's what I'm attempting to tell you. I see so many "individual" black people acting in this way that I can't ignore it. "They probably smell the fear on you and take you as an easy mark." What's that supposed to mean. Are you suggesting that it is my fault if they "target" me for crime? How dare you. I have nothing to do with the way they act, and I'm 100 times the person than some of these criminals.

As far as past suppression of blacks, of course it happened. It was wrong, but you can't neccesarily blame the people. That was the way of life back then. People didn't no any better for a long time. That hardly as anything to do with racial problems these days. It's all in the image that minorites give themselves. That's the root of modern racial problems.

Black culture is an influence on GOOD white people. It's not racist. I just happen to care. It kills me to watch people grow up with these blacks and turn into them. They dress like them, talk like them, walk like them, and they get into crime and drugs. Calling it racist is just irresponsible and ignorant.

Saying that because we recognize that you are a racist is irresponsible and arrogant is like saying we are all uneducated and unobservant. Its written all over your posts.
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