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Originally posted by Big D
Originally posted by OCA
Again I repeat if you lump everybody together into races, of course there is going to be an order, just like in sports. Not everybody scores the exact same on the test just like if you have 16 game season not every team goes 8-8.

So show us what the score is,
Anything, anyway, anykind of test in anywhere in the world.

Lets take Asians and Blacks two minoritys in the USA, what is the score?

You show me any kind of educational test about anything SAT, IQ, goverment jobs, cooking, fireman, doctor, lawyer, carpet cleaning, math, spelling, african history, shoe shining, I don't care what it is any test of anykind about anything.
Show us a test that blacks out perfrom Asians in, no wait, a test that blacks score equal to Asians in, no wait, A test that blacks even score close to Asians. Ya, thats it, any test of anykind in anyway about anything where blacks score just even close to that of Asians.

Show us what the score is:
Anything, anyway anykind of crime that asians commit more than blacks?

I don't care what kind of crime it is, murder, rape to much MSG's, assult, bank robbery, riding a bike to fast, anything, anykind, anyway show us a crime that asians commit more then blacks, no wait, just show us a crime that Asians commit the same as blacks, no wait, just show us a crime of anykind, anywhere in anyway where Asians and blacks even come close to commiting at the same rate.

I tell you what, you find anything of anykind of whatever that shows blacks and Asians prefrom close to the same on anything and I mean anything.

I don't care what it is, raising a family, driving a car, eating, drinking, having the same pets, watching TV, I don't care, anything?

You do understand that our side, that being the logical side, that the burden of proof does not rest with us right? Next, the clear indication of a deranged mind is doing something over and over thinking you will get a different response. WOW!
i thiought i would use small words so you retards would understand. gues i should have used y'all, sheit, and momma to make it really simple. maybe used a crayon to write it out for you
Originally posted by Johnney

This is exactly what I'm talking about. You especially, have not much to say that's legit. You don't know what to say....
Originally posted by USA90210
You know, when you really look through this thread, William, Big D, and myself have made some terrific points. You guys haven't made many at all. You're more interested in personal attacks rather than the issues. When there is something you can't explain, you turn to calling us racists and whatever other crap goes with that.

Hey dumbass their sources are suspect at best and complete farces at worst. Check the funding sources for their "fact sources" but if you want to throw your hat in the ring with an avowed nazi by all means have at it. Be careful not to stay in sun too long after you shave your head.
well coming from a racist such as yourself and others of your ilk, it means about as much to me as tits on a nun. you have your personal experiences to draw upon, so be it. it probably amounts to nothing more than "oh that black man jsut looekd at me wrong... im pissin on myself". i could be wrong, wouldnt be the first time. wont be the last. fuck off with your racist shit. there are very few on this board that are actaully interested in hearing it. BUT, im not impeding on your right to spew forth shit like a toilet. talk all you want. other jsut tell you what an asshole you are.
Originally posted by OCA
You do understand that our side, that being the logical side, that the burden of proof does not rest with us right? Next, the clear indication of a deranged mind is doing something over and over thinking you will get a different response. WOW!

You know, "your side" doesn't have much logic at all? How exactly is it that you feel, just simply put?
Originally posted by OCA
Hey dumbass their sources are suspect at best and complete farces at worst. Check the funding sources for their "fact sources" but if you want to throw your hat in the ring with an avowed nazi by all means have at it. Be careful not to stay in sun too long after you shave your head.

GROW UP REALLY. AGAIN, there's nothing for you people to do but think up personal insults.
Originally posted by Johnney
well coming from a racist such as yourself and others of your ilk, it means about as much to me as tits on a nun. you have your personal experiences to draw upon, so be it. it probably amounts to nothing more than "oh that black man jsut looekd at me wrong... im pissin on myself". i could be wrong, wouldnt be the first time. wont be the last. fuck off with your racist shit. there are very few on this board that are actaully interested in hearing it. BUT, im not impeding on your right to spew forth shit like a toilet. talk all you want. other jsut tell you what an asshole you are.

Well it is natural not to accept something you don't understand...
Originally posted by USA90210
GROW UP REALLY. AGAIN, there's nothing for you people to do but think up personal insults.

You know i'm right, thats why you are not refuting what I say about their "sources"
Originally posted by OCA
You do understand that our side, that being the logical side, that the burden of proof does not rest with us right?

There is not any kind of educational test of anykind anywere in the world that Asians will not score extreamly higher then blacks.

There is not any kind of crime in the world that blacks are not commiting at a extreamly higher rate then Asians.
Look, to clear up any confusion, this is the base of what I have to say, just summarized. Read it again. I know that of course blacks aren't the cause of everything. They don't commit all the crime and use all the drugs, but blacks are the people that affect me. I don't see nearly as much white crime as black crime where I live, so where is it. Where is all the crime whites are committing? I really don't have the answer, but I know that every time you bring up what blacks do, someone always has to compare it to whites and how we're are so evil. White people are the ones that are out to help minorities. I am angered that we get no thanks. Not only have white people stopped the suppression towards blacks, but we're trying to heal the wounds. The reality is that we countered our bad deeds by good ones and we should all be even. But whites still remain to be the bad guys. And many blacks continue to be as indescent as ever. When they are called upon about it, it's the "white man's" fault. We've done everything wrong huh? We are long overdue with trying to heal wounds of past injustices. It's time for us to take blacks for what they're worth. No more special treatment. If they are deserving, they have nothing to worry about. If they aren't, well, they need to learn to fit into society rather than continuing to rebel against it.

Also, another thing to think about: Everyone knows that every major city in the country has inner-city neighborhoods that are completely occupied by minorities, whether it be blacks, spics, or both. These neighborhoods are usually quite dangerous, especially for white people. Can we agree on that? Now, how many potentially dangerous WHITE neighborhoods have you ever heard of. There are all-white neighborhoods everywhere, but none are close to half as dangerous as a black or hispanic neighborhoods. I will not attempt to defend individuals who feel that they must act in a cruel and dangerous manner towards others. And they have a choice. They can go and act descent like a lot of people in this country, and in this world, but it's THEIR CHOICE to be animals.
Originally posted by OCA
Lets see, the first 3 are Armenian, better known as white Europeans, then there was Stephen Briller. Hell I only went to A&B, don't need to go any further.

Damn that was a right to the jaw, reminds me of Tyson vs Spinks back in the 80's.:whip3:
well you know he is color blind. if you aint white, your black
Originally posted by USA90210
Look, to clear up any confusion, this is the base of what I have to say, just summarized. Read it again. I know that of course blacks aren't the cause of everything. They don't commit all the crime and use all the drugs, but blacks are the people that affect me. I don't see nearly as much white crime as black crime where I live, so where is it. Where is all the crime whites are committing? I really don't have the answer, but I know that every time you bring up what blacks do, someone always has to compare it to whites and how we're are so evil. White people are the ones that are out to help minorities. I am angered that we get no thanks. Not only have white people stopped the suppression towards blacks, but we're trying to heal the wounds. The reality is that we countered our bad deeds by good ones and we should all be even. But whites still remain to be the bad guys. And many blacks continue to be as indescent as ever. When they are called upon about it, it's the "white man's" fault. We've done everything wrong huh? We are long overdue with trying to heal wounds of past injustices. It's time for us to take blacks for what they're worth. No more special treatment. If they are deserving, they have nothing to worry about. If they aren't, well, they need to learn to fit into society rather than continuing to rebel against it.

Also, another thing to think about: Everyone knows that every major city in the country has inner-city neighborhoods that are completely occupied by minorities, whether it be blacks, spics, or both. These neighborhoods are usually quite dangerous, especially for white people. Can we agree on that? Now, how many potentially dangerous WHITE neighborhoods have you ever heard of. There are all-white neighborhoods everywhere, but none are close to half as dangerous as a black or hispanic neighborhoods. I will not attempt to defend individuals who feel that they must act in a cruel and dangerous manner towards others. And they have a choice. They can go and act descent like a lot of people in this country, and in this world, but it's THEIR CHOICE to be animals.
so how do they affect you?
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