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Ha! My friends at vanguardnewsnetwork.com say the n-word in its full glory all the time. I'm just trying to keep jim from poppin' his cork at me!

I salute Dubuque, Council Bluffs, the Quad Cities, CERTAIN PARTS of Des Moines, and all other patriotic parts of the fine state of Ioway.
Originally posted by USA90210
Well I've had enough for tonight. You people's stupidity makes me sick. You've had no experience, and I've had more than I want...
USA, you are letting these guys get to you, myself I like to just post facts and then watch them freak out.

Like watch this,
In the U.S the black and hispanic population is about 24%, but the black and hispanic prison population is about 65%.
Here is a link with this information:

I belive this has to do with the fact that blacks have much higher levels of testosterone and lower IQ's then do Whites, here is a link with this information:

High levels of testosterone have been linked to violent behaviour, here is a link with this information:

Now USA here is your multiple choice question:
Will Bully, Johnney, Jon, and OCA

A. Ignore this information
B. Blame all this on the "Evil White Man"
C. Personaly attack me
D. All the above
Originally posted by William Joyce
Ha! My friends at vanguardnewsnetwork.com say the n-word in its full glory all the time. I'm just trying to keep jim from poppin' his cork at me!

I salute Dubuque, Council Bluffs, the Quad Cities, CERTAIN PARTS of Des Moines, and all other patriotic parts of the fine state of Ioway.
well ya know what? its his board. he can do what he wishes with it. but i think i remember him saying that this forum is uncensered as long as it didnt get to out of hand. but the other ones are.
Originally posted by Big D
USA, you are letting these guys get to you, myself I like to just post facts and then watch them freak out.

Now USA here is your multiple choice question:
Will Bully, Johnney, Jon, and OCA

A. Ignore this information
B. Blame all this on the "Evil White Man"
C. Personaly attack me
D. All the above
posting bullshit as usual. then supplies weak ass links to make hisself feel better about being a racist peace of shit.

there is a reason we do that. you bring it on with stupidity. none of us blame "the evil white man" as you suggest, or the eveil black, asian, blah blah blah. we lay blame where it is due. not make shit up and believe whatever we are told by other racist.
Originally posted by OCA
I don't believe you would know race or culture if it kicked you in the ass. I think you are full of shit with your stories.

Well you would wounldn't you...
Originally posted by Johnney
and your the wizard of oz that we shoud listen too? fuck you and the whore you rode in on, fucking sissy

"I" am a sissy?
Originally posted by Big D
USA, you are letting these guys get to you, myself I like to just post facts and then watch them freak out.

Like watch this,
In the U.S the black and hispanic population is about 24%, but the black and hispanic prison population is about 65%.
Here is a link with this information:

I belive this has to do with the fact that blacks have much higher levels of testosterone and lower IQ's then do Whites, here is a link with this information:

High levels of testosterone have been linked to violent behaviour, here is a link with this information:

Now USA here is your multiple choice question:
Will Bully, Johnney, Jon, and OCA

A. Ignore this information
B. Blame all this on the "Evil White Man"
C. Personaly attack me
D. All the above

OF COURSE, the answer IS D. First, they WILL ignore the information because they can't contradict it (it's hard to argue with fact...unless you lie). Then, they'll tell you about how white people oppress blacks so badly. Finally, they will indeed try with all their might to think of a good insult for you.
Originally posted by Johnney
posting bullshit as usual. then supplies weak ass links to make hisself feel better about being a racist peace of shit.

there is a reason we do that. you bring it on with stupidity. none of us blame "the evil white man" as you suggest, or the eveil black, asian, blah blah blah. we lay blame where it is due. not make shit up and believe whatever we are told by other racist.

NOTHING he said is being made up (as much as you'd like to believe it to be). Every point he made is accurate and backed by fact. Once again, you refuse to believe anything that you don't understand. You really got to step out of the corn fields and see the world for it's full face value, and get with the picture.
Originally posted by USA90210
Well you would wounldn't you...

Excellent reply, can I use that in a book of antecdotes?

If you are in fact not Big D using another computer, warning to you Mr. Democrat: William Joyce is a swastika carrying nazi, just check his group American Renaissance and their leader or speaker Jared Taylor. Big D is an illiterate white man who is afraid of anything different and posts hogwash stats from racist sources for the most part and spouts off accusations that are disproved better than half the time then simply ignores the fact that he was lying to back up his position, much as Democrats do. If you throw in with these two you will lose the last bit of credibility that you still have on these boards. Is that what you want your legacy to be?
Originally posted by Johnney
posting bullshit as usual. then supplies weak ass links to make hisself feel better about being a racist peace of shit.

there is a reason we do that. you bring it on with stupidity. none of us blame "the evil white man" as you suggest, or the eveil black, asian, blah blah blah. we lay blame where it is due. not make shit up and believe whatever we are told by other racist.

Well, you've done A and C at least.
Originally posted by OCA
Excellent reply, can I use that in a book of antecdotes?

If you are in fact not Big D using another computer, warning to you Mr. Democrat: William Joyce is a swastika carrying nazi, just check his group American Renaissance and their leader or speaker Jared Taylor. Big D is an illiterate white man who is afraid of anything different and posts hogwash stats from racist sources for the most part and spouts off accusations that are disproved better than half the time then simply ignores the fact that he was lying to back up his position, much as Democrats do. If you throw in with these two you will lose the last bit of credibility that you still have on these boards. Is that what you want your legacy to be?

First of all, you have no way to prove that I am lying about anything I said. It was all perfectly accurate.

As far as Big D and William, we'll have our differences, and I don't care if they are Nazis or in the KKK, we are in agreement most of the time. Most of the time, we are usually able to back our opinion up with fact. I can see at least the last sites that Big D posted are not racist sites at all. In fact, there is another site that you can check for some crime statistics: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/crimoff.htm
It's done by the Bureau of Justice Statistics. I doubt that "they" are racist. This site backs up the fact that minorities only make up about 24% of the US, but take up nearly 65% of prisons. In general, these minorities are just more violent people. That's the way it is.
I hope you are smart enough to see that the ONLY factor that Big D sees is race and nothing else which is much too simplistic and does not take into account any other socio-economic factors. Its the view of illiterate simpletons. Throw in with him if you want, its your grave.
Originally posted by OCA
I hope you are smart enough to see that the ONLY factor that Big D sees is race and nothing else which is much too simplistic and does not take into account any other socio-economic factors. Its the view of illiterate simpletons. Throw in with him if you want, its your grave.

Well I'm not this Big D. I can see more that matters than just black and white. The fact just is that most black people are different than us, and it's not only the difference that good repsectable people don't want to accept, it's a drastic image of difference which many blacks contribute to. Overall, they are much more violent, and much less stable people, so their image shows.

For example, I used this before. Every major city has inner-city neighborhoods occupied mostly by minorities. I think we can agree that these neighborhoods are dangerous places--breeding grounds for crime, drugs, sex, etc. Agreed? Where in the US is there an entirely white neighborhood even half as dangerous as some of these inner-city areas where minorites live?
Originally posted by USA90210
First of all, you have no way to prove that I am lying about anything I said. It was all perfectly accurate.

As far as Big D and William, we'll have our differences, and I don't care if they are Nazis or in the KKK, we are in agreement most of the time. Most of the time, we are usually able to back our opinion up with fact. I can see at least the last sites that Big D posted are not racist sites at all. In fact, there is another site that you can check for some crime statistics: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/crimoff.htm
It's done by the Bureau of Justice Statistics. I doubt that "they" are racist. This site backs up the fact that minorities only make up about 24% of the US, but take up nearly 65% of prisons. In general, these minorities are just more violent people. That's the way it is.

Don't look at any other factors such as, and I know its painful to admit, but yes you and I as white people, yes we are still oppressing minorities in this country hard as that is to swallow. Do you really think that the justice system doesn't lock people up solely based on color? You are a fool if you do not believe this. I'm not saying we are evil white men but it is happening. Look at the recent cases of BLACK prisoners who have had convictions overturned after lengthy time in prison when they were innocent the whole time. Don't think that some prosecutor and judge said they were going to lock that ****** or spick up no matter what. If its happened once its happened a thousand times.
Originally posted by OCA
Don't look at any other factors such as, and I know its painful to admit, but yes you and I as white people, yes we are still oppressing minorities in this country hard as that is to swallow. Do you really think that the justice system doesn't lock people up solely based on color? You are a fool if you do not believe this. I'm not saying we are evil white men but it is happening. Look at the recent cases of BLACK prisoners who have had convictions overturned after lengthy time in prison when they were innocent the whole time. Don't think that some prosecutor and judge said they were going to lock that ****** or spick up no matter what. If its happened once its happened a thousand times.

Number one, we cater more to blacks than oppress them. When someone white refuses to accept their way of life usually as far as violence and disrespect goes, they call that oppression and racism, which it isn't. That's what you hear on the news, when blacks make a big stink about nothing. Just recently, my city put together a board of individuals that will work out plans for the cities commercial and indistrial future. There were no blacks on this board, so immediately the city was a bunch of racist pigs because there were no black people on the board. Now, that's just a bunch of cry babies.

As far as judges striving to lock up minorites. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but I'm sure these judges see what I see in minorites, that they are dangerous, and when they commit crimes, they should be locked up. However, the final decision in guilty or not guilty is the jury. There will be plenty of minorities on the jury if the defendant is a minority. My father has worked for the Public Defenders office for 21 years. I understand through his experiences how things really are compared to how it is "said" they are.
Originally posted by USA90210
Well I'm not this Big D. I can see more that matters than just black and white. The fact just is that most black people are different than us, and it's not only the difference that good repsectable people don't want to accept, it's a drastic image of difference which many blacks contribute to. Overall, they are much more violent, and much less stable people, so their image shows.

For example, I used this before. Every major city has inner-city neighborhoods occupied mostly by minorities. I think we can agree that these neighborhoods are dangerous places--breeding grounds for crime, drugs, sex, etc. Agreed? Where in the US is there an entirely white neighborhood even half as dangerous as some of these inner-city areas where minorites live?

And how were most of these people put or how did they end up in ghettoes? From a system designed by Democrats to keep minorities poor and dependent upon government so they would continue to vote Democrat. There were no black ghettoes before FDR, DID YOU KNOW THAT? Harlem in NYC was inhabited by Italians and Jews. South central LA was nice neighborhood until a nice concerted effort on the part of the authorities to keep them all in one spot and keep em poor. I believe if Republicans had their way back then and left out the social engineering and programs we would not have the problems we have today. Big D and swastika Willie believe that no matter how successful a Black or Hispanic is because of his "testosterone" he is still a menace. Like Colin Powell is a menace to them, he's liable to rape a white woman any moment. You see how fucking ignorant that is? Ah why waste my breath.
You don't understand that from your writings you are nothing more than a racist pig. Its evident to everybody else here for the simple fact that you use terms such as "garbage" "animals" "minorities are dangerous" you didn't say some but imply all. You're quickly losing your credibility here as most of us believe you don't have the critical thinking gene needed to get past color.
Originally posted by OCA
And how were most of these people put or how did they end up in ghettoes? From a system designed by Democrats to keep minorities poor and dependent upon government so they would continue to vote Democrat. There were no black ghettoes before FDR, DID YOU KNOW THAT? Harlem in NYC was inhabited by Italians and Jews. South central LA was nice neighborhood until a nice concerted effort on the part of the authorities to keep them all in one spot and keep em poor. I believe if Republicans had their way back then and left out the social engineering and programs we would not have the problems we have today. Big D and swastika Willie believe that no matter how successful a Black or Hispanic is because of his "testosterone" he is still a menace. Like Colin Powell is a menace to them, he's liable to rape a white woman any moment. You see how fucking ignorant that is? Ah why waste my breath.

Believe me, I don't agree everything that Democrats have done either, and I know about the fact that there were no black ghettos before FDR. You really want to know why? Number one, there weren't nearly as many blacks. Secondly, blacks back before the 60s and 70s weren't the same as they are today. More blacks were simply nicer and more respectful back then even though they were being oppressed at the time, which was wrong. Sometime after civil rights, that went bad, and minorites became more and more violent for some reason. As far as black ghettos today. Well, I have the answer to that. As blacks became more violent, people didn't want to live around them, so they moved out. I have seen entire areas that have went from all white to all black in less than 30 years. The same thing is happening where I am now. These good, consciencous families don't want to live next door to drug dealers w/ Escalades so they move to a white area, leaving behind a home for blacks to buy. As this process continues, blacks take over an area. They cause the ghettos. And they need to remember that these areas WERE nice places to live before they moved in. It's not like we gave the poor, run-down areas to live in from the start. Wherever they move in, they destroy it. I already see homes of blacks left in neglect, especially in the more black areas of my community.
I told you once, twice, and I'll tell you again. I have friends that are black. THEY were able to beat the image of most blacks because of their kindness and respect. They understand the way the their fellow African Americans make them look, but they overcome that by the will to be good, honest people. If all blacks acted like this, I would have no problem accepting them. I don't care the color of their skin.
I can see that i'm correct on your critical thinking level. Bye bye game's over, thanks for playing and better luck next time.
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