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Originally posted by OCA
I can see that i'm correct on your critical thinking level. Bye bye game's over, thanks for playing and better luck next time.

I'm only telling you how it is as nice as I possibly can. Take it, or leave it...

And there are no "levels" to it, you either get it or you don't, and I see that you aren't budging.
Really though. Didn't you take in anything that I said on the last page. I was calm--I make the best arguement when I'm calm. I don't think anything was out of line, and it was as accurate as possible. I didn't come here to lie to everyone and decieve them, and I'm not trying to turn anybody into a racist as I am not one myself. I understand that you'll have your views and I'll have mine, but you just "don't want to" believe some of these things...
Much like the Mayor of S.F. this person couldn't be more wrong about something even if he had set out to be wrong. Its sad.
Gents, contrary to the insults I get, I am not a member of the Ku Klux Klan, a neo-Nazi wearing a uniform, or anything like that. I have in recent years, however, begun to do research on such questions as, "Why, if Haiti is natural bounty, can't the people there make a go of it?" or "Why, now that blacks control Zimbabwe, have the farms fallen into disuse?" or "Why, despite all the funding we provide, are blacks unable to get better test scores?"

A big part of the answer is genetic difference.

Richard Lynn, J. Philippe Rushton and others have studied this and come to the conclusion that races vary according to historical adaptation. Blacks were programmed for survival by an instinct to have lots of children, while whites were programmed to invest in the few they have.

That's why blacks have 19 kids they can't even remember the names of by 16 different fathers, none of whom can be located!

What else explains it? RACISM? What in the flip about "racism" causes blacks to engage in what would be in our society SELF-DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR?! Look at black AIDS. It's off the charts. But nobody is forcing blacks to have irresponsible sex. There is no evil racist white man forcing them to do this. THEY ARE DOING IT THEMSELVES! I mean, do they just not get it? If that's the case, that's just another way of saying they're dumb. Whites seem to get it. We all watch the same TV. It doesn't cost a lot of money to figure out these basic things.
Originally posted by OCA
You don't understand that from your writings you are nothing more than a racist pig. Its evident to everybody else here for the simple fact that you use terms such as "garbage" "animals" "minorities are dangerous" you didn't say some but imply all. You're quickly losing your credibility here as most of us believe you don't have the critical thinking gene needed to get past color.

I reiterate, You used these terms not me. It is completely obvious that you use the good ol' "I have black friends" line to make yourself feel better about your blind hatred.
Originally posted by OCA
I reiterate, You used these terms not me. It is completely obvious that you use the good ol' "I have black friends" line to make yourself feel better about your blind hatred.

You don't know the first thing about the person I am! You only here the facts I have to share (and even refuse to believe them). Are you here to judge me or share your unexperienced opinion?

I used terms such as garbage, animals, trash, low-lifes, etc. not to describe every black person on the planet, but the blacks that have proved that they are a complete menace to society like most are...

If they want to be equal, then why don't they act like like it?
OCA, you're buying into the fiction that all people on earth are white people under a different paint job. Nothing could be further from the truth. Thousands of years of genetic isolation has created different racial groups which are distinguishable by genetic testing. These differences account for inherent varying levels of intelligence and behavior propensity, as well as "ethnic nepotism."

The same reason you care for your family more than someone else's explains why races get along best with each other, but not outside the race so well.
Originally posted by William Joyce
Gents, contrary to the insults I get, I am not a member of the Ku Klux Klan, a neo-Nazi wearing a uniform, or anything like that. I have in recent years, however, begun to do research on such questions as, "Why, if Haiti is natural bounty, can't the people there make a go of it?" or "Why, now that blacks control Zimbabwe, have the farms fallen into disuse?" or "Why, despite all the funding we provide, are blacks unable to get better test scores?"

A big part of the answer is genetic difference.

Richard Lynn, J. Philippe Rushton and others have studied this and come to the conclusion that races vary according to historical adaptation. Blacks were programmed for survival by an instinct to have lots of children, while whites were programmed to invest in the few they have.

That's why blacks have 19 kids they can't even remember the names of by 16 different fathers, none of whom can be located!

What else explains it? RACISM? What in the flip about "racism" causes blacks to engage in what would be in our society SELF-DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR?! Look at black AIDS. It's off the charts. But nobody is forcing blacks to have irresponsible sex. There is no evil racist white man forcing them to do this. THEY ARE DOING IT THEMSELVES! I mean, do they just not get it? If that's the case, that's just another way of saying they're dumb. Whites seem to get it. We all watch the same TV. It doesn't cost a lot of money to figure out these basic things.

90210 this is prime example. I enter this into evidence exhibit a for irrelevance. He basically says that blacks are dumbasses and whites are all nobel peace prize winners. Whites got AIDS too and have irresponsible sex all the time.

Willie you listen, read and quote from neo-nazi's and their sources, do you think that you have to wear the uniform to be one? Are you that ignorant? Fascism is dead, get over it.
Originally posted by William Joyce
OCA, you're buying into the fiction that all people on earth are white people under a different paint job. Nothing could be further from the truth. Thousands of years of genetic isolation has created different racial groups which are distinguishable by genetic testing. These differences account for inherent varying levels of intelligence and behavior propensity, as well as "ethnic nepotism."

The same reason you care for your family more than someone else's explains why races get along best with each other, but not outside the race so well.

That I agree with entirely. As I said before, I am white, and find it natural to defend white people before black people. I know that some blacks deserve to be defended but it's natural for white people to come first for me. I have much more in common with white people than black people, and it's easier for me to relate to a white person than a black person, because we are different, not by just the color of our skin.
Originally posted by USA90210
You don't know the first thing about the person I am! You only here the facts I have to share (and even refuse to believe them). Are you here to judge me or share your unexperienced opinion?

I used terms such as garbage, animals, trash, low-lifes, etc. not to describe every black person on the planet, but the blacks that have proved that they are a complete menace to society like most are...

If they want to be equal, then why don't they act like like it?

Oh we all have a pretty good picture of the person you are, its ugly. I think you're time would be better spent over at the Church Of The Creator website rather than here.

"Like most are" I rest my case. lol
Originally posted by OCA
90210 this is prime example. I enter this into evidence exhibit a for irrelevance. He basically says that blacks are dumbasses and whites are all nobel peace prize winners. Whites got AIDS too and have irresponsible sex all the time.

Willie you listen, read and quote from neo-nazi's and their sources, do you think that you have to wear the uniform to be one? Are you that ignorant? Fascism is dead, get over it.

No, I agree with William on that too--completely. We aren't talking about being a Nazi or in the KKK. That's not what this is about...
Originally posted by OCA
Oh we all have a pretty good picture of the person you are, its ugly. I think you're time would be better spent over at the Church Of The Creator website rather than here.

"Like most are" I rest my case. lol

That's right "like most are". Most blacks are violent, rude, and disrespectful people, especially towards whites. If THAT'S not racism, I don't know what is.

Like I said, if they want to be equal, WHY DON'T THEY ACT LIKE IT?
Originally posted by William Joyce
OCA, you're buying into the fiction that all people on earth are white people under a different paint job. Nothing could be further from the truth. Thousands of years of genetic isolation has created different racial groups which are distinguishable by genetic testing. These differences account for inherent varying levels of intelligence and behavior propensity, as well as "ethnic nepotism."

The same reason you care for your family more than someone else's explains why races get along best with each other, but not outside the race so well.

Wrong Willie! No amount of testing only will tell you the whole story. Like I said before i'm Greek and darker skinned than Northern Europeans so am I less intelligent? Are the whites of Appalachia as intelligent as white students at MIT just because they are white? No they are some of the stupidest citizens of this country. Your testing and the claims they make are filled with holes because they do not include any variables.

Also i'm still waiting for an answer on your anti immigration stance. Does that include Northern Europeans also?
I tried to be calm and explain to you how things are, but you refuse to believe it. It's not my opinion. It's the way it is. Everyone chooses the way they live their life. If they choose to be a rude, disrespectful, and ignorant person, so be it. But don't come crying that you want to be equal if you don't act like it.

Go back and read through what I calmly and civily tried to tell you. It's fact and you haven't addressed much of what I said at all. I'm telling you I'm wathching my town being ruined by blacks right before my very eyes. They show it to me every day. You take a look in any major city and see this fact come alive before "your" eyes.
I understand that deep down you think everyone is good at heart. It's good to try to believe that, but when is enough enough. Just like Big D's story. How many more neighborhoods, towns, and cities be destroyed by people (whether white or black). When is enough enough for YOU personally? What will take YOU to the edge. I'm already there. I guess your tether is just a little longer than mine, but you'll one day come to the blunt reality of it all.

Answer the questions I just asked here. I'd really like to know.
Originally posted by USA90210
That's right "like most are". Most blacks are violent, rude, and disrespectful people, especially towards whites. If THAT'S not racism, I don't know what is.

Like I said, if they want to be equal, WHY DON'T THEY ACT LIKE IT?

I take it you know most blacks in the country? My theory is you got jacked one time in your life by a black and by god all blacks are going to pay for it.

By the way as a whole they do act like they want to be equal. You are pulling the classic move and taking the actions of a minority and applying it to a majority. A classic Democrat move.
Originally posted by OCA
I take it you know most blacks in the country? My theory is you got jacked one time in your life by a black and by god all blacks are going to pay for it.

By the way as a whole they do act like they want to be equal. You are pulling the classic move and taking the actions of a minority and applying it to a majority. A classic Democrat move.

I'm not applying it to the majority. I hate when that is done, but I won't sit around and watch all the special treatment of blacks that is long overdue. We've countered our bad deeds with many good ones, and most blacks are ungrateful bastards for it. They DON'T show me that they want to be equal whether I'm in the Northeast, the Midwest, the South, wherever... The problem IS the worst in the Northeast and the Midwest, however. We're still hangin' on to the most Good black people in the south.
Originally posted by USA90210
I understand that deep down you think everyone is good at heart. It's good to try to believe that, but when is enough enough. Just like Big D's story. How many more neighborhoods, towns, and cities be destroyed by people (whether white or black). When is enough enough for YOU personally? What will take YOU to the edge. I'm already there. I guess your tether is just a little longer than mine, but you'll one day come to the blunt reality of it all.

Answer the questions I just asked here. I'd really like to know.

Never, because you can only affect what you personally are involved in. On the edge? Should we be worried about your mental state and going postal one day? I fear no one therefore these things that you fear don't bother me. I mean really what the fuck are you going to do? I'll tell you, absolutely zero so why be an unhappy turd your whole life over shit you can do nothing about.
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