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Originally posted by OCA
We are all equal, one race the human race. Do we have distinct cultures, yes but is one race more intelligent than another? NO. I'll say this FUCK YOU AND YOU'RE RACIST VIEWS. You are the whole problem with America and the reason things are fucked up. Since when did you become so arrogant that you're opinions became fact? Contrary to you I don't sit around on my computer, I am in Baltimore and D.C. daily on business and if you think where you live is violent check the stats on those two towns you ignorant, uneducated piece of shit. Never had a problem in either town because i'm not afraid unlike you and treat the citizens with respect. You on the other hand probably see a black coming down you're side of the street and cross to the other side so he won't "jack" you. I'd fucking beat you're ass too if you disrespected me like that. You're a Democrat and you don't give two shits about the average American other than fleecing them with taxes. You are rich man, you care about blacks and whites? do you think everybody here is gullible enough to believe you? Other than that you are a worthless piece of human debris and deserve a slow, debilitating, fatal disease. Help us out will ya.

True. We all are the the human race, but we're not all equal. That's just crazy. Someone convicted of a serious crime and in jail for life is not equal to an honest, hard-working, respectful citizen.

Everyone has distinct cultures, even within the races. However, it's possible for one race to be more intelligent than another. How is that "not" possible. The bottom line is, overall, white people are smarter than black people. That's a fact. It doesn't matter if you're a racist or not, a Democrat or a Republican, it's still going to be a fact whether you like it or not.

Where I live is violent, but where you live "is" much more violent--more black people. You just gave me that one yourself. Unlike it may sound, I treat everyone with respect, white or black, all the time unless they show blatent disrespect for me.

And, no I don't cross the street when a black person is coming. I'm not "afraid" of black people, but there is a significant higher risk being in a black area as opposed to a white area. "That's" a fact. By the way, you must be pretty violent yourself if you'd beat someone's ass for crossing the street to avoid you. Would you do it if it was a black person, or is that against your religion.

No, everybody here is NOT gullible enough to believe me, they're just too dumb.

It's funny how you said that it's people like me that caused all the problems. How is that the slightest bit accurate. How did "I" fuck everything up? or anyone like me for that matter?

I deserve a slow, debilitating, fatal disease? What so I can't tell anyone else the truth? You know, YOU seem like quite a violent and disrespectful person. You're not black. But of course that "does" back up the fact that not "all" white people are good individuals now are they.
I'm new, just registered, but I'd like to dive right into this. I feel inclined to take the position of USA90210, William Joyce, and Big D. They make extreme points sometimes not all that I totally agree with, but you other guys don't seem to be making any points at all. Well, you're making points, but you have no facts to back anything you say, especially you OCA. You seem to be more amused with attacking the person rather than their views. USA, William, and Big D definately are putting up a more successful debate than you others.
they are putting the same old crap they always do. facts from racist sites. hell big d can post stats like there is no tomarrow. but its the same shit. they say were blind, we tell them to kiss our asses.
Originally posted by wonderwench

Again, you narrow in on one factoid and are completely oblivious to the socio-economic-historical context which encourages teenage girls to have illegitimate children as a career option.

:clap: :clap: .......
Originally posted by Johnney
they are putting the same old crap they always do. facts from racist sites. hell big d can post stats like there is no tomarrow. but its the same shit. they say were blind, we tell them to kiss our asses.

I looked at some of the links they provided. They don't look like "racist" sites to me. In fact, one link I believe was a statistic done by the government.

Also, just because it seems they have to post the same thing twice for you to understand doesn't mean that it's a lie by the time they post it a third time.
Originally posted by wonderwench

Again, you narrow in on one factoid and are completely oblivious to the socio-economic-historical context which encourages teenage girls to have illegitimate children as a career option.

What is the socio-economic-historical context which encourages teenage girls to have illegitimate children as a career option?
Originally posted by Cousin Vinnie
I'm new, just registered, but I'd like to dive right into this. I feel inclined to take the position of USA90210, William Joyce, and Big D. They make extreme points sometimes not all that I totally agree with, but you other guys don't seem to be making any points at all. Well, you're making points, but you have no facts to back anything you say, especially you OCA. You seem to be more amused with attacking the person rather than their views. USA, William, and Big D definately are putting up a more successful debate than you others.

First welcome to the board Cousin Vinnie...second...we [the other guys] have put up and made lots of points in earlier debates...what you will find from most of us is we dont post the same shit over and over...also, we dont dwell on "race is what ails everything" like the folks you named...hope you like the board....:)
Originally posted by jon_forward
First welcome to the board Cousin Vinnie...second...we [the other guys] have put up and made lots of points in earlier debates...what you will find from most of us is we dont post the same shit over and over...also, we dont dwell on "race is what ails everything" like the folks you named...hope you like the board....:)

Well where are all these points now? I haven't seen many on the last 15 pages. There have been a lot of the word racist in your replies, however.

They don't post the "same" stuff. It's all the same to you because you all think it's purely racist. Much of it is just fact.
They feel they need to post things over and over probably because it looks as if you guys don't address it.
Originally posted by Cousin Vinnie
I'm new, just registered, but I'd like to dive right into this. I feel inclined to take the position of USA90210, William Joyce, and Big D. They make extreme points sometimes not all that I totally agree with, but you other guys don't seem to be making any points at all. Well, you're making points, but you have no facts to back anything you say, especially you OCA. You seem to be more amused with attacking the person rather than their views. USA, William, and Big D definately are putting up a more successful debate than you others.


Lets see I guess you've read all 40 pages of this thread so you saw the one where I and others explained how if Blacks who grow up in economically rich areas with quality educational system excel. And where whites who live in poor areas such as Appalachia and trailer parks and who have no access to quality education do not excel but these guys still insist that the whites are smarter, makes sense doesn't it.
You then also saw the one where we caught Big D in lies about crime in Los Angeles and it being ALL Hispanic. But they just sweep it under the rug and trudge down blind hatred avenue. Its all good.
most of the post have been in the last month....as for the term racist...if the shoe fits wear it....racism had to be limited to one thread because that is all these folks talk about...live,eat, breathe and sleep....its like they are recruiting for there white supremist club or something and frankly, it gets old for those of us...the majority...that dont agree 100% with their views...and dont want to here about it 24/7..
Originally posted by Cousin Vinnie
Well where are all these points now? I haven't seen many on the last 15 pages. There have been a lot of the word racist in your replies, however.

They don't post the "same" stuff. It's all the same to you because you all think it's purely racist. Much of it is just fact.
They feel they need to post things over and over probably because it looks as if you guys don't address it.

I will not address things from the same sources that have been discredited earlier in this thread. Until they acknowledge that race has no bearing and socio-economic conditions have everything to do with it then why acknowledge shit.

You have alot of reading to do, better get at it.
Also has an intelligent person which i'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now, you can't possibly think that these guys are not racist. Hell if we are talking about food with them they interject race, its all they see and clouds their judgement much the same as being gay clouds a homosexuals judgement.
not posted twice so we can understand it. look back at how many times they have posted the same information. now how many people have crossed over to their way of thinking? none? they do it to spew their bullshit views. thats it
socio-economic conditions was the first thing brought up a month ago...as always it was side-stepped to make way for more stats that make no sense..
Originally posted by OCA

Lets see I guess you've read all 40 pages of this thread so you saw the one where I and others explained how if Blacks who grow up in economically rich areas with quality educational system excel. And where whites who live in poor areas such as Appalachia and trailer parks and who have no access to quality education do not excel but these guys still insist that the whites are smarter, makes sense doesn't it.
You then also saw the one where we caught Big D in lies about crime in Los Angeles and it being ALL Hispanic. But they just sweep it under the rug and trudge down blind hatred avenue. Its all good.

TURD ALERT? Are you 2 years old?

Actually, I grew up in a very poor neighborhood in the Bronx, New York City. I know all there is about being poor. Well, it just so happens that I lived in a trash house with my 5 brothers and sisters. We were all a nice Italian family though. I went to a trash school, but I got all A's. That got me into Yale University. Most of it was paid for because of my incredible intelligence. I now practice law in Detroit, which probably is the sorriest looking city in this country. But I know about being poor and excelling. I was poorer than some of these black families that are on welfare. I never had any welfare when I grew up...
Very interesting...

A few new users of late have joined, all from the same internet provider and all connecting through the same proxy server...
Originally posted by jon_forward
most of the post have been in the last month....as for the term racist...if the shoe fits wear it....racism had to be limited to one thread because that is all these folks talk about...live,eat, breathe and sleep....its like they are recruiting for there white supremist club or something and frankly, it gets old for those of us...the majority...that dont agree 100% with their views...and dont want to here about it 24/7..

What else are they supposed to talk about in a thread entitled "Racism?"
Originally posted by Cousin Vinnie
What else are they supposed to talk about in a thread entitled "Racism?"
you dont understand, they were bleeding it into other threats. thats why there is this one.
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