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post by william on a thread about bush and plans for Iraq before 9/11

They're all Jews, and they all need to go. Look, nothing against Jews personally. I've met good ones. But the guys behind the war are Jews, Jews, Jews. It ain't a white man's business, people! If Jews have a fight with Arabs, they should have the balls to fight them, hand-to-hand, by themselves. But they instead manipulate O'Connor and Rodriguez to do it for 'em.

Just like they manipulated Pilate to knock of Jesus. Shit ain't changed in 2000 freakin' years, gentlemen.


this thread asked a political question and this is what we get...where in the above is there an answer for a political question....no where..just more race BullShit...before you jump on the bandwagon...make sure where its going and where its been...unless you are driving it...
Originally posted by Cousin Vinnie
I can say the same things about you: Johnney, Jon, OCA, etc. You guys post the same bs like a broken record to. All I see is racist, racist, racist, racist, racist. I don't try to hate black people, and I don't think they do either. They just like to point out the problems that blacks cause. There are a lot of them I must say.

By the way i'm native born Greek so we have geography in common. Anyway a question, do you also feel a kinship with the white trash in the 8 mile section of Detroit?
Look I have no love for minorities but I do judge everyone on their own merits. Not every problem we face in this country though, is due to minorities, but yet every thread lately seems to take that direction. You guys do make some valid points and I am sure many of the statistics are correct, but you reach a point where the debate becomes redundant, just read back through this thread alone. Do you really believe at this point that you are going to change anyone's mind, I seriously doubt it !
Originally posted by jon_forward
post by william on a thread about bush and plans for Iraq before 9/11

They're all Jews, and they all need to go. Look, nothing against Jews personally. I've met good ones. But the guys behind the war are Jews, Jews, Jews. It ain't a white man's business, people! If Jews have a fight with Arabs, they should have the balls to fight them, hand-to-hand, by themselves. But they instead manipulate O'Connor and Rodriguez to do it for 'em.

Just like they manipulated Pilate to knock of Jesus. Shit ain't changed in 2000 freakin' years, gentlemen.


this thread asked a political question and this is what we get...where in the above is there an answer for a political question....no where..just more race BullShit...before you jump on the bandwagon...make sure where its going and where its been...unless you are driving it...

If you want in with them Vinnie be my guest but you will lose all credibility on other threads in here.

I will give credit where credit is due, Willie is right about the Jews and Jesus, although Jesus knew it was going to happen beforehand and offered no resistance. But the rest is complete racist filth.
Originally posted by jimnyc
Very interesting...

A few new users of late have joined, all from the same internet provider and all connecting through the same proxy server...
Well jimnyc, let us know who it is?
Originally posted by Big D
Well jimnyc, let us know who it is?

At this time, there is no rule against someone having multiple ID's. There is no definitive proof that anyone is the same either, even though it's the same provider and the same IP range through the same server. Could just be a huge coincidence. I won't make a direct accusation on that alone, just pointing out that I find it interesting.
I know I say controversial stuff and not everyone will agree, but I try to keep in respectful and backed up by facts. Instead of saying what a jerk I am, try fighting back with your own facts.
Originally posted by jon_forward
socio-economic conditions was the first thing brought up a month ago...as always it was side-stepped to make way for more stats that make no sense..

The impact on our overall crime rate is astounding for a group that only makes up 12% of the population. The murder rate for America has been raised from the White rate of murder of less than 5 per 100,000 people (which incidentally is similar to the rate found in White European countries) to 9.8 per 100,000 people. Our murder rate is being doubled by a group making up only 12% of our population. The Black group behavior is the very same in the USA as it is in South Africa, and everywhere else on the planet that they reside in large numbers.

The sad fact is that many liberals know about the Black crime situation, but instead of facing reality they try and cover up the fact with misdirection. They say that all Black crime is as result of poverty. The absurdity of this claim can be shown several ways.

First of all, Blacks are much more likely to commit even white collar crime. That means that even if they are employed, and not in poverty, the group behavior comes through.

Secondly, compare the Black group behavior, with the White group behavior of the poorest people in West Virginia, where the poverty level is far worse than anything in Black neighborhoods. Here people are living in shacks, are thin from lack of food, and are barely educated. Yet their crime rate is extremely low.

Thirdly, in case the idea is promulgated that it is a combination of poverty and city life that is required as an excuse, as if there could really be one, look at the Great Depression. There were many years of extreme poverty, coupled with city life, little hope, and hungry people. And there was NO INCREASE in crime among the poor Whites. The White group behavior remained constant, even with poverty.

It is clearly a lying attempt by the Leftists to use poverty, or anything else, other than Black group behavior, to explain Black crime. The lying nature of their claims, are clearly highlighted by their continual change of direction. One minute they act as if there is no difference in the rate of crime in the group behavior of Blacks and Whites, and the next they are making excuses for that difference! Then, a moment later they are back to the first position again.
Originally posted by William Joyce
I know I say controversial stuff and not everyone will agree, but I try to keep in respectful and backed up by facts. Instead of saying what a jerk I am, try fighting back with your own facts.

Where is my hanky when I need it.:baby:
Originally posted by wonderwench

Again, you narrow in on one factoid and are completely oblivious to the socio-economic-historical context which encourages teenage girls to have illegitimate children as a career option.

Another fact is that black women have abortions at three time the rate of white women. Blacks who make up 14% of all childbearing women, have 31% of all abortions and whites, who account for 81% of women of childbearing age, have 61%"
This is also combined with the fact that blacks have aids at a higher rate then any other group: http://www.balmingilead.org/aidsfacts/aidsfacts.asp

Could it just be that maybe blacks are much more promiscuous?

The result in blacks was statistically significant (P = .03). Black cases tended to have more frequent sexual intercourse than black controls at all ages; the difference became statistically significant for intercourse late in life. Data from controls suggested that, overall, blacks have earlier and more frequent sexual activity than whites: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/...5&dopt=Abstract
USA, you are letting these guys get to you, myself I like to just post facts and then watch them freak out.

Like watch this,
In the U.S the black and hispanic population is about 24%, but the black and hispanic prison population is about 65%.
Here is a link with this information:

I belive this has to do with the fact that blacks have much higher levels of testosterone and lower IQ's then do Whites, here is a link with this information:

High levels of testosterone have been linked to violent behaviour, here is a link with this information:

Now USA here is your multiple choice question:
Will Bully, Johnney, Jon, and OCA

A. Ignore this information
B. Blame all this on the "Evil White Man"
C. Personaly attack me
D. All the above
Originally posted by William Joyce
I know I say controversial stuff and not everyone will agree, but I try to keep in respectful and backed up by facts. Instead of saying what a jerk I am, try fighting back with your own facts.

william, please show us where I called you a jerk...I see no need to "fight back".truth be known these so called studys were funded by white supremist to prove their point... we see no need to waste good money for something common sense tells us...judge people by by their actions as a person...not as a whole. this thread is where all the racism is suppose to be posted...re-read the first post .....here and here only.not every chance you can see to wiggle your minority[a very small one] based bs...the only ones pushing an agenda here is william, big D and a few others. having an opinion is fine, taking it to the point of forcing folks to not pay any attention to your post because of your views is sotra dumb dont you think???
I have only been hanging around this message board for a couple weeks, but I have already formed a very precise opinion, especially with regard to the majority in this particular thread.

First of all let me say that I thank God that I live in a country where small-minded, xenophobic bigots can express themselves without fear of government retribution or of being thought of as imbiciles by their neighbors.

To think that hundreds of thousands of men and women died on battlefields here at home and around the globe to protect your right to spread hate and fear of your fellow man. Do you think any one of those men or women, now that they inhabit the Heavenly realm of God, would agree with your assessment of a portion of God's creation?

Could any of you racists stand before Almighty God and accuse him of creating something that is inferior and violent?

You see...I am a Christian Conservative and my political philosophy tells me that all men are created equal. It is the basis and foundation of our democracy. No one, in their heart of hearts, can truly believe that another human being is worth less than any other, unless they have yielded themselves to the influence of evil and have abandoned all reason.

Anyone here who likewise calls himself a Conservative must also believe that all men are endowed by The Creator with certain inallienable rights, among them are, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. If you do not accept the Constitution, then in fact, you cannot call yourself an American.

I must admit that my heart is saddened by much of what is written here. It diminishes my hope that we are making progress as a nation. It makes me wonder how our children are being influenced by all of the hateful rhetoric that is freely dispensed here.

Let me say this. I have been very sincere in everything I have wrote in this forum. I have given everyone an opportunity to email me directly, and I have even put my face on every post. How about all you racists out there. Stop hiding behind your silly avatars showing guns, or deer, or flags. If you are truly men and women of conviction...then come out of the shadows and show everyone your face.

I bet there isn't one of you brave enough to do it. And that speaks volumes of what kind of people you really are.
That was undoubtedly the most eloquent post I have personally read on these boards. It makes me ashamed for some of the language i've used and for letting some of the blatant racists get me to sink to their level, its just that I am very passionate about this as many innocent people have died at the hands of people who think and preach exactly as the racists on this board. It absolutely sickens me to think that there are still people that shallow and ignorant in this day and age.

I'm gonna post my picture as soon as I have the thing sized, its too big at the moment and won't fit within the parameters here, plus i'm lazy and have not replaced the batteries in the digital cam that came with my pc lol

Thanks for the post
Originally posted by montyfowler

Could any of you racists stand before Almighty God and accuse him of creating something that is inferior and violent?
Where is my hanky when I need it.
I belive that child molesters are inferior and violent.
This is just another mindless post to make people feel guilty for questioning the criminal element in their neigborhoods, and close there eyes to reality.
I have not said any group is inferior, I have just pointed out the differences between different races of people. You have concluded on your own that one group is somehow in inferior. You simply ignore all the facts of the issue, tell us about how your a man of God and then go about with name calling and personal insults.
When the people who ask us to celebrate diversity(difference) find out what those differences are, they no longer want to celebrate.

Instead of asking us all to ignore what is happing in the world, explain why one group of people have such a high rate of criminal behaviour and others don't?
Monty's home town:
Pictures of most wanted in Chicago:

In Monty's great state of Illinois the black population is 15%,
but the black prison population is 65%:

Races in Chicago:

Black (36.8%)
White Non-Hispanic (31.3%)
Hispanic (26.0%)
Other race (13.6%)
Two or more races (2.9%)
Chinese (1.1%)
Filipino (1.0%)
Asian Indian (0.9%)
American Indian (0.7%)
Other Asian (0.5%)

Crime in Chicago (2001):
666 murders (23.0 per 100,000)
1,902 rapes (65.7 per 100,000)
18,433 robberies (636.5 per 100,000)
25,533 assaults (881.7 per 100,000)
25,966 burglaries (896.6 per 100,000)
97,496 larceny counts (3366.6 per 100,000)
27,694 auto thefts (956.3 per 100,000)
City-data.com crime index = 690.5 (higher means more crime, US average = 330.6)

In Monty's great city of Chicago the crime rate is double the national average.
Originally posted by Big D
Where is my hanky when I need it.
I belive that child molesters are inferior and violent.
This is just another mindless post to make people feel guilty for questioning the criminal element in their neigborhoods, and close there eyes to reality.
I have not said any group is inferior, I have just pointed out the differences between different races of people. You have concluded on your own that one group is somehow in inferior. You simply ignore all the facts of the issue, tell us about how your a man of God and then go about with name calling and personal insults.
When the people who ask us to celebrate diversity(difference) find out what those differences are, they no longer want to celebrate.

Instead of asking us all to ignore what is happing in the world, explain why one group of people have such a high rate of criminal behaviour and others don't?
Monty's home town:
Pictures of most wanted in Chicago:

In Monty's great state of Illinois the black population is 15%,
but the black prison population is 65%:

Races in Chicago:

Black (36.8%)
White Non-Hispanic (31.3%)
Hispanic (26.0%)
Other race (13.6%)
Two or more races (2.9%)
Chinese (1.1%)
Filipino (1.0%)
Asian Indian (0.9%)
American Indian (0.7%)
Other Asian (0.5%)

Crime in Chicago (2001):
666 murders (23.0 per 100,000)
1,902 rapes (65.7 per 100,000)
18,433 robberies (636.5 per 100,000)
25,533 assaults (881.7 per 100,000)
25,966 burglaries (896.6 per 100,000)
97,496 larceny counts (3366.6 per 100,000)
27,694 auto thefts (956.3 per 100,000)
City-data.com crime index = 690.5 (higher means more crime, US average = 330.6)

In Monty's great city of Chicago the crime rate is double the national average.
tired tired tired tired tired
that is one of the best posts i think ive read in a while Monty. but guns a part of my life, they will always be. ive also posted a couple pics of myself in the pics area someplace. dont feel the need to put it as an avatar.
but as for my language, im not sorry for it. always spoke like that, always will. im not going to stop because someone doesnt like it. i may tone it down, but not stop
This much has been confirmed - USA90210 and Cousin Vinnie posted from the same IP address just a short while apart from one another yesterday. Very interesting...
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