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If Big D won't pay any attention to any other factors then people don't pay any attention to his one sided stats. Its as simple as that for a simple mind.
Originally posted by OCA
The fact that you use two nics and post from the same IP address makes you irrelevant to this discussion.

Face it you screwed up. Have fun in your misery.

What's an IP address? I'm sorry, I'm not much of a computer nerd.
AHHH, The Passion of the Monty,

I love it, this must kind of be how Jesus got his start, but you could not have your following without me.
I set this all up for you, these people were just waiting for someone anyone new to give them some kind of reason or excuse to ignore reality. And belive it or not I'm Jewish, so how perfect is that to work into this scenario?

Yes, I have been pounding away at your flock with facts, stats, current events, opinions that have all backed my feelings on this issue. Your flock was growing increasingly frustrated with reality, and the personal insults towards me were at a all time high.

Then it is almost like you have fallen from the heavens for them, just being someone new that agreed with there feelings, would have probably been enough, but you really got to the heart of the your liberal flock by useing there weekness, Guilt. You wer'nt to much different from the others, you side stepped the facts, you advoided giving any opinions on any kind or reasons or solutions to this problem, and of course you threw out personal insults. I think what they really like is the way you speak for God, it is like you are saying don't think about anything God will do it for you, you see liberals don't like to have to deal with issuses like this.

I really love the part of your speach about the hundereds and thousands of men and women who died for this country and how my opinion must have them rolling in their graves. Never mind the fact that today we are losing jobs over seas and are boarders are wide open and the quality of live in America is in a constant decline. Because these people are dead and they can't speak for themselfs, so you Monty will speak for them.

Let's pay no attention crime, abortion, rape, murder and that todays news reports that black high school dropout rates are at the highest they have ever been in the history of the U.S:
Because for anyone to pay any attention to this would simply make them, small-minded, xenophobic bigots and racists.

Monty I found this statement of yours to be quite interesting:

"So if a gay person proclaims Jesus as his Lord and Savior, and makes an honest attempt to not sin, but when he does, acknowledges the sin and asks for forgiveness, then he will be welcomed into the Kingdom of God".

What happens to a person if he or she does NOT proclaims Jesus as his or her Lord and Savior, and does not make an honest attempt to not sin?
Hey do you think any of those hundereds and thousands of men and women who died for this country could have been homosexual, where did there souls go Monty?

Be careful with your answer, you could lose your flock of born again liberals.
Originally posted by OCA
You really take everybody for fools don't you.

The only fool is you. You tried to accuse me of being Big D before, and now you're practically doing the same thing again because you're getting annoyed with me. Well, let's all calm down for a second:

You know...I wasn't always like this. It wasn't until high school that I realized how many of the blacks were destroying our school system and our community, and they "were". They also were draining the school fund for special eductional opportunities that were supposed to help them learn better, which they didn't. I watched these people go straight to rock bottom. It was all becuase they didn't care about their school work at all, and there were many many whites who didn't either, but I swear that a lot of the blacks "tried to fail", and they did a good job
at it. They were also always the ones in the fights. 98% of the fights involved black students. Something that made me upset was how rude and disrespectful they were to the staff, yet they got a lesser punishment than white kids. I always figures that it was because the administrators were afraid because they were black. I am not afraid of blacks in that way. It was wrong for things to happen the way they did in that school, and I never forgot it. You see, people like me get this way because many blacks or minorites "make" you want to hate them. Nobody just wakes up one day and decides they're going to hate black people because of the color of their skin. It doesn't work that way, as much as you think it does. Many, many, many events lead to attittudes changing like it did with me. It was a period of about 5 years that my outlook changed on the matter. I couldn't help but look down upon the blatently rude kids, the kids that would get drastically out of hand, and the kids that didn't care about school. I had straight A's and I was an excellant student. I never got any detentions, suspensions or the lot. However, I was in the same boat as everyone else. If the blacks caused a problem, I would be affected by it, whether it be by a new rule, or by being at risk in some way. We had metal detectors and security guards when all the white schools in the area never did. All black schools had to have that for safety. More safety is required in a black school. The general black population IS MORE VIOLENT! I'm not trying to "harp" on race, but let me say this. No one has to accept that every black person is going to be a criminal, drug dealer, thug, or whatever, but you have to accept facts about differences in race. Of course they are going to be different. You say it yourself ("You don't accept them because they are different")
Originally posted by montyfowler

So tell me, which aspect of the human condition would you like to debate you faceless coward?

Funny how none of the racists have added their face as an avatar yet. What are you people scared of? Oh, that's right... You guys only have balls to say stuff like this while you're tucked safely away in your basements with your rebel flag hanging on the wall.
Monty, Are you saying because we have not posted our face on this chat room thread, that we are some how not equal to you and are opinions and thoughts are meaningless?
Originally posted by jimnyc
This much has been confirmed - USA90210 and Cousin Vinnie posted from the same IP address just a short while apart from one another yesterday. Very interesting...

The proof is right there, its irrefutable. In case you didn't know Jimmy is the admin. and has acces to all your computer's info., being the IP which is your computer's address and also where you are located in the world. Now that Jimmy has posted that fact I guess I can let the cat out of the bag: Big D's and 90210's IP addresses are almost exactly the same according to Jimmy. Almost as if Big D put another computer and web connection in his house. Interesting.
Originally posted by OCA
The proof is right there, its irrefutable. In case you didn't know Jimmy is the admin. and has acces to all your computer's info., being the IP which is your computer's address and also where you are located in the world. Now that Jimmy has posted that fact I guess I can let the cat out of the bag: Big D's and 90210's IP addresses are almost exactly the same according to Jimmy. Almost as if Big D put another computer and web connection in his house. Interesting.

Well I can assure you that I am not Big D and he is not me.
Originally posted by USA90210
The only fool is you. You tried to accuse me of being Big D before, and now you're practically doing the same thing again because you're getting annoyed with me. Well, let's all calm down for a second:

You know...I wasn't always like this. It wasn't until high school that I realized how many of the blacks were destroying our school system and our community, and they "were". They also were draining the school fund for special eductional opportunities that were supposed to help them learn better, which they didn't. I watched these people go straight to rock bottom. It was all becuase they didn't care about their school work at all, and there were many many whites who didn't either, but I swear that a lot of the blacks "tried to fail", and they did a good job
at it. They were also always the ones in the fights. 98% of the fights involved black students. Something that made me upset was how rude and disrespectful they were to the staff, yet they got a lesser punishment than white kids. I always figures that it was because the administrators were afraid because they were black. I am not afraid of blacks in that way. It was wrong for things to happen the way they did in that school, and I never forgot it. You see, people like me get this way because many blacks or minorites "make" you want to hate them. Nobody just wakes up one day and decides they're going to hate black people because of the color of their skin. It doesn't work that way, as much as you think it does. Many, many, many events lead to attittudes changing like it did with me. It was a period of about 5 years that my outlook changed on the matter. I couldn't help but look down upon the blatently rude kids, the kids that would get drastically out of hand, and the kids that didn't care about school. I had straight A's and I was an excellant student. I never got any detentions, suspensions or the lot. However, I was in the same boat as everyone else. If the blacks caused a problem, I would be affected by it, whether it be by a new rule, or by being at risk in some way. We had metal detectors and security guards when all the white schools in the area never did. All black schools had to have that for safety. More safety is required in a black school. The general black population IS MORE VIOLENT! I'm not trying to "harp" on race, but let me say this. No one has to accept that every black person is going to be a criminal, drug dealer, thug, or whatever, but you have to accept facts about differences in race. Of course they are going to be different. You say it yourself ("You don't accept them because they are different")

The fact that you use two nics and post from same IP address makes you irrelevant to this discussion.
or whoever Cousin Vinnie is, I can assure you that I'm not that person either. It seems that you just don't like people that don't agree with you. What happened to your big thought on equality. What have "I" personally done to "you?"
Originally posted by OCA
The proof is right there, its irrefutable. In case you didn't know Jimmy is the admin. and has acces to all your computer's info., being the IP which is your computer's address and also where you are located in the world. Now that Jimmy has posted that fact I guess I can let the cat out of the bag: Big D's and 90210's IP addresses are almost exactly the same according to Jimmy. Almost as if Big D put another computer and web connection in his house. Interesting.
Jimnyc wrote that it was USA and Cousin Vinnes IP were the same, not mine.
AHHH, The Passion of the Monty,

I love it, this must kind of be how Jesus got his start, but you could not have your following without me.
I set this all up for you, these people were just waiting for someone anyone new to give them some kind of reason or excuse to ignore reality. And belive it or not I'm Jewish, so how perfect is that to work into this scenario?

Yes, I have been pounding away at your flock with facts, stats, current events, opinions that have all backed my feelings on this issue. Your flock was growing increasingly frustrated with reality, and the personal insults towards me were at a all time high.

Then it is almost like you have fallen from the heavens for them, just being someone new that agreed with there feelings, would have probably been enough, but you really got to the heart of the your liberal flock by useing there weekness, Guilt. You wer'nt to much different from the others, you side stepped the facts, you advoided giving any opinions on any kind or reasons or solutions to this problem, and of course you threw out personal insults. I think what they really like is the way you speak for God, it is like you are saying don't think about anything God will do it for you, you see liberals don't like to have to deal with issuses like this.

I really love the part of your speach about the hundereds and thousands of men and women who died for this country and how my opinion must have them rolling in their graves. Never mind the fact that today we are losing jobs over seas and are boarders are wide open and the quality of live in America is in a constant decline. Because these people are dead and they can't speak for themselfs, so you Monty will speak for them.

Let's pay no attention crime, abortion, rape, murder and that todays news reports that black high school dropout rates are at the highest they have ever been in the history of the U.S:
Because for anyone to pay any attention to this would simply make them, small-minded, xenophobic bigots and racists.

Monty I found this statement of yours to be quite interesting:

"So if a gay person proclaims Jesus as his Lord and Savior, and makes an honest attempt to not sin, but when he does, acknowledges the sin and asks for forgiveness, then he will be welcomed into the Kingdom of God".

What happens to a person if he or she does NOT proclaims Jesus as his or her Lord and Savior, and does not make an honest attempt to not sin?
Hey do you think any of those hundereds and thousands of men and women who died for this country could have been homosexual, where did there souls go Monty?

Be careful with your answer, you could lose your flock of born again liberals.
Originally posted by montyfowler

Now if you want to get into a philosophical or religious argument on the value of a human being or on the equality of man, then I would be more than happy to oblige you.
Here is a list of 100 facts that just point out just some of the differences between blacks and whites:


I look forward to your responce.
Originally posted by Big D
Jimnyc wrote that it was USA and Cousin Vinnes IP were the same, not mine.

That is correct, so far.

Unless someone broke into his house a few minutes after he posted and happened to use his computer to come here and post in the very same thread.
Originally posted by jimnyc
That is correct, so far.

Unless someone broke into his house a few minutes after he posted and happened to use his computer to come here and post in the very same thread.

Don't pull a classic Bill Clinton Democrat move and deny the truth when it stares you in face and evidence is iron clad.
Monty I found this statement of yours to be quite interesting:

"So if a gay person proclaims Jesus as his Lord and Savior, and makes an honest attempt to not sin, but when he does, acknowledges the sin and asks for forgiveness, then he will be welcomed into the Kingdom of God".

What happens to a person if he or she does NOT proclaims Jesus as his or her Lord and Savior, and does not make an honest attempt to not sin?
Hey do you think any of those hundereds and thousands of men and women who died for this country could have been homosexual, where did there souls go Monty?

Be careful with your answer, you could lose your flock of born again liberals.

I'll be happy to answer you. But better it come from the Lord himself.

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me.

That pretty much speaks for itself. The good news is that someday, at the end of time, everyone will recognize Jesus for who He is:

And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross. 9 Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Unfortunately for some, it will spoken as a realization that they were wrong, and for others it will be an exhaltation of what they already knew.
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