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Originally posted by jimnyc
Big D, USA90210, Cousin Vinnie, William Joyce -

I believe a lot of what you guys are saying but not all of it. I think it's mostly true but to a less severe degree than being portrayed here. I think there is a serious problem within the black community with crime. I think it's disturbing that such a small percentage of the population can be responsible for such a high percentage of the crimes. I also think racism exists more today due to the actions of the blacks than because of white oppression. At this point I think it's safe to say they are 100% responsible for their own actions. It's time to stop blaming whitey and slavery for all the blacks problems.

At the same time, you must admit that there are millions of good black people too. I'm a pretty hateful person and even I'm willing to admit that it isn't realistic to hate the entire black community because of the bad apples. I still hate the good black people too, but not because they are black, but because I pretty much hate everyone! (almost all whites too!) :laugh:

These problems are disturbing but I don't think it's deserving of consuming so much of ones time. I bet if you guys participated in other threads that are non-race related and showed you aren't racist machines you may get taken more seriously.

Again, I don't think you guys are entirely wrong in what you say. I just think sometimes it's the delivery that can be improved.

You know, thank you! Just thank you! You have stepped up unlike anyone in this room, more than even myself. I don't care that you don't totally agree with me, but you've been the most mature person here as far as your replies. Anyone one else just calls us "racists" and leaves it at that. It's also really amusing that they even try to dispute facts. "Oh...well...ah...THEY'RE FROM RACIST SITES!" I am only 15 and I would think that a bunch of people twice my age would be much more mature. That's another problem with society today. It's amazing. Tell you what, print this entire thread out, wait until you guys are 60. Then look back at how dumb you once were...
Originally posted by montyfowler
Yes. And everyone else who has been born, lived and died, since the beginning of Christ's ministry that has been exposed to the Word, who has not accepted him as their Savior.

But why would you care about all those Asians, and Indians, and Africans, and Aborigines, and American Indians buring in hell? They are less than human according to you...right?

I will be eternally grateful to my 6th grade catechism teacher. One day I asked her what would happen to my jewish and buddhist friends after they died. She responded that she believed God would judge all people fairly - and would recognize good people, no matter how they chose to worship. This was an enormous relief for me.

Jesus himself said "Judge not lest ye be judged." I am highly suspicious of anyone who thinks he has an exclusive franchise on salvation. That type of intolerance is what has caused the some of the biggest bloodbaths in human history.
Originally posted by wonderwench
I will be eternally grateful to my 6th grade catechism teacher. One day I asked her what would happen to my jewish and buddhist friends after they died. She responded that she believed God would judge all people fairly - and would recognize good people, no matter how they chose to worship. This was an enormous relief for me.

Jesus himself said "Judge not lest ye be judged." I am highly suspicious of anyone who thinks he has an exclusive franchise on salvation. That type of intolerance is what has caused the some of the biggest bloodbaths in human history.
Hey Wonder,
I hope you sitting down, because I agree with you.
Originally posted by USA90210
You know, thank you! Just thank you! You have stepped up unlike anyone in this room, more than even myself.

Actually, I've stated my feelings on a few of the issues quite a few times before. I'm just not going to let it consume every post I make on this board. There comes a point and time where you have to say "Ok, I said what I had to say, and it's obvious we are both set in our beliefs, let's just agree to disagree".

Jeez, at least go pick on the queers for awhile! :laugh:
Originally posted by jimnyc
Actually, I've stated my feelings on a few of the issues quite a few times before. I'm just not going to let it consume every post I make on this board. There comes a point and time where you have to say "Ok, I said what I had to say, and it's obvious we are both set in our beliefs, let's just agree to disagree".

Jeez, at least go pick on the queers for awhile! :laugh:

....like bully needs ganged up on...again..:laugh: :laugh: :beer:
Originally posted by Big D
Hey Wonder,
I hope you sitting down, because I agree with you.

Well Kumbaya and Pass The Ammunition!

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, Big D.

Originally posted by wonderwench
I will be eternally grateful to my 6th grade catechism teacher. One day I asked her what would happen to my jewish and buddhist friends after they died. She responded that she believed God would judge all people fairly - and would recognize good people, no matter how they chose to worship. This was an enormous relief for me.

Jesus himself said "Judge not lest ye be judged." I am highly suspicious of anyone who thinks he has an exclusive franchise on salvation. That type of intolerance is what has caused the some of the biggest bloodbaths in human history.

I'm not judging anyone.. I am simply answering a question with quotes from the Bible.

Unfortunately your chatechism teacher was not speaking from a Biblically accurate point of view. If it is Catholic catechism that you were learning, it teaches that salvation through grace plus good works will get you to heaven. The Bible teaches that it is by faith, through God's grace, in the life death and resurrection of Jesus alone that we are saved. All our works are like filthy rags before the Lord. Given our rebellious nature and our inability to turn from sin, how could we ever earn Heaven through works or deeds?
Originally posted by Big D
You have personaly attacked me because of ALL the evidence I have produced on this issue.

Nah i've attacked you because of the type of person you are and the fact that you post from plainly racist sites.
"The fact ersaer"
Now don't give me any B.S. about what fact it is.

FACTOID 28 which says that because of their arm lengths Negroes make excellent sprinters but poor distance runners.

Top 10 marathon times of all time belong to Kenyans or Ethiopians. http://www1.marathonguide.com/history/records/alltimelist.cfm?Gen=M&Sort=Race

Wonder what else this racist is wrong about.
Originally posted by USA90210
You know, thank you! Just thank you! You have stepped up unlike anyone in this room, more than even myself. I don't care that you don't totally agree with me, but you've been the most mature person here as far as your replies. Anyone one else just calls us "racists" and leaves it at that. It's also really amusing that they even try to dispute facts. "Oh...well...ah...THEY'RE FROM RACIST SITES!" I am only 15 and I would think that a bunch of people twice my age would be much more mature. That's another problem with society today. It's amazing. Tell you what, print this entire thread out, wait until you guys are 60. Then look back at how dumb you once were...

Son come talk to us after the prom and when you learn to write as yourself.
Originally posted by montyfowler
I'm not judging anyone.. I am simply answering a question with quotes from the Bible.

Unfortunately your chatechism teacher was not speaking from a Biblically accurate point of view. If it is Catholic catechism that you were learning, it teaches that salvation through grace plus good works will get you to heaven. The Bible teaches that it is by faith, through God's grace, in the life death and resurrection of Jesus alone that we are saved. All our works are like filthy rags before the Lord. Given our rebellious nature and our inability to turn from sin, how could we ever earn Heaven through works or deeds?

I am glad I had a teacher who did not shove mindless doctrine into my mind. I'm not going to debate religion with you. I respect your right to believe what you do - just as I respect others for having their own beliefs. What I do oppose is the intrusion of religion into government policy and forcing religious beliefs upon others.

As you have shared your beliefs, I'll share mine. I believe humans have the faculty of reason for a reason. Faith is the belief in something which reason defies. I do not believe God gave humans conceptual thought in order to have us abandon its use.

Faith is what those who crave power over others promote in order to manipulate them. They usually demand that the faithful act against their own self-interests in order to demonstrate their faith. It is not surprising that the keepers of the dogma of Christianity promoted this belief system - it is quite a handy tool.
Originally posted by wonderwench
I am glad I had a teacher who did not shove mindless doctrine into my mind. I'm not going to debate religion with you. I respect your right to believe what you do - just as I respect others for having their own beliefs. What I do opposed is the intrusion of religion into government policy and forcing religious beliefs upon others.

As you have shared your beliefs, I'll share mine. I believe humans have the faculty of reason for a reason. Faith is the belief in something which reason defies. I do not believe God gave humans conceptual thought in order to have us abandon its use.

Faith is what those who crave power over others promote in order to manipulate them. They usually demand that the faithful act against their own self-interests in order to demonstrate their faith. It is not surprising that the keepers of the dogma of Christianity promoted this belief system - it is quite a handy tool.

I certainly respect your point of view and would defend with my life your right to say and think whatever you like.

What you believe and the disposition of your eternal soul as a result of what you believe is a matter between you and God. My job is to speak the Truth and be faithful.
Originally posted by OCA
Son come talk to us after the prom and when you learn to write as yourself.

HA! What's that supposed to mean? I'm not someone else now am I? Besides, I can only experience more as time goes on. Anyway, you're just sore because you never thought that someone so young could put up such a descent fight and call YOU inmature at the end of it all!
Originally posted by montyfowler
I certainly respect your point of view and would defend with my life your right to say and think whatever you like.

What you believe and the disposition of your eternal soul as a result of what you believe is a matter between you and God. My job is to speak the Truth and be faithful.

You're right - it is between God and each of us individually.
Originally posted by jon_forward
15 and blind already...your father has taught you his style of hate...sad thing...at least you fessed up, thats a start..when you are able to see a person for what they are, a person...not a color...then you have made it.....I wish you well, and good luck


Someone outta lock you in the ghetto and throw away the key. That's what his job is like!

One day, you'll grow up! (coming from a 15-year-old)
Oh Goody Goody Gumdrops.

We have another drooling adolescent in our midst.
my, he needs to be put over the knee...take a nap and come back when you can keep your emotions out of the debate....as they say..the truth hurts, dont it...and I do wish you well, in time you may see that what you thought were truths may not have been...dont close your eyes to all that are around you, accept folks the way they are
Originally posted by jimnyc
Big D, USA90210, Cousin Vinnie, William Joyce -

I believe a lot of what you guys are saying but not all of it. I think it's mostly true but to a less severe degree than being portrayed here. I think there is a serious problem within the black community with crime. I think it's disturbing that such a small percentage of the population can be responsible for such a high percentage of the crimes. I also think racism exists more today due to the actions of the blacks than because of white oppression. At this point I think it's safe to say they are 100% responsible for their own actions. It's time to stop blaming whitey and slavery for all the blacks problems.

At the same time, you must admit that there are millions of good black people too. I'm a pretty hateful person and even I'm willing to admit that it isn't realistic to hate the entire black community because of the bad apples. I still hate the good black people too, but not because they are black, but because I pretty much hate everyone! (almost all whites too!) :laugh:

These problems are disturbing but I don't think it's deserving of consuming so much of ones time. I bet if you guys participated in other threads that are non-race related and showed you aren't racist machines you may get taken more seriously.

Again, I don't think you guys are entirely wrong in what you say. I just think sometimes it's the delivery that can be improved.

I see that no one's taking a shot at it since "he" was the one who said it (no offense at all jimnyc). Funny.
Originally posted by jon_forward
my, he needs to be put over the knee...take a nap and come back when you can keep your emotions out of the debate....as they say..the truth hurts, dont it...

It does, doesn't it jon?
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