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Of course, it has to do a lot with how their parents bring them up. So I guess, it's more likely in many cases for a good black person to live in a white area because of the violence in black areas. I guess that does prove that many blacks only push people out of their communties, even other blacks (the ones who know better), by the image of violence and crime many of them project.
Holy Helium, batman!

I leave this thread to go to work, come back, and find it's blown out to 50 pages now. When jim busted me to a single thread, I wonder if he thought it would get this long?

Anyway, I think we've seen some good discussion, and that's healthy. Nobody's going to change their mind about such an important topic overnight, or with a few clever posts, but if we're all willing to accept new information and interpretations, we'll all be better off.

I did want to respond to something, however, stated by Monty Fowler, the brave fellow who gives us his face and name and accuses us racialists of "hiding." Monty, there are good reasons for this. I am not ashamed of what I think about race, but unlike you, if my views were to come out in the wrong context or under the wrong circumstances, I could lose my job. Nobody gets fired in the U.S. for being "anti-racist" --- they get fired for being "racist." Think about that for a minute. So much for free speech, huh?

Monty said:

"You see...I am a Christian Conservative and my political philosophy tells me that all men are created equal. It is the basis and foundation of our democracy. No one, in their heart of hearts, can truly believe that another human being is worth less than any other, unless they have yielded themselves to the influence of evil and have abandoned all reason."

I must respond to this, because it is both theologically, doctrinally and politically wrong.

1. Nothing in Christianity says that humans are equal, save their souls. This is a liberal spin on Christianity.

2. It is serious overstatement to state that I have "yielded to evil and abandoned all reason." I am neither evil nor unreasonable. This is ad hominem attack.

3. Finally, "equality" is NOT the basis of any political system but communism. The founding fathers were anything but egalitarians, as demonstrated by their actions and writings.
Originally posted by William Joyce
Holy Helium, batman!

I leave this thread to go to work, come back, and find it's blown out to 50 pages now. When jim busted me to a single thread, I wonder if he thought it would get this long?

I figured it would grow but certainly not at this rate. Race is always a hot topic that is rarely short on material to discuss.
Originally posted by jimnyc
This much has been confirmed - USA90210 and Cousin Vinnie posted from the same IP address just a short while apart from one another yesterday. Very interesting...

Son you've been found to be using two nics from the same IP. If I was in your spot I would forget I even knew about this website because you committed the cardinal sin of message boards. Not to mention that what you represented yourself at first to be was a complete farce. Ask your dad what he thinks about misrepresentation if he's not too busy downgrading minorities at the dinner table tonight.
Originally posted by OCA
Ask your dad what he thinks about misrepresentation if he's not too busy downgrading minorities at the dinner table tonight.

First of all, my father is in his fifties and very set in his ways--I'm not about to go and try to change his mind about anything that he's set on. Secondly, you know NOTHING about my family, so keep it to the debate smart ass. Things aren't like they appear on TV--the old Italian racist fathers bashing ******* and Jews and spics. When I said I get a lot from my dad, I didn't mean that he turned me into what you would call a racist. I get to hear of his experiences in "depressed areas" and with the bums he has to put up with when he's TRYING TO HELP THEM (the criminals)! He works for the PUBLIC DEFENDERS OFFICE! But, anyway, I am done with this board. I said it before. I'm just closing it all out. I sure wish you luck becuase people with your attitude don't get very far, especially when you have to say something to them 10 times before they acknowledge. No wonder everyone has to post things over and over again (I don't care if it "really is" racist or not).
Originally posted by Big D
Jared Taylor’s talk at the 2004 American Renaissance Conference

Are blacks really more racist than whites?

When three white men dragged black James Byrd to death in Jasper, Texas, President Clinton quite properly called the crime "shocking and outrageous." "In the face of this tragedy," Clinton said, "(the people of Jasper) must join together across racial lines to demonstrate that an act of evil like this is not what this country is all about. I think that we've all been touched by it, and I can only imagine that virtually everyone who lives there is in agony at this moment. They must re-affirm, and so must we, that we will not tolerate this."

Thus, the bigots who dragged James Byrd became Exhibit A, a national symbol for white racism and hatred against blacks.

But what about Colin Ferguson? In 1993, Ferguson, a black man, boarded a Long Island Railroad commuter train and proceeded to mow down white passengers, killing six, wounding 19. Before the killings, Ferguson made frequent outbursts declaring his hatred against whites.

But somehow, Ferguson never became Exhibit A for black racism and hatred against whites. In fact, when Nassau County executive Thomas Gulotta called Ferguson an "animal," Jesse Jackson accused Gulotta of "stereotyping"! Most Americans, quite reasonably, considered Ferguson an abhorrent, hateful, deviant murderer, not some symbol for black bigotry. Of course, both cases -- the Byrd killing and the Ferguson rampage -- are aberrant instances of racial hatred. But where we see black/white crime, the bad guy is usually black.

In one recent year, the FBI recorded 1.7 million violent acts -- murder, manslaughter, rape, and aggravated assault -- of interracial crime. Of that figure, nearly 1.2 million involved black-white crime. Ninety percent of these cases involved a black perpetrator and a white victim. Thus, blacks, while comprising 12 percent of the population, committed over one million acts of violent crime against whites. On the other hand, whites, while comprising 70 percent of the population, committed about 100,000 acts of violent crime against blacks.

Look at hate crime. In 1995, the FBI recorded 7,947 incidents of hate crimes. But blacks, again while comprising 12 percent of the population, committed 27 percent of hate crimes. Whites, 70 percent of the population, committed 59 percent of hate crimes. And of the nearly one million black violent acts against whites, how many were driven by racial animus? During the 1992 Los Angeles riots, Damien "Football" Williams assaulted white trucker Reginald Denny. Williams clearly targeted Denny because of his race, even allowing a black motorist to proceed unharmed. But despite hate-crime laws on the books, authorities never charged Williams with a hate crime.

Similarly, when a group of black teenagers assaulted then raped the so-called "Central Park Jogger," few called the assault a "hate crime." Instead, many called the attack a case of "wilding," a practice where youths go on a rampage.

Are the majority of blacks racist? Of course not, no more so than are the majority of whites. The point here is perspective. When blacks condemn white bigotry, we must be equally vigilant about black bigotry.

Blacks face bigger issues. Inner-city public schools need competition. Blacks stand to benefit disproportionately from the privatization of Social Security. Calling off the war on drugs will, among other things, diminish the number of interactions between the police and civilians, decreasing the frequency of "DWB" -- Driving While Black. Screaming "white racism," and spending time and energy exaggerating its effect steals attention from deeper problems -- illegitimacy, bad schools, high crime -- which have little to do with white racism.

Black defense attorney Johnnie L. Cochran tells us, "Race plays a part of everything in America." But, recently, America's pre-eminent white racism fighter, Jesse Jackson, busied himself settling a municipal bus strike in Los Angeles (and receiving a $100,000 fee in the process). Jackson recently co-authored a -- get this -- financial advice book, "It's About the Money," with his son. So, just how bad can things be?

First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton tells us, "It Takes a Village." Now, Reverend Jesse Jackson says, "It's About the Money." Maybe Mrs. Clinton and Rev. Jackson can team up on a new book, "It's About Hard Work, Good Values, Schools at Work, Responsible Parenting, and Avoiding Counter-Productive Behavior."

Here is the truth about Mr. Taylor, this "man" that Willie and D admire. http://www.adl.org/learn/ext_us/amren.asp?xpicked=5&item=amren

Notice the links to "The Turner Diaries" the book that was found with Timothy McVeigh when he was capture and the link to white power music groups. Special, real special.
Having white pride isn't racist. Black people have black pride and that's okay. I'm not saying it's not.

But, of course, you're more likely to let black racists off anyway, because they are black, but you HATE white racists.
Quote from USA90210:

"You say that race doesn't matter and that all are equal. I think it just so happens that I am more sympathetic towards white people and you are more sympathetic towards minorities."
Originally posted by OCA
Here is the truth about Mr. Taylor, this "man" that Willie and D admire. http://www.adl.org/learn/ext_us/amren.asp?xpicked=5&item=amren

Notice the links to "The Turner Diaries" the book that was found with Timothy McVeigh when he was capture and the link to white power music groups. Special, real special.
The truth is that this article was NOT written by Jared Taylor, I posted it under Jayed Talor to flush out the true racist like OCA.

The article was in fact written by a black man by the name of Larry Elder: http://www.jewishworldreview.com/cols/elder102600.asp
OCA is linking us to a Jewish supremacy group in order to discredit Jared Taylor? Duh, dude. The Anti-Defamation League has more hatred oozing from its lushly-appointed offices than any place on EARTH. For the truth about this criminal outfit (recently successfully SUED for libel and slander, btw), see here:

Originally posted by USA90210 to OCA
Having white pride isn't racist. Black people have black pride and that's okay. I'm not saying it's not.

But, of course, you're more likely to let black racists off anyway, because they are black, but you HATE white racists.

How do you feel about this Big D because I think this is actually the way he thinks?
we all have the right to our opinions, face it. thats what most of the post here are. some have said that hate has been expressed some because of these views. I have hate for no one, I have stated that it [to me]it is sad that some people have the feelings toward others that have been shown . I will continue to judge people based on each ones character..their color,or lack of it isnt a factor. And yes I do feel sorry for those that have blinders on, you are missing out on what life has to offer. I do not live in fear...
Oh yeah? I'm inviting you to New York City as soon as practicable. You and I, friend, will walk through the Bronx. I won't go everywhere, but you will. I'll give you a map to the places you're to visit.

Whaddya say, bud?

Oh, wait. Even better. Get your sorry ass to HAITI and spend the week there. Then, if you get out alive, come and tell us how the experienced enriched your life.

Heh heh heh.
Originally posted by William Joyce
Oh yeah? I'm inviting you to New York City as soon as practicable. You and I, friend, will walk through the Bronx. I won't go everywhere, but you will. I'll give you a map to the places you're to visit.

163rd and Broadway. Been there more times than I care to admit!
I think NY pales to some of the places ive been in LA. I mean when cops drive up to you and ask you how you have the guts to go into places, you know its someplace alittle dangerous.
Originally posted by Big D
The truth is that this article was NOT written by Jared Taylor, I posted it under Jayed Talor to flush out the true racist like OCA.

The article was in fact written by a black man by the name of Larry Elder: http://www.jewishworldreview.com/cols/elder102600.asp

You see, here is the stuff that D has to resort to in order to further his argument. Me I tell you straight up how it is without tricks. Whether it was Taylor or the black man he is still a racist piece of crap. I stand by my assessment of the avowed neo-nazi Taylor and will look into this black guy. D if this is who you want to be known as, a nazi, have at it. You can't catch me as anything but the person I am, A TRUE CONSERVATIVE WHO BELIEVES THAT EVERYONE SHOULD BE JUDGED ON INDIVIDUAL CHARACHTER. If a white,black, Asian, hispanic etc. etc. is espousing anathema racist filth I will call him on it.

I still have not heard you acknowledge your misstatements D concerning the LAPD most wanted and the Rampart scandal or are we going to conveniently sidestep that like everything else?
Originally posted by USA90210
How do you feel about this Big D because I think this is actually the way he thinks?

The fact that you have to use two nics and post from the same IP address makes you irrelevant in this discussion, little boy.
Funny thing though, I have been to many islands and have found the people there to be most kind, warm, and generous. Now I am not talking about tourist areas, but rather in the heart and jungles of the islands. I would venture to say that Haiti is an exception to the rule !
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