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Well, it's obvious that you guys just don't want me here any more so you try to blame me again for being someone else, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it, and quite frankly I done coming in here and fighting an endless battle with you bunch of losers. Is that all you do is talk on this forum. I've only been on it since Friday and I feel like it's been a big waste of time in just a couple days. I have other things to do that don't involve arguing with one-track minded people that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. You think you know every damn thing. You don't! Neither do I or anybody. I'm just a plain racist to you and I should die huh? Well, you sure judge people quite wrongfully. In fact, I am 15 years old and in 9th grade. That's the only misleading thing that I've said since I've been in this forum. Don't let it fool you though, kids see more than there parents these days, but I've got the views from my perspective and my father's because he really does work for the Public Defenders office Anyway, though, I'm going to be the better person and step away, and entitle other people to their views whether they're right or not. Now, I don't entitle other people to dispute facts just because they don't accept the person that's posting them, but I'm not worried about it--it's just an Internet chat room. Whos to say that every person in here isn't lying about everything they post?
Originally posted by OCA
Don't pull a classic Bill Clinton Democrat move and deny the truth when it stares you in face and evidence is iron clad.

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by montyfowler
I'll be happy to answer you. But better it come from the Lord himself.

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me.

That pretty much speaks for itself. The good news is that someday, at the end of time, everyone will recognize Jesus for who He is:

And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross. 9 Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Unfortunately for some, it will spoken as a realization that they were wrong, and for others it will be an exhaltation of what they already knew.

So if a person does not think of Jesus as their saviour and admit their sin of homosexuality they will be cast away into hell?
My son you will figure things out when you get older and your hair grows back from the skinhead shaving. Come talk to us when you have some life experiences and decide you don't want to fabricate every single word you say.
Big D...you have to be yanking our collective chain. The link you provided isn't even good racist trash. It is laughable! Good God, man. At least have the decency to bolster your riduculous position with facts that have a veneer of credibility.

No wonder you won't show your face!
AHHH, The Passion of the Monty,

I love it, this must kind of be how Jesus got his start, but you could not have your following without me.
I set this all up for you, these people were just waiting for someone anyone new to give them some kind of reason or excuse to ignore reality. And belive it or not I'm Jewish, so how perfect is that to work into this scenario?

Yes, I have been pounding away at your flock with facts, stats, current events, opinions that have all backed my feelings on this issue. Your flock was growing increasingly frustrated with reality, and the personal insults towards me were at a all time high.

Then it is almost like you have fallen from the heavens for them, just being someone new that agreed with there feelings, would have probably been enough, but you really got to the heart of the your liberal flock by useing there weekness, Guilt. You wer'nt to much different from the others, you side stepped the facts, you advoided giving any opinions on any kind or reasons or solutions to this problem, and of course you threw out personal insults. I think what they really like is the way you speak for God, it is like you are saying don't think about anything God will do it for you, you see liberals don't like to have to deal with issuses like this.

I really love the part of your speach about the hundereds and thousands of men and women who died for this country and how my opinion must have them rolling in their graves. Never mind the fact that today we are losing jobs over seas and are boarders are wide open and the quality of live in America is in a constant decline. Because these people are dead and they can't speak for themselfs, so you Monty will speak for them.

Let's pay no attention crime, abortion, rape, murder and that todays news reports that black high school dropout rates are at the highest they have ever been in the history of the U.S:
Because for anyone to pay any attention to this would simply make them, small-minded, xenophobic bigots and racists.
15 and blind already...your father has taught you his style of hate...sad thing...at least you fessed up, thats a start..when you are able to see a person for what they are, a person...not a color...then you have made it.....I wish you well, and good luck
Originally posted by Big D
So if a person does not think of Jesus as their saviour and admit their sin of homosexuality they will be cast away into hell?

I don't know about Monty but in my beliefs yes, that also includes Jews who don't accept Jesus as the son of god.
Originally posted by Big D
So if a person does not think of Jesus as their saviour and admit their sin of homosexuality they will be cast away into hell?

They only need not do the first part to end up in hell. They not only need to think Jesus is their Savior, but they must "confess it with their mouth". Homosexuality, like any other sin only separates us more from God.
Originally posted by montyfowler
Big D...you have to be yanking our collective chain. The link you provided isn't even good racist trash. It is laughable! Good God, man. At least have the decency to bolster your riduculous position with facts that have a veneer of credibility.

No wonder you won't show your face!

You would think then you would be able to at least dispute one of the 100 facts?

Originally posted by montyfowler
Big D...you have to be yanking our collective chain. The link you provided isn't even good racist trash. It is laughable! Good God, man. At least have the decency to bolster your riduculous position with facts that have a veneer of credibility.

No wonder you won't show your face!

This is what i've been saying all along. Their sources are laughable. I would really like to see D research every one of these "facts" at his local library or look them all up in his encyclopedia but he won't. He takes any kooks word as gold on the web.
Originally posted by Big D
You would think then you would be able to at least dispute one of the 100 facts?


You know what...just to humor you, I'll spend some time refuting a few. But most of them are like punchlines to idotic sixth grade jokes.
Originally posted by montyfowler
They only need not do the first part to end up in hell. They not only need to think Jesus is their Savior, but they must "confess it with their mouth". Homosexuality, like any other sin only separates us more from God.
So you belive the good people who fought for this country all went to hell, if they did not belive in Jesus?
Originally posted by montyfowler
You know what...just to humor you, I'll spend some time refuting a few. But most of them are like punchlines to idotic sixth grade jokes.
I bet you will start with the history ones, I will be impressed if you debate any crime, or current facts.
Originally posted by Big D
So you belive the good people who fought for this country all went to hell, if they did not belive in Jesus?

Yes. And everyone else who has been born, lived and died, since the beginning of Christ's ministry that has been exposed to the Word, who has not accepted him as their Savior.

But why would you care about all those Asians, and Indians, and Africans, and Aborigines, and American Indians buring in hell? They are less than human according to you...right?
Originally posted by OCA
This is what i've been saying all along. Their sources are laughable. I would really like to see D research every one of these "facts" at his local library or look them all up in his encyclopedia but he won't. He takes any kooks word as gold on the web.
You have personaly attacked me because of ALL the evidence I have produced on this issue.
Big D, USA90210, Cousin Vinnie, William Joyce -

I believe a lot of what you guys are saying but not all of it. I think it's mostly true but to a less severe degree than being portrayed here. I think there is a serious problem within the black community with crime. I think it's disturbing that such a small percentage of the population can be responsible for such a high percentage of the crimes. I also think racism exists more today due to the actions of the blacks than because of white oppression. At this point I think it's safe to say they are 100% responsible for their own actions. It's time to stop blaming whitey and slavery for all the blacks problems.

At the same time, you must admit that there are millions of good black people too. I'm a pretty hateful person and even I'm willing to admit that it isn't realistic to hate the entire black community because of the bad apples. I still hate the good black people too, but not because they are black, but because I pretty much hate everyone! (almost all whites too!) :laugh:

These problems are disturbing but I don't think it's deserving of consuming so much of ones time. I bet if you guys participated in other threads that are non-race related and showed you aren't racist machines you may get taken more seriously.

Again, I don't think you guys are entirely wrong in what you say. I just think sometimes it's the delivery that can be improved.
Originally posted by montyfowler
Yes. And everyone else who has been born, lived and died, since the beginning of Christ's ministry that has been exposed to the Word, who has not accepted him as their Savior.

But why would you care about all those Asians, and Indians, and Africans, and Aborigines, and American Indians buring in hell? They are less than human according to you...right?
I don't think any group of people is less human then any other, I belive that there are many differences.

As a Jew we belive no one is going to hell, Sounds like Jesus is not about love but about making threats.
I agree with everything you say, I am the type of person who always likes to go after what I think is the biggest problem, I belive the racism shown towards whites is the biggest problem in America today.
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