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Montyfowler - that was a very good post, and I applaud you for it. However, I do have a question for you - as a Christian as you say you are, can you ask me what you think of gays? and this is not about racist or making fun of anything, this is a TRUE question. The reason I ask, is, knowing some people that are Christians, they say they as you do, about all being equal and loving, right down to prayers before dinner. Yet, I brought up once that i have a relative that is Gay, and that had eyes pop out - I was told, that God claims this to be a sin, and that it's not that they hate them, but, don't associate with them for those reasons. So, if all are EQUAL, then how can a comment like that come out of a Christian??? I don't knock any religion at all - they are born again christians, and i do know some that are truly great people, but I am wondering if there are some that seem people that tend to make their own made up religion along the way.

As far as pictures go, there have been many on this board that HAVE posted their pictures in a thread strictly for just that, I was one of those people. Yes, you have many that don't!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for that post!!!!!!
Yes Monty, very good post. You expressed what I and perhaps others believe toward racisist issues. I hope you comment on avatars was not directed toward me. I did have an elk in my avatar until recently but changed it (not because of your post), I have not made a racisist comment.
Originally posted by montyfowler
Stop hiding behind your silly avatars showing guns, or deer, or flags. If you are truly men and women of conviction...then come out of the shadows and show everyone your face.
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Yes Monty, very good post. You expressed what I and perhaps others believe toward racisist issues. I hope you comment on avatars was not directed toward me. I did have an elk in my avatar until recently but changed it (not because of your post), I have not made a racisist comment.

I'm not as bad as the others but I've made quite a few racist comments! LOL

My picture has been posted quite a few times on this board. So much for that theory, Monty.
Originally posted by janeeng
Montyfowler - that was a very good post, and I applaud you for it. However, I do have a question for you - as a Christian as you say you are, can you ask me what you think of gays? and this is not about racist or making fun of anything, this is a TRUE question. The reason I ask, is, knowing some people that are Christians, they say they as you do, about all being equal and loving, right down to prayers before dinner. Yet, I brought up once that i have a relative that is Gay, and that had eyes pop out - I was told, that God claims this to be a sin, and that it's not that they hate them, but, don't associate with them for those reasons. So, if all are EQUAL, then how can a comment like that come out of a Christian??? I don't knock any religion at all - they are born again christians, and i do know some that are truly great people, but I am wondering if there are some that seem people that tend to make their own made up religion along the way.

As far as pictures go, there have been many on this board that HAVE posted their pictures in a thread strictly for just that, I was one of those people. Yes, you have many that don't!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for that post!!!!!!

The Bible says that engaging in homosexual activity is a sin. But the Bible also tells us that when we are confronted with sinful behavior we should love the sinner and hate the sin. I have three sons and my wife and I have often discussed how we would react if one of our sons told us he was gay. We would simply love him and counsel him that if he truly believes he is gay, that he should do everything in his power to avoid acting on the impulse. Obviously this is a very dificult thing to do.

That is why it is so important to know Jesus. He came into the flesh, suffered and died to pay for our inability to stop sinning. By His death and resurrection, He paid for all of our sins, past, present and future.

So if a gay person proclaims Jesus as his Lord and Savior, and makes an honest attempt to not sin, but when he does, acknowledges the sin and asks for forgiveness, then he will be welcomed into the Kingdom of God.
Thank you for answering that Montyfowler - I see that you are true and unfortanately, I don't think the people I were speaking of, are truly standing behind that then - being it's their say that they shouldn't associate with gays, tells me, what if their kids were GAY? would they love them in the way you say you would?

A pleasure to have you at the board!
Originally posted by Big D
Where is my hanky when I need it.
I belive that child molesters are inferior and violent.
This is just another mindless post to make people feel guilty for questioning the criminal element in their neigborhoods, and close there eyes to reality.
I have not said any group is inferior, I have just pointed out the differences between different races of people. You have concluded on your own that one group is somehow in inferior. You simply ignore all the facts of the issue, tell us about how your a man of God and then go about with name calling and personal insults.
When the people who ask us to celebrate diversity(difference) find out what those differences are, they no longer want to celebrate.

Instead of asking us all to ignore what is happing in the world, explain why one group of people have such a high rate of criminal behaviour and others don't?
Monty's home town:

Pictures of most wanted in Chicago:

In Monty's great state of Illinois the black population is 15%,
but the black prison population is 65%:

Races in Chicago:

Black (36.8%)
White Non-Hispanic (31.3%)
Hispanic (26.0%)
Other race (13.6%)
Two or more races (2.9%)
Chinese (1.1%)
Filipino (1.0%)
Asian Indian (0.9%)
American Indian (0.7%)
Other Asian (0.5%)

Crime in Chicago (2001):
666 murders (23.0 per 100,000)
1,902 rapes (65.7 per 100,000)
18,433 robberies (636.5 per 100,000)
25,533 assaults (881.7 per 100,000)
25,966 burglaries (896.6 per 100,000)
97,496 larceny counts (3366.6 per 100,000)
27,694 auto thefts (956.3 per 100,000)
City-data.com crime index = 690.5 (higher means more crime, US average = 330.6)

In Monty's great city of Chicago the crime rate is double the national average.

Do you not see from your constant harping on race and that whites are less this and less that you are in fact claiming that whites are superior and everybody else is inferior, well except maybe Asians but even I don't believe you truelly believe that Asians are smarter than the white man. Again with the stats, how many times must you be told that race is a small factor and not the only factor? Are you THAT one dimensional?

Face it Monty touched a nerve on you and you don't like it.
Originally posted by OCA
Willie do you take everybody for fools? Pro white is code word for white supremist or seperatist. You people aren't stupid enugh to go around in sheets or big black boots with white laces anymore
you've put on suits and disguise yourselves as being proud of being white. Well shit takes many different forms but still smells like shit. This stupid fucking notion that whites are an endangered species is complete nonsense. Take a look at the Forbes 500 list and tell me how many of those companies are run by white CEO'S. We as white people still have everything just that white people like you want to keep the boot on the neck of minorities so they never get up. Dispicable.

So, white CEO's are just supposed to give up their job to a black person because they're black and they need to "get up?" That's the shit that I hate about what people try to do these days, and "that's" dispicable. The fact is, is that more white people are qualified to be CEO's of large companies, positions that require lots of responsibility. Blacks don't have to be "CEO's" to get anywhere in life.
because people like you dont want them to be CEO's and there fore are never given the chance to prove themselves......you would be perfectly happy if all the people that were different from yourself would fall off the face of the earth...you and cousin share a room somewhere????
Dumb ass and ignorant moron, Where in that post do you see anything about white CEO'S having to give up their jobs? You completely missed the point of that post which was whites are in no way endangered or threatened or anything else, all that B.S. is just another way of saying we hate minorities and we're going to keep them down too because as white people we just about have all the wealth in this country but thats not enough. So whats to be threatened about? If you can't understand posts maybe you should stay off this thread.

Also the fact that you need two nics and post from same IP address makes you irrelevant to this discussion.
Originally posted by OCA
We are all equal, one race the human race. Do we have distinct cultures, yes but is one race more intelligent than another? NO. I'll say this FUCK YOU AND YOU'RE RACIST VIEWS. You are the whole problem with America and the reason things are fucked up. Since when did you become so arrogant that you're opinions became fact? Contrary to you I don't sit around on my computer, I am in Baltimore and D.C. daily on business and if you think where you live is violent check the stats on those two towns you ignorant, uneducated piece of shit. Never had a problem in either town because i'm not afraid unlike you and treat the citizens with respect. You on the other hand probably see a black coming down you're side of the street and cross to the other side so he won't "jack" you. I'd fucking beat you're ass too if you disrespected me like that. You're a Democrat and you don't give two shits about the average American other than fleecing them with taxes. You are rich man, you care about blacks and whites? do you think everybody here is gullible enough to believe you? Other than that you are a worthless piece of human debris and deserve a slow, debilitating, fatal disease. Help us out will ya.

Originally posted by USA90210
True. We all are the the human race, but we're not all equal. That's just crazy. Someone convicted of a serious crime and in jail for life is not equal to an honest, hard-working, respectful citizen.

Everyone has distinct cultures, even within the races. However, it's possible for one race to be more intelligent than another. How is that "not" possible. The bottom line is, overall, white people are smarter than black people. That's a fact. It doesn't matter if you're a racist or not, a Democrat or a Republican, it's still going to be a fact whether you like it or not.

Where I live is violent, but where you live "is" much more violent--more black people. You just gave me that one yourself. Unlike it may sound, I treat everyone with respect, white or black, all the time unless they show blatent disrespect for me.

And, no I don't cross the street when a black person is coming. I'm not "afraid" of black people, but there is a significant higher risk being in a black area as opposed to a white area. "That's" a fact. By the way, you must be pretty violent yourself if you'd beat someone's ass for crossing the street to avoid you. Would you do it if it was a black person, or is that against your religion.

No, everybody here is NOT gullible enough to believe me, they're just too dumb.

It's funny how you said that it's people like me that caused all the problems. How is that the slightest bit accurate. How did "I" fuck everything up? or anyone like me for that matter?

I deserve a slow, debilitating, fatal disease? What so I can't tell anyone else the truth? You know, YOU seem like quite a violent and disrespectful person. You're not black. But of course that "does" back up the fact that not "all" white people are good individuals now are they.

You never gave me a response OCA.
Originally posted by USA90210
You never gave me a response OCA.

Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer do I need to go on?
Yeah all white people are not good just as all black people or even some, more like a few that the majority focuses on, are not bad. Also, I repeat, where did you get the ridiculous idea that everything you say is the truth? And we're all dumb because we don't hate blacks, thats good.

The fact that you use two nics from the same IP address makes you irrelevant to this discussion.
I forgot. people like you and your white vs black attitude have been responsible for real heartache in this country thoughout its history and countless innocent deaths. You hold us back from real progress on racial issues. Debate that!
We all are the the human race, but we're not all equal. That's just crazy. Someone convicted of a serious crime and in jail for life is not equal to an honest, hard-working, respectful citizen.

What criteria do you use to determine equality? Is it a person's IQ, or their income, or whether they have a criminal record, or maybe it is religion? Please tell me?

The only measure that truly matters, as far as Americans are concerned, is the Constitution. It is pretty clear on the subject.

Now if you want to get into a philosophical or religious argument on the value of a human being or on the equality of man, then I would be more than happy to oblige you.

But don't come here and say that just because someone has been convicted of a crime and is paying his debt to society that he or she is somehow worth less as a person. What if that convicted criminal was your son, or daughter, or brother? What then? Would you say he or she is less than equal to you?

So tell me, which aspect of the human condition would you like to debate you faceless coward?

Funny how none of the racists have added their face as an avatar yet. What are you people scared of? Oh, that's right... You guys only have balls to say stuff like this while you're tucked safely away in your basements with your rebel flag hanging on the wall.
Originally posted by OCA
Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer do I need to go on?
Yeah all white people are not good just as all black people or even some, more like a few that the majority focuses on, are not bad. Also, I repeat, where did you get the ridiculous idea that everything you say is the truth? And we're all dumb because we don't hate blacks, thats good.

The fact that you use two nics from the same IP address makes you irrelevant to this discussion.

Nothing I've said here can't be verified by what you would call legitaimate statistics. It's not what I say, it's the information that I take in and pass on.

And where did you get the idea that I had 2 nicknames again? What we're all racist, so you think we're the same person. Face it, there are other people the support our side, or somewhat support it. Just about every person I know (hundreds of people) would agree with the basic idea that I put forth here, and they aren't racists, Nazi's, white-suprem., or KKK members--they are just normal people. I myself am a very normal person. I haven't talked about the things I post here in quite awhile. I came to this forum to discuss it because of a few recent incidents coming from the black population that sparked a desire to talk about the issue.
But, as I said, most of the people I know would agree that generally they would rather stay away from blacks--it's a much better way to raise a family. Many, many friends and family moved out to white suburbs to get away from it all so their children didn't have to put up with problems from blacks that are very common closer to the city. Believe me, it happens, especially to younger kids. I just had two white neighbors in elementary school, and they were having major problems with a group of blacks, and their mother just decided to take them out and put them into a Catholic school so they could be safe and get an education without all the distractions many blacks caused at the public school. I would never in the best interest of children subject them to the type of school I went to. And that is hardly speaking about blacks. If it poses a threat to my child at all, and it hinders their ability to learn, I want them out. It got better for me as I advanced in school because I was in more advaced classes that only white people were in coincidently enough, but you're right to an extent, race doesn't have everything in the world to do with it all, but ah, the schools where there are blacks are much more violent and more probable to turn good kids into bad kids.
AHHH, The Passion of the Monty,

I love it, this must kind of be how Jesus got his start, but you could not have your following without me.
I set this all up for you, these people were just waiting for someone anyone new to give them some kind of reason or excuse to ignore reality. And belive it or not I'm Jewish, so how perfect is that to work into this scenario?

Yes, I have been pounding away at your flock with facts, stats, current events, opinions that have all backed my feelings on this issue. Your flock was growing increasingly frustrated with reality, and the personal insults towards me were at a all time high.

Then it is almost like you have fallen from the heavens for them, just being someone new that agreed with there feelings, would have probably been enough, but you really got to the heart of the your liberal flock by useing there weekness, Guilt. You wer'nt to much different from the others, you side stepped the facts, you advoided giving any opinions on any kind or reasons or solutions to this problem, and of course you threw out personal insults. I think what they really like is the way you speak for God, it is like you are saying don't think about anything God will do it for you, you see liberals don't like to have to deal with issuses like this.

I really love the part of your speach about the hundereds and thousands of men and women who died for this country and how my opinion must have them rolling in their graves. Never mind the fact that today we are losing jobs over seas and are boarders are wide open and the quality of live in America is in a constant decline. Because these people are dead and they can't speak for themselfs, so you Monty will speak for them.

Let's pay no attention crime, abortion, rape, murder and that todays news reports that black high school dropout rates are at the highest they have ever been in the history of the U.S:
Because for anyone to pay any attention to this would simply make them, small-minded, xenophobic bigots and racists.

Monty I found this statement of yours to be quite interesting:

"So if a gay person proclaims Jesus as his Lord and Savior, and makes an honest attempt to not sin, but when he does, acknowledges the sin and asks for forgiveness, then he will be welcomed into the Kingdom of God".

What happens to a person if he or she does NOT proclaims Jesus as his or her Lord and Savior, and does not make an honest attempt to not sin?
Hey do you think any of those hundereds and thousands of men and women who died for this country could have been homosexual, where did there souls go Monty?

Be careful with your answer, you could lose your flock of born again liberals.
Originally posted by jimnyc
This much has been confirmed - USA90210 and Cousin Vinnie posted from the same IP address just a short while apart from one another yesterday. Very interesting...

The fact that you use two nics and post from the same IP address makes you irrelevant to this discussion.

Face it you screwed up. Have fun in your misery.
Originally posted by montyfowler
What criteria do you use to determine equality? Is it a person's IQ, or their income, or whether they have a criminal record, or maybe it is religion? Please tell me?

The only measure that truly matters, as far as Americans are concerned, is the Constitution. It is pretty clear on the subject.

Now if you want to get into a philosophical or religious argument on the value of a human being or on the equality of man, then I would be more than happy to oblige you.

But don't come here and say that just because someone has been convicted of a crime and is paying his debt to society that he or she is somehow worth less as a person. What if that convicted criminal was your son, or daughter, or brother? What then? Would you say he or she is less than equal to you?

So tell me, which aspect of the human condition would you like to debate you faceless coward?

Funny how none of the racists have added their face as an avatar yet. What are you people scared of? Oh, that's right... You guys only have balls to say stuff like this while you're tucked safely away in your basements with your rebel flag hanging on the wall.

Equality has nothing to do with IQ, and CERTAINLY nothing to do with income or religion. You think that I'm THAT evil. Now, I have said that generally white IQ is higher than black IQ, but I never said that "that's" what should make blacks unequal from whites.

"But don't come here and say that just because someone has been convicted of a crime and is paying his debt to society that he or she is somehow worth less as a person." Now I consider myself religous, but that's taking it far. I will not accept someone who thinks that you're no less a person even if you go out and kill 100 people. As far as my son or daughter, I wouldn't neglect to teach my children right from wrong as some dead-ass parents on welfare do. No wonder their kids commit crimes. Some of them don't know any better. If the parents would set an example, there wouldn't be as many problems as there are.
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