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Originally posted by Johnney
not posted twice so we can understand it. look back at how many times they have posted the same information. now how many people have crossed over to their way of thinking? none? they do it to spew their bullshit views. thats it

Are you saying that they are not allowed to have their views because YOU say so? Besides, posting the same thing over and over doesn't make it any less true. Their statistics are true because I've checked it out.
Originally posted by Johnney
you dont understand, they were bleeding it into other threats. thats why there is this one.

That still doesn't mean that they're lying.
Originally posted by jimnyc
Very interesting...

A few new users of late have joined, all from the same internet provider and all connecting through the same proxy server...

I fucking knew it! The roaches are doubling their nics in order to artificially inflate support for their position, incredible!
Originally posted by OCA
I fucking knew it! The roaches are doubling their nics in order to artificially inflate support for their position, incredible!

Who are "the roaches?"
I can point you to alot of sites with "facts" it up to you rather to believe em or not. and yes almost to a fault on any other thread about nothing that has anything to do with race, these guys will say something race baesd. if you want to talk shit stay at yahoo...or some other shityass site....and if race is the number one thing for you to post about..this is THE place..this thread...unless an aryan nation site suits you better, or nazi, skinhead, KKK....
Michael J. Polignano also has his own site, here:


Read his columns, and see who's got facts and who's full of insults.

National Vanguard online is the web news service of the National Alliance, a pro-white group. Shocking that some white people would have the moxie to speak up on their own behalf, but there you have it. If you disagree, there are any number of groups for you to join:

The Democrats
The Socialists
The Communists
The "neo-cons"
Originally posted by Cousin Vinnie
Well, my best guess would be anyone in this forum that you don't agree with.
dount it. we all disagree at one time or another over a topic or two. but having the narrow rasict vision like you guys do, i can see why you cant see who it was directed at
WhiteNationalist......new code for KKK....how can trying to end multiracial culture not be an offspring of the KKK,white aryan-nation or the white-supremist skinhead new nazis???? I watch a rerun of the kids killed in the mid 60s that were fighting for civil rights and were killed by the KKK....you know who I thought of....a few from this board...that is sad...."we are not against all races" just the ones that arent white.....if you get mugged, you probably deserved it
Originally posted by Johnney
you sound like 90210, who sounds like bully

Thanks for the comliment. You guys all sound alike too. You have a lot in common too. To start, you guys can't accept the truth it seems. It's not all about race, but that's what we're here talking about. I mean, the differences in race to tend to separate people. I feel very different than black bums on the streets of Detroit I see every morning driving to work.
Originally posted by jon_forward
different names..same bs...broken record...

I can say the same things about you: Johnney, Jon, OCA, etc. You guys post the same bs like a broken record to. All I see is racist, racist, racist, racist, racist. I don't try to hate black people, and I don't think they do either. They just like to point out the problems that blacks cause. There are a lot of them I must say.
Originally posted by William Joyce
Michael J. Polignano also has his own site, here:


Read his columns, and see who's got facts and who's full of insults.

National Vanguard online is the web news service of the National Alliance, a pro-white group. Shocking that some white people would have the moxie to speak up on their own behalf, but there you have it. If you disagree, there are any number of groups for you to join:

The Democrats
The Socialists
The Communists
The "neo-cons"

Willie do you take everybody for fools? Pro white is code word for white supremist or seperatist. You people aren't stupid enugh to go around in sheets or big black boots with white laces anymore
you've put on suits and disguise yourselves as being proud of being white. Well shit takes many different forms but still smells like shit. This stupid fucking notion that whites are an endangered species is complete nonsense. Take a look at the Forbes 500 list and tell me how many of those companies are run by white CEO'S. We as white people still have everything just that white people like you want to keep the boot on the neck of minorities so they never get up. Dispicable.
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