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Originally posted by OCA
Never, because you can only affect what you personally are involved in. On the edge? Should we be worried about your mental state and going postal one day? I fear no one therefore these things that you fear don't bother me. I mean really what the fuck are you going to do? I'll tell you, absolutely zero so why be an unhappy turd your whole life over shit you can do nothing about.

The only people that are keeping something from being done are naive, hard-headed people like you...
This is where you are wrong, you are not engaged in fact but hyperbole. Your mind is soured and everything you see day to day is clouded by your hatred of color. So a Black man driving an Escalade is automatically a dope dealer to you although you have no evidence to that.
OCA, maybe this will help.

Yes, there are differences within races. Some blacks are smarter than other blacks, and some whites are smarter than other whites.

Yes, there are blacks smarter than whites.

Yes, there are white criminals, whites with AIDS, and whites on welfare.

Yes, there are blacks who abide by the law and are quite nice people.

But we are talking here about general patterns. All available data indicates that whites are generally smarter and generally less-inclined toward crime. In other words, THERE IS A SUCH THING AS GROUP REALITY. That has consequences. We can't run around pretending that we're all just individuals with no group membership, because this is not how humans conceive of themselves or the world. Very, very few people have NO identity beyond "self." At the very least, we should have the decency to acknowledge scientific facts about racial difference, and go from there.

How is keeping the truth hidden going to help anyone?
Why is it that you can't embrace fact: the facts that come through me and the ones that come through statistics? Answer me that. Like why can't you accept that minorities as a whole are considerably more violent than whites? Why?

William just made a very good point just now.
Originally posted by USA90210
The only people that are keeping something from being done are naive, hard-headed people like you...

You are so wrong about this. People who want to turn this into us vs them are the big problem in US today. Sorry but thats the opinion of about 99% of the country. Personally for me things are good but for you there is no prospect of things being good because that would shoot down your argument, then what will you have to talk about.
Originally posted by OCA
You are so wrong about this. People who want to turn this into us vs them are the big problem in US today. Sorry but thats the opinion of about 99% of the country. Personally for me things are good but for you there is no prospect of things being good because that would shoot down your argument, then what will you have to talk about.

Anyone who thinks that society is GOOD is a real asshole. Anybody who thinks it's going to get better is even further out there. The fact is that society quality for blacks and whites has been going downhill for the past century. Blacks only escalate this treck to the bottom and it pisses me off personally.
I happen to care about the society that I live in, and not speaking out just because you think nothing will be done won't get anybody anywhere. What would have ever gotten done in history with that attitude? Think about it
Look, I don't close my eyes on reality. That's the kind of person I am, not at all a racist as you find it amusing to say, but just aware of my surroudings. You think everything's good, IT'S NOT! You think everybody's happy, THEY'RE NOT! This is why I am a Democrat. I care about the average, honest, hard-working citizen here in America that doesn't need to be affected by crime, violence, vandalism, threats, etc from ANYONE. They just want to get by and don't need all the "bad" distractions of today's society. They have enough problems! All you do OCA is care about yourself. Truely, you don't care about whites OR blacks. You just like to sound like you know what you're talking about and that your fighting on the right side. You should take a field trip to your local slum neighborhood, you local crack house, your local gutter, or your local prison. Study them, maybe they'll slap some sense into you. You just sit at home on your computer like you are now and don't know what the world around you is like, and you don't care, and that's okay with you. Let me ask, how do you really stand? You manage to beat around the bush with a lot of the obvious things of today's world, and I don't get how you really feel about racial problems. So tell me.
We are all equal, one race the human race. Do we have distinct cultures, yes but is one race more intelligent than another? NO.
I'll say this FUCK YOU AND YOU'RE RACIST VIEWS. You are the whole problem with America and the reason things are fucked up. Since when did you become so arrogant that you're opinions became fact? Contrary to you I don't sit around on my computer, I am in Baltimore and D.C. daily on business and if you think where you live is violent check the stats on those two towns you ignorant, uneducated piece of shit. Never had a problem in either town because i'm not afraid unlike you and treat the citizens with respect. You on the other hand probably see a black coming down you're side of the street and cross to the other side so he won't "jack" you. I'd fucking beat you're ass too if you disrespected me like that. You're a Democrat and you don't give two shits about the average American other than fleecing them with taxes. You are rich man, you care about blacks and whites? do you think everybody here is gullible enough to believe you? Other than that you are a worthless piece of human debris and deserve a slow, debilitating, fatal disease. Help us out will ya.

BTW how old are you? This might explain alot. I'm 36 and plenty experienced in the ways of the WORLD.
USA, where do you live?
Here is a interesting link:
A crisis of violence
John is white. He is married with two children. He wears a blue collar when he leaves his shabby, inner-city house to go to work. Life has been a struggle for John, but now he faces his most difficult challenge. John's neighborhood is turning black.

In John's city, neighborhoods do not integrate, they go black. He has seen it happen elsewhere. He knows what to expect. John and his family will soon face intolerable hardships. They will have to move. Inevitably the last whites able to leave, will. High among their reasons will be fear -- fear of becoming victims of violent crime. As his neighborhood turns black, John and his family will notice many changes, but none will be more dreaded than the prospect of being violently victimized.

We will model violent crime in John's neighborhood, tracing its evolution as the community goes from all white to all black. We will chart the course of victimization from insidious beginnings to the threshold of intolerability. We will show that initially the swelling danger will be barely noticeable, but from the beginning there will be an underlying acceleration that ultimately will drive the risk to extreme levels.
Well pin a rose on the KKK member who happened to pay attention in statistics class.

What a pile of crap that web page is. I can't believe anyone would actually read that garbage and conclude that it is meaningful, except to further some white supremecist position.

All I have as proof is my experience living and working in a big city. I have lived in all white, mixed and mostly black neighborhoods. The bottom line is simple -- people are people. There are no more violent people in a black neighborhood than in a white neighborhood. The problem is that in mostly or all black neighborhoods, those that are violent, tend to commit violent crimes more often IF THEY ARE INVOLVED IN THE DRUG TRADE. The same is true of Latino, Asian and white neighborhoods when the drug trade is involved.

In all my years of living and working around poort inner city people, I have never once had any trouble except a shouting match over a parking space at a strip mall. And in that case, both of us were wrong.

I can't believe that any serious person would still put forth a theory that paints blacks or any other minority as having some innate characteristic that makes them more violent. If that were the case, whites win the prize as the most violent "race" on the planet. Name one other group that has caused more death and destruction than the white man since the invention of gun power.

These race-based theories are complete trash and do nothing but mask the true problem, and that is a general culture of violence that permeates our entire Western civilization, especially here in America.
MF - good response, except for the last bit.

The culture of violence is not a phenomenon of Western Civilization. If anything, the fundamental principles of individual rights, limited government and separation of church and state diminish violence. If you wish to get a fuller perspective on real violence and which philosophical systems promote it, I suggest.

Death By Government

The violence you observe in America is caused much more by the government programs which undermine responsibility. Black inner city families have been devastated by welfare which encourages out-of-wedlock children. Rewarding teenagers for bearing children as single mothers has destroyed the concept of nuclear family for inner city blacks.
What is interesting is that in country's where whites are the majority black crime is at it's lowest. In country's of black majority is where you will find the highest crime rates in the world.

Lets see what is happing in Monty's niegborhood?

Pictures of most wanted in Chicago:

In Monty's great state of Illinois the black population is 15%,
but the black prison population is 65%:

Races in Chicago:

Black (36.8%)
White Non-Hispanic (31.3%)
Hispanic (26.0%)
Other race (13.6%)
Two or more races (2.9%)
Chinese (1.1%)
Filipino (1.0%)
Asian Indian (0.9%)
American Indian (0.7%)
Other Asian (0.5%)

Crime in Chicago (2001):
666 murders (23.0 per 100,000)
1,902 rapes (65.7 per 100,000)
18,433 robberies (636.5 per 100,000)
25,533 assaults (881.7 per 100,000)
25,966 burglaries (896.6 per 100,000)
97,496 larceny counts (3366.6 per 100,000)
27,694 auto thefts (956.3 per 100,000)
City-data.com crime index = 690.5 (higher means more crime, US average = 330.6)

In Monty's great city of Chicago the crime rate is double the national average.
Listen, Statistics-Boi, you aren't going to convince those of us who are not bigots to become such. All you are doing is demonstrating your shallow intellectual capacity.
OCA says:

"We are all equal, one race the human race. Do we have distinct cultures, yes but is one race more intelligent than another? NO.

Well, well. We're all one race, the human race, but apparently, some of us respond to facts by screaming cuss words. Fancy that. And, they can't even spell. So much for racists being the illliterate ones.

Monty says:

"There are no more violent people in a black neighborhood than in a white neighborhood."

This is absolutely false. Crime statistics show that the higher the concentration of blacks in a given area, the higher the number of violent crimes per person. This is confirmed by a review of the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports.

"The problem is that in mostly or all black neighborhoods, those that are violent, tend to commit violent crimes more often IF THEY ARE INVOLVED IN THE DRUG TRADE. The same is true of Latino, Asian and white neighborhoods when the drug trade is involved."

But Monty, you next have to ask yourself: why are blacks and Hispanics more likely to involved in the "drug trade," as you so nicely put it? Isn't one indicator of intelligence the quality of the choices you make?

WW says:

"Listen, Statistics-Boi, you aren't going to convince those of us who are not bigots to become such. All you are doing is demonstrating your shallow intellectual capacity."

Never mind being a bigot, madam. First, accept facts. Then let's discuss why the facts are so. Calling people "bigots" and "racists" and "KKK" is not advancing the argument. Liberals know they can shut ANYONE down by calling them a "racist," and they do it all the time. Nobody ever calls them on it.

I'm calling. Hear me ringing?
Originally posted by wonderwench

The violence you observe in America is caused much more by the government programs which undermine responsibility. Black inner city families have been devastated by welfare which encourages out-of-wedlock children. Rewarding teenagers for bearing children as single mothers has destroyed the concept of nuclear family for inner city blacks.
The fact that you are saying that blacks choose to have more children in hopes of receiving welfare money, shows the intelligence of these people.

Again, you narrow in on one factoid and are completely oblivious to the socio-economic-historical context which encourages teenage girls to have illegitimate children as a career option.
There is actually some basis for "liberals did it" when talking about why so many black females bear illegitimate children. It is, in fact, a welfare boon --- our government REWARDS the birthing of illegitimate children. Still, if you're going to include, "and that's what her mama did, so it's all she she knows," you're venturing into different territory.

Consider this. Birthrates in Africa are astoundingly high. But African countries do not offer the welfare incentives the U.S. does. Why is this so, oh believer in socio-economico-historico-whitey-is-evilco?
Originally posted by wonderwench

Again, you narrow in on one factoid and are completely oblivious to the socio-economic-historical context which encourages teenage girls to have illegitimate children as a career option.
Another fact is that black women have abortions at three time the rate of white women. Blacks who make up 14% of all childbearing women, have 31% of all abortions and whites, who account for 81% of women of childbearing age, have 61%"
This is also combined with the fact that blacks have aids at a higher rate then any other group: http://www.balmingilead.org/aidsfacts/aidsfacts.asp

Could it just be that maybe blacks are much more promiscuous?

The result in blacks was statistically significant (P = .03). Black cases tended to have more frequent sexual intercourse than black controls at all ages; the difference became statistically significant for intercourse late in life. Data from controls suggested that, overall, blacks have earlier and more frequent sexual activity than whites: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=3471995&dopt=Abstract
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