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Originally posted by OCA
You know i'm right, thats why you are not refuting what I say about their "sources"

What exactly do you mean by "their sources?'
Big D/90210 at breakfast table with dad looking at picture of Puff Daddy(or whatever) with Ashton Kutcher on People Magazine:

"Goddamn look at that n****r! He's a fucking monkey that piece of shit! And Ashton why he's nothing more than a race trading, race mixing wigger, no good piece of crap. Why Bruce Willis must be pissed! Well son, screw them! He's still a n****r and he's a goddamn mudshark and even though they are successful and got money we'll always be white YEE HAAAAAA!

Jealousy is an ugly thing.
Originally posted by USA90210
What exactly do you mean by "their sources?'

Do a little in depth reading on one J. Phillippe Rushton, they seem to use his stuff alot. Check who his benefactors are.
Originally posted by Johnney
so how do they affect you?

Well, to start, I live in a half-white/half-black town. It gives me the best of both sides to have what would seem to be a perfect racially diverse community. Well, it's anything but perfect. I have watched this town head straight to the bottom. Crime has sky-rocketed every since the blacks started moving in. Drugs appeared everywhere. Shootings occured much more often. Houses began to be broken into more often. You could no longer leave your doors unlocked and just be trusting of you neighbors. No, no more. School was another thing. I put up with so much shit in school from blacks, it's beyond belief. All the fights were blacks. All the rules were created because the blacks would get out of hand. They affected everyone.

On another note, my grandmother is very old. She lives in an even more black area than where I live. It was once a beautiful town back in the 50s and 60s I hear, but the blacks destroyed that. My grandmother walks almost 5 blocks to church every morning. She's been held at gunpoint, had her purse stolen, and had her house broken into by blacks. Not to mention that my dog was poisoned right after the burgulary while spending the week there.

It affects me a lot and I see it every day. I don't care what you say to me but at least 2/3 of these blacks aren't worth a dime.
Originally posted by OCA
Do a little in depth reading on one J. Phillippe Rushton, they seem to use his stuff alot. Check who his benefactors are.

They don't need any "sources" to verify what they're saying. It's all right in your local downtown area on sale for free. Take it and learn more than you ever did in your life, or leave it and continue to be the same thick-headed idiot!
Originally posted by OCA
Big D/90210 at breakfast table with dad looking at picture of Puff Daddy(or whatever) with Ashton Kutcher on People Magazine:

"Goddamn look at that n****r! He's a fucking monkey that piece of shit! And Ashton why he's nothing more than a race trading, race mixing wigger, no good piece of crap. Why Bruce Willis must be pissed! Well son, screw them! He's still a n****r and he's a goddamn mudshark and even though they are successful and got money we'll always be white YEE HAAAAAA!

Jealousy is an ugly thing.

Being on the cover of a damn magazine don't mean you're successful. I wouldn't live any of their lives if you paid me...
Originally posted by USA90210
Look, to clear up any confusion, this is the base of what I have to say, just summarized. Read it again. I know that of course blacks aren't the cause of everything. They don't commit all the crime and use all the drugs, but blacks are the people that affect me. I don't see nearly as much white crime as black crime where I live, so where is it. Where is all the crime whites are committing? I really don't have the answer, but I know that every time you bring up what blacks do, someone always has to compare it to whites and how we're are so evil. White people are the ones that are out to help minorities. I am angered that we get no thanks. Not only have white people stopped the suppression towards blacks, but we're trying to heal the wounds. The reality is that we countered our bad deeds by good ones and we should all be even. But whites still remain to be the bad guys. And many blacks continue to be as indescent as ever. When they are called upon about it, it's the "white man's" fault. We've done everything wrong huh? We are long overdue with trying to heal wounds of past injustices. It's time for us to take blacks for what they're worth. No more special treatment. If they are deserving, they have nothing to worry about. If they aren't, well, they need to learn to fit into society rather than continuing to rebel against it.

Also, another thing to think about: Everyone knows that every major city in the country has inner-city neighborhoods that are completely occupied by minorities, whether it be blacks, spics, or both. These neighborhoods are usually quite dangerous, especially for white people. Can we agree on that? Now, how many potentially dangerous WHITE neighborhoods have you ever heard of. There are all-white neighborhoods everywhere, but none are close to half as dangerous as a black or hispanic neighborhoods. I will not attempt to defend individuals who feel that they must act in a cruel and dangerous manner towards others. And they have a choice. They can go and act descent like a lot of people in this country, and in this world, but it's THEIR CHOICE to be animals.

Spicks niceeeeeee. Why don't you get out from this ridiculous cover you've got going of just hating bad people and call em what you more than likely call all of em at home or in dad's office. Spicks, *******, gooks, dagos, sand *******, prarie ******* etc. etc. etc. I am completely disgusted by you.
Originally posted by USA90210
Well, to start, I live in a half-white/half-black town. It gives me the best of both sides to have what would seem to be a perfect racially diverse community. Well, it's anything but perfect. I have watched this town head straight to the bottom. Crime has sky-rocketed every since the blacks started moving in. Drugs appeared everywhere. Shootings occured much more often. Houses began to be broken into more often. You could no longer leave your doors unlocked and just be trusting of you neighbors. No, no more. School was another thing. I put up with so much shit in school from blacks, it's beyond belief. All the fights were blacks. All the rules were created because the blacks would get out of hand. They affected everyone.
<b>so, if you were in a all white neighborhood, there wouldnt be any drugs, breakings or the lot? and please refrain from that "well i see..." crap. i see alot of shit everyday also. open your eyes.</b>

On another note, my grandmother is very old.
<b> i didnt ask about your grandama/ family. i asked about you. you personally. </b?

It affects me a lot and I see it every day. I don't care what you say to me but at least 2/3 of these blacks aren't worth a dime.
<b>well i almost agree with you. there are alot that arent worth a shit, but more that are.</b>
Well I've had enough for tonight. You people's stupidity makes me sick. You've had no experience, and I've had more than I want...
Originally posted by USA90210
Being on the cover of a damn magazine don't mean you're successful. I wouldn't live any of their lives if you paid me...

Goddamn right Jethro, we all white and no matter how poor we is we still gonna be more successful than them high falluting n*****s, it s our birthright boy! lol
Originally posted by USA90210
Well I've had enough for tonight. You people's stupidity makes me sick. You've had no experience, and I've had more than I want...

I don't believe you would know race or culture if it kicked you in the ass. I think you are full of shit with your stories.
Originally posted by USA90210
Well I've had enough for tonight. You people's stupidity makes me sick. You've had no experience, and I've had more than I want...
and your the wizard of oz that we shoud listen too? fuck you and the whore you rode in on, fucking sissy
Johnney, maybe you need to see someone about the alcohol problem. It's obviously affected both your ability to spell and your ability to discern racial reality. Not to mention the foul language.

Those who are "starting to see the light" on the racial issue should check out such sources as American Renaissance, Jared Taylor's magazine (website is amren.com), Peter Brimelow's Vdare.com, and other sites.

A book I highly recommend is called Why Race Matters by Michael Levin, a philosophy prof in NYC. Or try J. Phillipe Rushton's Race, Evolution and Behavior. Or The Bell Curve.

Lower black intelligence is one explanation for the crime rate, but I believe only a part explanation. Blacks have what the researchers have called "poor impulse control," something inherited and likely adaptive to their original climate. Anyone who takes a look at blacks and guns knows that the combination means one thing: BOOM!

Blacks are simply a different type of people, and that's it. That isn't racism, it's the truth.
and you need to see a proctologist as you are an asshole. but you know what? the night wouldnt be complete without the input of the master racist himself, willie bubba. cornpone motherfucker! :asshole: :cuckoo:
what would your momma think right now if she could see you?

my challenges stand even for you. bring your kkk ass over here and lets discuss it face to face. or dont you want to leave your castle either?

and for the record... i dont have a drinking problem. i drink i get drunk, no problem. so fuck off troll
Threatening people over the Internet. Now that's what I call bravery.

Seems I've touched a nerve, J.

Look, I'm a midwesterner, myself. I've been in enemy territory for seven years now --- more than that if you count Philly and D.C. Before I set out, I didn't think much about race. I knew what my parents taught me: anyone who says the "n-word" is a bad person. That was it. But brother, you need to come out here to see what's going on. White people, they aren't liked the way you think they are. You think all blacks are like the Cosby Show. Nuh-uh.

I hate to have to say this, but you need to pull your head out of Iowa and see the real world. Have the guts to do that, and then you will come to racial awakening. Iowa misleads you about race, because, God bless it, EVERYONE IN IOWA IS WHITE. So all you know is what you see on TV. Brother, the TV lies.
Originally posted by William Joyce
Threatening people over the Internet. Now that's what I call bravery.

Seems I've touched a nerve, J.

Look, I'm a midwesterner, myself. I've been in enemy territory for seven years now --- more than that if you count Philly and D.C. Before I set out, I didn't think much about race. I knew what my parents taught me: anyone who says the "n-word" is a bad person. That was it. But brother, you need to come out here to see what's going on. White people, they aren't liked the way you think they are. You think all blacks are like the Cosby Show. Nuh-uh.

I hate to have to say this, but you need to pull your head out of Iowa and see the real world. Have the guts to do that, and then you will come to racial awakening. Iowa misleads you about race, because, God bless it, EVERYONE IN IOWA IS WHITE. So all you know is what you see on TV. Brother, the TV lies.
well i see spouting racism over the net is bravery! piss off
now as for getting out of iowa... ive been all over the world. i served my country, ive seen things you will only see on tv.
and whats this crap about the n word? GROW SOME BALLS ITS NOT THE N WORD! THE WORD YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IS ******! stop being a pussy like your friends. they n word, whats next? were going to have to say the w word for whites? pull your head out of your ass. again im going to say it as i said to bully, in your eyes, its black and white, if your not white, your black. get with the times. there is other shade out there.

and its not a threat, come to iowa, well talk.

and who has time for tv? obviously you do, looser
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