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Originally posted by USA90210
Ignore me because you think what I'm saying is not true or becuase you don't like to hear the truth?

I'm trying to be as nice as I can to tell you how things really are whether you "want" to believe it or not. I don't like it, but it's the way things are. I'm speaking from my experiences, not my opinion. Why is it considered to be so bad to speak out against these people anyway, like they're "God's gift" and a complete necessity in our society (these trouble-makers, druggies, and criminals that is)? Why is anyone who brings up the subject crushed like an ant? Does no one really get it?

The fact of the matter is, is that you have no arguement and just beat around the bush by trying to bring me down. You're not the only person that has done that.

You may want to look at who I quoted when I made my statement. I wasn't speaking of you.
Originally posted by Big D
These people are not interested in facts or truth, they think everybody and everything is the same, they will NEVER provide any kind of information that shows in anyway that what they think has any merit. The more facts or information you present to them will only result in personal attacks.

Here is my story:
I grew up in a area of LA called the San Fernando Valley, as a kid I thought it was the greatest place ever to live. Lots of friends and family, leave your doors unlocked on you cars and homes, no crime or gangs.

At 18 I got a job with the City of L.A as a lineman, my apprenticeship was all in the city of Compton, South Central. and East L.A. I was part of the city's "diversity" training program where I worked on the streets of these city's every day. These areas of L.A are ALL black and hispanic areas. At the time I thought this was a great thing, I had learned in school just like everyone else about racism, slavery and segregation and how bad whites have always treated blacks. I felt the guilt of all this and looked forward to showing blacks and hispanics that I was not that way.

Well, being in a area of All blacks and hispanics it does not take long for anyone of any intelligence to realize that all the problems that blacks and hispanics have, are created by themselfs. I would come home from work, back to my all white neighborhood and tell all my friends and family about my new "racist" views. They responded much like alot of you, that I was "hateful, racist".

I debated for years weather I was racist or hateful, but I had to be honest with both myself and others, everyday the evidence of the differences betwen the different races was more apparent. During these same years I noticed the changes going on in my own neighborhood at home. Hispanics (illegal alians) were moving in at a alarming rate, more apartments and low income housing were being built to accommodate these people. Of course my friends and family and my girlfriend at the time all thought this was a great thing because now they had more chances to prove that they were not racist either.

At about my 7 year of working for the city of L.A we had the L.A riots, at first what I thought was a terrible thing turned out to be a blessing. Because I am white I could not work in these areas anymore because they knew my safety was in danger because of the color of my skin. I was transfered to work in the Valley, working in a white neigborhood things were totaly different, having to worry about my safety as I did for years in the ALL black and hispanic neighborhoods was no longer a issue.

Sadly these white neighborhoods started to change to hispanic and black neighborhoods. Even though it was very early in the change I knew of the things to come.

I began to tell my now pregnate wife that I wanted to move, and move far. Her and her family and my family hated the idea of us moving, lots of fights, and I am amazed that we are still together. When our little girl was born, I knew I had to do what was best for her, I forced the issue and quit my job.

I moved us to a little town in Idaho http://sandpoint.com/ got a job with the local power company bought a nice little house in town and I was happy. My wife hated it and me, her family hated me my family hated me, but I had to do what I thought was right.

We would go to L.A at least twice a year and visit family and friends, and every time we would visit the changes in this once great area and neigborhood became more and more apparant.
Graffti everywhere, gangs, crime, rape, murder were now out of control in the Valley. The hispanic population in the Valley became one of the largest in the country in the fastest time. The friends I had in the area were now themselfs moving. The friends and family that stayed put alarms and bars on there cars and homes and had to change there way of life as they had known.

It has been almost 11 years now since that move and things have changed quite a bit. We now have four children, three girls and a boy. I invented a few things that did quite well and my wife will graduate in July to be a pharmacist. We now have 18 acres with a family homes and two guest homes we also board horses.
O yea, her family and mine have since then moved here and they love it, not a day goes by that I don't get the feeling of thanks from them all for doing what I did 11 years ago.

I wish I could end this story here but there is one last note.

One of my high school friends that never moved from the old neighborhood called me about 3 months ago, sadly his 12 year old daughter was raped by a gang of hispanics, as he cried on the phone I insisted that they come stay with us, they were here with in two days. The mother and daughter have been here since, my friend has gone back to sell his house and quit his job. They want to move here and I am going to help them.

The other day I took the kids skiing, as we reached the top of the mountain my daughter pointed out a rainbow over the lake to all of us, it was the first time I had seen my friends daughter smile.

You know, I feel for you, and I understand. The beginnings of what you said is happening in my community. We don't have any Hispanics, but the blacks are coming out of the woodwork. They destroyed our school system. We used to be the best in the city. Everyone wanted to live in the community--it's a very built up area because of it. However, the crime moves with the blacks closer and closer to my community. There have been several families in my neighborhood who had family members killed over drugs. Coincidently, they're all black. Crime has just kept elevating since the migration of blacks to our area set in maybe 10 to 15 years ago. Now, more of them are moving up than ever. I just can't wait until I'm able to move out. When I have children, I don't want them growing up the way I did. I had the same idea--moving to the country. I always wanted to. There's a small town in the country about an hour east of where I live now, and I can't wait until I can move there to get away from all of this craziness.
I hate that it has to sound like I'm pinning it on all minorities, but the truth is that minorites in one way or another are ruining neighborhoods, communities, and entire cities with this mass expansion into good neighborhoods turning them into ghettos.
why not liken people to ants...and then buy some ant killer...faulting folks for trying to better themselves is pretty lame..ever watch the jeffersons.....movin on up...:D
Originally posted by Big D
What is happing in Haiti is perfectly natural behaviour for blacks, watching the people of Haiti on the news reminds me of my days while working in Los Angeles.

Hey don't some of you owe USA90210 here a apology?

No apologies to racist xenophobes such as yourselves. So the fact that they were slaves in a country where they were the majority has no bearing on their current state of affairs? I'm sure the French educated them to the hilt. Again Big D you have proved nothing to anybody here. You are fearful of anything that is different than you, hell any 2nd year psych major could tell you that. All you do is spout mindless skewed stats from highly suspicious sources and then swallow it whole like a 20 year old porn queen.

I still believe that you are one and the same people but i'm under gag order to talk about it.
Originally posted by jon_forward
why not liken people to ants...and then buy some ant killer...faulting folks for trying to better themselves is pretty lame..ever watch the jeffersons.....movin on up...:D

Trying to better themselves by moving into good neighborhoods and turning them into breeding grounds for crime and drugs. Yea, what about the people that aren't getting "betttered" by this action. What, no one's allowed to have sympathy for these people that turn their lives upsidedown just to live in a good area. I'm going to end up doing the same thing Big D did...
Well let me tell you something Mr. 90210/Big D i'm Greek and consider myself the master race as we invented most of the institutions you see and use everyday while you're people were shitting in their hands and smearing it on walls and sleeping in their own piss. You see where this is going don't you? All races can point to some point in their history or to some trait of another race as to why they are superior. And enough of your pseudo I don't want to be racist but I can't help it bullshit, face it you hate minorities based on skin color alone. Its the modern age people, you're klan members aren't wearing sheets anymore, they've put on suits and mask their hatred in racial pride.

I am a true human as I see the person based on their character and personality rather than their skin color unlike you.
Originally posted by USA90210
Trying to better themselves by moving into good neighborhoods and turning them into breeding grounds for crime and drugs. Yea, what about the people that aren't getting "betttered" by this action. What, no one's allowed to have sympathy for these people that turn their lives upsidedown just to live in a good area. I'm going to end up doing the same thing Big D did...

You already did lol:wank:
Originally posted by USA90210
Trying to better themselves by moving into good neighborhoods and turning them into breeding grounds for crime and drugs. Yea, what about the people that aren't getting "betttered" by this action. What, no one's allowed to have sympathy for these people that turn their lives upsidedown just to live in a good area. I'm going to end up doing the same thing Big D did...
you and your other self need to crawl back under the rock someone moved
Originally posted by OCA
Well let me tell you something Mr. 90210/Big D i'm Greek and consider myself the master race as we invented most of the institutions you see and use everyday while you're people were shitting in their hands and smearing it on walls and sleeping in their own piss. You see where this is going don't you? All races can point to some point in their history or to some trait of another race as to why they are superior. And enough of your pseudo I don't want to be racist but I can't help it bullshit, face it you hate minorities based on skin color alone. Its the modern age people, you're klan members aren't wearing sheets anymore, they've put on suits and mask their hatred in racial pride.

I am a true human as I see the person based on their character and personality rather than their skin color unlike you.

There is absolutely no evidence in ANYTHING that I've said that I don't like black people because of the color of their skin. I specifically contradicted that notion. Read the story that Big D posted. That's exactly what I go through. It's beyond ridiculous and I'll stand by my views for an eternity until something solves the on-going problem we have specifically here in the US. You don't know the first thing about cultural/racial problems.

If swarms of black people eventually came and took over your neighborhood, turning it into the horror of reality (the reality you refuse to believe), how would you feel. By what you say, you would be fine with it. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THAT!?!
Originally posted by OCA
You already did lol:wank:

I mean moving out of my community to a better place to live, where I don't have to worry about the pests invading my present place of residence. You people think that what you're saying is right. It's just friggin crazy. You have to stand up and defend yourselves one day. You'll be affected by this out of control chain reaction they try to call a good thing. You'll one day see how "good" it really isn't.
Originally posted by Johnney
you and your other self need to crawl back under the rock someone moved

You got that wrong. You idiots need to crawl out from under that rock and open your damn eyes. It's crazy how much of a sheltered life you live.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Ah...A fellow traveler in the race to the bottom with Sweet William, Big D and now USA?

It's only all of you that will wind up at rock bottom sooner or later. You think you got it all figured out huh? No one does, but I'll tell you this, you will get no where with the attitude you have: "everyone is equal no matter what" and all that BS...
I know that what I'm saying is true because I can contradict anything you say, but there are certain things that I say that you can't explain (like how my town is being ruined by thugs moving in). Face it, you're lying to yourself. Everything can't always be happy, good, and pretty. It should be, but it isn't.
Originally posted by USA90210
It's only all of you that will wind up at rock bottom sooner or later. You think you got it all figured out huh? No one does, but I'll tell you this, you will get no where with the attitude you have: "everyone is equal no matter what" and all that BS...

Most emphatically...Everyone is <b>not</b> equal. But they should be provided the opportunity to advance as far as they are capable. Race is simply not a factor in determiniing the capability of others.

So, old son, you, Sweet William and Big D should really get a grip on something besides your privates and wake up to a very simple fact...You are wrong.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Most emphatically...Everyone is <b>not</b> equal. But they should be provided the opportunity to advance as far as they are capable. Race is simply not a factor in determiniing the capability of others.

So, old son, you, Sweet William and Big D should really get a grip on something besides your privates and wake up to a very simple fact...You are wrong.

Who says that minorities don't have the opportunity to advance as far as they can. WHAT DO YOU THINK AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IS? Besides, it's not my responsibilty for minorities to advance. All I see is them advancing on me and I will attempt to defend myself against those who are threatening my safety! You can't argue safety. These people jeopardize me, my family, my friends, and my neighbors. YET I'M SUPPOSED TO GIVE THOSE PEOPLE A CHANCE TO ADVANCE? Is is stupid or pure craziness!?!
None of this truely is BECAUSE these people are black, but it's the way I can identify them. They are black. By the way, I've had so many people that can't accept that I have black friends. Why is it so hard to understand? Like I said, I don't really care about skin color, but I'll make no mistake in telling you who's causing the problems. Not that white people are saints, but ever since blacks have moved to my community, things have gone down hill.
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