Racist Rhetoric and the 2012 Election

The housing market is starting to come back. Have you been following the market on companies like Pulte? The lack of cash fat companies reinvesting in themselves is more due to the international and domestic market demand. But that's a far cry of where we'd be if Obama did nothing.

The bottom line remains that Obama's action has kept us from going into a full blown depression, which would have spread internationally. He probably could have gotten a lot more done if he had a filibuster proof majority for more than 26 working days in the Senate. After all, it's been admitted by GOP leaders in both houses that they refuse to give Obama anything until after the election.

On the housing market. Houses in Mesa, AZ are worth 40 to 60% of what they were worth 5 years ago. That is promoting the migration of young families into areas that were not affordable before and the city is starting to see some of it's slumping schools pick back up. The market is doing what it does. Pulte built huge homes here in my city (worth 500K at the time...that are now selling in the low 300's). And none of this would be happening if interest rates were still at 4 and 5%.

If Obama had done nothing....tough. Prices would have dropped further. When do people finally have to account for their pathetic unwillingness to not make bad choices. Houses in Scottsdale AZ that were selling for 100 K in 2000 were selling for 500 K in 2005...who is that stupid ?

Once again...your claim about a depression is nothing but an article of faith. You can't prove it. Are you the one who just said he can debate in facts....when you are ready....you can start.

The left is now seen as a fully exposed and declared enemy of liberty. You can bet your ass we will continue to send hard core "heels dug in" reps to the house to stall off anyone (including Romney) who will try to use the federal government to "make our lives better" (because it usually doesn't...and on the net makes them worse).

I have all the faith in the world in a free market economy. I also understand the economics is about equilibrium and the one thing people who espouse the free market sometimes don't pay attention to is the rate (which can sometimes be violent) at which corrections take place. That is life.

I'll take a smaller house, a cheaper car, and dirt roads over giving up my rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Joe Biden (paying taxes is patriotic) can kiss my ass.

I didn't realize you were in Arizona, too. We should absolutely get together and have coffee sometime.
she is what is wrong in our country. To think a mother would teach her kids racist stuff is just disgusting. She is disgusting.

Why in God's name would anyone consider it a triumph to "finally" convince them that racism is alive and well? Why would you WANT your kids to believe such a thing?

She is teaching them to be racisis, plain and simple. And she doesn't see anything wrong with it!

No, she thinks she's doing them a FAVOR by perpetuating the outdated culture of racism and victimhood through them. It's mind-boggling and sad.
Why in God's name would anyone consider it a triumph to "finally" convince them that racism is alive and well? Why would you WANT your kids to believe such a thing?

She is teaching them to be racisis, plain and simple. And she doesn't see anything wrong with it!

No, she thinks she's doing them a FAVOR by perpetuating the outdated culture of racism and victimhood through them. It's mind-boggling and sad.

I agree with that assessment.

i would think the intentional act to prevent minorities from voting would bother you, especially you

:lmao: How racist does the left have to be to believe that minorities are less capable of the basic functions of life - like acquiring a photo ID - than white people are?

My husband is a minority, and we always go to vote together. He has exactly the same amount of trouble with the process as I do . . . which is to say, none at all.

BINGO! The only racists I know are the ones that believe there should be a differing set of standards based upon race. Not surprisingly, every one of hem is an OWS parasite.
i would think the intentional act to prevent minorities from voting would bother you, especially you

:lmao: How racist does the left have to be to believe that minorities are less capable of the basic functions of life - like acquiring a photo ID - than white people are?

My husband is a minority, and we always go to vote together. He has exactly the same amount of trouble with the process as I do . . . which is to say, none at all.

BINGO! The only racists I know are the ones that believe there should be a differing set of standards based upon race. Not surprisingly, every one of hem is an OWS parasite.

Hence why I view affirmative action as "institutional racism"
The below is a perfect example of Cecilie's poor writing skills and impaired cognitive ability. It is racist, it is wrong, and is the product of a sick mind.

i would think the intentional act to prevent minorities from voting would bother you, especially you

:lmao: How racist does the left have to be to believe that minorities are less capable of the basic functions of life - like acquiring a photo ID - than white people are?

My husband is a minority, and we always go to vote together. He has exactly the same amount of trouble with the process as I do . . . which is to say, none at all.
Above is a perfect example of fakejakes inability to counter an argument. Which is to say nothing of his retarded use of the English language. What kind of sorry OWS parasite attacks others for using improper English, while using improper English in the attack? A dumb fucker like fakejake, that is who. "below" is not a noun, fakejake. You're welcome.
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Above is a perfect example of Pho's inability to think. Hey, it takes all kinds here, and Pho may learn.

Hard to fathom, but he may come up from the depths of ignorance.
The below is a perfect example of Cecilie's poor writing skills and impaired cognitive ability. It is racist, it is wrong, and is the product of a sick mind.

i would think the intentional act to prevent minorities from voting would bother you, especially you

:lmao: How racist does the left have to be to believe that minorities are less capable of the basic functions of life - like acquiring a photo ID - than white people are?

My husband is a minority, and we always go to vote together. He has exactly the same amount of trouble with the process as I do . . . which is to say, none at all.

I note with interest that you merely asserted that my post was "poor writing skills" - and did so in incorrect English, I might add - but did not in any way specify HOW it was poor, other than to say that you didn't like the content.

Believe it or not, dimwit, most people consider disagreeing with you to be a basic prerequisite of GOOD writing skills.
Above is a perfect example of Pho's inability to think. Hey, it takes all kinds here, and Pho may learn.

Hard to fathom, but he may come up from the depths of ignorance.

Actually, dimwit, Pho is correct and you are wrong . . . as usual. To be correctly written, your post should have said, "The example below . . ."

Tell us again why anyone is supposed to take you seriously as an arbiter of English composition?
Pho and Cecilie, as almost always, are wrong. She has once again demonstrated her poor understanding of syntax and diction. And she is very correct to try to shrug off her cognitive inability in forming a solid argument. Move along, hon. You are a laughing stock.

These classic examples of extremist reactionary thinking inform the clear thinking just how deep the chasm between them and the better educated.

Above is a perfect example of Pho's inability to think. Hey, it takes all kinds here, and Pho may learn.

Hard to fathom, but he may come up from the depths of ignorance.

Actually, dimwit, Pho is correct and you are wrong . . . as usual. To be correctly written, your post should have said, "The example below . . ."

Tell us again why anyone is supposed to take you seriously as an arbiter of English composition?
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Racist Rhetoric and the 2012 Election

Romney will win despite the Pho-kings and Cecilies.

And when he does, he will ignore their whining, having already taken their votes.
Pho and Cecilie, as almost always, are wrong. She has once again demonstrated her poor understanding of syntax and diction. And she is very correct to try to shrug off her cognitive inability in forming a solid argument. Move along, hon. You are a laughing stock.

These classic examples of extremist reactionary thinking inform the clear thinking just how deep the chasm between them and the better educated.

Above is a perfect example of Pho's inability to think. Hey, it takes all kinds here, and Pho may learn.

Hard to fathom, but he may come up from the depths of ignorance.

Actually, dimwit, Pho is correct and you are wrong . . . as usual. To be correctly written, your post should have said, "The example below . . ."

Tell us again why anyone is supposed to take you seriously as an arbiter of English composition?

Says the shitstain who does not know the proper use of the word "below". Hint for fakejaketheshitrake- "below " is not a noun. You fucking idiot.
Pho and Cecilie, as almost always, are wrong. She has once again demonstrated her poor understanding of syntax and diction. And she is very correct to try to shrug off her cognitive inability in forming a solid argument. Move along, hon. You are a laughing stock.

These classic examples of extremist reactionary thinking inform the clear thinking just how deep the chasm between them and the better educated.

Above is a perfect example of Pho's inability to think. Hey, it takes all kinds here, and Pho may learn.

Hard to fathom, but he may come up from the depths of ignorance.

Actually, dimwit, Pho is correct and you are wrong . . . as usual. To be correctly written, your post should have said, "The example below . . ."

Tell us again why anyone is supposed to take you seriously as an arbiter of English composition?

Fakejaketheshitrake apparently believes that correcting the improper English used by a shitrake to attack the English usage of another is " extremist reactionary thinking". I hope you are either really good looking, or have a great personality, fakejaketheshitrake. You will never make it based on intelligence.
Folks make errors. You are not free from them. And Cecilie certainly is not free from them.

We are talking about your inability to form cogent premises, evidences, and conclusions.

When you do that, intelligent people can respond.
Folks make errors. You are not free from them. And Cecilie certainly is not free from them.

We are talking about your inability to form cogent premises, evidences, and conclusions.

When you do that, intelligent people can respond.

Actually, what we were talking about was the improper English you used to scold Cecilia for her supposedly improper english. You are just too fucking stupid to follow along, fakejaketheshitrake.
She is wrong, you are wrong, and you may form an argument if you wish.

You keep jumping back and forth.

Hint: try again.
She is wrong, you are wrong, and you may form an argument if you wish.

You keep jumping back and forth.

Hint: try again.

Fine. Tell me how your use of the word " below" in the following sentence fragment was proper: " the below is a perfect example of...."

Let me guess, fakejaketheshitrake, Ebonics is your primary language....

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