Racist Rhetoric and the 2012 Election

I neged your post for being a pathetic little pissant, who's unable to debate, and thinks she can bully over people with pathetic insults. Well bitch, I can insult too, but I can also debate on facts. Now stop being a cry baby, and show us how well your wonderful forensic acumen.

you can't do jack shit tucked dick.

Why are you so obsessed with my genitalia? Not getting any because you're an obese pig?

didn't you just neg me for "getting personal" and now here you are shot right out of a pigs ass getting personal. :lol::lol::lol:
Did he or did he not reduce payroll taxes for virtually every business?

The answer to your question is yes.

That does not mean he made them more profitable as a general statement.

He would have increased their bottom line via this action.

But that could be (and has been show to be in many cases) offset by other actions.

The net of which is making them less profitable.

You know the difference and it is unfortunate that you conduct yourself in such a dishonest fashion.

How fucking dumb can you be??? If he reduced payroll taxes, he decreased their operating costs, and thus increased their profits. Nothing Obama did decreased their profits. He inherited an economy that was on the abyss, and stopped us from going into a full scale depression. Letting the banks fail, letting a strategic industry fail, letting foreclosures continue on it's path of acceleration would have destroyed our economy. Lets just say that Obama saved capitalism.

Is this what you call debating on facts ?

I agreed that reducing payroll taxes added to the bottom line.

Nothing Obama did decreased their profits ????? You have to be kidding.

I can tell you firsthand that the company I work for sat on over a billion dollars in cash they had planned for reinvestment specifically because of uncertainty around his policies.

There were specific places we wanted to go.

Additionally, the market weeded out some of our competitors. Uncertainty on our part allowed some overseas companies to capture some of the dispersion. That was our fault. I guess you could say Obama helped the bottom line of several foreign companies.

The claim about the depression is an article of faith. You can never prove it. It is just a talking point.

The housing market needed to correct. How do you think today's young generation was going to afford housing...they could not. Prices are going to come down. It is inevitable. The government just helped push prices up before the correction occured making it look worse.

Everything they touch pretty much turns to crap.

BTW: what do you think happens long term with the reduction is payroll taxes not feeding the trust fund ?
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Everyday the racist finger gets pointed at me for something. If I like Romney better that Obama, I'm racist. If I'm Tea Party, I'm Racist If I like white milk better than chocolate, I'm racist. They have played the race card so many times that I no longer care if people think I'm racist. The leftest in the democratic party have managed to remove any guilt I may have felt over the way minorities have been treated in the past and made it politically acceptable to be a racist now days. If I opposing the Socialist agenda of our current President makes me a racist then I'm proud to be called a racist. Now days race has nothing to do with racism. That makes me a racist.
Everyday the racist finger gets pointed at me for something. If I like Romney better that Obama, I'm racist. If I'm Tea Party, I'm Racist If I like white milk better than chocolate, I'm racist. They have played the race card so many times that I no longer care if people think I'm racist. The leftest in the democratic party have managed to remove any guilt I may have felt over the way minorities have been treated in the past and made it politically acceptable to be a racist now days. If I opposing the Socialist agenda of our current President makes me a racist then I'm proud to be called a racist. Now days race has nothing to do with racism. That makes me a racist.

:clap2: I'm gonna vote white for the rest of my life. I've had this racist bullshit up to me eyebrows.
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Vote however you wish, WillowTree, and accept that most believe racist philosophy and politics, on both sides, reveal character flaws in the practicioneers of such.
Vote however you wish, WillowTree, and accept that most believe racist philosophy and politics, on both sides, reveal character flaws in the practicioneers of such.

I'm sick of hearing it Jake. People like the Tea Party have been vilified for no damn reason other than they stand for TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY. When the left pulls that race card out from their ass cheeks and fling it down daily then I'm done sympathizing with them or any part of their agenda.
The answer to your question is yes.

That does not mean he made them more profitable as a general statement.

He would have increased their bottom line via this action.

But that could be (and has been show to be in many cases) offset by other actions.

The net of which is making them less profitable.

You know the difference and it is unfortunate that you conduct yourself in such a dishonest fashion.

How fucking dumb can you be??? If he reduced payroll taxes, he decreased their operating costs, and thus increased their profits. Nothing Obama did decreased their profits. He inherited an economy that was on the abyss, and stopped us from going into a full scale depression. Letting the banks fail, letting a strategic industry fail, letting foreclosures continue on it's path of acceleration would have destroyed our economy. Lets just say that Obama saved capitalism.

Is this what you call debating on facts ?

I agreed that reducing payroll taxes added to the bottom line.

Nothing Obama did decreased their profits ????? You have to be kidding.

I can tell you firsthand that the company I work for sat on over a billion dollars in cash they had planned for reinvestment specifically because of uncertainty around his policies.

There were specific places we wanted to go.

Additionally, the market weeded out some of our competitors. Uncertainty on our part allowed some overseas companies to capture some of the dispersion. That was our fault. I guess you could say Obama helped the bottom line of several foreign companies.

The claim about the depression is an article of faith. You can never prove it. It is just a talking point.

The housing market needed to correct. How do you think today's young generation was going to afford housing...they could not. Prices are going to come down. It is inevitable. The government just helped push prices up before the correction occured making it look worse.

Everything they touch pretty much turns to crap.

BTW: what do you think happens long term with the reduction is payroll taxes not feeding the trust fund ?

The housing market is starting to come back. Have you been following the market on companies like Pulte? The lack of cash fat companies reinvesting in themselves is more due to the international and domestic market demand. But that's a far cry of where we'd be if Obama did nothing.

The bottom line remains that Obama's action has kept us from going into a full blown depression, which would have spread internationally. He probably could have gotten a lot more done if he had a filibuster proof majority for more than 26 working days in the Senate. After all, it's been admitted by GOP leaders in both houses that they refuse to give Obama anything until after the election.
The housing market is starting to come back. Have you been following the market on companies like Pulte? The lack of cash fat companies reinvesting in themselves is more due to the international and domestic market demand. But that's a far cry of where we'd be if Obama did nothing.

The bottom line remains that Obama's action has kept us from going into a full blown depression, which would have spread internationally. He probably could have gotten a lot more done if he had a filibuster proof majority for more than 26 working days in the Senate. After all, it's been admitted by GOP leaders in both houses that they refuse to give Obama anything until after the election.

On the housing market. Houses in Mesa, AZ are worth 40 to 60% of what they were worth 5 years ago. That is promoting the migration of young families into areas that were not affordable before and the city is starting to see some of it's slumping schools pick back up. The market is doing what it does. Pulte built huge homes here in my city (worth 500K at the time...that are now selling in the low 300's). And none of this would be happening if interest rates were still at 4 and 5%.

If Obama had done nothing....tough. Prices would have dropped further. When do people finally have to account for their pathetic unwillingness to not make bad choices. Houses in Scottsdale AZ that were selling for 100 K in 2000 were selling for 500 K in 2005...who is that stupid ?

Once again...your claim about a depression is nothing but an article of faith. You can't prove it. Are you the one who just said he can debate in facts....when you are ready....you can start.

The left is now seen as a fully exposed and declared enemy of liberty. You can bet your ass we will continue to send hard core "heels dug in" reps to the house to stall off anyone (including Romney) who will try to use the federal government to "make our lives better" (because it usually doesn't...and on the net makes them worse).

I have all the faith in the world in a free market economy. I also understand the economics is about equilibrium and the one thing people who espouse the free market sometimes don't pay attention to is the rate (which can sometimes be violent) at which corrections take place. That is life.

I'll take a smaller house, a cheaper car, and dirt roads over giving up my rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Joe Biden (paying taxes is patriotic) can kiss my ass.
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To be honest, when you have two candidates who are virtually the same in everything they've actually done yet one candidate is hated and considered a Communist/Nazi/Marxist/America hater and the other is considered "the right choice" for our country, it's tough to not consider that something as ridiculous as skin color becomes a factor.

Irrational people base their decisions on irrational ideas.

This is the dumbest statement I've read in awhile.

When did Obama run the Olympics?
When did Obama run a state?
When did Obama run a business?

In fact when did Obama run anything beyond a bunch of rabble rousers or his mouth?
I have no trouble with talking about tax policy.

Our tea party at home has many racists. Those slime ball migrated to it like ants to carrion.

I support TPM where the policies are right, and oppose them when wrong, which is exactly what I do with our mainstream Republicanism, and those from the left of center.

Vote however you wish, WillowTree, and accept that most believe racist philosophy and politics, on both sides, reveal character flaws in the practicioneers of such.

I'm sick of hearing it Jake. People like the Tea Party have been vilified for no damn reason other than they stand for TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY. When the left pulls that race card out from their ass cheeks and fling it down daily then I'm done sympathizing with them or any part of their agenda.
Liberals show they are nothing but scum when they claim we're racists for being against Obamination when he is more radical, left-wing than Bill Clinton and we fought Bill Clinton for 8 years.

So we're not racists if we oppose a white liberal, but we're racists if we oppose a radical black liberal......weird logic.
All I can do in the major elections is to be aware of who is racist, whether deliberately or hidden, and vote accordingly.

Proactive describes myself, my brothers, and our families, in alliance with like thinking leaders and families, in our community. We proactively make sure we do not employ racists in our businesses or permit their employment in public services, including schools, from bus drive to superintendents.

The future generations will do much better than ours in working at eliminating this scourge of the American narrative.

Race Police ^
The day may come when baggers realize just how far they have fallen, just how much they are despised by the rest of the planet and just how much damage they have done.

That we tolerate you at all as still part of the human race, shows tremendous tolerance on our part.

guys, this isnt a debate, the rest of the world is with me, dont make me prove it to you again

i bet they are shaking in their fucking booties....
I have no trouble with talking about tax policy.

Our tea party at home has many racists. Those slime ball migrated to it like ants to carrion.

I support TPM where the policies are right, and oppose them when wrong, which is exactly what I do with our mainstream Republicanism, and those from the left of center.

Vote however you wish, WillowTree, and accept that most believe racist philosophy and politics, on both sides, reveal character flaws in the practicioneers of such.

I'm sick of hearing it Jake. People like the Tea Party have been vilified for no damn reason other than they stand for TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY. When the left pulls that race card out from their ass cheeks and fling it down daily then I'm done sympathizing with them or any part of their agenda.

Give examples of tea party racism?
actually, drunk, asleep and under heavy sedation i am 125 times smarter and more mature than you...

i am not kidding, not exaggerating, without meeting you I know this...how can I, I know who you are, what you look like, what you think and you really cant compete with me, it is why white supremacists have spent so many years fixing the rules in their favor, they know they cant compete...

judging by what you post especially your previous one.....you dont seem too mature to me.....if your over 25 years of age your defiantly not very mature....you sound just like those you bad mouth here....

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