Racist Rhetoric and the 2012 Election

and now it seems in florida and pa you racist fucks want to start a war

I wish i could say i was surprised, oh well, it was nice while it lasted...

see you in the field

Looking forward to it.

I know you are, and you are proud that your side is actively preventing Black people and students and minorities in general from voting, arent you, go ahead and admit it...

Just for once I would appreciate it if one of you guys would admit it

nope we're against dead people, pets, unregistered voters, noncitizens and people voting more than once......you are for all of the above.
I dont remember white foks standing in front of a voting place scaring people not to vote, but I did see the black panthers do it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4MTQVMatW0]RACIST GROUP INTIMIDATES VOTERS - YouTube[/ame]
the left cant come hard enough with the "racism" crap for me. Go......go.........go..........gets every swinging dick on the right out to vote for Romney, some who might not otherwise. Go......go.......go..............:D:D:D
I will say this gently, buckeyes: fuck you. There are hundreds upon hundreds of examples, well documented, as well you know. So, fuck you, sonny.

Your comment is another example of why the TPM generally is scorned and can't be trusted.

I have no trouble with talking about tax policy.

Our tea party at home has many racists. Those slime ball migrated to it like ants to carrion.

I support TPM where the policies are right, and oppose them when wrong, which is exactly what I do with our mainstream Republicanism, and those from the left of center.

I'm sick of hearing it Jake. People like the Tea Party have been vilified for no damn reason other than they stand for TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY. When the left pulls that race card out from their ass cheeks and fling it down daily then I'm done sympathizing with them or any part of their agenda.

Give examples of tea party racism?
Looking forward to it.

I know you are, and you are proud that your side is actively preventing Black people and students and minorities in general from voting, arent you, go ahead and admit it...

Just for once I would appreciate it if one of you guys would admit it

nope we're against dead people, pets, unregistered voters, noncitizens and people voting more than once......you are for all of the above.
I dont remember white foks standing in front of a voting place scaring people not to vote, but I did see the black panthers do it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4MTQVMatW0]RACIST GROUP INTIMIDATES VOTERS - YouTube[/ame]

Heres to hoping these neanderthals come out again in November because if they do, it might just be the best TV we've seen in years. I know for a fact that they'll be busted up real bad ( and not with a camera:badgrin:) if it happens in the Phllly Metro area and it'll be all over YouTube by the evening!!!:clap2::D
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And a fuck you to Lush Rimbot who "mirrors" what he accuses others of doing, what he is doing himself, in fact.

Rush Limbaugh makes much more with his racist rhetoric.

No he actually mocks liberals and they project their racism on to him, just like with the Magic Negro....that was awesome!

First Jake, just get some balls and admit you're a lefty...who only accepts academic sources, but no the actual people....you're a clown....And Rush Limbaugh made fun of an article in the LA times, which was written by a black liberal....and the title....The Magic Negro......See liberals like you say that black people who are accpted arent REALLY black, you say they act WHITE.....Hence the term the Magic Negro.....which is way more racist then I or Rush will ever be.....but keep saying it.....this from a guy who never gives proof......and yeah Marxists were in the French Revolution bitch!!!!!!!!!!!

Now Riddle me this......how many black republicans have been elected to congress since 1980? how many have been in majority black districts? now how many black democrats have been elected to majority white districts?

So you'll be interested in the final answer to those questions.....I believe the last two are ZERO.....
You are a thief and imitator of true conservatives. You steal the worth and labour of others, posing as what you are not. You are a reactionary extremist, without honor and without ethic. Step off, fellow.

And a fuck you to Lush Rimbot who "mirrors" what he accuses others of doing, what he is doing himself, in fact.

No he actually mocks liberals and they project their racism on to him, just like with the Magic Negro....that was awesome!

First Jake, just get some balls and admit you're a lefty...who only accepts academic sources, but no the actual people....you're a clown....And Rush Limbaugh made fun of an article in the LA times, which was written by a black liberal....and the title....The Magic Negro......See liberals like you say that black people who are accpted arent REALLY black, you say they act WHITE.....Hence the term the Magic Negro.....which is way more racist then I or Rush will ever be.....but keep saying it.....this from a guy who never gives proof......and yeah Marxists were in the French Revolution bitch!!!!!!!!!!!

Now Riddle me this......how many black republicans have been elected to congress since 1980? how many have been in majority black districts? now how many black democrats have been elected to majority white districts?

So you'll be interested in the final answer to those questions.....I believe the last two are ZERO.....
To be honest, when you have two candidates who are virtually the same in everything they've actually done yet one candidate is hated and considered a Communist/Nazi/Marxist/America hater and the other is considered "the right choice" for our country, it's tough to not consider that something as ridiculous as skin color becomes a factor.

Irrational people base their decisions on irrational ideas.

The same in everything they have done?? What business has Obama made profitable?? When was he an executive in government before getting elected to President?? Sounds more like you are really trying to prop him up on false claims...

And who said Romney is "the right choice"?? I hear plenty say they are voting for him, all the while listing what they don't like about his stances or him... And I have heard even more basically stating that a vote is going to him because any slight improvement over Obamalama is at least a step in the right direction

And yes, you base your irrational decisions on irrational ideas

Let's be honest here. The REAL reason leftists think the only possible reason anyone could ever dislike a black person is BECAUSE he's black is the fact that, to them, there's nothing else to black people except their skin color. The left doesn't see them as individual people (they don't really see anyone as individuals, but it goes double for minorities), with personalities, characters, and flaws, about which one can have an opinion.

Record? What record? Policy proposals? What policy proposals? Obama is black, ergo that is all there is to him, ergo we must dislike him because he's black. Until we find a way to make liberals evolve and become more intelligent and civilized, this is the sort of primitive nonsense we're going to hear from them.

Insofar as elections are basically looking at the guys on the ballot and choosing one, Romney is the right choice.
yep and the racist piece of dung from va is proud to teach it to her kids......

i caught that, she sounds like that racist pig salt jones.

she is what is wrong in our country. To think a mother would teach her kids racist stuff is just disgusting. She is disgusting.

Why in God's name would anyone consider it a triumph to "finally" convince them that racism is alive and well? Why would you WANT your kids to believe such a thing?
Yeah, she responded to the question, and? Was that your whole point? :lol:

Pretty much.

The fact that the quote says SHE shifted to race when in fact all she was doing is responding to a direct question, sounds like someone trying paint a different picture here that what really happened.

Rightttt, Obama and his "truth team" keep getting taken out of context! :thup:

Apparently, it's okay to believe and say putridly racist things as long as you wait until after yuo've been asked about them.
Cecelie1200 continues with her racist panting and chanting.


When Romney is elected, this crap gets kicked out of the official party venues.
First of all, There are brighter Black people then that woman. Alot of Blacks realize that Obama is not one of them. Obama might be dark in skin color, but he is not a Black person.....he is a Muslim. Obama admits being a Muslim, so what part of that can't people understand. Obama told the Muslim community he was one of them. Obama is not the first Black President, he is the first Muslim President and never should have been elected.

First of all, no one said there WEREN'T brighter black people than this woman. In fact, up to this point, no one has talked about her in terms of the intelligence of black people in general at all . . . except you.

Second of all, "black" is a race; "Muslim" is a religion. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Third, I really doubt Obama is a Muslim. I find it very hard to believe that Obama believes in anything other than Obama.

While I appreciate your opposition to Obama, it's disheartening that it's on such a ridiculous basis.

This could definitely just be wishful thinking, but I think the Left's constant use of the race card is finally beginning to wear thin on people. A word can only be over-used so much before it becomes diluted.


When someone is actually a racist, that isn't "the race card". Sorry to break it to you.

Yes, I know. When anyone ever says anything remotely critical about a liberal black person or liberal Hispanic person, or if they say something that could be twisted into criticism or something remotely negative, they're a racist. I know, I get it.

This has been a very effective tactic for a long time. We'll see how much longer it remains so.


I make it a personal policy to just never give a damn what liberals think or say about me. It saves a lot of time and annoyance in life.
posts 142 and 144 prove you wrong

Not if you ask many Lefties. I have actually had a Liberal tell me Blacks were incapable of Racism before.


a minority cant be a racist, this is basic stuff

a minority can be a bigot, but not a racist, those in the majority with all the power regardless of what color they are can be racists and nobody else, in that particular society

The Internet has lots of free dictionaries. Find one and look up "racism". I promise you, minorities are not excluded from being racists. This is basic stuff . . . called "the English language".

The Internet is NOT just for porn. Investigate it.
i caught that, she sounds like that racist pig salt jones.

she is what is wrong in our country. To think a mother would teach her kids racist stuff is just disgusting. She is disgusting.

Why in God's name would anyone consider it a triumph to "finally" convince them that racism is alive and well? Why would you WANT your kids to believe such a thing?

She is teaching them to be racisis, plain and simple. And she doesn't see anything wrong with it!
posts 142 and 144 prove you wrong

Not if you ask many Lefties. I have actually had a Liberal tell me Blacks were incapable of Racism before.


You did? Thats funny because I've had several Cons tell me they hate Obamas black face and wanted to go back to slavery to teach him a lesson.

Your anecdotal "evidence" says nothing about conservatives and conservatism in general, and everything about the quality of people you choose to associate with.
and now it seems in florida and pa you racist fucks want to start a war

I wish i could say i was surprised, oh well, it was nice while it lasted...

see you in the field


i would think the intentional act to prevent minorities from voting would bother you, especially you

:lmao: How racist does the left have to be to believe that minorities are less capable of the basic functions of life - like acquiring a photo ID - than white people are?

My husband is a minority, and we always go to vote together. He has exactly the same amount of trouble with the process as I do . . . which is to say, none at all.

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