Racist School Assignment from NC - let's play this game!

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Breaking people into categories. Read it again, i.e. black, white, Hispanic, Asian, lesbian, female, male. That is segregating at its finest.

That's not segregation. That's identifying.
Why, then, are the individuals not identified solely on their skill sets? Who cares what race or gender a construction worker or doctor is? Why take any handicapped lawyer at all? A preacher, what additional skills does he possess? Pregnant mother with baggage, again, what skills does she bring with?
Of course the exercise is racist, sexist, and homophobic because it categorizes choices with irrelevant survival characteristics.

As I've said over and over again, learning to sift through information is a skill. When a student reads a passage, they have to pull out relevant information. If all you give them is relevant information, they can't practice that skill.
There is plenty of irrelevant info that could be included, why choose something divisive like race, sexual orientation? Why not irrelevant
hobbies, for example?

That's a good point. I kept wondering if the lawyer had a hobby using short-wave radio, or
if the priest had some great hobby, like carpentry.

I'm not saying this was the best-designed assignment in the world, but I don't think it's worth the cries of racism and the gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair.
Lawyers are universally disdained as liars and sophists.

A Catholic girl might choose a Catholic priest however.

Not sure if a Buddhist girl would similarly choose a Buddhist priest however.
I think this exercise is fascinating and a good one. I don't see it as racist. It encourages participants to look the choices they would make, and why. Race, sexual orientation, gender, professions - those are all factors in Real Life. You can pretend they don't exist but they do, they are all around us. Those details make a much more interesting exercise them simply labeling professions and ages.

According to the Facebook post, the choices are a "35 year old White male construction worker who is a racist," a "40 year old Black female doctor who is a lesbian," a "50 year old White male who is a Catholic Priest," a "25 year old Hispanic male who is a lawyer and is wheelchair bound," a "30 year old Korean-American female who is a former college athlete," and a "20 year old White female who is pregnant, has a two year old son and is on welfare."

I would choose:
The doctor - in light of her skill set, all else is irrelevent. Besides, if you wanted to repopulate, being lesbian doesn't preclude her from having children.

The Priest - because he is the oldest of the group, has a maturity and wisdom to guide a group, priests often have good listening skills and conflict solving skills. Could be a peacemaker.

The College athlete - she's young, fit, would do well.

The construction worker - hopefully his racist views would be tempered by getting to know a diverse group who will have to rely on each other, he has skills that are useful.

I hesitated over the others...the lawyer, being wheelchair bound could be a real survival problem in a post holocaust world. The pregnant woman with the child would count as two people, and that would leave out some important skills.
Coyote it thought you were female.

If you are female then you are going to need a sperm donor.

If you are male you are going to need a vagina.

Robert's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt, that's how you need to choose.

Technically speaking...you only need one sperm donor to make a go of it...

If you are female then you yourself would need a sperm donor.

Especially if you were starting over for the Earth no matter your age.
I'm a teacher.

I/E daycare provider.


But your attempt to demean me is noted.

Those who can't do teach three year olds at their home.


What did I do to deserve you trying to belittle my work?
Jeeze ricechickie .

This Fokker is just trying to get inside of your head.

Don't let him/her.
yeah, too many people allow themselves to get worked up over what an anonymous stranger says online

be the duck - let these types of comments roll off your back & hit back with something that hits them in the hot button

the forum is more fun when you step back and remove yourself emotionally from what people say

I don't think this is standard doctrine anymore in the 21st Century.

The most politically correct thinking on this now is that there is a "gene" for being gay.

that's why I did the emoticon, to emphasize my snark

I'll step back and be serious for a minute - I think that everybody has sexual curiosities that include homosexual exploration - some act on it, most don't

and I do believe there is a "choice component" to it

Medical doctors today will tell you that it is better to put a baby on its back, don't agree with that either

I also realize that I could be wrong, but it does not matter enough to me to get worked up about it or argue about it

politics? well, that's a different story...
That's not segregation. That's identifying.
Why, then, are the individuals not identified solely on their skill sets? Who cares what race or gender a construction worker or doctor is? Why take any handicapped lawyer at all? A preacher, what additional skills does he possess? Pregnant mother with baggage, again, what skills does she bring with?
Of course the exercise is racist, sexist, and homophobic because it categorizes choices with irrelevant survival characteristics.

As I've said over and over again, learning to sift through information is a skill. When a student reads a passage, they have to pull out relevant information. If all you give them is relevant information, they can't practice that skill.
There is plenty of irrelevant info that could be included, why choose something divisive like race, sexual orientation? Why not irrelevant
hobbies, for example?

That's a good point. I kept wondering if the lawyer had a hobby using short-wave radio, or
if the priest had some great hobby, like carpentry.

I'm not saying this was the best-designed assignment in the world, but I don't think it's worth the cries of racism and the gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair.
Lawyers are universally disdained as liars and sophists.

A Catholic girl might choose a Catholic priest however.

Not sure if a Buddhist girl would similarly choose a Buddhist priest however.

This is getting complicated....
So a few parents are upset about a hypothetical morals scenario that was assigned to students in NC

Some feel the assignment is racist. Well, it is racist, because these SJWs just cannot help themselves - ALL of the whites are cast in a bad light, or are "dregs of society"

All of the "minorities" are upstanding citizens & productive members of society. Why? Because thrashing white people is what these fools like to do...

Anywho - let's set that aside. Let's look at the assignment and share with the class here in USMB what our picks would be!

The assignment:

The assignment is called the "Bomb Shelter Activity." The scenario is that the President of the United States issues a warning of a nuclear attack, and the student's family has access to a bomb shelter. The student can pick four strangers to go into the bomb shelter for safety.

The assignment has the student decide between different ethnic groups.

According to the Facebook post, the choices are a "35 year old White male construction worker who is a racist," a "40 year old Black female doctor who is a lesbian," a "50 year old White male who is a Catholic Priest," a "25 year old Hispanic male who is a lawyer and is wheelchair bound," a "30 year old Korean-American female who is a former college athlete," and a "20 year old White female who is pregnant, has a two year old son and is on welfare."

Parents say school 'bomb shelter' assignment promotes racism

My choice:

1. Korean athlete - this is a no brainer, especially if we have to think about repopulating the earth
2. Construction worker - another no brainer, don't care that he is "racist" He knows how to build shit & we are talking about making it in a post apocalyptic world. Besides, he has probably been mislabeled as a racist just because he voted to Make America Great Again, but either way, he is in
3. 20 year old welfare queen - obviously a slut & the construction worker will need someone to bang (cuz, I'm calling dibs on the Asian athlete...) Only consideration is does the 2 year old come with her? Doesn't matter, she's in either way
4. Lesbian doc - hopefully she knows her shit, as medical skills will come in handy

crippled lawyer is 1st out, I mean talk about less than worthless in this scenario
Catholic priest never had a shot with me either, cuz I plan to make babies with the Korean & I wouldn't wanna have to kill anybody, if the priest raped a kid on my watch in a post apocalyptic world, I would absolutely kill him after I ripped his balls off

so - who would YOU pick?

That is about the easy exercise I have ever seen. It has nothing to do with racism- correct answer is "what the hell are we going to do with a lawyer in a wheelchair. He will only breath, eat and argue." Every other person could bring something useful to the group.
BuckToothMoron you have proved once again that in addition to being a gentleman and a scholar you are the smartest person in the room !!!
I stand corrected. I see you are a nanny, instead.

Got it.

You just aren't capable, are you? That's why you do this.

Sad, that.

I was capable enough to go to Stanford.

Of course, that was before schools became indoctrination centers for the sort of racist idiocy you support, here.

And yet you can't just have a discussion or even be a grown-up and walk away. Did Stanford teach you to use the ad hom fallacy?

Pointing out that you support this racist twaddle because you harbor the same feelings is not an ad hom.

It is simply the truth.

A person would have to be an utter idiot not to notice the agenda at work here. Since you are attempting to posit yourself as something other than an utter idiot through your claims of being a teacher, then your support must stem from your agreement with the agenda.

Like I said a while back -- if this was about Ghetto thugs and lazy Mexicans, you would be all over it. You are patently racist against whites, so you aren't.

Trying to demean my profession is ad hom.

That's all. You've apparently given your all.
In any NCAA debate if you point out an irrelevant ad hom you win the debate point for that issue.

I don't think this is standard doctrine anymore in the 21st Century.

The most politically correct thinking on this now is that there is a "gene" for being gay.

that's why I did the emoticon, to emphasize my snark

I'll step back and be serious for a minute - I think that everybody has sexual curiosities that include homosexual exploration - some act on it, most don't

and I do believe there is a "choice component" to it

Medical doctors today will tell you that it is better to put a baby on its back, don't agree with that either

I also realize that I could be wrong, but it does not matter enough to me to get worked up about it or argue about it

politics? well, that's a different story...
Well in any survival situation you have to think about a lot.

Are you going to sacrifice yourself like spiders do? Male spiders let the females eat them after they inseminate her. Mother spiders let the hatchlings eat her for the protein. No other animals love their mates and offspring more than spiders do.
I don't think this is standard doctrine anymore in the 21st Century.

The most politically correct thinking on this now is that there is a "gene" for being gay.

that's why I did the emoticon, to emphasize my snark

I'll step back and be serious for a minute - I think that everybody has sexual curiosities that include homosexual exploration - some act on it, most don't

and I do believe there is a "choice component" to it

Medical doctors today will tell you that it is better to put a baby on its back, don't agree with that either

I also realize that I could be wrong, but it does not matter enough to me to get worked up about it or argue about it

politics? well, that's a different story...
Well in any survival situation you have to think about a lot.

Are you going to sacrifice yourself like spiders do? Male spiders let the females eat them after they inseminate her. Mother spiders let the hatchlings eat her for the protein. No other animals love their mates and offspring more than spiders do.

Just for the record. I'm not eating my sperm donor.
Are you going to sacrifice yourself like spiders do? Male spiders let the females eat them after they inseminate her. Mother spiders let the hatchlings eat her for the protein. No other animals love their mates and offspring more than spiders do.

GFY - I didn't need to visualize that

"35 year old White male construction worker who is a racist," he can work to rebuild, the "25 year old Hispanic male who is a lawyer and is wheelchair bound," can keep the racist inline, a "30 year old Korean-American female who is a former college athlete," to push the wheel chair bound dude and collect other things when needed, the "20 year old White female who is pregnant, has a two year old son and is on welfare", as she is like getting three for one.

added I forgot to include the dude in the wheel chair can help teach junior and gives a place for junior to ride when the walk is getting too long.
You would really need to be a great father to her Negro kid.

He/she would want to know why you are not black like him/her (no pun intended -- it was the title of a famous book in the 1970's).
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I don't think this is standard doctrine anymore in the 21st Century.

The most politically correct thinking on this now is that there is a "gene" for being gay.

that's why I did the emoticon, to emphasize my snark

I'll step back and be serious for a minute - I think that everybody has sexual curiosities that include homosexual exploration - some act on it, most don't

and I do believe there is a "choice component" to it

Medical doctors today will tell you that it is better to put a baby on its back, don't agree with that either

I also realize that I could be wrong, but it does not matter enough to me to get worked up about it or argue about it

politics? well, that's a different story...
Well in any survival situation you have to think about a lot.

Are you going to sacrifice yourself like spiders do? Male spiders let the females eat them after they inseminate her. Mother spiders let the hatchlings eat her for the protein. No other animals love their mates and offspring more than spiders do.

Just for the record. I'm not eating my sperm donor.
Everything always depends.

Cannibalism is still better than starvation.

There are all sorts of ethical questions that need to be addressed as you go along.

Love, in Greek, has 3 flavors -- friendship, eroticism, and parental love.

Philos, erotismos, and agrape.

If I loved you Coyote (assuming you are female) and I had given you a male and female child already then you would not need me anymore and if the 3 of you were starving I would want you to eat my flesh to stay alive.

On the other hand, if you had given me a son and daughter and I hated you then I would butcher you myself and feed you to our kids to keep us alive.

Love is an emotion reaction.
And yet it [race] means very little, their "wants." And it means very little, the measure of melanin in my skin, when you post to me. Doesn't it?
When I post to you, I am responding to your mind.

If I were to invite you into my bomb shelter, I would want you to bring a girl and a boy with you, or else a good womb that can make babies after the Armageddon.
It can only push the kids to do just that by segregating , the teacher creates the segregating, rather than this-

You need to go to a bomb shelter and can take 4 others with you. Your choices:

A doctor
A construction worker
A minister
A lawyer
An athlete
A mother

Which 4 would you choose and why.

Now, that is called an exercise in critical thinking. The problem given was an exercise is isolating by skin color, lifestyle; segregating.

No, it is segregating. What would it matter, under those circumstances what race or lifestyle someone has? To those that don't see color, nothing, we could care less.
The person assigning it wanted to segregate them. Not by what they could bring to the table, but by what color their skin was or their lifestyle.
That's not segregation. That's identifying.

Maybe the person assigning it wanted to challenge students' assumptions. Would a person's skin color or orientation or religion matter more than their skill set?

Teachers shouldn't even be discussing race. That isn't their job.

Race is interwoven through some of the most important parts of our history. How can it NOT be discussed?
The most important consideration is obviously gender.

The next most important is age.

For many people race is 3rd.

I was brainwashed by my parents just like everybody else.

But in a life or death survival situation you really need to ignore race.

Skill set is important and probably 3rd.

Trust is quite important. If you cannot trust the other, they are a liability.
I agree that the assignment is subjective. But there is usually some particular goal in mind. Unless the subsequent discussion includes why any student would consider any other qualification than skill sets, or possibly breeding ability, the inclusion of race, sexual orientation, or age is irrelevant. Well, unless the goal is to evaluation how many students are capable of identifying those attributes as totally useless in a survival situation. Unfortunately, such thoughts have been routinely vilified and used to punish students in this generation. Exclude a hispanic? Why? How about including a white racist? That's just ...well, racist!
Given the current obvious condition of the brainwashed youth passing through our public school system, I doubt the human race would survive a nuclear/environmental/economic holocaust.

That would be another good goal of discussion, if the word "racist" is brought up. What does that mean? When is it a legitimate complaint?

For example, is the wheelchair-bound Hispanic lawyer excluded because of racism? I can justify why I'd leave him out.
I'd leave him out because the "new" world would require those fit enough to endure the challenges of re-establishing civilization. A lawyer would also likely have little knowledge, or skill, to aid in that goal. Given the information available, that bugger would be OUT! Who cares what language his momma taught him in the cradle?
Why would you leave out the wheel-chair bound lawyer? Who would you include, and why? Exclude, and why?

I answered that way back. Construction worker in, doctor in, both have skill sets that will be useful as hell. Lawyer out, because he would be a burden on resources, and no discernible skills relevant. The mom, I was ambivalent about. A pregnant woman can be a burden, and if she brings her 2 year old, it's like a 3 for 1, which would a strain on food. Gymnast, I would take, because she's strong and healthy and able to breed. In the end, I decided on the pregnant Mom over the priest, because we'd have to repopulate.
Pretty much how I'd decide, too. The priest is a no-brainer, though, unless he has some useful skills to contribute. While some might view having man of god along for morale, that is not a very useful profession. The pregnant mom with a toddler might be an advance on that re-population goal, but she'd have to accept her role keeping the "nest" while the others went about the business of feeding, clothing, and securing the "colony". Crippled lawyer would be a definite no.
Depends, as only age and race (which I didn't factor) was listed for the lawyer. Based on age and condition the lawyer could be of service. Watch over the toddlers.
A lawyer in a wheel chair is probably para and therefore cannot reproduce.

To a woman he would be impotent.

To a male he would be totally useless.

Did you not read BuckToothMoron's astute explanation ???
What do you mean, they "segregate"?
Why did they mention skin colour etc?

I'm guessing to stimulate discussion about what characteristics are important to restart society. The assignment also mentioned age, skill set, disabilities, sexuality.
Age is relevant, for obvious reasons. So is Skill set, gender (as in the actual gender :wink:) and ability/disability. Skin colour is clearly irrelevant, so are the descriptors Asian, Hispanic.
Gender is relevant depending on the respondent.

As ricechickie pointed out she wants the big construction worker for obvious reasons not just to build her a house.

As several of the guys pointed out we each wanted the Asian babe.

Why, you little piggy!

If I wanted that, I would have set a real challenge and brought the priest in!

A good Catholic girl would obviously have chosen the priest, yes.

I presume you are Buddhist however or else Shinto and not Catholic.
Ok here we are at the end of it all -- in Greek the word for this is epilogue -- the overall words.

I think an assignment like this for any kids in school anywhere is illegal and abusive.

In a private grad school not publicly funded in any way you might get away with discussing it at this post graduate level.

Hopefully they would come to the same logical conclusions as some of us did -- that repopulation of the Earth is the major consideration.

... and that race does not matter.

... but health and fitness does matter.

The Korean babe is probably the guys' #1 choice.

And the racist construction worker is probably the ladies' #1 choice.
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