Racist, Sexist Border Patrol Agents on Facebook

Who would those voters support for POTUS in 2020?
If they vote Republican, they will have to vote for a known racist, which makes them racist. Ha, at least we will know how many true racists we have in this country when it's all over.

It's this simplistic and childish attitude that will cost the Democrats votes in 2020. Two of the best Presidential campaigns I have seen run were Obama 2008 and Trump 2016, both basically ran hope and change and won. Obama ran rich vs. poor and did it well, Trump ran government vs poor and it work well.

Working people worry about their jobs and how government hurts or helps their work of choice. Whether their industry will boom or bust with the next President or Congress. The small business worries about getting run over by government. The working class have felt they have had no voice for a long time and are frustrated by the social issues that America has tackled and how they left the backbone of America carry the weight of America. On Trump fulfilling the promises he has been just as inept as Obama was in fulfilling campaign promises, so maybe America will wise up and see that the two big parties are terrible for our country and we need change and real change, not a campaign slogan.
Trump ran a campaign based on hate & bigotry. Name calling & lies.
Lol, he didn't call almost half of Americans deplorable.
Actually, Hillary called Bigots, racists, white supremacists deplorable. Are you saying they aren't?
She said Trump supporters are a basket of dplorables.
When she compared their facilities to Nazi camps.

Which would you rather be called? A whore or a nazi?
When she compared their facilities to Nazi camps.
When did she use the word "Nazi"?
She called them concentration camps. Dont you follow the news?

They are concentration camps by definition.
Concentration camps is where jews were murdered. That is the only occasion where the term is used. To suggest otherwise is moronic.


Concentration camps have a definition & you are full of shit claiming the term can only be used in conjunction with Nazi Germany.
Name some non Nazi concentration camps that we refer to as concentration camps.
Yes and delaying the deportation hurt him a lot. That could be the nail in the coffin, with some.
Yes and delaying the deportation hurt him a lot. That could be the nail in the coffin, with some.
Who would those voters support for POTUS in 2020?
If they vote Republican, they will have to vote for a known racist, which makes them racist. Ha, at least we will know how many true racists we have in this country when it's all over.

It's this simplistic and childish attitude that will cost the Democrats votes in 2020. Two of the best Presidential campaigns I have seen run were Obama 2008 and Trump 2016, both basically ran hope and change and won. Obama ran rich vs. poor and did it well, Trump ran government vs poor and it work well.

Working people worry about their jobs and how government hurts or helps their work of choice. Whether their industry will boom or bust with the next President or Congress. The small business worries about getting run over by government. The working class have felt they have had no voice for a long time and are frustrated by the social issues that America has tackled and how they left the backbone of America carry the weight of America. On Trump fulfilling the promises he has been just as inept as Obama was in fulfilling campaign promises, so maybe America will wise up and see that the two big parties are terrible for our country and we need change and real change, not a campaign slogan.
Trump ran a campaign based on hate & bigotry. Name calling & lies.

That is your opinion, Michael Moore, who I usually disagree with called it correctlet.
Midwest Math, or Welcome to Our Rust Belt Brexit. I believe Trump is going to focus much of his attention on the four blue states in the rustbelt of the upper Great Lakes – Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Four traditionally Democratic states – but each of them have elected a Republican governor since 2010 (only Pennsylvania has now finally elected a Democrat). In the Michigan primary in March, more Michiganders came out to vote for the Republicans (1.32 million) that the Democrats (1.19 million). Trump is ahead of Hillary in the latest polls in Pennsylvania and tied with her in Ohio. Tied? How can the race be this close after everything Trump has said and done? Well maybe it’s because he’s said (correctly) that the Clintons’ support of NAFTA helped to destroy the industrial states of the Upper Midwest. Trump is going to hammer Clinton on this and her support of TPP and other trade policies that have royally screwed the people of these four states. When Trump stood in the shadow of a Ford Motor factory during the Michigan primary, he threatened the corporation that if they did indeed go ahead with their planned closure of that factory and move it to Mexico, he would slap a 35% tariff on any Mexican-built cars shipped back to the United States. It was sweet, sweet music to the ears of the working class of Michigan, and when he tossed in his threat to Apple that he would force them to stop making their iPhones in China and build them here in America, well, hearts swooned and Trump walked away with a big victory that should have gone to the governor next-door, John Kasich.

From Green Bay to Pittsburgh, this, my friends, is the middle of England – broken, depressed, struggling, the smokestacks strewn across the countryside with the carcass of what we use to call the Middle Class. Angry, embittered working (and nonworking) people who were lied to by the trickle-down of Reagan and abandoned by Democrats who still try to talk a good line but are really just looking forward to rub one out with a lobbyist from Goldman Sachs who’ll write them nice big check before leaving the room. What happened in the UK with Brexit is going to happen here. Elmer Gantry shows up looking like Boris Johnson and just says whatever shit he can make up to convince the masses that this is their chance! To stick to ALL of them, all who wrecked their American Dream! And now The Outsider, Donald Trump, has arrived to clean house! You don’t have to agree with him! You don’t even have to like him! He is your personal Molotov cocktail to throw right into the center of the bastards who did this to you! SEND A MESSAGE! TRUMP IS YOUR MESSENGER!

And this is where the math comes in. In 2012, Mitt Romney lost by 64 electoral votes. Add up the electoral votes cast by Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. It’s 64. All Trump needs to do to win is to carry, as he’s expected to do, the swath of traditional red states from Idaho to Georgia (states that’ll never vote for Hillary Clinton), and then he just needs these four rust belt states. He doesn’t need Florida. He doesn’t need Colorado or Virginia. Just Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. And that will put him over the top. This is how it will happen in November. 5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win

Now, you also have the Washington outsider trend that hit the White House in 2016, which ironically how Bill Clinton won in 1992, running as an outsider. Toss in a poor campaign run by Hillary and her unlikability with independents that drove them to Trump. I don't think Trump will be re-elected however I never thought he would get out of the primaries.
He concentrated on those states last time, because many Democrat voters were purged by illegal means; The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast
If they vote Republican, they will have to vote for a known racist, which makes them racist. Ha, at least we will know how many true racists we have in this country when it's all over.

It's this simplistic and childish attitude that will cost the Democrats votes in 2020. Two of the best Presidential campaigns I have seen run were Obama 2008 and Trump 2016, both basically ran hope and change and won. Obama ran rich vs. poor and did it well, Trump ran government vs poor and it work well.

Working people worry about their jobs and how government hurts or helps their work of choice. Whether their industry will boom or bust with the next President or Congress. The small business worries about getting run over by government. The working class have felt they have had no voice for a long time and are frustrated by the social issues that America has tackled and how they left the backbone of America carry the weight of America. On Trump fulfilling the promises he has been just as inept as Obama was in fulfilling campaign promises, so maybe America will wise up and see that the two big parties are terrible for our country and we need change and real change, not a campaign slogan.
Trump ran a campaign based on hate & bigotry. Name calling & lies.
Lol, he didn't call almost half of Americans deplorable.
Actually, Hillary called Bigots, racists, white supremacists deplorable. Are you saying they aren't?
She said Trump supporters are a basket of dplorables.
They are. She was 100% spot on. And they still are.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Drowned migrant father and daughter mourned at El Salvador cemetery

"SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — The bodies of a man and his young daughter who drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande into Texas are being laid to rest in their native El Salvador.

Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his daughter Valeria died while trying to cross the Rio Grande on June 23, their deaths captured by a horrific and haunting image that sparked outrage."

Fake (funeral) News?

‘It Is Our Fault’: El Salvador’s President Takes Blame for Migrant Deaths in Rio Grande

‘It Is Our Fault’: El Salvador’s President Takes Blame for Migrant Deaths in Rio Grande

MEXICO CITY — The president of El Salvador was addressing the plight of thousands of his fellow citizens who emigrate each year — including a father and daughter who drowned last week while trying to cross into the United States — when he did something rare among leaders in the region.

He took responsibility.
We took over El Salvador and their government and replaced it with the one we wanted. The kind that says "yes sir" to the US. That's why they blame migrants; El Salvador 1980-92: After the U.S. helped fix an election to repress dissidents in El Salvador, the rebels turned to violence and a civil war ensued. Although the U.S. claimed to be only involved on an advisory basis 20 U.S. soldiers were killed in combat missions. The U.S. spent six billion dollars repressing this popular revolution.
Who would those voters support for POTUS in 2020?
If they vote Republican, they will have to vote for a known racist, which makes them racist. Ha, at least we will know how many true racists we have in this country when it's all over.

It's this simplistic and childish attitude that will cost the Democrats votes in 2020. Two of the best Presidential campaigns I have seen run were Obama 2008 and Trump 2016, both basically ran hope and change and won. Obama ran rich vs. poor and did it well, Trump ran government vs poor and it work well.

Working people worry about their jobs and how government hurts or helps their work of choice. Whether their industry will boom or bust with the next President or Congress. The small business worries about getting run over by government. The working class have felt they have had no voice for a long time and are frustrated by the social issues that America has tackled and how they left the backbone of America carry the weight of America. On Trump fulfilling the promises he has been just as inept as Obama was in fulfilling campaign promises, so maybe America will wise up and see that the two big parties are terrible for our country and we need change and real change, not a campaign slogan.
Trump ran a campaign based on hate & bigotry. Name calling & lies.

That is your opinion, Michael Moore, who I usually disagree with called it correctlet.
Midwest Math, or Welcome to Our Rust Belt Brexit. I believe Trump is going to focus much of his attention on the four blue states in the rustbelt of the upper Great Lakes – Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Four traditionally Democratic states – but each of them have elected a Republican governor since 2010 (only Pennsylvania has now finally elected a Democrat). In the Michigan primary in March, more Michiganders came out to vote for the Republicans (1.32 million) that the Democrats (1.19 million). Trump is ahead of Hillary in the latest polls in Pennsylvania and tied with her in Ohio. Tied? How can the race be this close after everything Trump has said and done? Well maybe it’s because he’s said (correctly) that the Clintons’ support of NAFTA helped to destroy the industrial states of the Upper Midwest. Trump is going to hammer Clinton on this and her support of TPP and other trade policies that have royally screwed the people of these four states. When Trump stood in the shadow of a Ford Motor factory during the Michigan primary, he threatened the corporation that if they did indeed go ahead with their planned closure of that factory and move it to Mexico, he would slap a 35% tariff on any Mexican-built cars shipped back to the United States. It was sweet, sweet music to the ears of the working class of Michigan, and when he tossed in his threat to Apple that he would force them to stop making their iPhones in China and build them here in America, well, hearts swooned and Trump walked away with a big victory that should have gone to the governor next-door, John Kasich.

From Green Bay to Pittsburgh, this, my friends, is the middle of England – broken, depressed, struggling, the smokestacks strewn across the countryside with the carcass of what we use to call the Middle Class. Angry, embittered working (and nonworking) people who were lied to by the trickle-down of Reagan and abandoned by Democrats who still try to talk a good line but are really just looking forward to rub one out with a lobbyist from Goldman Sachs who’ll write them nice big check before leaving the room. What happened in the UK with Brexit is going to happen here. Elmer Gantry shows up looking like Boris Johnson and just says whatever shit he can make up to convince the masses that this is their chance! To stick to ALL of them, all who wrecked their American Dream! And now The Outsider, Donald Trump, has arrived to clean house! You don’t have to agree with him! You don’t even have to like him! He is your personal Molotov cocktail to throw right into the center of the bastards who did this to you! SEND A MESSAGE! TRUMP IS YOUR MESSENGER!

And this is where the math comes in. In 2012, Mitt Romney lost by 64 electoral votes. Add up the electoral votes cast by Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. It’s 64. All Trump needs to do to win is to carry, as he’s expected to do, the swath of traditional red states from Idaho to Georgia (states that’ll never vote for Hillary Clinton), and then he just needs these four rust belt states. He doesn’t need Florida. He doesn’t need Colorado or Virginia. Just Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. And that will put him over the top. This is how it will happen in November. 5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win

Now, you also have the Washington outsider trend that hit the White House in 2016, which ironically how Bill Clinton won in 1992, running as an outsider. Toss in a poor campaign run by Hillary and her unlikability with independents that drove them to Trump. I don't think Trump will be re-elected however I never thought he would get out of the primaries.
He concentrated on those states last time, because many Democrat voters were purged by illegal means; The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast
Funny faces are for those who wish they had a counter argument but don't.
Have you ever wondered why CBP ranks dead last at recruiting female agents and officers of any federal law enforcement agency?

Here's your first clue:

"Another is a photo illustration of a smiling President Donald Trump forcing Ocasio-Cortez’s head toward his crotch. The agent who posted the image commented: 'That’s right bitches. The masses have spoken and today democracy won...'"

"Several of the postings reviewed by ProPublica refer to the planned visit by members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, including Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Veronica Escobar, to a troubled Border Patrol facility outside of El Paso. Agents at the compound in Clint, Texas, have been accused of holding children in neglectful, inhumane conditions.

"One member encouraged Border Patrol agents to hurl a 'burrito at these bitches.'

" Another, apparently a patrol supervisor, wrote, 'Fuck the hoes.' 'There should be no photo ops for these scum buckets,' posted a third member."

Too much MAGA?

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes — ProPublica
Shes a well established ENEMY of our border patrol. Nobody respects the bitch.
It's this simplistic and childish attitude that will cost the Democrats votes in 2020. Two of the best Presidential campaigns I have seen run were Obama 2008 and Trump 2016, both basically ran hope and change and won. Obama ran rich vs. poor and did it well, Trump ran government vs poor and it work well.

Working people worry about their jobs and how government hurts or helps their work of choice. Whether their industry will boom or bust with the next President or Congress. The small business worries about getting run over by government. The working class have felt they have had no voice for a long time and are frustrated by the social issues that America has tackled and how they left the backbone of America carry the weight of America. On Trump fulfilling the promises he has been just as inept as Obama was in fulfilling campaign promises, so maybe America will wise up and see that the two big parties are terrible for our country and we need change and real change, not a campaign slogan.
Trump ran a campaign based on hate & bigotry. Name calling & lies.
Lol, he didn't call almost half of Americans deplorable.
Actually, Hillary called Bigots, racists, white supremacists deplorable. Are you saying they aren't?
She said Trump supporters are a basket of dplorables.
They are. She was 100% spot on. And they still are.
Liberal tolerance described 100%.
Have you ever wondered why CBP ranks dead last at recruiting female agents and officers of any federal law enforcement agency?

Here's your first clue:

"Another is a photo illustration of a smiling President Donald Trump forcing Ocasio-Cortez’s head toward his crotch. The agent who posted the image commented: 'That’s right bitches. The masses have spoken and today democracy won...'"

"Several of the postings reviewed by ProPublica refer to the planned visit by members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, including Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Veronica Escobar, to a troubled Border Patrol facility outside of El Paso. Agents at the compound in Clint, Texas, have been accused of holding children in neglectful, inhumane conditions.

"One member encouraged Border Patrol agents to hurl a 'burrito at these bitches.'

" Another, apparently a patrol supervisor, wrote, 'Fuck the hoes.' 'There should be no photo ops for these scum buckets,' posted a third member."

Too much MAGA?

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes — ProPublica

Lol, awesome, but you are lying out your ass. That, and you probably live in some shithole like New Jersey. The border patrol has always been the shithole of all law enforcers jobs. Why? Dumb whores like that airhead your meme shows gagging on Trumps Yeti mushroom. Dumb whores like her have always used the border patrols as political whipping boys. No sane person would willingly go work for them unless you wanted a job where you can fail up. You know, like Congress.
Lol, awesome, but you are lying out your ass. That, and you probably live in some shithole like New Jersey. The border patrol has always been the shithole of all law enforcers jobs. Why? Dumb whores like that airhead your meme shows gagging on Trumps Yeti mushroom. Dumb whores like her have always used the border patrols as political whipping boys. No sane person would willingly go work for them unless you wanted a job where you can fail up. You know, like Congress.
Like white pride pussies?

White nationalists see Trump as their troll in chief. Is he with them?

"'It’s not just that [journalists] are leftists and cucks,' anti-Semite Richard Spencer railed at a recent meeting filmed by The Atlantic. 'Indeed, one wonders if these people are people at all, or instead soulless golem.'
'I urge all readers of this site to do whatever they can to make Donald Trump President,' wrote Andrew Anglin, publisher of the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer.

"'Stunning,' raved Peter Brimelow, editor of the anti-immigrant site VDare.com.

"Trump 'may be the last hope for a president who would be good for white people,' remarked Jared Taylor, who runs a 'race realist' site called American Renaissance and once founded a think tank that became notorious for declaring that blacks are 'more dangerous' than whites."
What "insult" are you imagining AOC hurled, reporting the crime of child abuse? There are obviously more than a few bad apples in CBP, and Cortez is doing the country a huge favor by revealing their concentration camp mentality.

Ocasio-Cortez repeats 'concentration camp' comparison, despite criticism over the remark

When she compared their facilities to Nazi camps.

Which would you rather be called? A whore or a nazi?
When she compared their facilities to Nazi camps.
When did she use the word "Nazi"?
She called them concentration camps. Dont you follow the news?

They are concentration camps by definition.
Concentration camps is where jews were murdered. That is the only occasion where the term is used. To suggest otherwise is moronic.
Concentration camps is where jews were murdered. That is the only occasion where the term is used. To suggest otherwise is moronic.
Nazi's provided the best known example of concentration camps, but the concept was in use long before Hitler arrived on the scene.
The Philippine-American War: The Concentration Camps in the Philippines.


concentration camp definition - Google Search

"con·cen·tra·tion camp
/ˌkänsənˈtrāSHən ˈˌkamp/
  1. "a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution. The term is most strongly associated with the several hundred camps established by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe in 1933–45, among the most infamous being Dachau, Belsen, and Auschwitz."
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Drowned migrant father and daughter mourned at El Salvador cemetery

"SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — The bodies of a man and his young daughter who drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande into Texas are being laid to rest in their native El Salvador.

Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his daughter Valeria died while trying to cross the Rio Grande on June 23, their deaths captured by a horrific and haunting image that sparked outrage."

Fake (funeral) News?

‘It Is Our Fault’: El Salvador’s President Takes Blame for Migrant Deaths in Rio Grande

‘It Is Our Fault’: El Salvador’s President Takes Blame for Migrant Deaths in Rio Grande

MEXICO CITY — The president of El Salvador was addressing the plight of thousands of his fellow citizens who emigrate each year — including a father and daughter who drowned last week while trying to cross into the United States — when he did something rare among leaders in the region.

He took responsibility.
It Is Our Fault’: El Salvador’s President Takes Blame for Migrant Deaths in Rio Grande
Political corruption is largely responsible for driving "illegal" immigration, and the source of that corruption is in the US:

Ex-First Lady of El Salvador Will Plead Guilty to Corruption

"The former first lady of El Salvador, Ana Ligia Mixco de Saca, will plead guilty to her role in a corruption scheme that saw US$25 million of public money laundered during her husband’s presidential tenure, El Diario de Hoy, a leading newspaper in the country, reported..."

"Ligia’s husband, Antonio 'Tony' Saca, who ran the country from 2004 to 2009, is already serving a ten-year prison sentence after he pleaded guilty to diverting more than $300 million in state funds to his own businesses and third parties.

"He was sentenced last September, becoming the first Salvadoran ex-president to be convicted of corruption..."

"The people of El Salvador, 31 percent of whom lived in poverty in 2016, have long been the unfortunate victims of political corruption."

The Violence Central American Migrants Are Fleeing Was Stoked by the US
So, in your mind, it is cool that she insulted them, but bad that they insulted her back?
So, in your mind, it is cool that she insulted them, but bad that they insulted her back?
What "insult" are you imagining AOC hurled, reporting the crime of child abuse? There are obviously more than a few bad apples in CBP, and Cortez is doing the country a huge favor by revealing their concentration camp mentality.

Ocasio-Cortez repeats 'concentration camp' comparison, despite criticism over the remark

When she compared their facilities to Nazi camps.

Which would you rather be called? A whore or a nazi?
When she compared their facilities to Nazi camps.
When did she use the word "Nazi"?
She called them concentration camps. Dont you follow the news?

They are concentration camps by definition.

No they are not.

con·cen·tra·tion camp
/ˌkänsənˈtrāSHən ˈˌkamp/
  1. a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution. The term is most strongly associated with the several hundred camps established by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe in 1933–45, among the most infamous being Dachau, Belsen, and Auschwitz.

The definition doesn't fit. There are no political prisoners, or persecuted minorities. No one is being forced to provide labor and there are no mass executions. They are not prisoners and are free to go back into Mexico.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Drowned migrant father and daughter mourned at El Salvador cemetery

"SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — The bodies of a man and his young daughter who drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande into Texas are being laid to rest in their native El Salvador.

Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his daughter Valeria died while trying to cross the Rio Grande on June 23, their deaths captured by a horrific and haunting image that sparked outrage."

Fake (funeral) News?

‘It Is Our Fault’: El Salvador’s President Takes Blame for Migrant Deaths in Rio Grande

‘It Is Our Fault’: El Salvador’s President Takes Blame for Migrant Deaths in Rio Grande

MEXICO CITY — The president of El Salvador was addressing the plight of thousands of his fellow citizens who emigrate each year — including a father and daughter who drowned last week while trying to cross into the United States — when he did something rare among leaders in the region.

He took responsibility.
It Is Our Fault’: El Salvador’s President Takes Blame for Migrant Deaths in Rio Grande
Political corruption is largely responsible for driving "illegal" immigration, and the source of that corruption is in the US:

Ex-First Lady of El Salvador Will Plead Guilty to Corruption

"The former first lady of El Salvador, Ana Ligia Mixco de Saca, will plead guilty to her role in a corruption scheme that saw US$25 million of public money laundered during her husband’s presidential tenure, El Diario de Hoy, a leading newspaper in the country, reported..."

"Ligia’s husband, Antonio 'Tony' Saca, who ran the country from 2004 to 2009, is already serving a ten-year prison sentence after he pleaded guilty to diverting more than $300 million in state funds to his own businesses and third parties.

"He was sentenced last September, becoming the first Salvadoran ex-president to be convicted of corruption..."

"The people of El Salvador, 31 percent of whom lived in poverty in 2016, have long been the unfortunate victims of political corruption."

The Violence Central American Migrants Are Fleeing Was Stoked by the US

Still don't care. It's their problem not mine.
What "insult" are you imagining AOC hurled, reporting the crime of child abuse? There are obviously more than a few bad apples in CBP, and Cortez is doing the country a huge favor by revealing their concentration camp mentality.

Ocasio-Cortez repeats 'concentration camp' comparison, despite criticism over the remark

When she compared their facilities to Nazi camps.

Which would you rather be called? A whore or a nazi?
When she compared their facilities to Nazi camps.
When did she use the word "Nazi"?
She called them concentration camps. Dont you follow the news?

They are concentration camps by definition.

No they are not.

con·cen·tra·tion camp
/ˌkänsənˈtrāSHən ˈˌkamp/
  1. a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution. The term is most strongly associated with the several hundred camps established by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe in 1933–45, among the most infamous being Dachau, Belsen, and Auschwitz.

The definition doesn't fit. There are no political prisoners, or persecuted minorities. No one is being forced to provide labor and there are no mass executions. They are not prisoners and are free to go back into Mexico.

Persecuted for seeking asylum. As for forced labor note the word "Sometimes" Over crowded, poor conditions.

The Japanese -American camps in WWII were referred to as concentration camps.
When she compared their facilities to Nazi camps.

Which would you rather be called? A whore or a nazi?
When she compared their facilities to Nazi camps.
When did she use the word "Nazi"?
She called them concentration camps. Dont you follow the news?

They are concentration camps by definition.
Concentration camps is where jews were murdered. That is the only occasion where the term is used. To suggest otherwise is moronic.
Concentration camps is where jews were murdered. That is the only occasion where the term is used. To suggest otherwise is moronic.
Nazi's provided the best known example of concentration camps, but the concept was in use long before Hitler arrived on the scene.
The Philippine-American War: The Concentration Camps in the Philippines.


concentration camp definition - Google Search

"con·cen·tra·tion camp
/ˌkänsənˈtrāSHən ˈˌkamp/
  1. "a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution. The term is most strongly associated with the several hundred camps established by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe in 1933–45, among the most infamous being Dachau, Belsen, and Auschwitz."
"NEVER AGAIN!" Tell us who she was comparing America to. Of course you really know that
If they vote Republican, they will have to vote for a known racist, which makes them racist. Ha, at least we will know how many true racists we have in this country when it's all over.

It's this simplistic and childish attitude that will cost the Democrats votes in 2020. Two of the best Presidential campaigns I have seen run were Obama 2008 and Trump 2016, both basically ran hope and change and won. Obama ran rich vs. poor and did it well, Trump ran government vs poor and it work well.

Working people worry about their jobs and how government hurts or helps their work of choice. Whether their industry will boom or bust with the next President or Congress. The small business worries about getting run over by government. The working class have felt they have had no voice for a long time and are frustrated by the social issues that America has tackled and how they left the backbone of America carry the weight of America. On Trump fulfilling the promises he has been just as inept as Obama was in fulfilling campaign promises, so maybe America will wise up and see that the two big parties are terrible for our country and we need change and real change, not a campaign slogan.
Trump ran a campaign based on hate & bigotry. Name calling & lies.
Lol, he didn't call almost half of Americans deplorable.
Actually, Hillary called Bigots, racists, white supremacists deplorable. Are you saying they aren't?
She said Trump supporters are a basket of deplorables.
Lying fuck. She said half of Trump Supporters.

Was it really 50%, maybe 35% would be more accurrate.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Drowned migrant father and daughter mourned at El Salvador cemetery

"SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — The bodies of a man and his young daughter who drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande into Texas are being laid to rest in their native El Salvador.

Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his daughter Valeria died while trying to cross the Rio Grande on June 23, their deaths captured by a horrific and haunting image that sparked outrage."

Fake (funeral) News?

‘It Is Our Fault’: El Salvador’s President Takes Blame for Migrant Deaths in Rio Grande

‘It Is Our Fault’: El Salvador’s President Takes Blame for Migrant Deaths in Rio Grande

MEXICO CITY — The president of El Salvador was addressing the plight of thousands of his fellow citizens who emigrate each year — including a father and daughter who drowned last week while trying to cross into the United States — when he did something rare among leaders in the region.

He took responsibility.
We took over El Salvador and their government and replaced it with the one we wanted. The kind that says "yes sir" to the US. That's why they blame migrants; El Salvador 1980-92: After the U.S. helped fix an election to repress dissidents in El Salvador, the rebels turned to violence and a civil war ensued. Although the U.S. claimed to be only involved on an advisory basis 20 U.S. soldiers were killed in combat missions. The U.S. spent six billion dollars repressing this popular revolution.
We took over El Salvador and their government and replaced it with the one we wanted. The kind that says "yes sir" to the US. That's why they blame migrants
Yet another consequence of the CIA and the Reagan Revolution:

The Violence Central American Migrants Are Fleeing Was Stoked by the US

"'Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced in the 1980s,' said Elizabeth Oglesby, an associate professor of Latin American studies at the University of Arizona. 'People were fleeing violence and massacres and political persecution that the United States was either funding directly or at the very minimum, covering up and excusing.'

"Violence today in those countries, she said, is a directly legacy of US involvement.

"Oglesby spoke to me from Guatemala, which even today is still feeling the cumulative effects of US actions from over 50 years ago. In the 1950s, Guatemala attempted to end exploitative labor practices and give land to Mayan Indians in the highlands.

"The move, according to now-unclassified CIA documents, threatened US interests like the United Fruit Company, which controlled a good portion of land in Guatemala."

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