Racist, Sexist Border Patrol Agents on Facebook

Like your side did with Byrd?

My side? You're nuts, Mr. Moderator. Byrd was certainly a racist POS.

and a democrat til the day he died in the senate

Reelected over, and over and over again.

For nearly 60 years.

not a bad job, for a former Kleagle, was it?

One problem, Mr. Moderator: Robert Byrd is dead. If he were the current leader of our country, then sure, I would likely criticize his racist past all day long. However you're tilting at windmills here and I wonder whats the point of it.

and for 60 years, democrats lovingly reelected him to Congress.

and you have the balls to claim Trump and the Republican party is racist?

Your ankle is lodging in your throat as you speak, Captain Snark.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Drowned migrant father and daughter mourned at El Salvador cemetery

"SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — The bodies of a man and his young daughter who drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande into Texas are being laid to rest in their native El Salvador.

Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his daughter Valeria died while trying to cross the Rio Grande on June 23, their deaths captured by a horrific and haunting image that sparked outrage."

Fake (funeral) News?
If you liberals would stop putting illegals over veterans and offering them free shit. They wouldn't risk their lives to come here.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Drowned migrant father and daughter mourned at El Salvador cemetery

"SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — The bodies of a man and his young daughter who drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande into Texas are being laid to rest in their native El Salvador.

Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his daughter Valeria died while trying to cross the Rio Grande on June 23, their deaths captured by a horrific and haunting image that sparked outrage."

Fake (funeral) News?
If you liberals would stop putting illegals over veterans and offering them free shit. They wouldn't risk their lives to come here.
If you liberals would stop putting illegals over veterans and offering them free shit. They wouldn't risk their lives to come here.
Immigrants have been risking their lives to come here longer than this country has existed. The only thing that's unique about that situation today is Trump's racist animus towards immigrants (unless they're working on his golf courses) Surely, you noticed how his recent lie about deporting "millions of people" living in the US just happened to coincide with the formal launch of his 2020 campaign. Trump uses immigrants to whip up low IQ/information voters the same way Obama and Biden manipulated their base. The problem lies with rich white parasites like Trump and the political whores who take his campaign bribes.

Trump considers bypassing Congress to cut capital gains tax on wealthy, report says
and for 60 years, democrats lovingly reelected him to Congress.

Which has nothing to do with me. Blame the constituents of West Virginia.

and you have the balls to claim Trump and the Republican party is racist?

I believe the Orange Virus is a racist, not the party. When will you stop moving those goal posts, Mr. Moderator?

I believe the Orange Virus is a racist,

and yet you cant' seem to provide any proof of that this century.

Why is that, Captain Snark?
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Drowned migrant father and daughter mourned at El Salvador cemetery

"SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — The bodies of a man and his young daughter who drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande into Texas are being laid to rest in their native El Salvador.

Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his daughter Valeria died while trying to cross the Rio Grande on June 23, their deaths captured by a horrific and haunting image that sparked outrage."

Fake (funeral) News?
If you liberals would stop putting illegals over veterans and offering them free shit. They wouldn't risk their lives to come here.
If you liberals would stop putting illegals over veterans and offering them free shit. They wouldn't risk their lives to come here.
Immigrants have been risking their lives to come here longer than this country has existed. The only thing that's unique about that situation today is Trump's racist animus towards immigrants (unless they're working on his golf courses) Surely, you noticed how his recent lie about deporting "millions of people" living in the US just happened to coincide with the formal launch of his 2020 campaign. Trump uses immigrants to whip up low IQ/information voters the same way Obama and Biden manipulated their base. The problem lies with rich white parasites like Trump and the political whores who take his campaign bribes.

Trump considers bypassing Congress to cut capital gains tax on wealthy, report says
Yes and delaying the deportation hurt him a lot. That could be the nail in the coffin, with some.
Remember the Covington School kid in the MAGA hat mainstream press debacle? Jesse Smollett's fudge packing lie the mainstream press bought lock stock & barrel? This is smelling of yet another manufactured outrage...
Remember the Covington School kid in the MAGA hat mainstream press debacle? Jesse Smollett's fudge packing lie the mainstream press bought lock stock & barrel? This is smelling of yet another manufactured outrage...
Remember Charlottsville, Sandy Hook, 911?

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes — ProPublica

"Created in August 2016, the Facebook group is called 'I’m 10-15' and boasts roughly 9,500 members from across the country. (10-15 is Border Patrol code for 'aliens in custody.')

"The group described itself, in an online introduction, as a forum for 'funny' and 'serious' discussion about work with the patrol. 'Remember you are never alone in this family,' the introduction said."

Remember Charlottsville, Sandy Hook, 911?

I remember them.

Do you have a point?

George has the TDS bad
George has the TDS bad
TMS, actually.
Are you appalled?

Trump administration branded "twisted monsters" for trying to delay doctors' visit to detained migrant children

"The former head of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics has condemned the Trump administration as 'twisted monsters' for appearing to try to delay taking action to address 'appalling' conditions at its detention facilities holding migrant children.

On Friday, U.S. District J"udge Dolly Gee ordered the Trump administration to give health experts access to its detention facilities holding migrant children to assess their medical needs and ensure that they are being held in 'safe and sanitary' conditions after reports last month revealed that children were receiving insufficient care."
The Trump Gestapo is an evil organization. Time to get rid of them
The Trump Gestapo is an evil organization. Time to get rid of them
Law enforcement in general attracts a conservative mindset (largely limited to males) at least until recently; although, the Border Patrol is still 95% male and has no shortage of allegations of sexual abuse against women who try to join the club. Imho, having an "out-of-the-closet" racist/rapist POTUS probably instills a sense of entitlement among the most blatant abusers in uniform. I suspect Trump fully intends to continue abusing as many migrant/asylum seekers as possible between now and November 2020?
I have presented documentation of abuse through several links. The fact that you did not rebut them is confirmation of your own failures. You lose.

Look, reread my posts and if need to have someone explain them to you. I never disputed the abuse like you want to claim. It was posted earlier in this thread however you apparently don't remember and your Alzheimer's has kicked in.

Again, my dispute with you is you made a claim that most conservatives are racist and sexist and you have failed time and again to prove that. So, that is why you are a bigot and now a liar. So prove that most conservatives are racist and sexist, I'll give you one more chance and then I am done wasting my time on a person that can't comprehend what they read.
The proof that they are mostly sexist and racist, is proof in and of itself. Take the GOP for example. Any policy that attacks Blacks such as gutting the voting Rights Act, then taking action on that policy to suppress the vote like Kris Kobach did when he purged mostly minority voters, is 100% proof of a racist agenda. The fact that Republicans closed down 868 polls in the south in mostly Black areas is proof of a racist agenda. I didn't lie. What I did do is prove my point. Got a counter argument to it? Fine? Produce it then. Otherwise, shut the hell up about it, because I just proved most Republicans are in fact racists.

You have policies that taken with a partisan slant could seem racist however you haven't proved that most conservatives racist or sexist. You also confuse Republicans and Conservatives. I am a Conservative but I am not a Republican as I dislike their spending and their owing to big business, the same reason I dislike Democrats.
Conservatives vote in the Republican party. No conservative in good conscience is going to vote for a party with a proven track record of racism.

If you say no conservative in good conscience is going to vote for a party with a proven track record of racism, then why did you say most conservatives are racist and sexist?
You are contradicting yourself.
I still am. You just don't understand my post. What I am saying is, any decent human being, regardless of party, wouldn't vote for another human being who is sexist or racist. Most conservatives and Republicans voted for Trump in this last election. Let's see if they have any decency this time?
Remember Charlottsville, Sandy Hook, 911?

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes — ProPublica

"Created in August 2016, the Facebook group is called 'I’m 10-15' and boasts roughly 9,500 members from across the country. (10-15 is Border Patrol code for 'aliens in custody.')

"The group described itself, in an online introduction, as a forum for 'funny' and 'serious' discussion about work with the patrol. 'Remember you are never alone in this family,' the introduction said."

Remember Charlottsville, Sandy Hook, 911?

I remember them.

Do you have a point?

George has the TDS bad
George has the TDS bad
TMS, actually.
Are you appalled?

Trump administration branded "twisted monsters" for trying to delay doctors' visit to detained migrant children

"The former head of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics has condemned the Trump administration as 'twisted monsters' for appearing to try to delay taking action to address 'appalling' conditions at its detention facilities holding migrant children.

On Friday, U.S. District J"udge Dolly Gee ordered the Trump administration to give health experts access to its detention facilities holding migrant children to assess their medical needs and ensure that they are being held in 'safe and sanitary' conditions after reports last month revealed that children were receiving insufficient care."
The Trump Gestapo is an evil organization. Time to get rid of them
The Trump Gestapo is an evil organization. Time to get rid of them
Law enforcement in general attracts a conservative mindset (largely limited to males) at least until recently; although, the Border Patrol is still 95% male and has no shortage of allegations of sexual abuse against women who try to join the club. Imho, having an "out-of-the-closet" racist/rapist POTUS probably instills a sense of entitlement among the most blatant abusers in uniform. I suspect Trump fully intends to continue abusing as many migrant/asylum seekers as possible between now and November 2020?
Absolutely! No doubt. It has become their MO.
But the entire #metwo movement was started over Libtardo men sexually assaulting women and ANTIFA beats the shit out of anyone who they think is conservative.

I wouldn't worry about it too much. It wasn't conservative jackasses that got Trump elected, it was the hardworking decent people in flyover country and we aren't going anywhere.

Keep calling us racists because that's what got Trump elected. Your race card is worn so thin you can see right through it now.

If you aren't racist, why do you support Trump, who so obviously is racist? Almost everything he says or does is based in racism.

Why are you purposefully tearing this nation apart, you race baiting asshole?
How is calling out racism "tearing this nation apart"? Unless.......that is an admission that racism is a pillar of this nation.
In Trump's world it is. He ran on racism, and he will do it again.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Drowned migrant father and daughter mourned at El Salvador cemetery

"SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — The bodies of a man and his young daughter who drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande into Texas are being laid to rest in their native El Salvador.

Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his daughter Valeria died while trying to cross the Rio Grande on June 23, their deaths captured by a horrific and haunting image that sparked outrage."

Fake (funeral) News?
If you liberals would stop putting illegals over veterans and offering them free shit. They wouldn't risk their lives to come here.
If you liberals would stop putting illegals over veterans and offering them free shit. They wouldn't risk their lives to come here.
Immigrants have been risking their lives to come here longer than this country has existed. The only thing that's unique about that situation today is Trump's racist animus towards immigrants (unless they're working on his golf courses) Surely, you noticed how his recent lie about deporting "millions of people" living in the US just happened to coincide with the formal launch of his 2020 campaign. Trump uses immigrants to whip up low IQ/information voters the same way Obama and Biden manipulated their base. The problem lies with rich white parasites like Trump and the political whores who take his campaign bribes.

Trump considers bypassing Congress to cut capital gains tax on wealthy, report says
Yes and delaying the deportation hurt him a lot. That could be the nail in the coffin, with some.
Yes and delaying the deportation hurt him a lot. That could be the nail in the coffin, with some.
Who would those voters support for POTUS in 2020?
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Drowned migrant father and daughter mourned at El Salvador cemetery

"SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — The bodies of a man and his young daughter who drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande into Texas are being laid to rest in their native El Salvador.

Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his daughter Valeria died while trying to cross the Rio Grande on June 23, their deaths captured by a horrific and haunting image that sparked outrage."

Fake (funeral) News?
If you liberals would stop putting illegals over veterans and offering them free shit. They wouldn't risk their lives to come here.
If you liberals would stop putting illegals over veterans and offering them free shit. They wouldn't risk their lives to come here.
Immigrants have been risking their lives to come here longer than this country has existed. The only thing that's unique about that situation today is Trump's racist animus towards immigrants (unless they're working on his golf courses) Surely, you noticed how his recent lie about deporting "millions of people" living in the US just happened to coincide with the formal launch of his 2020 campaign. Trump uses immigrants to whip up low IQ/information voters the same way Obama and Biden manipulated their base. The problem lies with rich white parasites like Trump and the political whores who take his campaign bribes.

Trump considers bypassing Congress to cut capital gains tax on wealthy, report says
Yes and delaying the deportation hurt him a lot. That could be the nail in the coffin, with some.
Yes and delaying the deportation hurt him a lot. That could be the nail in the coffin, with some.
Who would those voters support for POTUS in 2020?
If they vote Republican, they will have to vote for a known racist, which makes them racist. Ha, at least we will know how many true racists we have in this country when it's all over.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Drowned migrant father and daughter mourned at El Salvador cemetery

"SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — The bodies of a man and his young daughter who drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande into Texas are being laid to rest in their native El Salvador.

Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his daughter Valeria died while trying to cross the Rio Grande on June 23, their deaths captured by a horrific and haunting image that sparked outrage."

Fake (funeral) News?
If you liberals would stop putting illegals over veterans and offering them free shit. They wouldn't risk their lives to come here.
If you liberals would stop putting illegals over veterans and offering them free shit. They wouldn't risk their lives to come here.
Immigrants have been risking their lives to come here longer than this country has existed. The only thing that's unique about that situation today is Trump's racist animus towards immigrants (unless they're working on his golf courses) Surely, you noticed how his recent lie about deporting "millions of people" living in the US just happened to coincide with the formal launch of his 2020 campaign. Trump uses immigrants to whip up low IQ/information voters the same way Obama and Biden manipulated their base. The problem lies with rich white parasites like Trump and the political whores who take his campaign bribes.

Trump considers bypassing Congress to cut capital gains tax on wealthy, report says
This was once Spain's territory. The majority of Mexicans were Spaniards. They kept the natives like the Aztecs or Mayans as servants, and they were short and dark. The bull's fights originated from Spain. The Mel Gibson's movie, "Apocolypto", told what was going on during those times. Christopher Columbus was a Spaniard.

Remember the Covington School kid in the MAGA hat mainstream press debacle? Jesse Smollett's fudge packing lie the mainstream press bought lock stock & barrel? This is smelling of yet another manufactured outrage...
Remember the Covington School kid in the MAGA hat mainstream press debacle? Jesse Smollett's fudge packing lie the mainstream press bought lock stock & barrel? This is smelling of yet another manufactured outrage...
Remember Charlottsville, Sandy Hook, 911?

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes — ProPublica

"Created in August 2016, the Facebook group is called 'I’m 10-15' and boasts roughly 9,500 members from across the country. (10-15 is Border Patrol code for 'aliens in custody.')

"The group described itself, in an online introduction, as a forum for 'funny' and 'serious' discussion about work with the patrol. 'Remember you are never alone in this family,' the introduction said."

Remember Charlottsville, Sandy Hook, 911?

I remember them.

Do you have a point?

George has the TDS bad
George has the TDS bad
TMS, actually.
Are you appalled?

Trump administration branded "twisted monsters" for trying to delay doctors' visit to detained migrant children

"The former head of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics has condemned the Trump administration as 'twisted monsters' for appearing to try to delay taking action to address 'appalling' conditions at its detention facilities holding migrant children.

On Friday, U.S. District J"udge Dolly Gee ordered the Trump administration to give health experts access to its detention facilities holding migrant children to assess their medical needs and ensure that they are being held in 'safe and sanitary' conditions after reports last month revealed that children were receiving insufficient care."
The Trump Gestapo is an evil organization. Time to get rid of them
The Trump Gestapo is an evil organization. Time to get rid of them
Law enforcement in general attracts a conservative mindset (largely limited to males)
Have you ever wondered why CBP ranks dead last at recruiting female agents and officers of any federal law enforcement agency?

Here's your first clue:

"Another is a photo illustration of a smiling President Donald Trump forcing Ocasio-Cortez’s head toward his crotch. The agent who posted the image commented: 'That’s right bitches. The masses have spoken and today democracy won...'"

"Several of the postings reviewed by ProPublica refer to the planned visit by members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, including Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Veronica Escobar, to a troubled Border Patrol facility outside of El Paso. Agents at the compound in Clint, Texas, have been accused of holding children in neglectful, inhumane conditions.

"One member encouraged Border Patrol agents to hurl a 'burrito at these bitches.'

" Another, apparently a patrol supervisor, wrote, 'Fuck the hoes.' 'There should be no photo ops for these scum buckets,' posted a third member."

Too much MAGA?

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes — ProPublica

Big fucking deal. THey have a hard job and they tell some off color jokes.

You lefties who side with the criminals, are the actual problem. Not them.
Big fucking deal. THey have a hard job and they tell some off color jokes.
If they can't take the heat, stay off the desert.
Customs and Border Protection investigating secret Facebook page where agents allegedly mocked migrant deaths

"'How on earth can CBP's culture be trusted to care for refugees humanely?; she wrote. 'They're threatening violence on members of Congress. How do you think they're treating caged children+families?'
"After her tour, Ocasio-Cortez wrote in another tweet, 'Just left the 1st CBP facility. I see why CBP officers were being so physically &sexually threatening towards me. Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets. This was them on their GOOD behavior in front of members of Congress.'"

So, you want people to lose their job for making a joke on facebook?
So, you want people to lose their job for making a joke on facebook?
What do you find funny about telling women to drink from a toilet or threatening members of the US Congress?
Rush just had an insightful CRC comment about that. Rush Limbaugh says that "maybe toilet water is a step up for" some migrants, "based on what the left is telling us"
Your link:

"Limbaugh suggests Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and 'this gaggle of hysterical women' are telling 'flat-out lies' about conditions in immigrant detention centers."

When did Rush last visit any immigrant detention facility?
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Drowned migrant father and daughter mourned at El Salvador cemetery

"SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — The bodies of a man and his young daughter who drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande into Texas are being laid to rest in their native El Salvador.

Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his daughter Valeria died while trying to cross the Rio Grande on June 23, their deaths captured by a horrific and haunting image that sparked outrage."

Fake (funeral) News?
If you liberals would stop putting illegals over veterans and offering them free shit. They wouldn't risk their lives to come here.
If you liberals would stop putting illegals over veterans and offering them free shit. They wouldn't risk their lives to come here.
Immigrants have been risking their lives to come here longer than this country has existed. The only thing that's unique about that situation today is Trump's racist animus towards immigrants (unless they're working on his golf courses) Surely, you noticed how his recent lie about deporting "millions of people" living in the US just happened to coincide with the formal launch of his 2020 campaign. Trump uses immigrants to whip up low IQ/information voters the same way Obama and Biden manipulated their base. The problem lies with rich white parasites like Trump and the political whores who take his campaign bribes.

Trump considers bypassing Congress to cut capital gains tax on wealthy, report says
This was once Spain's territory. The majority of Mexicans were Spaniards. They kept the natives like the Aztecs or Mayans as servants, and they were short and dark. The bull's fights originated from Spain. The Mel Gibson's movie, "Apocolypto", told what was going on during those times. Christopher Columbus was a Spaniard.

So? Are you trying to justify US inhumanity, murder, and abuse?
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Drowned migrant father and daughter mourned at El Salvador cemetery

"SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — The bodies of a man and his young daughter who drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande into Texas are being laid to rest in their native El Salvador.

Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his daughter Valeria died while trying to cross the Rio Grande on June 23, their deaths captured by a horrific and haunting image that sparked outrage."

Fake (funeral) News?
If you liberals would stop putting illegals over veterans and offering them free shit. They wouldn't risk their lives to come here.
If you liberals would stop putting illegals over veterans and offering them free shit. They wouldn't risk their lives to come here.
Immigrants have been risking their lives to come here longer than this country has existed. The only thing that's unique about that situation today is Trump's racist animus towards immigrants (unless they're working on his golf courses) Surely, you noticed how his recent lie about deporting "millions of people" living in the US just happened to coincide with the formal launch of his 2020 campaign. Trump uses immigrants to whip up low IQ/information voters the same way Obama and Biden manipulated their base. The problem lies with rich white parasites like Trump and the political whores who take his campaign bribes.

Trump considers bypassing Congress to cut capital gains tax on wealthy, report says
Yes and delaying the deportation hurt him a lot. That could be the nail in the coffin, with some.
Yes and delaying the deportation hurt him a lot. That could be the nail in the coffin, with some.
Who would those voters support for POTUS in 2020?
With your line up, I'm voting Trump!
Drowned migrant father and daughter mourned at El Salvador cemetery

"SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — The bodies of a man and his young daughter who drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande into Texas are being laid to rest in their native El Salvador.

Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his daughter Valeria died while trying to cross the Rio Grande on June 23, their deaths captured by a horrific and haunting image that sparked outrage."

Fake (funeral) News?
If you liberals would stop putting illegals over veterans and offering them free shit. They wouldn't risk their lives to come here.
If you liberals would stop putting illegals over veterans and offering them free shit. They wouldn't risk their lives to come here.
Immigrants have been risking their lives to come here longer than this country has existed. The only thing that's unique about that situation today is Trump's racist animus towards immigrants (unless they're working on his golf courses) Surely, you noticed how his recent lie about deporting "millions of people" living in the US just happened to coincide with the formal launch of his 2020 campaign. Trump uses immigrants to whip up low IQ/information voters the same way Obama and Biden manipulated their base. The problem lies with rich white parasites like Trump and the political whores who take his campaign bribes.

Trump considers bypassing Congress to cut capital gains tax on wealthy, report says
Yes and delaying the deportation hurt him a lot. That could be the nail in the coffin, with some.
Yes and delaying the deportation hurt him a lot. That could be the nail in the coffin, with some.
Who would those voters support for POTUS in 2020?
If they vote Republican, they will have to vote for a known racist, which makes them racist. Ha, at least we will know how many true racists we have in this country when it's all over.
Really the only people that care about race today, are liberals. Just pay attention.
Have you ever wondered why CBP ranks dead last at recruiting female agents and officers of any federal law enforcement agency?

Here's your first clue:

"Another is a photo illustration of a smiling President Donald Trump forcing Ocasio-Cortez’s head toward his crotch. The agent who posted the image commented: 'That’s right bitches. The masses have spoken and today democracy won...'"

"Several of the postings reviewed by ProPublica refer to the planned visit by members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, including Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Veronica Escobar, to a troubled Border Patrol facility outside of El Paso. Agents at the compound in Clint, Texas, have been accused of holding children in neglectful, inhumane conditions.

"One member encouraged Border Patrol agents to hurl a 'burrito at these bitches.'

" Another, apparently a patrol supervisor, wrote, 'Fuck the hoes.' 'There should be no photo ops for these scum buckets,' posted a third member."

Too much MAGA?

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes — ProPublica
Fake news. No link to any FB page.
Fake news. No link to any FB page.

Donald Trump just said something truly terrifying - CNNPolitics
But the entire #metwo movement was started over Libtardo men sexually assaulting women and ANTIFA beats the shit out of anyone who they think is conservative.

I wouldn't worry about it too much. It wasn't conservative jackasses that got Trump elected, it was the hardworking decent people in flyover country and we aren't going anywhere.

Keep calling us racists because that's what got Trump elected. Your race card is worn so thin you can see right through it now.

I guess that there is an argument that Middle American Trump supporters are not necessarily racist. After all, virtually everyone who lived in this Iowa town was an illegal immigrant who worked for the only company in the town, hardly a single one of them could speak English, and not one single American resident of the town turned them in! Allas, ICE deported over 300 of them.

Postville raid - Wikipedia

And it warms my heart that Trump commuted the sentence of the guy that ran the place.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Now this is true. Dead bodies, especially drown victims are very pale grey with a purplish tint. But these bodies still have some color to them. Unless they had died seconds before they has taken this photo op.
Drowned migrant father and daughter mourned at El Salvador cemetery

"SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — The bodies of a man and his young daughter who drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande into Texas are being laid to rest in their native El Salvador.

Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his daughter Valeria died while trying to cross the Rio Grande on June 23, their deaths captured by a horrific and haunting image that sparked outrage."

Fake (funeral) News?
If you liberals would stop putting illegals over veterans and offering them free shit. They wouldn't risk their lives to come here.
If you liberals would stop putting illegals over veterans and offering them free shit. They wouldn't risk their lives to come here.
Immigrants have been risking their lives to come here longer than this country has existed. The only thing that's unique about that situation today is Trump's racist animus towards immigrants (unless they're working on his golf courses) Surely, you noticed how his recent lie about deporting "millions of people" living in the US just happened to coincide with the formal launch of his 2020 campaign. Trump uses immigrants to whip up low IQ/information voters the same way Obama and Biden manipulated their base. The problem lies with rich white parasites like Trump and the political whores who take his campaign bribes.

Trump considers bypassing Congress to cut capital gains tax on wealthy, report says
This was once Spain's territory. The majority of Mexicans were Spaniards. They kept the natives like the Aztecs or Mayans as servants, and they were short and dark. The bull's fights originated from Spain. The Mel Gibson's movie, "Apocolypto", told what was going on during those times. Christopher Columbus was a Spaniard.

So? Are you trying to justify US inhumanity, murder, and abuse?


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