Racist White Firefighters Assault Black Man

CBS pretends they cant understand why the African assaulted the woman he doesnt even know. Black Lives Matter!

I have no idea why you claimed that CBS pretends they can't understand why the perpetrator punched that specific woman he doesn't know. Are you implying he only did it due to race? Why her and not any other white woman on the street?

In any case, a known criminal should get a longer sentence if he cannot be civil in public.

Are you implying he didn't do it because of the race?

No, I am implying it would be difficult to pick some other easy target due to their majority.

Yeah, he could have pick someone of his own size, race and gender, but he hasn't done that.

What you say by defending him, is that you would do the same thing.

Are you kidding? That man bun soy boy wouldn't leave mom's basement
Are you implying he only did it due to race?
Of course. Dont play dumb liberal
Why that specific woman? There were other white women around.

she was in the wrong place at the right time for
that specific display of JUSTIFIED PIQUE. I am
very familiar with the area------on an impulse I warned hubby-----today----STAY AWAY FROM......
Uhm----there is a little complication today---related to -----believe it or not-----LABOR DAY. ---it is a day that usually produces a few casualties every year
The current administration could be more helpful and less prone to divisiveness.

to which LEVEL of the administration do you refer?
There have been rare times of peace---also dependent on just who RESIDED IN THE MANSION
The administration right wingers voted for instead of one with a truer establishment republican who better understands politics.
Try AGAIN, asshole.
come up with any valid rebuttal, twathole.
You wouldn't UNDERSTAND what I would have to say. Your I.Q. of 70 would prevent that.
Only right wingers want to be Right merely because they are on the right wing not because they are actually Right.

You're the leftard using word speak trying to justify the criminal's actions

You actually believe everyone isn't seeing it?
Little Danny IS a moron..................
Are you implying he only did it due to race?
Of course. Dont play dumb liberal
Why that specific woman? There were other white women around.

she was in the wrong place at the right time for
that specific display of JUSTIFIED PIQUE. I am
very familiar with the area------on an impulse I warned hubby-----today----STAY AWAY FROM......
Uhm----there is a little complication today---related to -----believe it or not-----LABOR DAY. ---it is a day that usually produces a few casualties every year
The current administration could be more helpful and less prone to divisiveness.

to which LEVEL of the administration do you refer?
There have been rare times of peace---also dependent on just who RESIDED IN THE MANSION
The administration right wingers voted for instead of one with a truer establishment republican who better understands politics.
Try AGAIN, asshole.
come up with any valid rebuttal, twathole.
You wouldn't UNDERSTAND what I would have to say. Your I.Q. of 70 would prevent that.
Only right wingers want to be Right merely because they are on the right wing not because they are actually Right.

You're the leftard using word speak trying to justify the criminal's actions

You actually believe everyone isn't seeing it?
Little Danny IS a moron..................

He exposes himself as such
CBS pretends they cant understand why the African assaulted the woman he doesnt even know. Black Lives Matter!

I have no idea why you claimed that CBS pretends they can't understand why the perpetrator punched that specific woman he doesn't know. Are you implying he only did it due to race? Why her and not any other white woman on the street?

In any case, a known criminal should get a longer sentence if he cannot be civil in public.

Are you implying he didn't do it because of the race?

No, I am implying it would be difficult to pick some other easy target due to their majority.

Yeah, he could have pick someone of his own size, race and gender, but he hasn't done that.

What you say by defending him, is that you would do the same thing.

I am not sure how you reached that conclusion. He could have done what you suggest, but how easy would that have been in front of the fire department and a surveillance camera?
CBS pretends they cant understand why the African assaulted the woman he doesnt even know. Black Lives Matter!

That BLACK asshole is one DUMB motherfucker. It was so nice to see the firefighters catch him and kick his sorry ass.

I think their object was just to restrain him.

With his record he got better than he deserved. With his record, what's he doing out of prison?

/——-/ “ With his record, what's he doing out of prison?”
Where’s your compassion for the down trodden? The Black guy should get the medal of Freedom for his bravery and the old lady should be prosecuted for being White.
CBS pretends they cant understand why the African assaulted the woman he doesnt even know. Black Lives Matter!

I have no idea why you claimed that CBS pretends they can't understand why the perpetrator punched that specific woman he doesn't know. Are you implying he only did it due to race? Why her and not any other white woman on the street?

In any case, a known criminal should get a longer sentence if he cannot be civil in public.

Are you implying he didn't do it because of the race?

No, I am implying it would be difficult to pick some other easy target due to their majority.

Yeah, he could have pick someone of his own size, race and gender, but he hasn't done that.

What you say by defending him, is that you would do the same thing.

Thanks for putting this out in public for me.

Here is the Greatest of the Great for the Right Wing:
President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims
Anyone defending him is willing to do the same thing. Are you on the Right Wing?

You're linking WAPO, a paid site....no self respecting American reads their shit, let alone pay to read it
CBS pretends they cant understand why the African assaulted the woman he doesnt even know. Black Lives Matter!

I have no idea why you claimed that CBS pretends they can't understand why the perpetrator punched that specific woman he doesn't know. Are you implying he only did it due to race? Why her and not any other white woman on the street?

In any case, a known criminal should get a longer sentence if he cannot be civil in public.

Are you implying he didn't do it because of the race?

No, I am implying it would be difficult to pick some other easy target due to their majority.

Yeah, he could have pick someone of his own size, race and gender, but he hasn't done that.

What you say by defending him, is that you would do the same thing.

Thanks for putting this out in public for me.

Here is the Greatest of the Great for the Right Wing:
President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims
Anyone defending him is willing to do the same thing. Are you on the Right Wing?

What Trump has to do with this thread?

Now, if you saying that defending Trump makes me the same as him, you're wrong again. I'm not defending Trump for things he did do or say, I'm defending him from the lies you lefties claim he did do or say, and he hasn't. If you could understand it, that is the difference.
Here is the Greatest of the Great for the Right Wing:
President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/07/13/president-trump-has-made-more-than-20000-false-or-misleading-claims/ Anyone defending him is willing to do the same thing. Are you on the Right Wing?
Do you understand NOBODY takes this biased list seriously? You have a habit of calling EVERYTHING a lie. Opinions you dont agree with are "lies" to the left.

Statements he made that you called "lies" but later found out he was right, are "lies" to you.

Nobody takes WaPo seriously. Nobody cares. We only care that he achieves his agenda. You guys persuade NOBODY. In fact, tour continuous attacks only cause his following to grow. You'll never get it, and we're ok with that
CBS pretends they cant understand why the African assaulted the woman he doesnt even know. Black Lives Matter!

I have no idea why you claimed that CBS pretends they can't understand why the perpetrator punched that specific woman he doesn't know. Are you implying he only did it due to race? Why her and not any other white woman on the street?

In any case, a known criminal should get a longer sentence if he cannot be civil in public.

Are you implying he didn't do it because of the race?

No, I am implying it would be difficult to pick some other easy target due to their majority.

Yeah, he could have pick someone of his own size, race and gender, but he hasn't done that.

What you say by defending him, is that you would do the same thing.

Thanks for putting this out in public for me.

Here is the Greatest of the Great for the Right Wing:
President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims
Anyone defending him is willing to do the same thing. Are you on the Right Wing?

You're linking WAPO, a paid site....no self respecting American reads their shit, let alone pay to read it

Proof! You are willing to do the same thing.

Vote blue not false witness bearing Red!

"Russian Collusion!"

What you say by defending him, is that you would do the same thing.

Yes. If it was in my power I too would bring unemployment down for whites, blacks and Hispanics.

I too would do everything in my power to CRUSH rioters.

I too would do everything in my power to promote AMERICA among the nations.

In all my dealings, I too would put AMERICA FIRST.

I would "do the same"
Here is the Greatest of the Great for the Right Wing:
President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/07/13/president-trump-has-made-more-than-20000-false-or-misleading-claims/ Anyone defending him is willing to do the same thing. Are you on the Right Wing?
Do you understand NOBODY takes this biased list seriously? You have a habit of calling EVERYTHING a lie. Opinions you dont agree with are "lies" to the left.

Statements he made that you called "lies" but later found out he was right, are "lies" to you.

Nobody takes WaPo seriously. Nobody cares. We only care that he achieves his agenda. You guys persuade NOBODY. In fact, tour continuous attacks only cause his following to grow. You'll never get it, and we're ok with that
If you defend Trump it Must be because you are willing to do the same. Americano said so.

But that is not what I said.
Here is the Greatest of the Great for the Right Wing:
President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/07/13/president-trump-has-made-more-than-20000-false-or-misleading-claims/ Anyone defending him is willing to do the same thing. Are you on the Right Wing?
Do you understand NOBODY takes this biased list seriously? You have a habit of calling EVERYTHING a lie. Opinions you dont agree with are "lies" to the left.

Statements he made that you called "lies" but later found out he was right, are "lies" to you.

Nobody takes WaPo seriously. Nobody cares. We only care that he achieves his agenda. You guys persuade NOBODY. In fact, tour continuous attacks only cause his following to grow. You'll never get it, and we're ok with that
If you defend Trump it Must be because you are willing to do the same. Americano said so.

But that is not what I said.
What you say by defending him, is that you would do the same thing.
This isnt working for you, no matter how many times you say it.

Remember the Democrats defense of Bill Clinton. Remember that no amount of preaching about his lack of morals dissuaded anyone
I don't have a hypocritical problem with nudity or sex. Only the false witness bearing right wing has that problem.

Right wingers have no problem with bearing false witness or practicing the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) even with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.

What you say by defending him, is that you would do the same thing.

This thread has ZERO to do with Trump.
.Start your own damn thread asshole

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