Radical leftists triggered by 4th of July spew hatred on Twitter


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
Unfathomable what has happened to these people. The media and school system brainwashing may have finally paid of.

Fourth Becomes Triggering Event for U.S. Leftists
Fourth Becomes Triggering Event for U.S. Leftists
Liberal columnists, activists, and others on social media claim America's birthday steeped in racism

The Fourth of July has long been a cherished time for patriotic Americans and their families to come together and celebrate the birth of their country.

More than a mere day of fireworks, flags and parades, the Fourth reminds all Americans of their fortune to live in such a unique and special country. It is a day on which all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, recall that they are all on the same team.

Or at least it used to be. Now, it seems the Fourth of July — and all of the accompanying patriotic pomp and circumstance — has become a major source of aggravation and ire for the radical Left...more sickness at the link....
Immigrants who are not Americans have nothing to celebrate on the 4th of July. I don't have anything to celebrate during Ramadan, or Bastile Day. So immigrants who are not Americans can sit down and shut up on the 4th of July.
Unfathomable what has happened to these people. The media and school system brainwashing may have finally paid of.

Fourth Becomes Triggering Event for U.S. Leftists
Fourth Becomes Triggering Event for U.S. Leftists
Liberal columnists, activists, and others on social media claim America's birthday steeped in racism

The Fourth of July has long been a cherished time for patriotic Americans and their families to come together and celebrate the birth of their country.

More than a mere day of fireworks, flags and parades, the Fourth reminds all Americans of their fortune to live in such a unique and special country. It is a day on which all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, recall that they are all on the same team.

Or at least it used to be. Now, it seems the Fourth of July — and all of the accompanying patriotic pomp and circumstance — has become a major source of aggravation and ire for the radical Left...more sickness at the link....

At this point the Leftist Maniacs are just completely insane and to have so much intense and fanatical hatred for their own nation is just not normal, these people have very deep psychological issues.

Just round them all up and airdrop the American Traitors into Gitmo :smoke:

Oh and Happy Fourth of July to our American brothers and sisters from many of your European brothers and sisters.
Maybe the 4th of July can be our Ramadan.

During Ramadan muslims run about killing one another, bombing one another's homes and businesses. Setting fire to one another's cars. For a month, muslims celebrate bloodletting.

Since the blacks hate latinos and whites. Latinos hate blacks and whites, and whites simply want to have a BBQ. Maybe we can join together. Light up that grill and throw the burning briquets at one another.
Why would Black folks celebrate the 4th of July ?
Because they're Americans who never experienced slavery or racism and nothing but freedom they can't get in most other countries?
But independence brought zero change to their lives. In fact they would have been better off if the rebels had lost. Why not pick a date that all Americans can get behind ?
Why would Black folks celebrate the 4th of July ?
Because they're Americans who never experienced slavery or racism and nothing but freedom they can't get in most other countries?
But independence brought zero change to their lives. In fact they would have been better off if the rebels had lost. Why not pick a date that all Americans can get behind ?

Mind your own business, why should we listen to advice from an Islam-lover who has the audacity to look down on us (or anyone else)? Your oh-so-precious muslims were enslaving blacks centuries before and after white Christians did and in the African country of Mauritania, it still goes on to this day. Europe brought slavery here; America ended it.
No surprise. A little shocking when you first read them, but it's not the first time you've heard this stuff from them.
The Democrats have to distance themselves from these vermin or they will become a minor party in this country.

No one here wants to diminish this country other than Marxists and other people who do not love and identify with the USA.
Unfathomable what has happened to these people. The media and school system brainwashing may have finally paid of.

Fourth Becomes Triggering Event for U.S. Leftists
Fourth Becomes Triggering Event for U.S. Leftists
Liberal columnists, activists, and others on social media claim America's birthday steeped in racism

The Fourth of July has long been a cherished time for patriotic Americans and their families to come together and celebrate the birth of their country.

More than a mere day of fireworks, flags and parades, the Fourth reminds all Americans of their fortune to live in such a unique and special country. It is a day on which all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, recall that they are all on the same team.

Or at least it used to be. Now, it seems the Fourth of July — and all of the accompanying patriotic pomp and circumstance — has become a major source of aggravation and ire for the radical Left...more sickness at the link....
No surprise. A little shocking when you first read them, but it's not the first time you've heard this stuff from them.
The Democrats have to distance themselves from these vermin or they will become a minor party in this country. No one here wants to diminish this country other than Marxists and other people who do not love and identify with the USA.
Right now, these people essentially speak for the party.

I have no idea how that gets fixed.
No surprise. A little shocking when you first read them, but it's not the first time you've heard this stuff from them.
The Democrats have to distance themselves from these vermin or they will become a minor party in this country. No one here wants to diminish this country other than Marxists and other people who do not love and identify with the USA.
Right now, these people essentially speak for the party.

I have no idea how that gets fixed.

normal folks continue to leave the democrat party in droves

that is how it gets fixed

when there is no other remedy
Right now, these people essentially speak for the party.
I have no idea how that gets fixed.
1. Ban all corporate donations to groups that play a role of any kind in political system.

2. Expose the special interest groups that have a high overhead cost as most of them are corporate shills.

3. Expose the politicians who campaign on one thing but benefit from their proposals or take donations from those who would be adversely affected if their proposals became law, i.e. political hypocrisy.

4. Demand moderation in policies and agenda by starting with a demand for mutual respect for all Americans by everyone on all sides.

Those things would be a good start and Republicans need to do it as much as the Democrats do.
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normal folks continue to leave the democrat party in droves

that is how it gets fixed

when there is no other remedy

If the USA becomes a one party state of the GOP and no one else, it merely creates a new set of even worse problems.
I suggest replacing 4th of July with a holiday we can ALL get behind ...


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