radical leftwing groups calling for violence .

Why was Roe vs Wade overturned??

Aren't capable at this point to read the SCOTUS decision yourself.
Since you seem to be incapable of reading it, I'll give you a synopsis.
"Wade overturned means there is no longer a federal constitutional right to abortion. States now have sole authority to determine if and when an abortion is legal".
That means that "The People" have the right within their individual states to vote 'For or Against' abortion of children in the womb.
That's real Democracy.
Your class in Democratic Civics is now closed....
failzero said:
70 % + of the Pro Choice Crowds are College Educated younger White Folks

College educated is not what you think it is anymore. I'll bet the college educated have what amounts to an almost 12th grade education by the time they graduate. Oh they know plenty about self esteem, sexual perversion, community organizing, domestic terrorism but they don't know history, english, math, actual science.
Aren't capable at this point to read the SCOTUS decision yourself.
Since you seem to be incapable of reading it, I'll give you a synopsis.
"Wade overturned means there is no longer a federal constitutional right to abortion. States now have sole authority to determine if and when an abortion is legal".
That means that "The People" have the right within their individual states to vote 'For or Against' abortion of children in the womb.
That's real Democracy.
Your class in Democratic Civics is now closed....
Wow Doc you are AF genius, wasn't it because of States Rights black folks couldn't vote, couldn't go into the front door of a department store, couldn't sit down in a restaurant, shall I go on?
Wow Doc you are AF genius, wasn't it because of States Rights black folks couldn't vote, couldn't go into the front door of a department store, couldn't sit down in a restaurant, shall I go on?
No, that was because of racist Democrats and their Klan lackeys.
Because it ended 63+ million lives.
“You cannot rebuild your civilization with somebody else’s babies. You’ve got to keep your birth rate up, and that you need to teach your children your values,” King said, paraphrasing remarks he said he’s delivered to audiences in Europe. “In doing so, you can grow your population, you can strengthen your culture, and you can strengthen your way of life.”
Peter King
This decision wasn't made with any black folk considered??? Thomas IS black. And the black community are killing their own futures by killing their unborn. What's the percent of blak americans and even the census determining THAT is racist. The black population is not ever going to grow maybe even dwindle if they keep killing themselves.. Although and i don't mean this in an ugly way except toward race baiters...... Maybe if the population of blacks dwindlled there would be less racial division and less black on black crime. We would be deprived of great black minds though...Sowell, thomas, owens, carver, washington, Williams, and so many others that i have named previously who have a more America first, law and order, intellectually honest opinions.
the democrat party didnt believe that black slaves were fully human and therefore didnt qualify for the rights and protections afforded to all men .... dems today feel the same way about babies in the womb as they felt about blacks hundreds of yrs ago ...
The FACT that the democratic party of the 1860s did in FACT later shift positions to become the republican party is conveniently forgotten by those who would Deflect, Spin, Project (aka LIE). It is a point of purposely LYING or unacceptable willful ignorance coupled with rampant stupidity that is behind your comment and thus negates its veracity in its entirety. So please, in future, either get your facts straight or stfu.

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