Radical MINORITY Attempting To Make Majority Of Americans Believe Police Are Evil, Are Racists, & Should Be De-Funded - 70% Of Blacks Support Police


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Poll: 70% of Black Americans Support
the Job Their Local Police Are Doing

If you listen to Democrats, their surrogate Fake News Media, and indoctrinated snowflakes the police are evil, violent, black-murdering racist who leave their homes every day intending to meet some quota of murdering at least 1 black person per day and that the vast majority of Americans - especially blacks - hate the police, believe the BS the left is pushing about them, and want to defund / eliminate them.

The truth could not be farther from the BS the left is pushing. The left / Democrats pushing this massive racist-based lie do not come close to being the voice of a MAJORITY of Americans. As usual, they represent an extremely SMALL extremist population of the country.

"A CBS News/YouGov poll released on Sunday found that 70 percent of black Americans believe their local police are doing a somewhat or very good job."

Just say 'NO' to the on-going 'racial division' war being waged against the majority of Americans by the Leftist extremist minority in an attempt to keep Americans fighting each other and not paying attention to the destruction Biden and the Democrats are inflicting on this nation.



If you could /did:

- Your interviews would never see the light of day: Facebook, Twitter, etc....would block/ban/Censor them

- You would be kicked off / banned from Facebook, Twitter, etc....

- You would be doxed: You would receive death threats, your family threatened; Antifa & BLM would show up at your home, on your property, would threaten your life, your family, your home....

- You would be attacked on Social Media and in the Fake News, branded a 'racist'

- You would probably be physically attacked in public
The problem here is in the refusal of people like the OP to distinguish between honorable police officers on the job every day and corrupt folks who wear a badge and take advantage of it. We saw honorable, heroic cops like Eugene Goodman and Michael Fanone physically fighting and risking their necks on Jan. 6 to defend our government against a traitor mob. There are so many cops to be honored for their actions on that terrible day.

I know that you people will just ignore my comment to push some imbecilic story about how "leftists" whomever they are, hate police.

A GOOD MAN, lots of GOOD MEN AND WOMEN served that day and serve on our streets every day, and we need to distinguish them from dirty cops who shame the badge.

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