Radical Muslim Students In Chicago Denounce America As A Cancer, Tired Of Democracy [VIDEOS]


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
I warned about Mohammedan immigration right after the Iranian takeover of our embassy.

I did so because I know and understand history and that Mohammdeansim is a vile political movement dressed up as a religion.

And after 9/11 you would think some sense would have crept in, but no, GW Bush and Colin Powell said we needed MORE Mohammedan immigrants.

Those who refuse to learn from history are forced to relive it.

At the University of Illinois Chicago, the Muslim Students Association (MSA) has come under fire for hosting speakers who unleashed a deluge of venomous anti-American rhetoric during recent sermons.

I warned about Mohammedan immigration right after the Iranian takeover of our embassy.

I did so because I know and understand history and that Mohammdeansim is a vile political movement dressed up as a religion.

And after 9/11 you would think some sense would have crept in, but no, GW Bush and Colin Powell said we needed MORE Mohammedan immigrants.

Those who refuse to learn from history are forced to relive it.

At the University of Illinois Chicago, the Muslim Students Association (MSA) has come under fire for hosting speakers who unleashed a deluge of venomous anti-American rhetoric during recent sermons.

GPS locations of said "radical Muslim students", please?

The IDF has had a slow day today, and their drones are hungry for a few more kills.
Radical Muslims like this have an underlying jealousy of the West. They believe Ismaic countries should be the greatest on earth based on what is says in the Quoran, so then obviously they turn to blaming others.

They view America and Israel as cancers that suck away their wealth and they cant admit the reality that their economic systems just suck as well as their violent and backwards societies. Simply by putting their own women in virtual chains, not allowing them to fully participate in society, they reduce a huge amount of economic growth. Plus many of these places still practice forms of slavery..... and they call others cancer.
I warned about Mohammedan immigration right after the Iranian takeover of our embassy.

I did so because I know and understand history and that Mohammdeansim is a vile political movement dressed up as a religion.

And after 9/11 you would think some sense would have crept in, but no, GW Bush and Colin Powell said we needed MORE Mohammedan immigrants.

Those who refuse to learn from history are forced to relive it.

At the University of Illinois Chicago, the Muslim Students Association (MSA) has come under fire for hosting speakers who unleashed a deluge of venomous anti-American rhetoric during recent sermons.

I warned about Mohammedan immigration right after the Iranian takeover of our embassy.

I did so because I know and understand history and that Mohammdeansim is a vile political movement dressed up as a religion.

And after 9/11 you would think some sense would have crept in, but no, GW Bush and Colin Powell said we needed MORE Mohammedan immigrants.

Those who refuse to learn from history are forced to relive it.

At the University of Illinois Chicago, the Muslim Students Association (MSA) has come under fire for hosting speakers who unleashed a deluge of venomous anti-American rhetoric during recent sermons.

They were either traitors knowing the affect it would have on the nation or truly believe they can change the views of Islamic men and women coming here. In that it they may change the views of people living in the Middle East.
" Coaxing Fools To Blind Obedience Of Burying Head With Lofted Anus For A Divine Prostate Massage "

* Heat Stroked Psilocybin Phallus Hats Demand Submit To The Ass Holier Than Thou *

I warned about Mohammedan immigration right after the Iranian takeover of our embassy.
I did so because I know and understand history and that Mohammdeansim is a vile political movement dressed up as a religion.
And after 9/11 you would think some sense would have crept in, but no, GW Bush and Colin Powell said we needed MORE Mohammedan immigrants.
Those who refuse to learn from history are forced to relive it.

At the University of Illinois Chicago, the Muslim Students Association (MSA) has come under fire for hosting speakers who unleashed a deluge of venomous anti-American rhetoric during recent sermons.

How about stop giving credence to the idioms of i slam and debase fictional ishmaelism by accurately disavowing a universality for the genetic religion of qurayshism and its pretentious sectarian supremacy ?

I warned about Mohammedan immigration right after the Iranian takeover of our embassy.

I did so because I know and understand history and that Mohammdeansim is a vile political movement dressed up as a religion.

And after 9/11 you would think some sense would have crept in, but no, GW Bush and Colin Powell said we needed MORE Mohammedan immigrants.

Those who refuse to learn from history are forced to relive it.

At the University of Illinois Chicago, the Muslim Students Association (MSA) has come under fire for hosting speakers who unleashed a deluge of venomous anti-American rhetoric during recent sermons.

Let us know when they violently revolt in the wake of unfavorable election results. :dunno:
Maybe Sleepy Joe will get the message and declare himself as America's Ayatollah after the election?
muslims don't assimilate
they colonize

GPS locations of said "radical Muslim students", please?

The IDF has had a slow day today, and their drones are hungry for a few more kills.
I wish it was that simple

This guy may be a citizen by birth who has grown up in America

If so our first mistake was allowing his parents into this country

And there millions more just like him
" Situations When Conditions Are Skewed "

* Fellow Ships Selling Free Shares Is Big Business *

Let us know when they violently revolt in the wake of unfavorable election results. :dunno:
A condition of superiority for fictional ishmaelism is based on population , which is why its authoritarians are pushing populism for democracy as tyranny of collective majority , while conspiring against independence of the individual upon which us republic is founded .

The paranoia for fanatic fervor fashion by sectarian supremacists has not subsided in proselytizing to resolve anxiety for mortality through puritanical control of behavior and abdication of independence to illegitimate aggression of potentates .
" Situations When Conditions Are Skewed "

* Fellow Ships Selling Free Shares Is Big Business *

A condition of superiority for fictional ishmaelism is based on population , which is why its authoritarians are pushing populism for democracy as tyranny of collective majority , while conspiring against independence of the individual upon which us republic is founded .

The paranoia for fanatic fervor fashion by sectarian supremacists has not subsided in proselytizing to resolve anxiety for mortality through puritanical control of behavior and abdication of independence to illegitimate aggression of potentates .
You're trying way too hard. Or you just finished watching V for Vendetta.
I warned about Mohammedan immigration right after the Iranian takeover of our embassy.

I did so because I know and understand history and that Mohammdeansim is a vile political movement dressed up as a religion.

And after 9/11 you would think some sense would have crept in, but no, GW Bush and Colin Powell said we needed MORE Mohammedan immigrants.

Those who refuse to learn from history are forced to relive it.

At the University of Illinois Chicago, the Muslim Students Association (MSA) has come under fire for hosting speakers who unleashed a deluge of venomous anti-American rhetoric during recent sermons.

Why do we allow these people to continue going to our schools?
Kick them out of America and ban them from returning. Immediately.

I don't care who you are or where you're from, if you say that kind of hateful rhetoric then you should be immediately banished from america. I wouldn't even let him pack his things, I'd pick him up and put him on a flight back home with nothing but the clothes he has on.
I warned about Mohammedan immigration right after the Iranian takeover of our embassy.

I did so because I know and understand history and that Mohammdeansim is a vile political movement dressed up as a religion.

And after 9/11 you would think some sense would have crept in, but no, GW Bush and Colin Powell said we needed MORE Mohammedan immigrants.

Those who refuse to learn from history are forced to relive it.

At the University of Illinois Chicago, the Muslim Students Association (MSA) has come under fire for hosting speakers who unleashed a deluge of venomous anti-American rhetoric during recent sermons.

Shoot those fucking Muslims.
" Most Direct To Dismiss Fictional Ishmaelism Sectarian Supremacy "

* Frequency Of Superposition *

You're trying way too hard. Or you just finished watching V for Vendetta.
The difference between a nomian genetic religion of qurayshism and its debase universalism of fictional ishmaelism does not compromise and surmises issues not addressed by immigration policies that none are likely to institute .
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