Radioactive cloud over Europe


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Nuclear officials across Europe are clueless as to the source of radiation floating in the atmosphere “across Europe” over the past several days.

The Czech Republic's State Office for Nuclear Safety and the International Atomic Energy Agency have detected iodine-131. Iodine-131 is the type of radiation created during the operation of nuclear reactors or in the detonation of a nuclear bomb. The radiation was first detected two weeks ago and has been confirmed “in other locations across Europe.”

The officials for the IEAE said the current levels of radiation do not warrant a public health risk and they would not state where else the radiation has been detected besides the Czech Republic. They do not believe it's coming from the Japanese Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima.

Iodine-131 has a radioactive decay half-life of 8 days. The Japanese Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima released mostly Iodine-131 as part of it's radioactive discharge. Due to it's mode of beta decay, Iodine-131 is known for causing mutations and death in cells it penetrates.

Radioactive Cloud Over Europe - Technorati Travel
Nuclear officials across Europe are clueless as to the source of radiation floating in the atmosphere “across Europe” over the past several days.

The Czech Republic's State Office for Nuclear Safety and the International Atomic Energy Agency have detected iodine-131. Iodine-131 is the type of radiation created during the operation of nuclear reactors or in the detonation of a nuclear bomb. The radiation was first detected two weeks ago and has been confirmed “in other locations across Europe.”

The officials for the IEAE said the current levels of radiation do not warrant a public health risk and they would not state where else the radiation has been detected besides the Czech Republic. They do not believe it's coming from the Japanese Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima.

Iodine-131 has a radioactive decay half-life of 8 days. The Japanese Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima released mostly Iodine-131 as part of it's radioactive discharge. Due to it's mode of beta decay, Iodine-131 is known for causing mutations and death in cells it penetrates.

Radioactive Cloud Over Europe - Technorati Travel

Chris you really need to stop with all the doom saying man...

Did you read this line in that article you cited?

"Iodine-131 has a radioactive decay half-life of 8 days."

That means in an isotopic sample in it will take 8 days for half the atoms in that sample to decay to a stable state. 8 days and when was that nuclear reactor problem in Japan?..See the problem here? people are making a problem out of nothing to sell a story..

Seriously lighten up chris..
Clueless? European Nuclear officials? It seems like an oxymoron. Maybe the radiation spike has something to do with the crippled Japanese reactor?
...8 days and when was that nuclear reactor problem in Japan?..See the problem here?
While your explanation of half life is accurate slack, the assumption you make to dismiss the story is based on flawed information.

WHEN was the Fukushima Daiichi problem in Japan is where the mistaken assumption is. See, the Fukushima problem is STILL HAPPENING!

3 of the containment vessels are either partially or completely breached and releasing radiative material. One of the most damaged of those vessels is a waste rod storage vessel which contains spent rods of both uranium and plutonium.

There are hot molten pools of between 2/3rds and ALL of the rods laying in the bottoms of those 3 containment vessels where they ended up when they MELTED DOWN. IF that hot molten material burns through the bottom....which it may still do if it hasn't already done...there will be HUGE releases of isotopes into the atmosphere!

The Japanese problem is not even CLOSE to being contained or fixed. The Japanese government is in bed with Tokyo Electric and Daiichi to a degree that makes the Barney Frank and Freddy/Fanny crap look like a highschool click. They CONTROL the Japanese government...literally.
...8 days and when was that nuclear reactor problem in Japan?..See the problem here?
While your explanation of half life is accurate slack, the assumption you make to dismiss the story is based on flawed information.

WHEN was the Fukushima Daiichi problem in Japan is where the mistaken assumption is. See, the Fukushima problem is STILL HAPPENING!

3 of the containment vessels are either partially or completely breached and releasing radiative material. One of the most damaged of those vessels is a waste rod storage vessel which contains spent rods of both uranium and plutonium.

There are hot molten pools of between 2/3rds and ALL of the rods laying in the bottoms of those 3 containment vessels where they ended up when they MELTED DOWN. IF that hot molten material burns through the bottom....which it may still do if it hasn't already done...there will be HUGE releases of isotopes into the atmosphere!

The Japanese problem is not even CLOSE to being contained or fixed. The Japanese government is in bed with Tokyo Electric and Daiichi to a degree that makes the Barney Frank and Freddy/Fanny crap look like a highschool click. They CONTROL the Japanese government...literally.

Well JIDZ ..Seems you are either another alarmist making exaggerated claims, or you seem to know more than the news and the International Atomic Energy Agency...

Fukushima Nuclear Accident Update Log

They don't seem to agree with your assessment.. And I can't find anything to back your claim on any search I did... Frankly JIDZ I think you are confusing conspiracy theory with fact here..

Relax scardy cats you will live I promise.. if you don't I can be pretty sure it won't be nuclear fallout from japan that kills you.
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Frankly JIDZ I think you are confusing conspiracy theory with fact here..
LOL...well, maybe. But I think if you do a little research on Japan, you'll find that they don't call it conspiracy. They call it the price of doing business! ;~)

As to not finding it, I'm not surprised. They would go to great lengths to wipe anything from the public eye that could be damaging to Japan. Saving face is what the Japanese are about!

I'll just ask ya this slack. If YOU lived 30-40 miles away from that place and they told you it was safe, but that you could not eat anything you grew, sell anything you grew, drink the milk form your cows grazing in your pasture or sell the milk from your cows...9 MONTHS later, would that give you some reason to question what you're being told? Cause that is EXACTLY what is going on right now.

If you've done any research, I'm guessing you're already guessing my point. Iodine-131 IS the isotope that effects things like lettuce and the grass that cows eat which then concentrates in their milk. MILLIONS of Russians are still dealing with cancer from drinking milk after Chernobyl.

So the point is, an 8 day half life, yet you can't eat lettuce or drink milk 8 months later. Now you might want to do some math at this point. Either iodine-131 doesn't have an 8 day half life or the land 30 miles or more around Fukushima is being RE contaminated!

And now we get a cloud over Europe? It defies logic to accept it as just a coincidence or blindly reject it. I may be a conspiracy nut...but there is method to my madness. ;~)
Frankly JIDZ I think you are confusing conspiracy theory with fact here..
LOL...well, maybe. But I think if you do a little research on Japan, you'll find that they don't call it conspiracy. They call it the price of doing business! ;~)

As to not finding it, I'm not surprised. They would go to great lengths to wipe anything from the public eye that could be damaging to Japan. Saving face is what the Japanese are about!

I'll just ask ya this slack. If YOU lived 30-40 miles away from that place and they told you it was safe, but that you could not eat anything you grew, sell anything you grew, drink the milk form your cows grazing in your pasture or sell the milk from your cows...9 MONTHS later, would that give you some reason to question what you're being told? Cause that is EXACTLY what is going on right now.

If you've done any research, I'm guessing you're already guessing my point. Iodine-131 IS the isotope that effects things like lettuce and the grass that cows eat which then concentrates in their milk. MILLIONS of Russians are still dealing with cancer from drinking milk after Chernobyl.

So the point is, an 8 day half life, yet you can't eat lettuce or drink milk 8 months later. Now you might want to do some math at this point. Either iodine-131 doesn't have an 8 day half life or the land 30 miles or more around Fukushima is being RE contaminated!

And now we get a cloud over Europe? It defies logic to accept it as just a coincidence or blindly reject it. I may be a conspiracy nut...but there is method to my madness. ;~)

Or, its a longer living isotope that is currently contaminating the agricultural products, such as Cesium-137, or others.
Frankly JIDZ I think you are confusing conspiracy theory with fact here..
LOL...well, maybe. But I think if you do a little research on Japan, you'll find that they don't call it conspiracy. They call it the price of doing business! ;~)

As to not finding it, I'm not surprised. They would go to great lengths to wipe anything from the public eye that could be damaging to Japan. Saving face is what the Japanese are about!

I'll just ask ya this slack. If YOU lived 30-40 miles away from that place and they told you it was safe, but that you could not eat anything you grew, sell anything you grew, drink the milk form your cows grazing in your pasture or sell the milk from your cows...9 MONTHS later, would that give you some reason to question what you're being told? Cause that is EXACTLY what is going on right now.

If you've done any research, I'm guessing you're already guessing my point. Iodine-131 IS the isotope that effects things like lettuce and the grass that cows eat which then concentrates in their milk. MILLIONS of Russians are still dealing with cancer from drinking milk after Chernobyl.

So the point is, an 8 day half life, yet you can't eat lettuce or drink milk 8 months later. Now you might want to do some math at this point. Either iodine-131 doesn't have an 8 day half life or the land 30 miles or more around Fukushima is being RE contaminated!

And now we get a cloud over Europe? It defies logic to accept it as just a coincidence or blindly reject it. I may be a conspiracy nut...but there is method to my madness. ;~)

First the half-life was from the article I responded to. Not my words or claim it was in the article you are arguing for....

Second, as another poster pointed there are many other Isotopes which last much longer, some upwards of 400+ years. I would lay money on the fact you get more radiation from an x-ray taken of your leg than you do from most of the things you were talking about.

third, what "method" are you talking about? its fear nothing more..
ordinarily the iodine isotope would be found in conjunction with other radioactive isotopes, and this combination would give a clue as to what was the source. but they havent found higher levels of anything else and that is why they are confused.

its probably just the Russians screwing up again.

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