Rage on the Right

I think he gets his news from "The View." Joy Behar refers to homeschooled children as "demented" and that the parents teach them to be "scared of other children." Nice. I can tell we have a really informed board member among our midst. Should have known what your view would have been based on that crass photo you posted of yourself with your pants below your waist. Any info we get from DevNell should be on a "need to know" basis.

I do know that my 'to' should have been 'too' and I'll go fix it. The difference between those that assume they're so bright and others is the ability to recognize the mistakes.
one of the weirdest posts I've come across here.

was the author home schooled?

Could you at least try to refute my ideas? Or is there not much going on between your two ears?

Start by trying to refute the idea that both political parties believe in the same Keynesian principles.
What's the real reason for this almostpathological rage that is being expressed by some on the right to Obama's election?

This from a man who makes his money selling hate of other Americans.

CNN’s Campbell Brown: ‘Right-Wing Rage’ at Obama Victory | NewsBusters.org

The only "rage" I see is the loony left already whining that Obama is already rennigged on almost ALL his campaign promises before he has even taken office.

Appointing fiscally conservative Wall St insiders to his financial team

Appointing most hawks to his foreign policy team

Abandoning his promise of rolling back the Bush tax cuts

No massive health care reform

Doubling the size of the military force in Afghanistan

Staying with the Bush timeline of troop withdrawls from Iraq.

No support for gay marriage

The savior from the left is already proving to be no such thing

What horseshit, Obama has a huge approval rating.

The right wing nut bags will flail and cry until we get another Murrah building incident.
Wonder what she's gonna be the Czar of! dosen't all this Czar crap sound kinda toxic? I mean wasn"t the last Czar offed in 1918? or something like that? Why are we having Czar's doyathink?
That we believed thay were there at the time doesn't mean anybody lied moron just that they believed the majority of the available intel world wide.
That we believed thay were there at the time doesn't mean anybody lied moron just that they believed the majority of the available intel world wide.

Pure bullshit. You believed, Cheney and Bush manufactured. They knew from the start that there was no WMD. Read the PNAC. They planned on finding some pretext for going to war with Iraq long before Bush was President. Because you are a fool does not mean all Americans are. You Conservatives backed some real losers, you have wholly supported policies that have bankrupted this nation, and caused untold greif for our military. And failed to get the fellow that actually attacked this nation. Your legacy and that of the whole Bush administration is abysmal failure on every front.
Pure bullshit. You believed, Cheney and Bush manufactured. They knew from the start that there was no WMD. Read the PNAC. They planned on finding some pretext for going to war with Iraq long before Bush was President. Because you are a fool does not mean all Americans are. You Conservatives backed some real losers, you have wholly supported policies that have bankrupted this nation, and caused untold greif for our military. And failed to get the fellow that actually attacked this nation. Your legacy and that of the whole Bush administration is abysmal failure on every front.

Pure bullshit. You believed, Cheney and Bush manufactured. They knew from the start that there was no WMD. Read the PNAC. They planned on finding some pretext for going to war with Iraq long before Bush was President. Because you are a fool does not mean all Americans are. You Conservatives backed some real losers, you have wholly supported policies that have bankrupted this nation, and caused untold greif for our military. And failed to get the fellow that actually attacked this nation. Your legacy and that of the whole Bush administration is abysmal failure on every front.

2 fools
Pure bullshit. You believed, Cheney and Bush manufactured. They knew from the start that there was no WMD. Read the PNAC. They planned on finding some pretext for going to war with Iraq long before Bush was President. Because you are a fool does not mean all Americans are. You Conservatives backed some real losers, you have wholly supported policies that have bankrupted this nation, and caused untold greif for our military. And failed to get the fellow that actually attacked this nation. Your legacy and that of the whole Bush administration is abysmal failure on every front.

WOW you are an ignorant fucker man.

Conservative policies bankrupted this nation eh.

thats to rich.

This Nation was bankrupted by generations of LIBERAL SPENDING programs. Dumb Fuck.

Sorry to everyone to use name calling, but I really can not stand these Dumb fuck liberals who blame everything on Republicans and regurgitate the Democrat Lies that qualify has talking points today.
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Pure bullshit. You believed, Cheney and Bush manufactured. They knew from the start that there was no WMD. Read the PNAC. They planned on finding some pretext for going to war with Iraq long before Bush was President. Because you are a fool does not mean all Americans are. You Conservatives backed some real losers, you have wholly supported policies that have bankrupted this nation, and caused untold greif for our military. And failed to get the fellow that actually attacked this nation. Your legacy and that of the whole Bush administration is abysmal failure on every front.

He won the war in Iraq and canned the most viscous dictator of our time.

In winning the Iraq war he secured Stryker, a huge airbase in northern Iraq in Kurdish terrirory which we will occupy for the next 50-100 years, in fighter escort range of Georgia and Tehran as well as the Aral-Caspian sea resource district.

He's had enormous, and unpublicized successes in Sub-Saharan Africa in terms of his aides program.

He outed the Taliban

He installed missile defense in Poland which will protect all of western Europe from rogue nations nuclear missile attacks.

He's done a lot of dumb stuff, but there have been some marked successes, too.
The anger on the right grows out of their loss and the loss of substance in an ideology they so believed in. Consider the failures since Reagan and it is clear conservatives cannot govern, they can only point fingers and assign blame to others. Do any of them, for instance, reflect on the failure of W and the fact he is the end product of their years of power? This will continue as now they can point fingers again as their own failures fade somewhat into the Texas desert.

1. Conservatism has failed.

"The overwhelming majority of the American public now sees the Bush administration as a failure. They failed in Iraq, they failed after Hurricane Katrina, they failed on health care, they failed to deliver rising wages, they failed on the deficit, they failed, they failed, they failed. Why? Liberals need to argue that it wasn’t a product of incompetence, it was a failure of conservative governance. As Alan Wolfe put it in a recent Washington Monthly article, “Conservatives cannot govern well for the same reason that vegetarians cannot prepare a world-class boeuf bourguignon: If you believe that what you are called upon to do is wrong, you are not likely to do it very well.”"

2. Conservatism is the ideology of the past—a past we don’t want to return to.

3. Conservatives are cowards, and they hope you are, too. We’re afraid, they shout.

TomPaine.com - It's The Conservatism, Stupid
The anger on the right grows out of their loss and the loss of substance in an ideology they so believed in. Consider the failures since Reagan and it is clear conservatives cannot govern, they can only point fingers and assign blame to others. Do any of them, for instance, reflect on the failure of W and the fact he is the end product of their years of power? This will continue as now they can point fingers again as their own failures fade somewhat into the Texas desert.

1. Conservatism has failed.

"The overwhelming majority of the American public now sees the Bush administration as a failure. They failed in Iraq, they failed after Hurricane Katrina, they failed on health care, they failed to deliver rising wages, they failed on the deficit, they failed, they failed, they failed. Why? Liberals need to argue that it wasn’t a product of incompetence, it was a failure of conservative governance. As Alan Wolfe put it in a recent Washington Monthly article, “Conservatives cannot govern well for the same reason that vegetarians cannot prepare a world-class boeuf bourguignon: If you believe that what you are called upon to do is wrong, you are not likely to do it very well.”"

2. Conservatism is the ideology of the past—a past we don’t want to return to.

3. Conservatives are cowards, and they hope you are, too. We’re afraid, they shout.

TomPaine.com - It's The Conservatism, Stupid

Actually, in case you haven't noticed the Iraq "War" ( it never was a war ), is over and we won....and we are now drawing down.

America is still overwhelmingly center-right, and now we've elected yet another center-right president, even if he is Democrat.
"The overwhelming majority of the American public now sees the Bush administration as a failure. They failed in Iraq, they failed after Hurricane Katrina, they failed on health care, they failed to deliver rising wages, they failed on the deficit, they failed, they failed, they failed. Why? Liberals need to argue that it wasn’t a product of incompetence, it was a failure of conservative governance. As Alan Wolfe put it in a recent Washington Monthly article, “Conservatives cannot govern well for the same reason that vegetarians cannot prepare a world-class boeuf bourguignon: If you believe that what you are called upon to do is wrong, you are not likely to do it very well.”"

You are proving how wrong you are with this post. Bush did not behave like a Conservative in nearly any real way. He is really only a social conservative, and not any other.

Therefore trying to equate his failure with the failure of Conservatism as a whole is laughable.

You want to keep rubbing it in our faces that you won and we lost. I say go for it. Your hubris is stunning, and it will be your downfall if not in 2 years definitely in 4. So enjoy this rare and brief time on top.

You want to pretend that Obama winning signals the Death of Conservatives and a move to the left for good by the Public. Always the fool you are. The only thing this election signaled was hat People did not like Bush, and voters are Ignorant and indifferent and the press is in Bed with the Liberals.
WOW you are an ignorant fucker man.

Conservative policies bankrupted this nation eh.

thats to rich.

This Nation was bankrupted by generations of LIBERAL SPENDING programs. Dumb Fuck.

Sorry to everyone to use name calling, but I really can not stand these Dumb fuck liberals who blame everything on Republicans and regurgitate the Democrat Lies that qualify has talking points today.


Bush and Reagan are responsible for 90% of the National Debt....


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