Raise Taxes or Cut Waste?

Government has spent over $30 trillion dollars in the last 10 years alone, that's over $100,000 for every man, woman, and child in the country, maxing out credit cards pushing the debt to over $18 trillion with no plan to pay it off. So you libs are saying the answer is to give them even more money?
The money that needs to be given is enough to pay the bills and start paying on the debt. That makes sense eh? About an extra one trillion in raises taxes will do that. 500 billion of that you could get from the DOD, if you wanted to that is.
Government has spent over $30 trillion dollars in the last 10 years alone, that's over $100,000 for every man, woman, and child in the country, maxing out credit cards pushing the debt to over $18 trillion with no plan to pay it off. So you libs are saying the answer is to give them even more money?

credit cards effect Federal Debt ? Explain that please.
Raise taxes on the rich, tax college savings, raise gasoline taxes, and cut social programs? Or, cut the enormous waste that we all know should be cut? Or, should we do a combination of both? If your answer is to cut waste, what are the most obvious areas of waste that you would cut? If your answer is to raise taxes, what taxes would you increase? Or, what new taxes would you add? If your answer is to raise taxes, where would you use the new revenue? If your answer is to cut waste, where would you use the savings?

Why not both? Would we even have our wars on Crime, Drugs, Poverty, and Terror, if the wealthiest had to pay wartime tax rates for them.
Yes, we would still have them. Taxes doesn't stop alcoholics, drug addicts, criminals, terrorists, poverty, nor homelessness. Our laws, policies, and actions by those we entrust with our security and economic well-being, can stop those things. But, greed, power, self-service, and egos prevent all of the above from being corrected. Also, time is a big factor. None of it can be corrected over-night. It takes determination, will, resources, and everyone being on the same page of the playbook for it to happen.

The only way for everyone to be on the same page of the playbook is to kill every human being until you are down to one.
That's one option.

Yes. But it does seem counter productive to me.
Government has spent over $30 trillion dollars in the last 10 years alone, that's over $100,000 for every man, woman, and child in the country, maxing out credit cards pushing the debt to over $18 trillion with no plan to pay it off. So you libs are saying the answer is to give them even more money?
The money that needs to be given is enough to pay the bills and start paying on the debt. That makes sense eh? About an extra one trillion in raises taxes will do that. 500 billion of that you could get from the DOD, if you wanted to that is.

Ah the rich just have to shit an extra trillion dollars a year out their ass? What would be the impact of confiscating a trillion dollars a year from the 'rich'?
Government has spent over $30 trillion dollars in the last 10 years alone, that's over $100,000 for every man, woman, and child in the country, maxing out credit cards pushing the debt to over $18 trillion with no plan to pay it off. So you libs are saying the answer is to give them even more money?
The money that needs to be given is enough to pay the bills and start paying on the debt. That makes sense eh? About an extra one trillion in raises taxes will do that. 500 billion of that you could get from the DOD, if you wanted to that is.

Ah the rich just have to shit an extra trillion dollars a year out their ass? What would be the impact of confiscating a trillion dollars a year from the 'rich'?
Let's find out...
Raise taxes on the rich, tax college savings, raise gasoline taxes, and cut social programs? Or, cut the enormous waste that we all know should be cut? Or, should we do a combination of both? If your answer is to cut waste, what are the most obvious areas of waste that you would cut? If your answer is to raise taxes, what taxes would you increase? Or, what new taxes would you add? If your answer is to raise taxes, where would you use the new revenue? If your answer is to cut waste, where would you use the savings?

As painful as it will be, I think we should raise taxes first. But we have to do it across the board, so everyone feels the pain. And we need to keep raising them until the budget is balanced. Then there will be no need to convince people we need to cut spending. They'll be howling for it.
I don't suppose that the socioeconomic survival of this once great nation would bring a few together to solve some of our problems. Nah, never happen, right? So, we just stand-by and together watch the collapse take place? What an interesting thought. I'll have to ponder that for a bit.

Nothing lasts forever. Many societies that lasted hundreds of years longer than we've been a country all eventually fell. What goes up doesn't go up forever.

The ultra wealthy have never had it so good in this country. I bet they have an entirely different perspective of how the country is doing. Don't you think?

It's plutocrats vs. the rest of us. And the rest of us has a strong component who work FOR the plutocrats. Why they do that I don't know. But they do. But the plutocrats are kicking ass. The rest of us are getting our asses kicked. But I don't think there will be a "collapse". Just a steadily declining standard of living for many. And a real good standard of living for some. I am in the "some" category.

Where you are I don't know. But it is definitely every man/woman for himself. We ain't all in this together no more.
To much hate, jealousy, greed and laziness going around.
In many respects, you're right, no doubt. What's missing is unity of purpose. We're so divided that it is almost impossible to make positive meaningful changes in the right direction. Even on this forum, the division is obvious. No one is pulling in the same direction. We're basically defeating ourselves, making life harder, and allowing problems to grow out of proportion. We may not totally collapse, but we'll surely fall from our perch as the "land of opportunity and wealth". We may even become a third world nation, with poverty as the norm, human slavery in place of beneficial employment, and governed by a more powerful absolutely authority than we have now.

In the end, we'll have no one to blame except ourselves. Our "finger pointing" days will be over, and our tears will be of our own making. Then, shame on us for ever letting it reach that point. Shame on us for throwing away hundreds of years of socioeconomic progress and optimism about the future of this nation, and of mankind.

Yes, you're probably right. Americans seem content with division and playing the blame game. We seem content with standing on the sidelines and not getting in the game. We're really not interested in making a bright future, ensuring prosperity and opportunity for future generations of Americans, and ending increased power at the top. Our content will be our doom, and looking into the mirror will be the aim of our finger pointing.
Raise taxes on the rich, tax college savings, raise gasoline taxes, and cut social programs? Or, cut the enormous waste that we all know should be cut? Or, should we do a combination of both? If your answer is to cut waste, what are the most obvious areas of waste that you would cut? If your answer is to raise taxes, what taxes would you increase? Or, what new taxes would you add? If your answer is to raise taxes, where would you use the new revenue? If your answer is to cut waste, where would you use the savings?

Why not both? Would we even have our wars on Crime, Drugs, Poverty, and Terror, if the wealthiest had to pay wartime tax rates for them.
Yes, we would still have them. Taxes doesn't stop alcoholics, drug addicts, criminals, terrorists, poverty, nor homelessness. Our laws, policies, and actions by those we entrust with our security and economic well-being, can stop those things. But, greed, power, self-service, and egos prevent all of the above from being corrected. Also, time is a big factor. None of it can be corrected over-night. It takes determination, will, resources, and everyone being on the same page of the playbook for it to happen.

The only way for everyone to be on the same page of the playbook is to kill every human being until you are down to one.
Really? What a thought. I don't suppose that the socioeconomic survival of this once great nation would bring a few together to solve some of our problems. Nah, never happen, right? So, we just stand-by and together watch the collapse take place? What an interesting thought. I'll have to ponder that for a bit.

No. It wouldn't. It never has in the past and I see no reason to think it will happen in the future.

Which is why your idea of being on the same page is pointless. You have 300 million people, each with their own ideas on what that page is and probably almost as many playbooks. How do you go about getting a far left socialist to get on the same page with a free market libertarian? How do you get them to agree on what needs to be done to resolve the problem? You want to cut foreign aid, I see that as a monumental mistake. You think prisons are too cushy, I think they are too brutal. Which page are we going to be on - yours or mine?

Any solution which does not take into account we are human beings, with all of the baggage that entails, is doomed to failure.
Government has spent over $30 trillion dollars in the last 10 years alone, that's over $100,000 for every man, woman, and child in the country, maxing out credit cards pushing the debt to over $18 trillion with no plan to pay it off. So you libs are saying the answer is to give them even more money?
The money that needs to be given is enough to pay the bills and start paying on the debt. That makes sense eh? About an extra one trillion in raises taxes will do that. 500 billion of that you could get from the DOD, if you wanted to that is.

Ah the rich just have to shit an extra trillion dollars a year out their ass? What would be the impact of confiscating a trillion dollars a year from the 'rich'?
Let's find out...

Why not just socialize oil, gas, coal, timber, mining, agriculture, utilities, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing with the government owning all those industries and reaping the profits to dole out to the masses?
Raise taxes on the rich, tax college savings, raise gasoline taxes, and cut social programs? Or, cut the enormous waste that we all know should be cut? Or, should we do a combination of both? If your answer is to cut waste, what are the most obvious areas of waste that you would cut? If your answer is to raise taxes, what taxes would you increase? Or, what new taxes would you add? If your answer is to raise taxes, where would you use the new revenue? If your answer is to cut waste, where would you use the savings?

As painful as it will be, I think we should raise taxes first. But we have to do it across the board, so everyone feels the pain. And we need to keep raising them until the budget is balanced. Then there will be no need to convince people we need to cut spending. They'll be howling for it.
I see it as cutting waste first to see if we even need to raise taxes. There is a lot of waste and fraud associated with government spending.
Government has spent over $30 trillion dollars in the last 10 years alone, that's over $100,000 for every man, woman, and child in the country, maxing out credit cards pushing the debt to over $18 trillion with no plan to pay it off. So you libs are saying the answer is to give them even more money?
The money that needs to be given is enough to pay the bills and start paying on the debt. That makes sense eh? About an extra one trillion in raises taxes will do that. 500 billion of that you could get from the DOD, if you wanted to that is.

Ah the rich just have to shit an extra trillion dollars a year out their ass? What would be the impact of confiscating a trillion dollars a year from the 'rich'?
Let's find out...

Why not just socialize oil, gas, coal, timber, mining, agriculture, utilities, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing with the government owning all those industries and reaping the profits to dole out to the masses?
That's a bit aggressive but it works for me.
eliminate all pork. Period.
What pork? Oh right, you don't know and you don't how much it would save us.

29 Billion was spent in 06 ... regardless, pork spending iS NOT necessary to keep the country operating .. saving a dime will get you a dollar. Eliminate pork or stfu about spending cuts.
29 out of 4,000? Keep at it.

look sport, I know pork spending isn't the savior, but it's a chunk of change that needs to stay in our wallet. The thread title asks the question? (eliminate waste.) Anyone who doesn't consider pork spending waste is an idiot.
eliminate all pork. Period.
What pork? Oh right, you don't know and you don't how much it would save us.

29 Billion was spent in 06 ... regardless, pork spending iS NOT necessary to keep the country operating .. saving a dime will get you a dollar. Eliminate pork or stfu about spending cuts.
29 out of 4,000? Keep at it.

look sport, I know pork spending isn't the savior, but it's a chunk of change that needs to stay in our wallet. The thread title asks the question? (eliminate waste.) Anyone who doesn't consider pork spending waste is an idiot.
29 counts but 290 counts ten times more. Keep at it.
Raise taxes on the rich, tax college savings, raise gasoline taxes, and cut social programs? Or, cut the enormous waste that we all know should be cut? Or, should we do a combination of both? If your answer is to cut waste, what are the most obvious areas of waste that you would cut? If your answer is to raise taxes, what taxes would you increase? Or, what new taxes would you add? If your answer is to raise taxes, where would you use the new revenue? If your answer is to cut waste, where would you use the savings?

Why not both? Would we even have our wars on Crime, Drugs, Poverty, and Terror, if the wealthiest had to pay wartime tax rates for them.
Yes, we would still have them. Taxes doesn't stop alcoholics, drug addicts, criminals, terrorists, poverty, nor homelessness. Our laws, policies, and actions by those we entrust with our security and economic well-being, can stop those things. But, greed, power, self-service, and egos prevent all of the above from being corrected. Also, time is a big factor. None of it can be corrected over-night. It takes determination, will, resources, and everyone being on the same page of the playbook for it to happen.

The only way for everyone to be on the same page of the playbook is to kill every human being until you are down to one.
Really? What a thought. I don't suppose that the socioeconomic survival of this once great nation would bring a few together to solve some of our problems. Nah, never happen, right? So, we just stand-by and together watch the collapse take place? What an interesting thought. I'll have to ponder that for a bit.

No. It wouldn't. It never has in the past and I see no reason to think it will happen in the future.

Which is why your idea of being on the same page is pointless. You have 300 million people, each with their own ideas on what that page is and probably almost as many playbooks. How do you go about getting a far left socialist to get on the same page with a free market libertarian? How do you get them to agree on what needs to be done to resolve the problem? You want to cut foreign aid, I see that as a monumental mistake. You think prisons are too cushy, I think they are too brutal. Which page are we going to be on - yours or mine?

Any solution which does not take into account we are human beings, with all of the baggage that entails, is doomed to failure.
You could be absolutely correct. But, when you back an animal into a corner, they'll usually try to fight their way out. If and when we reach the proverbial "rock bottom", my guess is that somehow, some way, many will try to climb up and out of oppression, slavery, excessive taxation, and attack a corrupt and self-serving government. First, many have to feel the same pain, suffer the same hunger and misery, then we might see a light come on and people wake up. At this point, it's anyone's guess, and none of us has a crystal ball.
Lower taxes on everyone, especially thr cih (progressive taxation is completely unfair, everyone should be taxed at the same rate ala a flat tax.)

Implement mandatory conservation, recycling, and more efficient versions of things. It's absurd we tax more rather than cutting back even if that means draconian laws 'encouraging' it. Can't build new power generating plants everytime existing supply can't meet the deamnd - you cut back usage and the demand. Otherwise it's like raising the debt ceiling every year instead of capping it and facing the music at long last.
I also believe in taxing everyone at the same rate. And, I believe that having a sales tax that covers all taxation is way better than what we have now.

All taxation is just legalized theft by the government. Suppose it's a necessary evil though. Though I'd lvoe to see what happens when there are no taxes at all. Bet there's less wars...:) But it seems to me if we tax more successful people a higher percentage then that's just punishing that success and is thus unfair. Also, there seems to be a lot of overlap with taxes. If you tax a set amount once, then taxing it again is also unfair. Yet that's exactly what we do with federal, state, and local taxes taxing the same fixed amount multiple times.

We tax earnings.
Then we tax what remains again at the state level.
Then we tax that remainder a third time locally.
Then we tax it yet again, a fourth time if you dare to actually spend any of it via Sales Tax.
And we don't stop there. You get taxed additional times if you invest in others and are actually successful. Get taxed if you dare die and have a balance remaining.

We're awfully taxed for a supposedly free coutnry. This is the only area I'm aware of I actually agree with the Tea Partiers. :)

MORE right wing bullshit. OLD money isn't taxed (except upon death,m where there $10+ million exception) twice. Yes NEW money created with old money is taxed, generally at MUCH lower rates than labor

Its a COST BASIS of taxation

Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950

Federal, state and local income taxes consumed 9.2% of all personal income in 2009, the lowest rate since 1950

Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950 - USATODAY.com

Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, American diplomat, statesman, and scientist; letter to Robert Morris, December 25, 1783:

"All the property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it."

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