Rand Paul: I'm Referring Fauci For Criminal Charges, and Here's the Proof He Lied to Congress

Fauci has been in the spotlight before. More than once. You and your cult just didn't notice, because a) you guys arent well informed people who pay attention and b) the orange slob did not put a bullseye on him. Which brightened that spotlight.

Oh, believe me, no one's forgotten his bungling of HIV/AIDS and his 100% wrong predictions for THAT epidemic . . . although if you weren't less intelligent than a kumquat, you would be wishing we had forgotten that and would not be reminding us as though it's some great accomplishment of his.
Though, to Rands credit, i would go to him for LASIK. But he is way out of his depth, here.
Really? Dude hasn’t practiced for over a decade and was never board certified.
I might trust him for a pair of eyeglasses. Cutting on my eyes?
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Woefully misinformed by your handlers as usual. Fauci is a global hero when it comes to HIV. Ebola, too.

Speaking of woefully misinformed, your continued belief that you saying, "You're wrong, and I'm right, so there" will somehow mean anything other than gales of derisive laughter definitely meets that description.

Fauci is a "global hero" only to those drooling fools like you who happen to live in other countries and have been ordered by their masters to "know" it. To anyone who has functioning neurons and lacks your slavish need to kiss the ass of anyone with a degree, Fauci is a nebbish who rose beyond the level of his incompetence and has now exposed that fact to the world.

The more you assert that he's wonderful, because he just is and that's that, the more convinced I become that I'm correct about him, simply because it upsets your doe-eyed worship of him.
What's more fun was watching Fauci squirming like the little toadie D.C. bureaucrat he really is.
Seems like Rand Paul is whimpering like a little bitch because he got slapped down in his big showdown with Fauci
Fauci is a "global hero" only to those drooling fools like you who happen to live in other countries and have been ordered by their masters to "know" it.
Nope. Wrong again. To actual doctors and researchers around the world. We all know you know nothing about any of this except for a hitpiece blog you probably didn't even read, the headline itself having worn you out before you could. You and your drooling cult are just embarrassing yourselves.
I hate to break it to you, but Dr. Fauci doesn't have any more education and experience in virology or epidemiology than Rand Paul does. Less, if you consider actually treating patients instead of being a paper-pusher to be experience. Dr. Fauci has a medical degree. That's it. No advanced coursework in micro- or molecular biology, biochemistry, or immunology. He went to med school, got a standard-issue medical degree, did a residency and internship in internal medicine - which is a far less demanding field of medicine than the specialty of ophthalmology, FYI - and then got a desk job with the government. He calls himself an immunologist, but that's only because he's the bureaucrat who manages the office for a bunch of actual immunologists.

I was wrong. I didn't hate puncturing your rosy leftist fantasies at all.
Fauci has not practiced in decades
Not his job
Great, quote her saying Fauci's money funded gain-of-function research at Wuhan....


He admitted Rand Paul is lying and has no idea what he is talking about.
When challenged, Paul tried to shout him down and then ran away to Fox News

At least they believe his wild claims
Seriously Right? What Wild claims? Fauci perjured himself...and you just don't want to admit the truth.
Fauci has been in the spotlight before. More than once. You and your cult just didn't notice, because a) you guys arent well informed people who pay attention and b) the orange slob did not put a bullseye on him. Which brightened that spotlight.
Yes he has...also was making money off his lies and misinformation then, but not as much money as he is making now off his lies.
Yes he has...also was making money off his lies and misinformation then, but not as much money as he is making now off his lies.
Silly, embarrassing delusions from someone who knows less than nothing about any of this. You sound like a child who cant distinguish between his fantasies and reality. .
Gain of Function Research according to Fauci: "Everything we did, but you have to wear a sombrero while you do it. If you're not wearing a sombrero, it's not gain of function research"
Please just one of you bidenbot idiots please tell me why we are sending cash to China for anything....especially for bio weapons....
The NIH gave funding to Wuhan for research. The virus from that funding was NOT COVID. That is what Fauci is saying. HOWEVER the Wuhan lab manipulated that virus to be virulent in humans. Fauci almost certainly knew this but was smart enough to try to distance himself. Fauci has insulated himself from that or thinks he has. In D.C. it comes down to which party has the most power and can cover for stuff like this. The whole thing seems to me to be a huge clusterfuck that Fauci and the Democrats are desperate to cover up like a cat in a catbox.
Please just one of you bidenbot idiots please tell me why we are sending cash to China for anything....especially for bio weapons....
It's not a bioweapon. Everyone who says that sounds foolish.

We fund important virology and vaccine research all over the world. This is a big part of the reason we developed vaccines so quickly.

Ask a scientist. Or are they all "Bidenbots"?
It's not a bioweapon. Everyone who says that sounds foolish.

We fund important virology and vaccine research all over the world. This is a big part of the reason we developed vaccines so quickly.

Ask a scientist. Or are they all "Bidenbots"?
Its not a bio weapon????? it killed half a million Americans and it was created in a biological virus lab run by the Chinese military....what is wrong with you?....are you posting from enemy soil?....or are you just another stupid American?.....
Silly, embarrassing delusions from someone who knows less than nothing about any of this. You sound like a child who cant distinguish between his fantasies and reality. .
Fort wake the fuck up and stop with the insults....

Fauci is heavily invested in the vaccine pharma companies--------he's made millions $$$$ pushing the virus and the vaccines. Maybe you should get off your ignorant insults and research before attacking other posters.

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