Rand Paul: I'm Referring Fauci For Criminal Charges, and Here's the Proof He Lied to Congress

Fauci toiled in anonymity for half a century and fell in love with the spotlight and just like the lockdown loons he’s not going to let go.
Because Rand doesn't even understand the document he called evidence and doesn't know what he is talking about. He was never there to make a case based on facts. It was theater.

He knew 20 million mewling cultists would be parading around his eye doctor credentials the next day. Haha... Can't help but laugh at that.
The moron actually expected Fauci to beg forgiveness and retract.
Fauci slapped the stupid out of him
Fauci toiled in anonymity for half a century and fell in love with the spotlight and just like the lockdown loons he’s not going to let go.
Fauci has been in the spotlight before. More than once. You and your cult just didn't notice, because a) you guys arent well informed people who pay attention and b) the orange slob did not put a bullseye on him. Which brightened that spotlight.
I laugh every time Rand Paul or Ted Cruz interview Dr Fauci.
Both think they are the smartest person in the room but cover their ignorance by using bullying tactics.

Both preen before the camera as they spout wild, unfounded accusations at Fauci and then shout him down when he tries to respond
It is funny when they both show how really stupid they are.
Fauci has been in the spotlight before. More than once. You and your cult just didn't notice, because a) you guys arent well informed people who pay attention and b) the orange slob did not put a bullseye on him. Which brightened that spotlight.
Home from school I see. Which adult is home and feeding you your responses?
If Fauci was smart he would resign before he is fired.
But, he probably won't.
Biden is probably looking for a why to fire him without looking bad.
Fauci is an highly honored member of the Democrat Cult.
Biden's personal fixer, AG Garland, will do everything in his power to protect that lying little bitch, Fauci. When Paul pinned him down on his lying, Fauci started shaking like a bitch. He was obviously shook that he was so busted. If there is any J left in the DOJ, Fauci will do life for all the death and misery he had a part in.
The moron actually expected Fauci to beg forgiveness and retract.
Fauci slapped the stupid out of him
Actually, Fauci tried pulling a fast one on Fauci. He strongly implied Fauci was responsible for funding gain-of-function research to create covid-19 and responsible for 4 million deaths -- but then admits it's not been proven the Wuhan lab actually did that and even worse, at the end, says Fauci "could" be responsible. Which is why Fauci was rightfully pissed at Paul for uttering such an irreprehensible accusation against him while admitting he "could" be wrong.
Now imagine the world outside this board. Would a nonpartisan person sooner believe the nutball Rand Paul, with no relevant education or experience, knows what he is talking about, or the world renowned doctor and research scientist Fauci, speaking in his specialized field, when he says Rand doesn't know what he is talking about?

Seems like an easy answer.

Now imagine the world outside this board. Do non-partisan people automatically view Rand Paul and Dr. Fauci the way you do? Yes, I know, your masters have told you to think they do, and you desperately want to believe they do to justify being yourself.
All you leftist dicks blamed Trump for covid and treated long time bureaucrat Fauci like a
a saving hero.

The truth seems to be somewhat different than that however. So how many of you will admit
you were duped and your love of hate turned you all into liars who got everything ass

I doubt a single one of you will. You haven't the decency and courage.
Fauci is a respected man and a hero outside of your cult. Pelosi knows no cultist will vote democrat. So dream on.

No, Fauci is a respected man and a hero inside YOUR cult. As much as your masters tell you that most of the world agrees with you, it's actually not true. Pelosi knows that talking points she's fed you are garbage. So dream on.
All you leftist dicks blamed Trump for covid
Trump was blamed for his hoax tour, his incompetent leadership, and his lack of support for safety measures, all of which made the pandemic worse. And he always will be blamed for this, by every person on the planet not in your cult.
Fauci worked with the CCP to fund and set up gain of function research in Wuhan.
His own emails and communications show that.
So when and if China is ever held accountable for millions of people who died of covid and all the billions of dollars spent and lives interrupted Tony Fauci should be standing right next to Xi Jenping when trials begin.
Completely irrelevant. Rand Paul has zero education or experience in virology or epidemiology and has published no research in any field ever. Fauci is a global hero and world renowned researcher in these fields and has been head of the US government's research in these fields for decades.

So you can get that weak shit out of here.

I hate to break it to you, but Dr. Fauci doesn't have any more education and experience in virology or epidemiology than Rand Paul does. Less, if you consider actually treating patients instead of being a paper-pusher to be experience. Dr. Fauci has a medical degree. That's it. No advanced coursework in micro- or molecular biology, biochemistry, or immunology. He went to med school, got a standard-issue medical degree, did a residency and internship in internal medicine - which is a far less demanding field of medicine than the specialty of ophthalmology, FYI - and then got a desk job with the government. He calls himself an immunologist, but that's only because he's the bureaucrat who manages the office for a bunch of actual immunologists.

I was wrong. I didn't hate puncturing your rosy leftist fantasies at all.

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