Rand Paul just called for the arrest of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, calling Trump indictment a "disgusting abuse of power"

Why is Bragg still "investigating" him?
I believe the original investigation was over whether he illegally used his campaign to funnel money. It's illegal in all fifty states and the federal law to put money into a local campaign that is not being used for political purposes. Once money is in a campaign regardless of its source it becomes public funding and is subject to federal and state regulations.

A politician can put his own money into his political campaign but once he does that is no longer his money and is subject to campaign law. If trump used his political campaign or any of his new york state organization supporting it, To funnel the money and cover up the payments. Then he violated both federal and state law.
Fun watching Republicans swarm to Trump’s defense
It is bigger than Trump. In this country people are not treated like this. Or at least they should not be for a different political opinion. The fascists you support have turned justice upside down. It is as bad as their distorted version of patriotism.
It is bigger than Trump. In this country people are not treated like this. Or at least they should not be for a different political opinion. The fascists you support have turned justice upside down. It is as bad as their distorted version of patriotism.
Trump is a big boy

He can explain why campaign funds were used to pay off his porn star
The move to indict a former president for the first time in our country’s history will make political prosecutions the new norm in America.

I thought no one was above the law in the US, evidently you Trump humpers think he should have carte blanche to do as he pleases even unlawful activities.
It is bigger than Trump. In this country people are not treated like this. Or at least they should not be for a different political opinion. The fascists you support have turned justice upside down. It is as bad as their distorted version of patriotism.
Bullshit, you want your criminal acts to be overlooked when others before were prosecuted for same.
Trump is a big boy
He can explain why campaign funds were used to pay off his porn star
Bragg isn't a Federal Prosecutor
Bragg isn't a State DA
Bragg isn't a NYC DA
Bragg is a Borough DA who ran on "getting Trump"

Its an abuse of prosecutorial power, while real criminals are NOT prosecuted. No wonder so many New Yorkers are moving to FL.
Bragg isn't a Federal Prosecutor
Bragg isn't a State DA
Bragg isn't a NYC DA
Bragg is a Borough DA who ran on "getting Trump"

Its an abuse of prosecutorial power, while real criminals are NOT prosecuted. No wonder so many New Yorkers are moving to FL.
Bragg isn't a Federal Prosecutor
Bragg isn't a State DA
Bragg isn't a NYC DA
Bragg is a Borough DA who ran on "getting Trump"

Its an abuse of prosecutorial power, while real criminals are NOT prosecuted. No wonder so many New Yorkers are moving to FL.

What jurisdiction was the illegal payment made?
I think you posted in the wrong thread.

This isn't about the sedition committed by Trump supporters.
From someone who belongs to the party committing sedition during Trumps four years as President, and beyond, I find your post amusing. Only if all of you who have supported it are prosecuted, and hung, will justice be done. Allowing you to live endangers the country, as you may procreate.
Do you know what’s really disgusting? The fact that Republicans like Paul haven’t seen all of the evidence, and have no idea what the charges will be, yet already they are calling for the prosecutor to be put in prison. In other words, Republicans seek to incarcerate the Manhattan prosecutor, not for any wrongdoing on their part but for legally indicting Trump. Talk about being politically motivated!

Rand Paul, Mr States Rights, is wanting the Feds to arrest Bragg?


Boy oh boy, talk about the book of Revelation being the revealing, of people's true characters! I'd say, it's happening! Let the Hypocrites be revealed!
The main reason why the payments were illegal is because they involved companies providing services to aid Trumps campaign. For example Trump paid the national enquire to buy up exclusive rights to interviews with women who had affairs with Trump and not publish them. The direct payments to the women sre not what were illegal it turns.

A company is limiting in how much they can donate to a campaign. And if a company spends money on something that can be construed as benefitting a campaign, in concert with that campaign, it counts as a donation.

So, any money that the national enquire spent on buying up those Women's stories, if they did so because they made a deal with Trump to kill the stories, counts as donations.
Run out for what crime?
The possible charges stem from a $130,000 hush-money payment that then-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen made to adult film star Stormy Daniels

“This is a flawed case if it is based on a state charge effectively prosecuting the federal election violation,” wrote Turley. “That federal case was rejected by the Justice Department. There are also statute of limitation questions that could come into play.”

"In 60 years of practicing criminal law, I have never seen a worse abuse of prosecutorial discretion," Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz said

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