Rand Paul: No Immigration Reform If Everybody's Calling Trump A Racist

Maybe Rand Paul can warp himself into an alternate reality where Trump never became a racist and pass immigration reform there
Why even bother to deal in good faith with Democrats? Trump should know (and I think he does) that no matter what he does, no matter what compromises he offers, Democrats are never going to do anything that might make him successful in any way. Anything he does, he will have to do without their help. All they do is lie in wait. They look for ways to undermine his presidency and that is it. It's the only thing they are interested in accomplishing. Nothing for the American people, just their miserable party. They are worthless and are responsible for everything harmful to the U.S. since their inception.
He's right. Calling Trump a racist (which he's not) is not making progress in making America great again. Ensuring America builds a wall is the second thing in making America great again. The first was electing Trump.

Rand Paul: We Can’t Do Immigration Reform ‘If Everybody’s Out There Calling’ Trump a ‘Racist’ - Breitbart

Since you're proudly the most racist poster on this board and also Trump's most zealous supporter,

why would you object to him being called a racist?
wouldnt pretty much all Americans assume that anyone who keeps calling others racists,,,are actually the racists themselves?
That's pretty much their M.O. Accuse your opponent of doing or being what you are. They accused him of colluding with the Russians when it was Hillary who was colluding with them.
Sexual harassment. Hollywood celebrities lined up to condemn him for his one comment about grabbing pussies, when these same celebrities kept quiet for many years about Harvey Weinstein actually DOING what they were accusing Trump of doing. Not just Weinstein but a number of other liberal icons as well as elected officials.
Racism. They demand removal of Civil War generals and Confederate flags but insist that Robert KKK Byrd's statue remain. The Democratic Party is responsible for every racist law and every racist hate group in American history but anyone who has ever opposed them is immediately labeled a racist.
The legacy of the Democratic Party is one of complete and utter hypocrisy, and the msm (which they control) has been carrying their water for decades.
If you want to know what the Democratic Party is doing, all you have to do is listen to what they're accusing the Republicans of and you'll know.
wouldnt pretty much all Americans assume that anyone who keeps calling others racists,,,are actually the racists themselves?
That's pretty much their M.O. Accuse your opponent of doing or being what you are. They accused him of colluding with the Russians when it was Hillary who was colluding with them.
Sexual harassment. Hollywood celebrities lined up to condemn him for his one comment about grabbing pussies, when these same celebrities kept quiet for many years about Harvey Weinstein actually DOING what they were accusing Trump of doing. Not just Weinstein but a number of other liberal icons as well as elected officials.
Racism. They demand removal of Civil War generals and Confederate flags but insist that Robert KKK Byrd's statue remain. The Democratic Party is responsible for every racist law and every racist hate group in American history but anyone who has ever opposed them is immediately labeled a racist.
The legacy of the Democratic Party is one of complete and utter hypocrisy, and the msm (which they control) has been carrying their water for decades.
If you want to know what the Democratic Party is doing, all you have to do is listen to what they're accusing the Republicans of and you'll know.
and dont forget Harry Reid! accusing republicans of all kinds of things,,,yet, he was the one who got his ass kicked by a pissed off shoulder press machine
wouldnt pretty much all Americans assume that anyone who keeps calling others racists,,,are actually the racists themselves?
That's pretty much their M.O. Accuse your opponent of doing or being what you are. They accused him of colluding with the Russians when it was Hillary who was colluding with them.
Sexual harassment. Hollywood celebrities lined up to condemn him for his one comment about grabbing pussies, when these same celebrities kept quiet for many years about Harvey Weinstein actually DOING what they were accusing Trump of doing. Not just Weinstein but a number of other liberal icons as well as elected officials.
Racism. They demand removal of Civil War generals and Confederate flags but insist that Robert KKK Byrd's statue remain. The Democratic Party is responsible for every racist law and every racist hate group in American history but anyone who has ever opposed them is immediately labeled a racist.
The legacy of the Democratic Party is one of complete and utter hypocrisy, and the msm (which they control) has been carrying their water for decades.
If you want to know what the Democratic Party is doing, all you have to do is listen to what they're accusing the Republicans of and you'll know.
and dont forget Harry Reid! accusing republicans of all kinds of things,,,yet, he was the one who got his ass kicked by a pissed off shoulder press machine
I heard the "machine's" name was Guido.
wouldnt pretty much all Americans assume that anyone who keeps calling others racists,,,are actually the racists themselves?
That's pretty much their M.O. Accuse your opponent of doing or being what you are. They accused him of colluding with the Russians when it was Hillary who was colluding with them.
Sexual harassment. Hollywood celebrities lined up to condemn him for his one comment about grabbing pussies, when these same celebrities kept quiet for many years about Harvey Weinstein actually DOING what they were accusing Trump of doing. Not just Weinstein but a number of other liberal icons as well as elected officials.
Racism. They demand removal of Civil War generals and Confederate flags but insist that Robert KKK Byrd's statue remain. The Democratic Party is responsible for every racist law and every racist hate group in American history but anyone who has ever opposed them is immediately labeled a racist.
The legacy of the Democratic Party is one of complete and utter hypocrisy, and the msm (which they control) has been carrying their water for decades.
If you want to know what the Democratic Party is doing, all you have to do is listen to what they're accusing the Republicans of and you'll know.
and dont forget Harry Reid! accusing republicans of all kinds of things,,,yet, he was the one who got his ass kicked by a pissed off shoulder press machine
I heard the "machine's" name was Guido.
I heard "Louie" was the name of the biceps press to the right of Reid

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