Rand Paul warns Texas could turn Blue

The tea party is NOT far right. the tea party is main stream america.

main stream america is fed up with imposters like you are your poster boys McCain and Graham who are nothing but democrats with an R behind their names.

as to destroying the GOP, the Rinos are the ones doing that. The all need to be sent home because they are nothing but dems in disguise.

If the Tea Party was mainstream they'd have more then 3 Senators in DC, also if they were mainstream Romney wouldn't have been the GOP nominee in 2012.

draw any conclusions that make you feel good. Its much more complex than that. We have a media that is biased and corrupt, the lies that they put out every day and night are destroying our freedoms. We might as well rename the media Pravda, because they have become totally state controlled. do you really think that is a good thing?

No, it is not the media being mean to you that makes the TeaPs a failure.

Yes, it is that the TeaPs are so far out of the mainstream the demonize conservatives like Huntsman. The TeaPs would demonize Goldwater and Reagan now if they were running.
Uhhhh, which state has more people? figures don't lie, but liars figure. you just proved that.

Umm...okay...how about this:

California margin of victory for Obama was 23.12%
Texas margin of victory for Obama was -15.78% (notice the negative)

That's a 7.34% gap between the two. The Democrats have WAAAAY more room to give in CA then the GOP does in Texas.

Karl Rove says Republicans running in Texas draw 40 percent of Latino vote on average | PolitiFact Texas
Nationally in 2012, Barack Obama defeated Republican nominee Mitt Romney while enjoying substantial Latino support. Some 71 percent of Hispanic voters favored Obama, compared to 27 percent for Romney, according to voter exit polls undertaken for a consortium of news organizations.

Immigration reform bill going to the House floor? No? Wonder why. :doubt:

-- That is reference to Texas btw --- No that actually national.
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Yup, Texas will be blue NLT 2024 and possibly by 2020.

Red simply cannot fight the demographic changes and stats.
the tea party is main stream america.

And that is why the RNC has put the kibosh on the far right and the TeaPs,hmmm?[/QUOTE]

actually its the other way around, McCain was censured by the republican party in AZ for being too liberal.

The rinos are losing, if that puts the dems in power, so be it. Liberalism is failing, the people see it. The only question is whether liberalism will destroy the country before the people vote the liberals out of power in both parties.
You know that asshole Redfish?

My sources tell me he is not really a fish

The difference is that I never claimed to be a fish. You, however, have been lying for months claiming to be a frustrated republican.

I am glad that you finally admitted your lies. Now, take your paxil with a shot of vodka and go back to sleep.

If you bother to look back at my posting history. I have been claiming since I came on this board four and a half years ago that I was a frustrated republican

Voted for Reagan and Daddy Bush twice

That claim is about as believable as Dear Leader's "promise" that "if you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan. Period!"
the tea party is main stream america.

And that is why the RNC has put the kibosh on the far right and the TeaPs,hmmm?

actually its the other way around, McCain was censured by the republican party in AZ for being too liberal.

The rinos are losing, if that puts the dems in power, so be it. Liberalism is failing, the people see it. The only question is whether liberalism will destroy the country before the people vote the liberals out of power in both parties.

Quoting the quote that I quoted from you does not make the wack far right TeaPs mainsteam.

They are despised by almost 80% of the electorate, rightfully so.

The TeaPs are the RINOs, and all know it.

That's why McConnell and Boehner and the mainstream GOP turned its back on you last fall and this winter in Congress.
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Redfish is out of touch with modern America and so are those who think like him.

We will lose no more elections in the GOP because of the Redfishes, period.

There will be no more far right freaks running the show at the national level or be chosen as candidates.

You say that, and then you support "far left freaks". You praise obama and everything left and you denigrate the GOP and everything right.

I don't believe a word of anything that you or your sock RW post.

Keep up the ad homs, son.

I support the RNC and the leadership says that we won't be a party of stupids, and that the stupids like you are done having any influence.

No you don't, you support the RINO wing of the RNC. You are a left winger with an R. you are the worst kind of republican---one that wants the GOP to become a carbon copy of the dem party.
Yup, Texas will be blue NLT 2024 and possibly by 2020.

Red simply cannot fight the demographic changes and stats.

If you are right, the USA is history, We had over 200 good years, but it will have come to an end.

I don't understand why you want that.

Why would I want white Protestant evangelical America of the 1950s running a darker, forward looking, more technological oriented America in the 21st century?
You say that, and then you support "far left freaks". You praise obama and everything left and you denigrate the GOP and everything right.

I don't believe a word of anything that you or your sock RW post.

Keep up the ad homs, son.

I support the RNC and the leadership says that we won't be a party of stupids, and that the stupids like you are done having any influence.

No you don't, you support the RINO wing of the RNC. You are a left winger with an R. you are the worst kind of republican---one that wants the GOP to become a carbon copy of the dem party.

You are a filibabbler.
Yup, Texas will be blue NLT 2024 and possibly by 2020.

Red simply cannot fight the demographic changes and stats.

If you are right, the USA is history, We had over 200 good years, but it will have come to an end.

I don't understand why you want that.

Why would I want white Protestant evangelical America of the 1950s running a darker, forward looking, more technological oriented America in the 21st century?

OMG, do you have anything but talking points? Thats total bullshit.
If you are right, the USA is history, We had over 200 good years, but it will have come to an end.

I don't understand why you want that.

Why would I want white Protestant evangelical America of the 1950s running a darker, forward looking, more technological oriented America in the 21st century?

OMG, do you have anything but talking points? Thats total bullshit.

Offer something then, because you have not.

The America of the 1930s to the 1960s is gone. Don't you get that?

The white man's Republic into which I was born, for good or bad, is gone.
the tea party is main stream america.

And that is why the RNC has put the kibosh on the far right and the TeaPs,hmmm?

actually its the other way around, McCain was censured by the republican party in AZ for being too liberal.

The rinos are losing, if that puts the dems in power, so be it. Liberalism is failing, the people see it. The only question is whether liberalism will destroy the country before the people vote the liberals out of power in both parties.

Quoting the quote that I quoted from you does not make the wack far right TeaPs mainsteam.

They are despised by almost 80% of the electorate, rightfully so.

The TeaPs are the RINOs, and all know it.

That's why McConnell and Boehner and the mainstream GOP turned its back on you last fall and this winter in Congress.

McConnell and Boehner turned their backs on America, they are in lock step with obama and the marxists.

They have been in DC too long, they are unable to deal with other opinions and ideas. Their existence in DC is solely to enlarge their bank accounts. and you silly fuckers help them do it.
And that is why the RNC has put the kibosh on the far right and the TeaPs,hmmm?

actually its the other way around, McCain was censured by the republican party in AZ for being too liberal.

The rinos are losing, if that puts the dems in power, so be it. Liberalism is failing, the people see it. The only question is whether liberalism will destroy the country before the people vote the liberals out of power in both parties.

Quoting the quote that I quoted from you does not make the wack far right TeaPs mainsteam.

They are despised by almost 80% of the electorate, rightfully so.

The TeaPs are the RINOs, and all know it.

That's why McConnell and Boehner and the mainstream GOP turned its back on you last fall and this winter in Congress.

McConnell and Boehner turned their backs on America, they are in lock step with obama and the marxists.

They have been in DC too long, they are unable to deal with other opinions and ideas. Their existence in DC is solely to enlarge their bank accounts. and you silly fuckers help them do it.

(1) Lockstep with Obama? :cuckoo:

(2) They are all Marxists? :cuckoo:

You are the silly fuckers. Tough but there it is.
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Why would I want white Protestant evangelical America of the 1950s running a darker, forward looking, more technological oriented America in the 21st century?

OMG, do you have anything but talking points? Thats total bullshit.

Offer something then, because you have not.

The America of the 1930s to the 1960s is gone. Don't you get that?

The white man's Republic into which I was born, for good or bad, is gone.

Sure that era is history. But the principles that this country stood for are still valid.

You need to get over the racist bullshit, thats not what this is about.

when you say shit like "white mans republic" you just prove that you are disengenuous and racist.

The country can grow and adapt to changing demographics without giving up its founding principles.
Yup, Texas will be blue NLT 2024 and possibly by 2020.

Red simply cannot fight the demographic changes and stats.

There is no way Texas would go for Hillary in 2016 or 2020

But by 2024 Presidential election, Texas will be in play as a swing state. Beyond that, it could go blue
OMG, do you have anything but talking points? Thats total bullshit.

Offer something then, because you have not.

The America of the 1930s to the 1960s is gone. Don't you get that?

The white man's Republic into which I was born, for good or bad, is gone.

Sure that era is history. But the principles that this country stood for are still valid.

You need to get over the racist bullshit, thats not what this is about.

when you say shit like "white mans republic" you just prove that you are disengenuous and racist.

The country can grow and adapt to changing demographics without giving up its founding principles.

I am not a racist at all, simply a person who realizes that America is trying to live the principles instead of just mouthing them like you.

One of the principles is that a small minority, either left or (like you) from the right, does not wag the dog.

Half of your TeaPs will disappear in the primaries this spring, primaried out.
Yup, Texas will be blue NLT 2024 and possibly by 2020.

Red simply cannot fight the demographic changes and stats.

There is no way Texas would go for Hillary in 2016 or 2020

But by 2024 Presidential election, Texas will be in play as a swing state. Beyond that, it could go blue

By 2020, the legislature could go blue and redistrict the state.
Quoting the quote that I quoted from you does not make the wack far right TeaPs mainsteam.

They are despised by almost 80% of the electorate, rightfully so.

The TeaPs are the RINOs, and all know it.

That's why McConnell and Boehner and the mainstream GOP turned its back on you last fall and this winter in Congress.

McConnell and Boehner turned their backs on America, they are in lock step with obama and the marxists.

They have been in DC too long, they are unable to deal with other opinions and ideas. Their existence in DC is solely to enlarge their bank accounts. and you silly fuckers help them do it.

(1) Lockstep with Obama? :cuckoo:

(2) They are all Marxists? :cuckoo:

You are the silly fuckers. Tough but there it is.

they went along with obama on raising the debt
they will go along with him on amnesty
they have not challenged his violations of his constitutional authority
they have supported his foolish foreign policies
they have done nothing to stop the growth of government

they are no better than obama and the dems.

but don't worry, they are making themselves rich in the process, you should be happy
Yup, Texas will be blue NLT 2024 and possibly by 2020.

Red simply cannot fight the demographic changes and stats.

There is no way Texas would go for Hillary in 2016 or 2020

But by 2024 Presidential election, Texas will be in play as a swing state. Beyond that, it could go blue

By 2020, the legislature could go blue and redistrict the state.

Redistricting has no effect on statewide races.

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