Rangel's Tragic End


where did you find that from?
i know he had one minor charge still pending but all the rest were dropped

Is you Google broken?

tom Delay trial - Google Search

so you still have a FAIL asswipe

What a piece of shit you are. You don't bother to even check to see if DeLay is on trial or not - you just call me a liar instead, and question where I got it from?

Tell me again how you are fair-minded and not a totally partisan hack, DiveCon.

If you had any integrity, you would retract and apologize.
because you ARE a liar

and posting a google search results is bullshit too

I said that DeLay was on trial right now and you said he wasn't.

Who's the liar?

You are, my friend. And you know it, and your friends know it, but they are typically silent.

And why is posting a Google search result bullshit? It's a page full of links, from newspapers, about TOM DELAY'S TRIAL, you partisan hack.
Is you Google broken?

tom Delay trial - Google Search

What a piece of shit you are. You don't bother to even check to see if DeLay is on trial or not - you just call me a liar instead, and question where I got it from?

Tell me again how you are fair-minded and not a totally partisan hack, DiveCon.

If you had any integrity, you would retract and apologize.
because you ARE a liar

and posting a google search results is bullshit too

I said that DeLay was on trial right now and you said he wasn't.

Who's the liar?

You are, my friend. And you know it, and your friends know it, but they are typically silent.

And why is posting a Google search result bullshit? It's a page full of links, from newspapers, about TOM DELAY'S TRIAL, you partisan hack.
you have some nerve to call anyone a hack, hack
i have been critical of people on ALL spectral points in politics, still waiting to see you be critical of someone on YOUR side

On another board, I watched a white liberal tell a black conservative that he knew more about "the black experience" than she did.

They really believe that shit. :lol:

So if Oprah had a daughter who grew up in the lap of luxury, flying private jets everywhere, taking limos everywhere, eating in only the finest restaurants, never mingling with the masses or anyone who was below her station in life, and she was a conservative (naturally), then . . .

SHE would still know more about the Black experience than a middle-aged White guy who had spent his adult life running inner-city youth centers, or homeless shelters, or been in the social services, etc.

Is that your logic?

I predict that you will deflect, and not answer this question directly and truthfully. Prove me wrong.
You really SUCK at analogies, don't you? :lol:

I've never claimed to be good at them, but I made my point.

I'll answer your stupid little question when you explain what your stupid little story has to do with Christopher, a white middle-class liberal from NYC, saying he's blacker than Taylor, a black middle-class conservative from Miami.

The point you're missing (deliberately or not...after all, you're pretty stupid) is the politics involved. Christopher claims blackhood due to his liberal politics, not due to his or Taylor's economic circumstances. Dumbass.

I predict that you will deflect, and not answer this question directly and truthfully. Prove me wrong.

I won't be holding my breath. Dumbass.

I attacked your generalization of Liberals when you said "They really believe that shit".

Talk about missing the point. Dumbass.
It was. The same black conservative woman is also bisexual...and she was told by a leftist lesbian that she isn't gay enough. :lol:
Now you're just full of shit and making shit up.
Nope. The lesbian was Celeste Chalfonte.

You see, I don't have to make up shit to make leftists look bad. You morons do it all on your own. And your ineffectual, whiny butthurt does nothing to change the fact.

Dumbass. :lol:
Produce these posts.
because you ARE a liar

and posting a google search results is bullshit too

I said that DeLay was on trial right now and you said he wasn't.

Who's the liar?

You are, my friend. And you know it, and your friends know it, but they are typically silent.

And why is posting a Google search result bullshit? It's a page full of links, from newspapers, about TOM DELAY'S TRIAL, you partisan hack.
you have some nerve to call anyone a hack, hack
i have been critical of people on ALL spectral points in politics, still waiting to see you be critical of someone on YOUR side

More blah, blah bullshit from DiveCon.

Admit that you were wrong about DeLay being on trial, then apologize for calling me a liar when I told you he was.
So if Oprah had a daughter who grew up in the lap of luxury, flying private jets everywhere, taking limos everywhere, eating in only the finest restaurants, never mingling with the masses or anyone who was below her station in life, and she was a conservative (naturally), then . . .

SHE would still know more about the Black experience than a middle-aged White guy who had spent his adult life running inner-city youth centers, or homeless shelters, or been in the social services, etc.

Is that your logic?

I predict that you will deflect, and not answer this question directly and truthfully. Prove me wrong.
You really SUCK at analogies, don't you? :lol:

I've never claimed to be good at them, but I made my point.
I'm sure you think you do.
I'll answer your stupid little question when you explain what your stupid little story has to do with Christopher, a white middle-class liberal from NYC, saying he's blacker than Taylor, a black middle-class conservative from Miami.

The point you're missing (deliberately or not...after all, you're pretty stupid) is the politics involved. Christopher claims blackhood due to his liberal politics, not due to his or Taylor's economic circumstances. Dumbass.

I predict that you will deflect, and not answer this question directly and truthfully. Prove me wrong.

I won't be holding my breath. Dumbass.

I attacked your generalization of Liberals when you said "They really believe that shit".

Talk about missing the point. Dumbass.
Ahhh. The ol' "Nuh-UH!!" defense. Truly devastating. :clap2:

And the really funny bit is you can't bring yourself to criticize Christopher for thinking he knows more about the black experience than a black woman! :lol:
I said that DeLay was on trial right now and you said he wasn't.

Who's the liar?

You are, my friend. And you know it, and your friends know it, but they are typically silent.

And why is posting a Google search result bullshit? It's a page full of links, from newspapers, about TOM DELAY'S TRIAL, you partisan hack.
you have some nerve to call anyone a hack, hack
i have been critical of people on ALL spectral points in politics, still waiting to see you be critical of someone on YOUR side

More blah, blah bullshit from DiveCon.

Admit that you were wrong about DeLay being on trial, then apologize for calling me a liar when I told you he was.
last i knew the trial hadnt happened, and you were claiming he was convicted
that was a lie
so you are still a liar
Nope. The lesbian was Celeste Chalfonte.

You see, I don't have to make up shit to make leftists look bad. You morons do it all on your own. And your ineffectual, whiny butthurt does nothing to change the fact.

Dumbass. :lol:
Produce these posts.
I'll try. NU's search function sucks, and doesn't read Fight Club. I'll get back with you.
cant do that here
no cross posting from other forums

and Synth KNOWS that is against the rules here
I think Rangel is a world class actor who can cry on demand. I feel no sympathy whatsoever for him.
naw, i doubt he was "acting"
hes been caught, hes about to face the consequences
i'm pretty sure he at least regrets being caught ;)
I think Rangel is a world class actor who can cry on demand. I feel no sympathy whatsoever for him.

Of course not! You only feel sympathy for rightwinged hacks who do the same thing and get caught.
I'll try. NU's search function sucks, and doesn't read Fight Club. I'll get back with you.
cant do that here
no cross posting from other forums

and Synth KNOWS that is against the rules here
Cool. If I find a link, I'll PM it to him, where he can claim not to have received it. :lol:

Regardless, I was there and I remember the exchange. You are right. Synth is, as usual, is wrong. You'd think a loser like him would be used to that by now.
cant do that here
no cross posting from other forums

and Synth KNOWS that is against the rules here
Cool. If I find a link, I'll PM it to him, where he can claim not to have received it. :lol:

Regardless, I was there and I remember the exchange. You are right. Synth is, as usual, is wrong. You'd think a loser like him would be used to that by now.
*tips hat* :lol: Just another day at the office for him.
You really SUCK at analogies, don't you? :lol:

I've never claimed to be good at them, but I made my point.
I'm sure you think you do.
I'll answer your stupid little question when you explain what your stupid little story has to do with Christopher, a white middle-class liberal from NYC, saying he's blacker than Taylor, a black middle-class conservative from Miami.

The point you're missing (deliberately or not...after all, you're pretty stupid) is the politics involved. Christopher claims blackhood due to his liberal politics, not due to his or Taylor's economic circumstances. Dumbass.

I predict that you will deflect, and not answer this question directly and truthfully. Prove me wrong.

I won't be holding my breath. Dumbass.

I attacked your generalization of Liberals when you said "They really believe that shit".

Talk about missing the point. Dumbass.
Ahhh. The ol' "Nuh-UH!!" defense. Truly devastating. :clap2:

My posted reply to boedickhead preceded yours. So you already knew that I was attacking your generalization of Liberals.

And the really funny bit is you can't bring yourself to criticize Christopher for thinking he knows more about the black experience than a black woman! :lol:

That's your spin.
you have some nerve to call anyone a hack, hack
i have been critical of people on ALL spectral points in politics, still waiting to see you be critical of someone on YOUR side

More blah, blah bullshit from DiveCon.

Admit that you were wrong about DeLay being on trial, then apologize for calling me a liar when I told you he was.
last i knew the trial hadnt happened, and you were claiming he was convicted
that was a lie
so you are still a liar

Bullshit. I never said he was convicted. You said that DeLay was different from O.J. because O.J. had a trial. I proved DeLay's trial with a Google link and that's when you showed what a lying partisan hack you are and have always been.

You don't have enough integrity to admit that you were wrong. The closest you can bring yourself is to try to hide a vague admission amongst a barrage of insults. Man up, DiveCon!

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