Ranking member (D) rips into Issa(R) during oversight committee.....

The Rabbi sure does like to post in my threads although it isn't helping what little credibility he has here.

admit it, Issa and Fox lied :eusa_liar: just to score some cheap political points w/ their Base :(

Sounds more like the far left with their media outlets like CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, Huff post, rawstory, slate, mother jones, NYtimes, LaTimes, etc.
exactly...There were investigations on top of investigations done while Bush was President by Democrats

they are such two faced hypocrites

But this has to do with people they hate so the don't give a crap and wail about waste of monies

Remember back when the "appearance of impropriety" was the Democratic justification for investigations?

Bush: Cheney "angry" I didn't pardon Libby - TODAY.com

Nothing actionable? I suspect Libby would disagree, don't you?

Well had this been a far left administration Libby would have been promoted with a huge pay raise, but leave it to the far left to show their hypocrisy on such things.
It's ok the far left will loose the senate regardless of the out come on this.

I think you are right, that's why we are seeing the nasty come out in people like the ranking idiot, Cummings

and you see how it's ok he disrespect our hearings and the people leading it

but damn don't say Obama lied

Obama lied, people died.
Issa is a fascist asshole, and apparently ignorant of parliamentary procedure.

No, that's you dumbshit.
I would bet money you didnt bother to watch the actual tape of what went on.
Cummings is a scummy lying little scrap of shit sent by the administration to derail this investigation. Cummings needs to be investigated.

"sent by the WH"? :eusa_doh:

He's the ranking member on the committee you ignoramus. :eusa_eh: Glad to help.

seriously, you are :up: one of the dumbest partisan hacks on this site.

"Dottie" calling someone a partisan hack?.....geezus....must be a character flaw.....
holy cow, they post a thread that says
Ranking member (D) rips into Issa(R) during oversight committee.....

and then accuse others and a news station on top of it as trying to score cheap political points

you can't make this stupid shit up folks it wasn't right before your eyes
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The guy starts any "investigation" with a supposition of guilt and will not accept any other answer, maybe witch hunts and show trials appeal to you fascists but to those who would like to see justice applied evenly and fairly his nakedly partisan tactics are a horror.

Speaking of "investigations", Occupied? Would you like to take a crack at explaining how Eric Holder's Department of Justice still hasn't even interviewed the people who complained that they were discriminated against by the IRS? It's an "on-going" investigation supposedly so people like Holder and Jay Carney can't discuss it (gotta LOVE that dodge!) yet the investigation never seems to go anywhere.

ummm...... theres FIVE investigations going on simultaneously smart guy. ANOTHER reason that having a rw dog & pony show is ill advised.

ummm....I specifically spoke of the investigation supposedly being carried out by the Eric Holder led DOJ, Dottie. You know...the one where they haven't even interviewed the people who were allegedly wronged? Who conducts an investigation like THAT? Oh, silly me...that would be the same guy who couldn't get FBI investigators into Benghazi because it was "too dangerous" when news crews were reporting from the burned out Consulate and didn't even know Fast & Furious was going on until he heard about it in the news media.

Eric Holder is the worst excuse for an Attorney General this country has ever had...

The Obama White House uses the "ongoing investigation...can't comment" excuse so often it should have been their 2012 reelection slogan!
holy cow, they post a thread that says
Ranking member (D) rips into Issa(R) during oversight committee.....

and then accuse others and a news station on top of it as trying to score cheap political points

you can't make this stupid shit up folks
They tend to out themselves, don't they Steph?
holy cow, they post a thread that says
Ranking member (D) rips into Issa(R) during oversight committee.....

and then accuse others and a news station on top of it as trying to score cheap political points

you can't make this stupid shit up folks
They tend to out themselves, don't they Steph?

that one never seems to tire of making a fool of themselves
Issahole lived up to his name. He looked and acted like a punk being slapped around by an old man. Anyone who thinks the general public won't perceive it as such is delusional. Issahole didn't have the guts to stand up to the old black dude. Showed him complete disrespect. Used his power to shut the guys microphone off. Thats just a cowardly punk ass thing to do.

Why did cummings wait until it was over before speaking up?
Trying to make it look like he was being oppressed by whitey?

Because he has experience dealing with racist fuks and bullies like Issahole and because he is way smarter than the jerk. He knew exactly how to make the nit wit loose his cool and look like a punk. Issa trys to use theater and drama but is an amature. Cummings gave him a lesson. Issa being punked will be shown over and over and over and over. Is there a TV channel that isn't showing it over and over and over and over? Wonder how many Youtube hits it will end up getting.

Yeah he's so smart he cant tell time.
What a lame ass cop out.
He had nothing to say because he cant defend whats going on. All he can do is flap his lips after it's all over and pretend to be incensed.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CJEQm7hvcQ]Angry Chimp,.!! - YouTube[/ame]

Kinda reminded me of this guy......
Cummings expressed the frustration of a majority of Americans concerning this waste of the people’s time, where House republicans are motivated solely by partisanism, not a desire to find any ‘truth.’

well you would know about partisanism Jones....ill give you that....
Hilarious. Remember Douglas Shulman? Anyone?

He was the guy that Bush appointed to the IRS. The guy who was in charge for the entire scandal.

Why isn't he being interviewed?



Because he will say what Issa and the GOP don't want to hear.

Isn't that fucking hilarious????

Issa is an asshole who doesnt like what anyone has to say unless they agree with him....
exactly...There were investigations on top of investigations done while Bush was President by Democrats

they are such two faced hypocrites

But this has to do with people they hate so the don't give a crap and wail about waste of monies

Remember back when the "appearance of impropriety" was the Democratic justification for investigations?

Bush: Cheney "angry" I didn't pardon Libby - TODAY.com

Nothing actionable? I suspect Libby would disagree, don't you?

Well, stupid, did he get prosecuted for revealing Plame's name publically?
Cummings expressed the frustration of a majority of Americans concerning this waste of the people’s time, where House republicans are motivated solely by partisanism, not a desire to find any ‘truth.’

well you would know about partisanism Jones....ill give you that....

no kidding, him preaching about others and partisanism ...

the most partisan leftwing/Democrat hack on the site
"cum"ings is a piece of shit that speaks broken English and is the prime example of ghetto trash being voters.

He defends that bitch taking the 5th then claims she is not hiding anything....people take the 5th to cover up crimes....
Why won't Lerner answer the simple question? It might implicate her criminally? WTF is going on in the democrook party?
Ever notice that when Republicans at the USMB post links, the links either say the opposite of what they want them to say or have nothing to do with what USMB members are saying. Obviously, this is why so many never post links.

geezus Dean.....you put up a fucking thread and no where in the link is anything mentioned about the title you gave the thread....and most people here have been in your threads.....so dont try and play your stupid game...."huh?....what threads?".....because we all know....like i have said before.....you aint foolin no one....except "Dottie" and RW....
Cummings expressed the frustration of a majority of Americans concerning this waste of the people’s time, where House republicans are motivated solely by partisanism, not a desire to find any ‘truth.’

well you would know about partisanism Jones....ill give you that....

no kidding, him preaching about others and partisanism ...

the most partisan leftwing/Democrat hack on the site

top 5.....
dog & pony show. The guy (Issa) went on Fox to release info to them (GOPTV) but he won't even release it to committee members.

First if all, that wretched America-hating, communist living Demo**** Lerner took the fifth amendment before fellow communist, Elijah Cummings showed a faux outrage in order to get the rump swabs in the media to focus on him instead of Lerner's scandal. There was no need for any further discussion since that communist **** Lerner took the 5th.

republican- run, committee is a sham..... errr..... shame

Tempers Flare After Lerner Takes Fifth - NBC News

Ohhhhh, how quickly you forget, the people have spoken and elections have consequences. I couldn't help but notice your link, NBC, which is nothing more than DNC-TV. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC....none can be taken seriously as they are all nothing more than the Democrat party's propaganda machines. They have no reporters, just Democrats with agendas.

Had this IRS scandal happened under a Republican president, and Lerner was a Republican, the Democrat party's throne sniffers, the media, would be talking non-stop about what is Lerner covering up, saying it is even a bigger scandal than Nixon's; and of course any Republican having a similar outburst like Cummings would be completely ignored by the media.

Go ahead and be a sheep of the Democrat-Media complex, if the mainstream media were objective, Rush Limbaugh, FOX and conservative radio never would have made it, but you are too much of an imbecile to realize this.
The Rabbi sure does like to post in my threads although it isn't helping what little credibility he has here.

admit it, Issa and Fox lied :eusa_liar: just to score some cheap political points w/ their Base :(

Yeah, Issa lied. He lied when he said Lerner was going to testify. She didnt. She stonewalled. Because she's guilty as hell and everyone knows it.
You know that, right?

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