Rape babies

All that did was force women to lie then. And late term abortions are the exception, not the rule & occur less than any other termination procedure by far.

Big abortion finds very late term abortion the most profitable.

But again, Georgia nipped the lying by PP in the bud.Clearly big abortion has zero integrity - it's crooked to the core.
All that did was force women to lie then. And late term abortions are the exception, not the rule & occur less than any other termination procedure by far.

Big abortion finds very late term abortion the most profitable.

But again, Georgia nipped the lying by PP in the bud.Clearly big abortion has zero integrity - it's crooked to the core.

Yes, Lamborghinis come with a high price tag.....
Has nothing to do with legal or not. Religious people are against it for the reason I mentioned.

And what's with the big annoying H with the arrow? Does it mean something?

Has everything to do with legal. A woman raped can easily use Plan B or the Morning After and never need to buy the service of Planned Parenthood, i.e. big abortion. A woman with religious objections to birth control, is certainly not going to have an abortion, so your argument is disingenuous.

There is no reason and no excuse for abortion in the case of rape - pregnancy is 100% preventable.

This is actually true about all abortion.

The Kermit Gosnells of the world may have to go back to being traditional serial killers, but abortion has no place in a modern, civilized society.
And you call yourself a libertarian? LOL! You should buy a dictionary. :lmao:
BTW, I have someone in my life that had the same awful attack happen & she CHOSE a different path. She does not regret it & in fact terminating most likely saved HER life. I thank God she was able to choose for herself.

I find it deeply disturbing that a mother can murder her own child, and have no regrets, and that others think that there's nothing wrong with that.

I just cannot comprehend that level of murderous evil.
BTW, I have someone in my life that had the same awful attack happen & she CHOSE a different path. She does not regret it & in fact terminating most likely saved HER life. I thank God she was able to choose for herself.

I find it deeply disturbing that a mother can murder her own child, and have no regrets, and that others think that there's nothing wrong with that.

I just cannot comprehend that level of murderous evil.

Well your opinions are your own & others may feel differently about everything you just said.

But your opinions & the choices you make end at the tip of your nose where the space your autonomy occupies also ends.

Don't want an abortion? Don't believe in abortion?

Then don't have one. It's that simple.
Don't want an abortion? Don't believe in abortion?

Then don't have one. It's that simple.

Don't believe in murder? Then don't murder anyone.

Don't believe in pedphilia? Then don't have sex with children.

Don't believe in rape? Then don't rape anyone.

It's that simple, isn't it? None of your business what others do, as long as you don't do it yourself, right?

If I should come across you,being violently assaulted and robbed, I will respect your [a]moral position, by minding my own business and not intervening.

Actually, no, I won't. Unlike you, I have morals and ethics, and they compel me to take the side of anyone who is being unjustly harmed or victimized by the evil acts of others. Even if the one being victimized is a soulless sociopath who thinks that it is acceptable to kill innocent children in cold blood.
Don't want an abortion? Don't believe in abortion?

Then don't have one. It's that simple.

Don't believe in murder? Then don't murder anyone.

Don't believe in pedphilia? Then don't have sex with children.

Don't believe in rape? Then don't rape anyone.

It's that simple, isn't it? None of your business what others do, as long as you don't do it yourself, right?

If I should come across you,being violently assaulted and robbed, I will respect your [a]moral position, by minding my own business and not intervening.

Actually, no, I won't. Unlike you, I have morals and ethics, and they compel me to take the side of anyone who is being unjustly harmed or victimized by the evil acts of others. Even if the one being victimized is a soulless sociopath who thinks that it is acceptable to kill innocent children in cold blood.



The biggest problem facing Abortion promoters is biology.

Medical science and fact undercut the bullshit that big abortion peddles.

10 out of 10 DNA tests on aborted fetuses confirm they are human. Heart and brain activity confirm life. Distinct EKG and EEG charting confirm that it is distinct life to that of the mother.

Oh and for dumbfuck pro-aborts complaining that Libertarians must support abortion, consider: "Your right to swing your arm ends at the tip of my nose." - Harry Browne

Or, your right to control your body ends at the body of another. After all, you don't seek to pull your own arms and legs off.

The biggest problem facing Abortion promoters is biology.

Medical science and fact undercut the bullshit that big abortion peddles.

10 out of 10 DNA tests on aborted fetuses confirm they are human. Heart and brain activity confirm life. Distinct EKG and EEG charting confirm that it is distinct life to that of the mother.

Oh and for dumbfuck pro-aborts complaining that Libertarians must support abortion, consider: "Your right to swing your arm ends at the tip of my nose." - Harry Browne

Or, your right to control your body ends at the body of another. After all, you don't seek to pull your own arms and legs off.

Now tell us how you will imprison females that seek out an abortion.
BTW, I have someone in my life that had the same awful attack happen & she CHOSE a different path. She does not regret it & in fact terminating most likely saved HER life. I thank God she was able to choose for herself.

I find it deeply disturbing that a mother can murder her own child, and have no regrets, and that others think that there's nothing wrong with that.

I just cannot comprehend that level of murderous evil.

And that's your religious belief and nothing more,

From the moment two cells exist, up until the 8th week of gestation, the development of the embryo occurs. This is a stage of intense cellular changes.

In the beginning, the embryo has two cells that keep on dividing themselves. When so many cells that they cannot be distinguished exist, the embryo is called morula (because it takes on the appearance of a blackberry).

After five days of development, the embryo is called blastocyst.

Stages of development of from a human ovum to a fetus
And that's your religious belief and nothing more,

From the moment two cells exist, up until the 8th week of gestation, the development of the embryo occurs. This is a stage of intense cellular changes.

In the beginning, the embryo has two cells that keep on dividing themselves. When so many cells that they cannot be distinguished exist, the embryo is called morula (because it takes on the appearance of a blackberry).

After five days of development, the embryo is called blastocyst.

Stages of development of from a human ovum to a fetus

Shouldn't you be off firing rockets at Israeli civilians, Batshit?
No plan? Maybe you think you need to swoop in and run other peoples lives, Mudda. I don't.

Do you want to see Roe v Wade overturned?
That's not the topic.

It sure is a component. If you want to see & vote in people who want to overturn
R v W, then you sure as hell want to run other people's lives.
You are assuming who I want to vote for and why. You aren't listening to me. Based on your prejudices, you have plunked me into a category. You are not thinking, only spewing talking points. You may not mind wasting your time, but you will waste no more of mine.

You not answering that question just answered it.

Play thing, your non question in post # 25 was answered in post # 24. Reading comprehension is a wonderful ability. What part of "you will waste no more of mine" do you not understand?
Your opinion...what should happen with conception that took place through sexual assault?

Thank you for all answers.

What should happen, assuming the pregnant woman has no desire to interact with the biological father (hopefully not a far fetched assumption), depends on what the woman wants to have happen. Her choices are:
  • Attempt to give birth to the child, and raise it.
  • Attempt to give birth to the child, and give it up for adoption.
  • Abort the pregnancy.
I don't have a specific expectation for what she should do. I believe, given the above assumption, that it should be totally up to her discretion. She'll need to examine her conscience, what is important (or not) to her as goes pregnancy, child rearing, etc., whether she wants a child in the first place, whether the biological father's having raped her plays a role in how she feels (will feel) about the child, and so on.

Those are issues that nobody, not even another woman who was raped, can really answer for her. Indeed, in spite of the fact that such a woman may not be alone in having been raped, and she surely will not not be the first or only woman to have to consider those sorts of things, she is unavoidably alone in how she must reconcile them in a way that she can live for the rest of her life with whatever be her decision. I pity any woman the onus of having to come to terms with the dilemma about which you've asked.
We don't put rapists to death. Why would we put the innocent child conceived during a rape to death?

Why should the mother of a rape child have to be tied to her rapists for decades?

The girl/women has to make the decision but I doubt they would want to share custody with their rapist

Rapists should be executed........or at least castrated.

Anyone raped should not have to carry the seed of that rape.

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