Raskin goes after Alito and Thomas

The blame goes to Trump. He is incompetent and corrupt. He did this to himself. He has always been his own worst enemy.
The joke is actually you and why you continue to support him, no matter what he does...even though the only thing he cares about...is himself.
The only 'witness' that connected President Trump to Stormy Daniels payment was a Perjurer who lied under oath and to every government agency who interviewed him. His excuse was loyalty to Trump...then he admitted that he was so loyal, he had no qualms stealing tens of thousands of dollars from the man who trusted him.

AND then , no underlying crime was ever proven to constitute a felony charge.

On top of that, the Judge gave unauthorized campaign contributions EARMARKED to destroy Trump.

And the cherry on top is Merchan's daughter works for the Biden campaign.

It doesn't get much worse than that.
The only 'witness' that connected President Trump to Stormy Daniels payment was a Perjurer who lied under oath and to every government agency who interviewed him. His excuse was loyalty to Trump...then he admitted that he was so loyal, he had no qualms stealing tens of thousands of dollars from the man who trusted him.

AND then , no underlying crime was ever proven to constitute a felony charge.

On top of that, the Judge gave unauthorized campaign contributions EARMARKED to destroy Trump.

And the cherry on top is Merchan's daughter works for the Biden campaign.

It doesn't get much worse than that.
He fucked her. Deal with it. No one gives a shit about made up, alt-right claims of bias. Members of the SC give to Republican causes and accept money from conservative donors...get real.
Merchan was very fair about the whole trial. Jurors had a choice. Believe Trump or Cohen. They chose Cohen.

Stop hyperventilating. The crime was falsification of business records. A felony in the state of NY.
The jury found Trump guilty. He can appeal..after his sentencing. And then he can go to the convention and blather in front of the home crowd about it.
Then FDR threatened to pack the Court. And Dems now do the same.

And we laugh at people like you who act as if the three leftists on the Court aren't the biggest partisans as well as two of them being dummies.
has nothing to do with the Impartiality of individual justices
The democrats have made themselves enemies of the republican Supreme Court Justices. I've been thinking about their attacks on Thomas and Alito.

They know the Supreme Court is going to play apart in Trump taking the White House and that door is wide open for them to do so... with Trump appealing his conviction. The democrats are working to close that door, but God is going to block them. They have their foot on the necks of Thomas and Alito.

The commiecrats are powerless, they're just making noise trying to influence the election.

I would pay good money to be a fly on the wall when Thomas and Alito get notice that Merchan is indicting them :)
Wow, I must not have gotten the memo. A judge in NYC can indict a sitting Supreme Court justice? That's news to me.
i was under the assumption that power rested with Congress...who have attempted it all of ONE time in the history of our country...and it didn't go so well. :)
He fucked her. Deal with it. No one gives a shit about made up, alt-right claims of bias. Members of the SC give to Republican causes and accept money from conservative donors...get real.
Merchan was very fair about the whole trial. Jurors had a choice. Believe Trump or Cohen. They chose Cohen.

Stop hyperventilating. The crime was falsification of business records. A felony in the state of NY.
The jury found Trump guilty. He can appeal..after his sentencing. And then he can go to the convention and blather in front of the home crowd about it.

Stop lying commie, falsifying business record is a misdemeanor in NY, and in Trump's case the statute of limitations had already passed.

Stop lying commie, falsifying business record is a misdemeanor in NY, and in Trump's case the statute of limitations had already passed.

It's a felony. Otherwise, he'd would have been charged with a misdemeanor. And the jury agreed to felony charges and found him guilty.

Deal with it. It's not like he's going to prison. Even though that's exactly what he deserves.
Wow, I must not have gotten the memo. A judge in NYC can indict a sitting Supreme Court justice? That's news to me.
i was under the assumption that power rested with Congress...who have attempted it all of ONE time in the history of our country...and it didn't go so well. :)
I keep telling you that a good remedial reading comprehension course would do a world of good for you. But even then. . .

It's a felony. Otherwise, he'd would have been charged with a misdemeanor. And the jury agreed to felony charges and found him guilty.

Deal with it. It's not like he's going to prison. Even though that's exactly what he deserves.

Yeah, they tied it to some phantom federal election violation to fabricate a felony. Only thing the FEC said there was no federal election violation. That's why you can bet in will now withstand appeals.

The only 'witness' that connected President Trump to Stormy Daniels payment was a Perjurer who lied under oath and to every government agency who interviewed him.
Actually Stormy Daniels' testimony connected her to convicted felon Trump as well as David Pecker's testimony and a slew of paper records with the convict's name on them.
You should REALLY watch your fake newsing.
It is too easy to fact check your cult's bullshit.
His excuse was loyalty to Trump...then he admitted that he was so loyal, he had no qualms stealing tens of thousands of dollars from the man who trusted him.
What an HONEST man!
AND then , no underlying crime was ever proven to constitute a felony charge.
Fake news.
Here comes the part where I have to link and copy and paste for you because you are incapable of googling what the crimes were on your own.
On top of that, the Judge gave unauthorized campaign contributions EARMARKED to destroy Trump.
And he was reprimanded for that and warned that it probably shouldn't happen again.
But how was hus $20 donation "earmarked to destroy Trump?"
Again, fake news, cultist bullshit.
And the cherry on top is Merchan's daughter works for the Biden campaign.
Prove it.
It doesn't get much worse than that.
Well.....he's not a multiple felon.
Yeah, they tied it to some phantom federal election violation to fabricate a felony. Only thing the FEC said there was no federal election violation. That's why you can bet in will now withstand appeals.

The FEC has no aurhority over the NY Attorney General's Office.
It's a moot point whether the FEC declined to pursue it.
Doesn't even matter at all.
Your propagandists have been misleading you.

For all the squawking from Democrats that Donald Trump is a “threat to democracy,” their relentless attacks on the Supreme Court are the gravest threat to the republic.

This week’s target is Justice Samuel Alito, whose crime is having a wife who is “fond of flying flags,” as he put it in a droll letter Wednesday to Biden allies in the Senate who are demanding he recuse himself from two Trump special counsel cases.

As President Biden languishes in the polls, and the New York hush money trial has done nothing to dent Trump’s electoral appeal, Dems are trying ever more dastardly ploys to sabotage the Republican’s campaign.

Manufacturing a scandal out of flags flown by Alito’s wife, Martha-Ann, outside their home is their pathetic attempt to force the Supreme Court to deliver a favorable outcome in the lawfare cases they are counting on to give Biden an unfair advantage in November.

They are desperate to tilt the court in their favor by cutting down Alito and fellow formidable conservative Justice Clarence Thomas, whose wife is also being used to damage him.

Turns out the Alitos have some very unpleasant neighbors.

The 35-year-old BLM activist daughter of a retired PBS executive who lives down the road decided to move into her mother’s house with her boyfriend and their “pandemic puppy” in 2020 and then proceeded to torment the Alitos.

Her campaign of harassment included picketing their house with signs saying, “Abort SCOTUS,” “Fascist Alito” and “Alito was @ Jan 6,” plastering her mother’s front yard (near a school) with political signs like “F–K Trump,” “Trump Is a Fascist” and “You Are Complicit.” One day the daughter, or her boyfriend, called Mrs. Alito a “c–t.”

Martha-Ann Alito was understandably distressed about the harassment campaign.

So what dastardly deed did she commit in response?

She hoisted an upside-down flag outside their home, a traditional symbol of distress that Biden allies now claim is nothing but a symbol of the “Stop the Steal” campaign.

The intrepid New York Times also delivered the incredible scoop that Mrs. Alito hoisted the perfectly uncontroversial “An Appeal to Heaven” flag outside their vacation home in New Jersey.

The historical pine tree flag originally was flown from George Washington’s ships during the Revolutionary War, but the Times and its Democratic handlers have recast it as a dangerous “insurrectionist symbol,” having found that it was sighted in the crowd outside the Capitol on Jan. 6.

The internet has been hastily rewritten to portray the flag as malign, and liberal venues such as San Francisco City Hall, which had happily flown the flag in its Civic Center Plaza since 1964, quietly removed it over the weekend, all the better to tar the Alitos with the insurrectionist brush.

It’s exactly this kind of frenzied propaganda that resulted in an assassination attempt on Justice Brett Kavanagh after the Dobbs decision was leaked and nonstop illegal picketing outside the homes of the conservative justices.

Democrats have no compunction about flirting with assassination incitement when it comes to Trump. The latest culprit is pulp fiction writer John Grisham, who appeared on ABC’s ‘The View” this week to fantasize about killing judges.

“I wrote a great book called ‘The Pelican Brief’ in which two Supreme Court justices were assassinated,” he said, “and I thought about doing it again.

In contrast to Alito’s concise wit, the House Democrats’ unscrupulous hit man Jamie Raskin wrote a pompous op-ed maligning Alito and Thomas for the New York Times on Wednesday, whining that “the highest court in the land has the lowest ethical standards.”

Raskin wants Attorney General Merrick Garland to spark a constitutional crisis by inserting himself into the Democrats’ recusal campaign.

He also thinks it’s a great idea to get the Biden-nominated US attorney for the District of Columbia, Matthew Graves, to “petition the other seven justices to require Justices Alito and Thomas to recuse themselves.”

Graves is a registered Democrat, a Democratic donor who worked for the Biden 2020 presidential campaign as a volunteer and was handpicked by Biden to lead his pet project, the cavalcade of prosecutions against Trump supporters charged over Jan. 6.

One of his first acts on coming to office was to refuse his Delaware counterpart David Weiss’ request to charge Hunter Biden on tax fraud offenses in his district.

So much for Raskin’s ethical standards.

There was no insurrection.
It was a protest against the Corrupt Banana Republic Democrat Party's voting rights violations in the 2020 election.
Far Left Extremist Jamie Raskin's attacks on Alito and Thomas are baseless and an attempt undermine the separation of powers.
Raskin is a despicable demagogue who has no respect for our constitutional form of government.

Raskin is quite the intellectual. Personally, I wish we had a few more like him in the legislative branch of government. Earlier, we did have faux intellects like Newt Gingrich in the House, but we know how that all ended (resigning in disgrace).

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