Rassmussen screwed the pooch - AGAIN


No Party Affiliation
Dec 15, 2008
Before some of you start babbling about "Rassumussen wasn't any worse than any of the others" nonesense. Let's look at the real numbers. (The actuals are "so far" with some counting left to do in some places):

Ohio - RCP: Obama +29 / Rassmussen: Tie / Actual: Obama + 2
Virginia - RCP: Obama +0.3 / Rassmussen: Romney +2 / Actual: Obama +3
Colorado - RCP: Obama +0.6 / Rassmussen: Romney + 3 / Actual: Obama +3
Iowa - RCP: Obama +3 / Rassmussen: Romney +1/ Actual: Obama +6
New Hampshire - RCP: Obama +2/ Rassmussen: Romney +2 / Actual: Obama +5
Wisconsin - RCP: Obama +4.2 / Rassmussen: Tie / Actual: Obama +5
North Carolina - RCP: Romney +3 / Rassmussen: Romney +6/ Actual: Romney +3
PA Senate - RCP: Casey +5.4 / Rassmussen: Casey +1 / Actual: Casey +8
OH Senate - RCP: Brown +5 / Rassmussen: Brown +2 / Actual: Brown +5

The list goes on and on.

In 2010 they overestimated the Republicans support in the Hawaii Senate race by 40 POINTS! And showed a consistent 4 point Republican bias in virtually every race)

In 2008 they adjusted their national vote total in the very last days to get better into the middle of the pack in terms of accuracy, but their state polls went unfixed and their 4 point GOP bias came through in each and every race as well.

So after three straight performances like this, I'm demanding that RCP take Rassmussen out of their averages as they do with other partisan polls.

The idea that Rassmussen is providing non-partisan polling is laughable.
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Not sure what Anti-Poll means, but if it means a partisan hack who tries to pass himself off as unbiased, then I agree 100%.
Not sure what Anti-Poll means, but if it means a partisan hack who tries to pass himself off as unbiased, then I agree 100%.

Something like that or maybe "negative barometer" is a better term.
Before some of you start babbling about "Rassumussen wasn't any worse than any of the others" nonesense. Let's look at the real numbers. (The actuals are "so far" with some counting left to do in some places):

Ohio - RCP: Obama +29 / Rassmussen: Tie / Actual: Obama + 2
Virginia - RCP: Obama +0.3 / Rassmussen: Romney +2 / Actual: Obama +3
Colorado - RCP: Obama +0.6 / Rassmussen: Romney + 3 / Actual: Obama +3
Iowa - RCP: Obama +3 / Rassmussen: Romney +1/ Actual: Obama +6
New Hampshire - RCP: Obama +2/ Rassmussen: Romney +2 / Actual: Obama +5
Wisconsin - RCP: Obama +4.2 / Rassmussen: Tie / Actual: Obama +5
North Carolina - RCP: Romney +3 / Rassmussen: Romney +6/ Actual: Romney +3
PA Senate - RCP: Casey +5.4 / Rassmussen: Casey +1 / Actual: Casey +8
OH Senate - RCP: Brown +5 / Rassmussen: Brown +2 / Actual: Brown +5

The list goes on and on.

In 2010 they overestimated the Republicans support in the Hawaii Senate race by 40 POINTS! And showed a consistent 4 point Republican bias in virtually every race)

In 2008 they adjusted their national vote total in the very last days to get better into the middle of the pack in terms of accuracy, but their state polls went unfixed and their 4 point GOP bias came through in each and every race as well.

So after three straight performances like this, I'm demanding that RCP take Rassmussen out of their averages as they do with other partisan polls.

The idea that Rassmussen is providing non-partisan polling is laughable.
Maybe they have Dick Morris on their staff.

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