Rats Fleeing a Sinking Ship

Biden is a cardboard cutout who even knows who's running the White House.
Well we know who's not running the White House...

schitt's just miss quoted dershowitz. too fking funny. the man has no fking conscience. Open mic. I heard this already.

Dershowitz names three different types of quid pro quos. goes through with an example of the second one.

Schitts' gets up and says Dershowitz called all quid pro quos the same. he's just a fking liar. I'm insulted as a citizen that someone lies on the senate floor.
OMG the TRUTH !!!

Don't tell idiot Trumpers the truth or they will go run and hide under their beds.

The truth is kryptonite to a trash Trumper, what is next make these retards admit Bush fucked up the War in Iraq?? Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus and crashed the economy? Trump had world record covid cases and covid deaths.
poor old senile joe so weak and confused
If it didn't happen, there would be no evidence to back their claims.

That claim is either a lie or gross stupidity. Here is the explanation:

*** On CNN Monday, fact-checker Daniel Dale criticized Doug Logan, the pro-Trump CEO of the "Cyber Ninjas" tech firm at the center of Arizona's partisan ballot "audit," for claiming that in-person voter interrogations should be conducted in Maricopa County because "we have 74,243 mail-in ballots where there is no clear record of them being sent."

"First off, anything that that guy says I treat with a lot of skepticism, the Cyber Ninjas guy," said anchor Brianna Keilar. "Fact-check this for us."
"Even if you're not an election conspiracy theorists, you may hear this and think that is weird. How did they end up with 74,000 mail-in ballots they don't have a record of being sent out?" said Dale. "The answer is that didn't happen. These are in-person early votes."
"Let me break this down as simply as possible," he continued. "This county uses two early voting files that are not meant to be used for forensic audits. One of them are ballots requested by voters, one is ballots submitted by voters. That ballots requested file stops getting updated October 23rd of this year, but the ballots submitted file keeps getting updated with in-person votes until ten days later. You have thousands and thousands of in-person votes between October 24th and the day before the election where there won't be a corresponding entry on ballots requested file."

"Mr. Logan made it sound -- either intentionally, or just because he didn't understand -- like this is great tens of thousands of ballots unsolved mystery, and former President Trump seized on this to make it sound like there were 74,000 'magically appearing' ballots," added Dale. "In fact, these ballots did not magically appear, they are legitimate in-person votes, and there's no unsolved mystery."***
Hahahaha, you silly loon

TRUMP, citing “74,000 mail in ballots received that were never mailed (magically appearing ballots).”

THE FACTS: No, there were no magically appearing ballots. He is alleging that the number of filled-out ballots received in the mail by election officials exceeded the number of people who had asked earlier for mail-in ballots, by 74,000. But that’s not at all what happened.

The claim mischaracterizes reports created for political parties to track who has voted early so they can target their get-out-the-vote efforts.

One report tracks all requests that voters make for early ballots, either by mail or in person, up to 11 days before the election. The other report tracks all ballots received through the day before the election. That leaves a 10-day window during which people who vote in-person but don’t request a mail ballot would appear on one report but not the other.

Bring on their full report.
That claim is either a lie or gross stupidity. Here is the explanation:

*** On CNN Monday, fact-checker Daniel Dale criticized Doug Logan, the pro-Trump CEO of the "Cyber Ninjas" tech firm at the center of Arizona's partisan ballot "audit," for claiming that in-person voter interrogations should be conducted in Maricopa County because "we have 74,243 mail-in ballots where there is no clear record of them being sent."

"First off, anything that that guy says I treat with a lot of skepticism, the Cyber Ninjas guy," said anchor Brianna Keilar. "Fact-check this for us."
"Even if you're not an election conspiracy theorists, you may hear this and think that is weird. How did they end up with 74,000 mail-in ballots they don't have a record of being sent out?" said Dale. "The answer is that didn't happen. These are in-person early votes."
"Let me break this down as simply as possible," he continued. "This county uses two early voting files that are not meant to be used for forensic audits. One of them are ballots requested by voters, one is ballots submitted by voters. That ballots requested file stops getting updated October 23rd of this year, but the ballots submitted file keeps getting updated with in-person votes until ten days later. You have thousands and thousands of in-person votes between October 24th and the day before the election where there won't be a corresponding entry on ballots requested file."

"Mr. Logan made it sound -- either intentionally, or just because he didn't understand -- like this is great tens of thousands of ballots unsolved mystery, and former President Trump seized on this to make it sound like there were 74,000 'magically appearing' ballots," added Dale. "In fact, these ballots did not magically appear, they are legitimate in-person votes, and there's no unsolved mystery."***

That statement is about as-matter-of-fact as it gets.


If it didn't happen....there would be no evidence.

If there is no evidence.....then it can't be proved that it happened.

Good grief.

What a hack you showed yourself to be.
That statement is about as-matter-of-fact as it gets.


If it didn't happen....there would be no evidence.

If there is no evidence.....then it can't be proved that it happened.

Good grief.

What a hack you showed yourself to be.
Or it could be what it is -- Cyber Ninja's, a company with no experience auditing an election, just doesn't know what the fuck they're doing and doesn't understand what they're looking at.
That was the testimony. Where are they?

The evidence, or lack thereof, was in the 53 law suits filed by the Trump lawyers across multiple courts.

The lawyers are now being disbarred for filing suit for "improper purposes". The suits could NOT have overturned the results of the election, even if fraud were found. The courts are finding that the intention of the lawsuits was to mislead the public. Oh my.

I don't have to do jack shit to prove the bullshit fraud. You have to prove fraud, and in the past 8 months, only a handful of cases have been found. All involved individual voters, not some massive conspiracy.

This idea that Republicans can make false allegations (see Bill and Hillary Clinton), and then demand that those who are falsely accused prove their innocence is ass backwards. I'll bet you still think that the Clintons are the most corrupt politicians who ever lived, even though EVERY single one of the 25+ investigations didn't a single document, a single witness, or even any crimes that either one of them committed other than Bill's perjury about a consensual blow job.
The evidence, or lack thereof, was in the 53 law suits filed by the Trump lawyers across multiple courts.

The lawyers are now being disbarred for filing suit for "improper purposes". The suits could NOT have overturned the results of the election, even if fraud were found. The courts are finding that the intention of the lawsuits was to mislead the public. Oh my.

I don't have to do jack shit to prove the bullshit fraud. You have to prove fraud, and in the past 8 months, only a handful of cases have been found. All involved individual voters, not some massive conspiracy.

This idea that Republicans can make false allegations (see Bill and Hillary Clinton), and then demand that those who are falsely accused prove their innocence is ass backwards. I'll bet you still think that the Clintons are the most corrupt politicians who ever lived, even though EVERY single one of the 25+ investigations didn't a single document, a single witness, or even any crimes that either one of them committed other than Bill's perjury about a consensual blow job.
Hey stupid. I never read past 3 lines of anyone here. Haven't I told you that with this shit didn't I

Now you tell me again why 75,000 fucking ballots were not recorded leaving anywhere. They can easily obtain this info you cheating wench. Are you an American even? Even libturds outside the US are dumber than the ones here. You seem dumber so I have to wonder

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