Raygun made over 250 recess appointments

If hypocrisy was water, the cons would drown.

I am not going to read all the posts so I assume this has been pointed out to you already. Recess appointments are legal. What Obama did is not and what Reagan did is legal. The SCOTUS was unanimous in their decision, you fail in defending the lawlessness of this president.
If ever there's a Democratic Senate and a Republican president again, every RWnut on this board will change his tune.

A Republican President would have sense enough to choose another nominee if congress was against the first choices he picked.
If hypocrisy was water, the cons would drown.

Reagan also did the Iran-Contra scandal, gave amnesty to illegals and supported the Taliban fighters, just because he did these wrongful acts doesn't make it OK for future Presidents to do wrongful acts. Go back to Clinton and see some the BS he pulled that wouldn't make it OK for Bush or another Republican President to do that same or worse!

You don't get. Past Republican administration's oversteps and failures are used as justifications for their guy's policies and goals.

The left sounded like Ron Paul libertarians under Bush. They dug back 3 generations into Bush's family to try and make Nazi connections--questioning Obama's family at all is racist--they brought up Laura Bush's tragic car accident in an attempt at smearing her, they questioned and denounced Bush's legitimacy, they attacked his college grades--which Obama refuses to release--they compared him to a chimp, Hitler, they depicted Bush's assignation in two books and a movie.

Now these same people cry that the way Obama is being treated is unprecedented. HYPOCRITES.
But it's wrong now since Oblama is doing it!!!!


Its wrong now because they weren't recess appointments.

Are you talking about Regan's?

Other Presidents' recess appointments
""Among recent presidents, Ronald Reagan made 240 recess appointments, George H. W. Bush made 77, Bill Clinton made 139, George W. Bush made 171, and Obama has made 32 so far."""
Justices rule for Congress in recess appointments fight - CNN.com

The SCOTUS has become blatant far rightwing assholes. This and the ruling about protestors at abortion clinics. They are fucking bought and paid for like Congress itself.
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But it's wrong now since Oblama is doing it!!!!


Its wrong now because they weren't recess appointments.

Are you talking about Regan's?

Other Presidents' recess appointments
""Among recent presidents, Ronald Reagan made 240 recess appointments, George H. W. Bush made 77, Bill Clinton made 139, George W. Bush made 171, and Obama has made 32 so far."""
Justices rule for Congress in recess appointments fight - CNN.com

Missing the point? Obama's "recess" appointments were not recess appointments at all. They were illegal appointments. The full Supreme Court just said so.

Its wrong now because they weren't recess appointments.

Are you talking about Regan's?

Other Presidents' recess appointments
""Among recent presidents, Ronald Reagan made 240 recess appointments, George H. W. Bush made 77, Bill Clinton made 139, George W. Bush made 171, and Obama has made 32 so far."""
Justices rule for Congress in recess appointments fight - CNN.com

Missing the point? Obama's "recess" appointments were not recess appointments at all. They were illegal appointments. The full Supreme Court just said so.

You can not stop the juggarnaught of the far left matrix.
if he was wrong what do you call the stunt of blocking the appointments and technically keeping congress in session while performing no business?

yes, the president overstepped. and republicans are just assholes.

It's called checks and balances and is not a stunt.
You really should read up on what our Republic is all about.
Our President's cannot become Dictators.

it's called using a technicality to throw a tantrum. luckily it shouldn't be a problem anymore.

The Court ruling was against the President, not Congress like you are trying to do.
If ever there's a Democratic Senate and a Republican president again, every RWnut on this board will change his tune.

I 100% agree, the far right RWnuts will hold the position that of the far left Leftnuts.... So what are you? A far left Leftnut, far right RWnut or someone like many of us who just see abuse of power as a bad thing.
The left's hatred of Bush is only outweighed by their vitriolic hatred of Reagan.

They will denounce Obama's opponents as racist, unprecedented, ect ect

But they can make accusations of incest about Palin, say the most disgusting things about Reagan, praise the idea of Bush's assignation while he's in office--but they never claim to have morals or standards. That is why when one of their own gets caught with child porn, there are no accusations of hypocrisy.

Whenever a conservative falls short, or is caught in a scandal there are screams of hypocrisy, because we do claim to have standards and morality.
It's called checks and balances and is not a stunt.
You really should read up on what our Republic is all about.
Our President's cannot become Dictators.

it's called using a technicality to throw a tantrum. luckily it shouldn't be a problem anymore.

The Court ruling was against the President, not Congress like you are trying to do.

no i understand the court ruling. the president overreached. the president overreached because the republicans in congress were throwing a tantrum and using a technicality to be obstructionists.

it's kind of a legally right, morally wrong thing. or morally right, legally wrong thing, depending on who you're talking about.

Its wrong now because they weren't recess appointments.

Are you talking about Regan's?

Other Presidents' recess appointments
""Among recent presidents, Ronald Reagan made 240 recess appointments, George H. W. Bush made 77, Bill Clinton made 139, George W. Bush made 171, and Obama has made 32 so far."""
Justices rule for Congress in recess appointments fight - CNN.com

Missing the point? Obama's "recess" appointments were not recess appointments at all. They were illegal appointments. The full Supreme Court just said so.

And the SCOTUS also said it was legal for strangers to accost women in front of health care centers if they THOUGHT they might be going in to get an abortion, and struck down the 35' rule.

Wake up, you dumbass. They also ruled that corporations are people in 2010 and now your fucking vote doesn't count anymore, either. But just keep believin'....Big money counts on dolts like you.
Let's compare president's. Here is Reagan addressing Congress to get them to pass his economic policies:

[ame=http://youtu.be/7T-7BnFo5ao]Economic Recovery: President Reagan's Address to Congress on the Economic Recovery Program - 4/28/81 - YouTube[/ame]

Here is Obama doing the same thing:

[ame=http://youtu.be/n2l2DtomxTo]President Obama Presents American Jobs Act - YouTube[/ame]

See the difference? Reagan WORKED with a Democrat Congress, raised taxes as a compromise--and the left always points to that as Reagan endorsing raising taxes because they have ZERO historical perspective.

Interesting, this was before teleprompters and it looks like he couldn't even tell a fucking joke without reading from notes.

Bahahahaha....Thanks for the reminder that his Alzheimer's was early onset.

Thought I'd let you know, you're a worthless poster here. You voted for Obama, twice... Obama, the guy whose incompetence and ability to divide everyone, even his own base managed to in just 6 years make a country almost fully forget G.W.Bush was once the countries idiot President.

I wonder if Obama will claim the SC is wrong after he puts on his "constitutional scholars hat." Arrogant worthless chitbag.

Its wrong now because they weren't recess appointments.

Are you talking about Regan's?

Other Presidents' recess appointments
""Among recent presidents, Ronald Reagan made 240 recess appointments, George H. W. Bush made 77, Bill Clinton made 139, George W. Bush made 171, and Obama has made 32 so far."""
Justices rule for Congress in recess appointments fight - CNN.com

Missing the point? Obama's "recess" appointments were not recess appointments at all. They were illegal appointments. The full Supreme Court just said so.

If you are going to quote me, make sure you include the whole enchilada. Don't edit to prop yourself up. That's sooooo Breitbart, honey.

Interesting, this was before teleprompters and it looks like he couldn't even tell a fucking joke without reading from notes.

Bahahahaha....Thanks for the reminder that his Alzheimer's was early onset.

Thought I'd let you know, you're a worthless poster here. You voted for Obama, twice... Obama, the guy whose incompetence and ability to divide everyone, even his own base managed to in just 6 years make a country almost fully forget G.W.Bush was once the countries idiot President.

I wonder if Obama will claim the SC is wrong after he puts on his "constitutional scholars hat." Arrogant worthless chitbag.

So you know how I voted? And you're saying I have no cred? Bahahaha.... Now that must be where the SUDS comes into your screen name.

I wasn't even in this country in 2012, I was working abroad and did not do an absentee. I voted for Ralph Nader in 2008. But like Donald Rumsfeld said, we go to war with the army we have.

Sorry you are so threatened by my comments. Man up.
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it's called using a technicality to throw a tantrum. luckily it shouldn't be a problem anymore.

The Court ruling was against the President, not Congress like you are trying to do.

no i understand the court ruling. the president overreached. the president overreached because the republicans in congress were throwing a tantrum and using a technicality to be obstructionists.

it's kind of a legally right, morally wrong thing. or morally right, legally wrong thing, depending on who you're talking about.

The President overreached because he refused to compromise and nominate another person who the majority could agree on.
This isn't the first time this has ever happened.
The same kind of things happened under Wilson and FDR because they refused to compromise and tried to force their ideology.
Whenever any of our Presidents try to force ideology over what is best for the country things like this happens and this is why we have the Supreme Court.

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