RCP Polling: Feingold down by 8!

Big Fitz

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Nov 23, 2009
Not even 10 months ago, Russ Feingold had a percieved lead of around 10 points. Now he's trailing by 8.

Russ fucking Feingold is doing this bad! Look at the link and see the Daily Kos poll that puts him at 11 down even! That's a real surprise to me.

It's only polling data, which means it's about as trustworthy as a crackhead at the end of the month, but at least averaging polls gives a more... believable result compared to just one poll.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2010 - Wisconsin Senate - Feingold vs. Johnson
it sucks. he was the only senator smart enough to vote against the patriot act. a real american
No kiddin'.

This doesn't bode well for the (D)s, when one of their lowest key members is going down in flames.
No kiddin'.

This doesn't bode well for the (D)s, when one of their lowest key members is going down in flames.
Well you know... when you write legislation that steals first amendment rights... people tend to remember. And now combine that with finally a real candidate in WI to oppose him... yeah.

BTW, you should hear the ads they're running on KTLK to cover western WI. Wow... talk about impaling the fucker on his own record and actions!

Even my friend in Madison says the libs there are NOT happy with Feingold and trending towards Johnson. And this is a county that voted for Nader in 2000 and 2004.
what did feingold do to become so hated? I haven't seen an explanation and google isn't helping
what did feingold do to become so hated? I haven't seen an explanation and google isn't helping

He's a Democrat. He voted for Obamacare. He probably voted for the Stimulus and all the other crap the Administration pushed. He is associated with the Democratic ruling cabal. As such he must be stopped. And I guess he will.
what did feingold do to become so hated? I haven't seen an explanation and google isn't helping
Because merely carrying that (D) by your name still isn't enough...Even in the People's Republic of Wisconsin.

All things being equal, though, I'd sooner be rid of that pinhead Herb Kohl first.
what did feingold do to become so hated? I haven't seen an explanation and google isn't helping

He's a Democrat. He voted for Obamacare. He probably voted for the Stimulus and all the other crap the Administration pushed. He is associated with the Democratic ruling cabal. As such he must be stopped. And I guess he will.

What is projected net GOP gain in the Senate upto 8 or 9 with momentum building? I'm a Libertarian but I am calling for the GOP to take the house and by the 2012 election pick up enough net appointments to take the Senate. I think it is 11 to 9 against the GOP winning the senate this time but as recent as last month I thought the odds were 3-2 against the GOP. One more D goes down in flames I'm calling the senate for the GOP.
Gillbrand in NY is in a tight race against a Republican that you can't even pick out from a police line up!


Obama is going to CA to prop up Boxer!

NY and CA!

Dems in the bunker!
Gillbrand in NY is in a tight race against a Republican that you can't even pick out from a police line up!


Obama is going to CA to prop up Boxer!

NY and CA!

Dems in the bunker!

Shhhhh! let them be ignorant. It will make it much more fun on NOV 3rd.
Obama is going to CA to prop up Boxer!
what did feingold do to become so hated? I haven't seen an explanation and google isn't helping
Because merely carrying that (D) by your name still isn't enough...Even in the People's Republic of Wisconsin.

All things being equal, though, I'd sooner be rid of that pinhead Herb Kohl first.
Herb the Dairy Queen is patently useless except to get Liberal pork passed through committee. This guy makes no waves and lies silent because he's comfortable in his power and seniority. I supported him originally back in the 1980's cause I thought a candidate free of special interest money would be a good thing.

Foolish me. Foolish me.

Kohl is an elitist who needs to go. Feingold... he's a believer, and that makes him more dangerous. Although, I don't think we'll have to suffer him much longer. And as for Kohl... that may be changing too come his turn in front of the electorate firing squad.
You need to worry about taking out that boob Mark Dayton, man. :lol:
You know it's a good sign when you see more and more Bachmann and Emmers sign in the rich areas of Woodbury. Tells me there's been a sea change.

I've yet to see a single Dayton sign in all of where I travel daily from New Hope to North Minneapolis to Roseville to Woodbury. Not a one.
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This election is going to be the biggest change in a mid term election is a very very long time.

Nothing any Dem says or does will change that. It is locked in already.

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