Re-education Camps in America

I have neighbors that homeschooled their girls. It is a misperception to think they do not believe in science. The mom is a vet and dad a farmer. The girls are two very stable intelligent young adults. I doubt many on this board have as much knowledge about life in general as those two girls have.

They do not have computers, a tv or modern plumbing. That may not appeal to everyone here but if I ever wanted someone that could tell me the general life questions such as what is it that is killing off the honey bees? or how do I can meat and make sure I don't kill us off while eating my home canned food, these would be the people I would go too.

These people actually own their vehicles, home, land, animals free and clear. I doubt many on this board can say the same. And they do not collect farm welfare and never have.

I own my apartment free and clear. But that's irrelevant. Anyone who home schools is doing so because they want to isolate their children and not let them be exposed to anyone who differs from them. Generally, (other than rural people who may have no choice in terms of finding adequate nearby schools) people who homeschool are fundamentalist Christians who do not want their children "corrupted" by outside beliefs or mores or what they call "new age types". In either event, it is a means of keeping children from being exposed to others who don't think like their parents.
ROFLMNAO... Home-schoolers excel in ACTUAL Science... rejecting the psuedo-science of secular left; for instance, a home-schooler recognizes that the earth's atmosphic temperatures are regulated by cycles which are a result of the earths proximity to the sun along with solar radiant cycles and as such aren't likely to be impressed with a rise in global temperatures during a warming cycle... where the hieghtened suns' solar activity naturally result in higher global temperatues.

Where a home-schooler learns that the earth goes from ice-age to ice-age and that they're living in a period where the atmosphere is wamring from a previous ice-age and they aren't subject to cultural panic induced by cries that the earth is warming and never coming back... ya see home-schoolers have LEARNED the scientific meaning of CYCLES...

LOL... it won't be long now friends... in a few months these loons will be using words like "HERETIC" to dismiss those who reject psuedo-scientific claims of AGW... they did the same thing in the early 20th century for people who rejected Eugenics.

The COOL PART is how in 50 years, the AWG thing will be forgotten entirely and what popular history speaks to it, will claim that the hysteria was a result of ideological conservatives.

FOr those that doubt this... ask yourself who you've been told were behind the injecting of syphylis into black men in Tuskegee Alabama... Here's a clue... that was an experiment in Eugenics... and Eugenics was the glue which bound all PROGRESSIVE LIBERALISM... the Advocacy of Social SCIENCE!

ROFLMNAO... oh this is gonna be a GAS!

Well, if home schoolers know all of what you state, they are freakin' ignorant and misinformed. Almost as ignorant as you are.
does it now? not likely since homeschoolers have a really bizarre tendency to reject actual science... but if you have legitimate links, go for it.

I'm involved in a number of homeschool organizations and have had occasion to watch and interact with homeschool parents and children. As a generalization, I find them to be interested in learning, happy, and social.

Since I'm sure an anecdote won't be satisfactory to you, check out this link:

Home schoolers score highest on ACT

And after you read it, I wonder if you'd share with us why you seem so gleeful in putting down homeschoolers.
Psst.. have you seen how your democrats have been acting? Oh, they probably don't report those sort of things on CNN or MSNBC. Hillary Clinton (D), nominee for secretary of state, squeezing John Cornyn's (R), senator, Texas, forearms with all her might after his delaying the vote she needed for the confirmation (she was probably upset, huh?), Timothy Geithner, huh, going to be the Treasury Secretary (doesn't that have something to do with the IRS?). Doesn't really matter that he FORGOT to PAY HIS TAXES!! DUH! He forgot his taxes like I forgot my birth control! Who's buying it? THE MASSES OF GOVERNMENT EDUCATED SHEEP! Your own fellow democrat, Dick Morris, says we are headed towards socialism.

Judging from the most recent events of your constituents, I am very proud to call myself a conservative. We ARE the ADULTS. We WILL BE BACK IN CHARGE. See, we're classy.

You were in charge for the last eight years of total failure. Time for adults to take charge again. You conservatives represent failure in every field now. Put you in charge of cleaning outhouses, the only place you might be able to perform.
I have neighbors that homeschooled their girls. It is a misperception to think they do not believe in science. The mom is a vet and dad a farmer. The girls are two very stable intelligent young adults. I doubt many on this board have as much knowledge about life in general as those two girls have.

They do not have computers, a tv or modern plumbing. That may not appeal to everyone here but if I ever wanted someone that could tell me the general life questions such as what is it that is killing off the honey bees? or how do I can meat and make sure I don't kill us off while eating my home canned food, these would be the people I would go too.

These people actually own their vehicles, home, land, animals free and clear. I doubt many on this board can say the same. And they do not collect farm welfare and never have.

Wow! Thanks for sharing that and blowing up another myth about homeschoolers.
ROFLMNAO... Home-schoolers excel in ACTUAL Science... rejecting the psuedo-science of secular left; for instance, a home-schooler recognizes that the earth's atmosphic temperatures are regulated by cycles which are a result of the earths proximity to the sun along with solar radiant cycles and as such aren't likely to be impressed with a rise in global temperatures during a warming cycle... where the hieghtened suns' solar activity naturally result in higher global temperatues.

Where a home-schooler learns that the earth goes from ice-age to ice-age and that they're living in a period where the atmosphere is wamring from a previous ice-age and they aren't subject to cultural panic induced by cries that the earth is warming and never coming back... ya see home-schoolers have LEARNED the scientific meaning of CYCLES...

LOL... it won't be long now friends... in a few months these loons will be using words like "HERETIC" to dismiss those who reject psuedo-scientific claims of AGW... they did the same thing in the early 20th century for people who rejected Eugenics.

The COOL PART is how in 50 years, the AWG thing will be forgotten entirely and what popular history speaks to it, will claim that the hysteria was a result of ideological conservatives.

FOr those that doubt this... ask yourself who you've been told were behind the injecting of syphylis into black men in Tuskegee Alabama... Here's a clue... that was an experiment in Eugenics... and Eugenics was the glue which bound all PROGRESSIVE LIBERALISM... the Advocacy of Social SCIENCE!

ROFLMNAO... oh this is gonna be a GAS!


Thanks for making my and Jillian's case!

So, Homeschoolers are taught to believe climate climate change is a myth and humans have no impact on the climate.

Are homeschoolers also taught that the earth is 6000 years old, and that Eve literally spoke to a talking snake in the Garden of Eden?


Thanks man, this was great. I'm glad you provided proof of what Jillian said. Home schoolers are often taught crap science.
I own my apartment free and clear. But that's irrelevant. Anyone who home schools is doing so because they want to isolate their children and not let them be exposed to anyone who differs from them. Generally, (other than rural people who may have no choice in terms of finding adequate nearby schools) people who homeschool are fundamentalist Christians who do not want their children "corrupted" by outside beliefs or mores or what they call "new age types". In either event, it is a means of keeping children from being exposed to others who don't think like their parents.
From what you are saying isolating ones children from corruption that surrounds this world you think that is a bad thing. The particular neighbors I am speaking of are not Christian. up until a few years ago they had not spoken to anyone in particular about Jesus and the Bible. They had study with their girls about every subject matter one can think of up to that point. We all got to talking one day and the subject came up. From that point forward they including Bible study in their "things we want to know about" agenda.

The reason they homeschooled the children is because of local political bs, the corruption that abounds in are society throughout is taught as normal everyday routine. Politics of my kids are better than yours is in schools as well as everyday life. That is what many try to isolate their children from. You may want to say that is a bad thing but the truth is it takes all kinds in this old world.

As for my own children my daughter was an A student throughout school (public) despite the fact we did not belong to the local prevailing religious sect. Was she always treated well for not belonging to the local prevailing church in that rural area? No, yet she did well despite that.
My son on the otherhand was dislexic and he recieved less respect than a well trained dog from many of the school teachers. In that I took him out of school and hired tutors for him. Did I do that to protect him from those local assholes that treated him like shit? You bet I did. Even the local school super could not keep his teachers in line, although God bless him he did try.

Jillian what you have today is many teachers that seem to think that children should be taught according to their own personal political agendas. Parents that are so stressed working to make a living or keeping up with the jones that schoolsare nothing more than extended babysitting services. In that we have a fully disfunctional society that has a bunch of truly disfunctional people trying to figure out where did we go wrong?
Well, if home schoolers know all of what you state, they are freakin' ignorant and misinformed. Almost as ignorant as you are.


No way man, I'm glad this dude posts here, and specifically posted on this thread. He makes the liberal's case for them, and he makes cons look like lunatcis.

I'm sure Susie Homemaker knows more about science than every single national science body in the nation which has concluded its a near certainty that human pollution is affecting the climate. Surely, Susie Homemaker knows more science than the nobel prize laurettes on the National Science Academy?

I guess much hasn't changed since the religioulsy conservative have been trying to stunt the development of science since the days of Copurnicus.

I wonder if home schoolers are also being taught the evils of stem cell research?
Wow! Thanks for sharing that and blowing up another myth about homeschoolers.
Your welcome. I would love to have a movie camera and do a story on these people and some of the others around here. As much as we have a few assholes for immediate neighbors we have some special ones that make it all worth staying here.
Actually, I did go to public school. My children were going to public school until three years ago. I decided to bring them home when I saw that their teachers were doing them no favors, despite raving about how smart they were. My rising middle schooler could hardly read. He now excels at every subject, especially reading. I just wonder how many other kids are being promoted just so the teachers or schools can reach some kind of goal. They do want your tax dollars, after all.
You didn't notice that your middle schooler couldn't read until he or she was in middle school? Now that's bad parenting, lol.
I just wonder how many other kids are being promoted just so the teachers or schools can reach some kind of goal. They do want your tax dollars, after all.
My son enrolled here to go ahead and get his highschool diploma in his final year. He did not stay here but a month yet the highschool told an employer inquiring about him that he had graduated. He call me rather pissed about it because it made him look like he was not telling the truth on his job ap. He told me he told the employer "why would I tell you I did not graduate from highschool if I actually had, wouldn't that be a bit backwards?" He asked, "Mom why would they lie and tell someone I graduated when I didn't?" Pretty obvious they collected those fed and state credits even though he only attended two days at their school here.
I have taken job applications and conducted job interviews for the last 15 years. I don't know if there is a conspiracy to dumb down the schools, but in my experience young people are far less literate today then they were 15 years ago. Used to be 9 out of 10 applications were legible and properly filled out, now, I'm lucky if 3 out of 10 are correctly filled out. I had a college sophomore come into my place yesterday who not only couldn't fill out the application, during the interview he was at times barely coherent. In addition, I have found that young people today, under 25 years of age, are incapable of following simple instructions. They need to get together in a group to look at the instructions, debate what they mean, and then devise a plan of action. The funny thing is that even after all of that, they are still usually wrong. Maybe there's a conspiracy, maybe there isn't, but the proof is in the pudding, and right now the pudding is rancid.

The poor writing skills that we see today have almost certainly been made worse by those who use text and E-mail a great deal. They constantly abbreviate things and avoid writing in any type of coherent fashion. After doing this for such a long time, they lose the ability to write normally even when it is required.

Don't equate that into being the sole reason for people's poor writing skills, but I do believe it is a factor.
Or good acting on his part. Actually, I thought he was doing well. Trusted the school teachers and watched him do his homework nightly. Didn't seem to have any problems. Then he confessed... his teacher would read to the class. Gotta love those government employees! They'll help you apply for food stamps!
I think you're full of shit, no offense. You're either lying like a rug or you're completely uninvolved with your kids.

Have a nice life.
He didn't forget to pay his taxes. He was notified in writing each quarter, a form he had to sign, as to how much he had to pay in taxes. He declined to pay. When audited in 2003 and 2004, he was forced to pay the taxes for those years and ordered to pay the back taxes of '01 and '02. When he realized that he wouldn't be audited for '01 and '02, he declined to pay those years' taxes.

BTW, this is the first time I've ever heard of fines and penalties on back taxes being waived. I'm sure they would do the same for you and me.

They waive interest and penalties all the time. You just need to have the right representation. However, this is usually only done in situations where people actually don't have the money to pay. If they do have the money, they usually get stuck with the full bill.
Seriously--you don't think schools program a kid politically ?

As a parent of two children who are currently attending public schools, I have to say that schools only "program" your children in lieu of you fulfilling your parental role to teach your children to think critically.

My kids and I have always talked about politics and social issues, and I've seen it as part of my job to give them information from BOTH sides of the political spectrum. For instance, my son was assigned to write a paper describing his feelings about the "historic election of president Obama."

His first sentence was, "I'm not really very excited about President Obama's election."

Why is he not very excited? Because he and I have literally spent hours discussing the pro's and con's of both presidential candidates, and he realizes that a lot of Obama's fans have completely unrealistic hopes for his presidency.

That isn't "programming." That's a conclusion he came to, ON HIS OWN, without having thoughts spoonfed to him.

If parents AREN'T talking to their kids about this stuff, they're imbeciles. We have found that teachers are a mix of liberal, conservative, moderate, and everything under the sun in our pbulic schools, and I have to teach my kids to listen to the information they provide, process it, think about it critically, and make up their own minds. It isn't the school's job to teach my kids to do this, it's mine.
The poor writing skills that we see today have almost certainly been made worse by those who use text and E-mail a great deal. They constantly abbreviate things and avoid writing in any type of coherent fashion. After doing this for such a long time, they lose the ability to write normally even when it is required.

Don't equate that into being the sole reason for people's poor writing skills, but I do believe it is a factor.

Actually, there is no scientific basis for this belief. In fact, studies have found the opposite.
Also, the world is flat, and technology is VERY VERY SCARY.


You should ABSOLUTELY KEEP YOUR CHILDREN OFFLINE. It will almost certainly damage them. And, don't even get me started on MYSPACE, which is actually an anagram for Satan.
Actually, I did go to public school. My children were going to public school until three years ago. I decided to bring them home when I saw that their teachers were doing them no favors, despite raving about how smart they were. My rising middle schooler could hardly read. He now excels at every subject, especially reading. I just wonder how many other kids are being promoted just so the teachers or schools can reach some kind of goal. They do want your tax dollars, after all.

I don't know where your kids were going to school. And I would agree with you that social promotion should be stopped. But I'll also tell you that my son and I always read together and that he is 11 and has been reading college level for the past two years; started writing his own stories at about 4, and started his first novel over a year ago.

I think how much kids get out of school depends on how much they and their parents put into it... like anything else.

And I suspect you and I would differ as to what "corruption" is.

No way man, I'm glad this dude posts here, and specifically posted on this thread. He makes the liberal's case for them, and he makes cons look like lunatcis.

I'm sure Susie Homemaker knows more about science than every single national science body in the nation which has concluded its a near certainty that human pollution is affecting the climate. Surely, Susie Homemaker knows more science than the nobel prize laurettes on the National Science Academy?

I guess much hasn't changed since the religioulsy conservative have been trying to stunt the development of science since the days of Copurnicus.

I wonder if home schoolers are also being taught the evils of stem cell research?

Personally, I think public education makes more sense as kids it helps build a childs social skills. However, I know a few families who home school their kids. It's usually not quite as simple as Suzie homemaker schooling Billie Jo and Billie Bob, like you make it sound. If you were intelligent enough to do any research on homeschooling, you would know this.

The mothers that I know who homeschool their kids all have college degrees. They teach their kids the things they know and understand completely. And they teach other kids who are homeschooled. One parent may teach reading and writing, while another teaches math and science. These kids are brought together for some teaching lessons, and many also go to programs like Score or a similar program, if they need additional assistance in a given subject.

Homeschooling isn't for everyone. Most parents would not be good at it. I certainly wouldn't. But those who choose to homeschool normally do a very good job. I would bet that most home schooled kids will score higher on most tests than those from public education.

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