Re-Evaluating Newt..

That is very difficult to believe.

I don't know, you strike me as being pretty gullible.

Hey, I got this E-mail from a Nigerian General who wants to transfer milllions. All he needs is your bank account number.

You dodged the point that you're attributing an amazing skill set to her.

No, I don't. I think she's an underacheiver who'd be washing dishes if it weren't for affirmative action and her ability to suck up to patrons like Justice Thomas before stabbing them in the back.

I realize that's the soundbite version, but the reality is more complex.

No, I live in Chicago. We've dealt with Wright and Jackson and Meeks and all the other demogogues and phonies for years who live in big mansions while their parishoners live in ghettos... And we all see them for what they are.

Wright lives in a gated community in Tinley Park while his followers live in slums. That about says it all.
You can consider them the same, but you're being silly if you do. Watergate is not Whitewater. You should realize that.

Companies don't have to "go to the mat". They just have to conduct a reasonably fair investigation. Your thought process on this is really extreme.

Didn't even bring up Watergate.

Never mentioned it.

Getting your facts wrong again?

And I'm sorry, the "thorough investigation" had that guy fired before lunch.
I don't know, you strike me as being pretty gullible.

Nah, I don't.

No, I don't. I think she's an underacheiver who'd be washing dishes if it weren't for affirmative action and her ability to suck up to patrons like Justice Thomas before stabbing them in the back.

Oh, now she's an underachiever. Before, she was incredibly clever, in an incredibly devious way.

No, I live in Chicago. We've dealt with Wright and Jackson and Meeks and all the other demogogues and phonies for years who live in big mansions while their parishoners live in ghettos... And we all see them for what they are.

Wright lives in a gated community in Tinley Park while his followers live in slums. That about says it all.

More adjectives, more hyperbole. No fact. Just Joe, and the movie in Joe's head.

Didn't even bring up Watergate.

Never mentioned it.

Getting your facts wrong again?

No, I brought it up. Is that OK with you? Gosh, I sure hope so.
You really believe that the impeachment was on solid ground?

Legally. Yes. Clinton broke several federal statues. People have gone to prison and lost their jobs for a lot less.

Politically. Not so much. He was still popular and the country was willing to forgive him and frankly, his being acquitted was a forgone conclusion. If he had Obama's economic numbers, he'd have been run out on a rail.

The millage that could have been gotten out of it was gotten when Ken Starr nailed down that he lied. They should have censured him and left it at that.

no. he didn't violate federal statues. everyone lies about cheating when their wife is in the room.

:woohoo: kenny starr spent 70 million of our tax money for a blue dress.

And Republicans across the country are wasting millions upon millions enacting laws that they KNOW are not Constitutional and will get struck down, like drug testing in order to get assistance, and voter disenfranchisement.

Wingnuts love to waste taxpayer money.
no. he didn't violate federal statues. everyone lies about cheating when their wife is in the room.

:woohoo: kenny starr spent 70 million of our tax money for a blue dress.

Can't blame Ken Starr. He did exactly what the IC statue is designed to do. Keep investigating until you get someone for something. That's why it was an awful law when designed, because it created guys like Starr, Lawrence Walsh, Patrick Fitzgerald, fanatics redoubling their efforts while losing sight of their goals.

And the federal perjury statues do not have a "you can lie if your wife is in the room and will brain you with an ashtray when you get home" exception. :lol:

Which is exactly the beauty of Sexual Harrassment lawsuits. You can be totally innocent of whatever you are accused of, but they can drag in every ex-girlfriend, co-worker, casual acquaintance etc, and who knows what you'll have to answer for? Which is why most companies fire the accused without hearing and settle. Then fire the accuser if she doesn't have the good sense to move on.

So, Starr was a fanatic who lost sight of his goals, but we can't blame him? :cuckoo:

:lmao: The Week? Muckraker? His ex-wife?! :lmao:

Thanks for proving my point about you being an ignorant shitstain too lazy to think and separate rumor from reality. Because EVERY intelligent person looks to a man's EX-WIFE for "the truth" about him. Sure they do. :eusa_hand:

Sit down and shut the fuck up before you humiliate yourself further, fucktard.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. That's not just from the ex-wife. It's from people who worked with him. Newt has admitted to most of what you would deny. And he came up with a wacky excuse for it. He just loved the country too much. :rofl:

Newt is not stable.

Perhaps you'd like to show me where Newt admitted to anything other than having an affair on his second wife. See if you can do it using REAL news sources, rather than blogs. Amazingly enough, just because someone says it on the Internet, that doesn't make it true.
She acts like she had no idea who she was praising.

If they want to run Newt, I think that would be great. For them, and for the country.

Well, I'm sure he wouldn't get the ignorant shitstain vote. On the other hand, I don't think he wants it.

That's cool.

I just hope every Republican feels that way.


Oh, I'm pretty sure most Republicans don't want the ignorant shitstain vote. And, after all, we're pretty used to you voting Democrat, anyway.
Joe, the links about Newt are in an earlier thread.


You'll find out about the child support, and the tendency to dump wives when they get sick, and the serial adultery.

But you're right, the second wife was a lobbyist.

Now go read the rest.


Of course, what you WON'T find is any sort of real source that anyone who isn't a three-toothed, Art Bell-listening moron would waste time reading, let alone believing and citing to other people as though it means something.

I'm just waiting for this Deliverance reject to quote us The Weekly World News.
[Well, I did. Far left kook websites letting an jilted ex-wife break bad don't count. And you did get the facts wrong about so many other things....

And you got one wrong AGAIN (bolded)> Callista is the THIRD wife, not the second... Again, do you bother to do ANY research before wasting my valuable time?

Get your FACTS right before you shoot off your mouth.

I'm sorry, I am usually much more careful. Ask Lone Laugher. I'm aware that Calista is his third wife.

Please stop the pretense that you can dismiss the messy details of Newt's life by attacking the sources.

Newt is a serial adulterer. He left his first wife when she had cancer. She had financial problems because Newt failed to pay her child support. He left his second wife after she was dx with MS. He's on his third marriage. He is not a moral man.

His first wife never had cancer, dipwad. She had a benign growth removed. And they had already agreed to divorce some time BEFORE she went in for her surgery.

And that's just for starters.

Maybe if you read something other than the Internet equivalent of Jerry Springer, you'd know something real.
Legally. Yes. Clinton broke several federal statues. People have gone to prison and lost their jobs for a lot less.

Politically. Not so much. He was still popular and the country was willing to forgive him and frankly, his being acquitted was a forgone conclusion. If he had Obama's economic numbers, he'd have been run out on a rail.

The millage that could have been gotten out of it was gotten when Ken Starr nailed down that he lied. They should have censured him and left it at that.

no. he didn't violate federal statues. everyone lies about cheating when their wife is in the room.

:woohoo: kenny starr spent 70 million of our tax money for a blue dress.

And Republicans across the country are wasting millions upon millions enacting laws that they KNOW are not Constitutional and will get struck down, like drug testing in order to get assistance, and voter disenfranchisement.

Wingnuts love to waste taxpayer money.

Hate to break it to you, pusbag, but wiping your ass with the Constitution doesn't make you an expert on it. Which might explain why you keep claiming "Constitutional rights" that don't actually appear anywhere in it.

Or maybe it's just that you're delusional.
As much as I truly hate to distract attention from the leftists boobs frantically dancing around, begging to be noticed for the first time in their pathetic lives, I would like to menion how interesting I found it that Perry is suddenly touting a tax idea he stole from Newt. Newt's had the plan for an optional flat tax (and his is 15%, not 20% like Perry's) for weeks on his website, and gloriosky! Here's Perry spouting it like he expects everyone to marvel at his creativity.
And Republicans across the country are wasting millions upon millions enacting laws that they KNOW are not Constitutional and will get struck down, like drug testing in order to get assistance, and voter disenfranchisement.

Wingnuts love to waste taxpayer money.

I hope the laws are struck down. Meanwhile, I'm registering voters, and making sure that they have photo ID.

Perhaps you'd like to show me where Newt admitted to anything other than having an affair on his second wife. See if you can do it using REAL news sources, rather than blogs. Amazingly enough, just because someone says it on the Internet, that doesn't make it true.

I used real news sources. You just didn't like what they said, so you cranked up the insult generator. So here is ABC News, pointing out that NEWT admitted it.

Gingrich Admits to Affair During Clinton Impeachment - ABC News

Setting the stage for his entry into the presidential race, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., gave a radio interview to be broadcast today with Focus on the Family's James Dobson, in which Gingrich for the first time publicly acknowledged cheating on his first and second wives.

Got that?

Well, I'm sure he wouldn't get the ignorant shitstain vote. On the other hand, I don't think he wants it.

Oh, I'm pretty sure most Republicans don't want the ignorant shitstain vote. And, after all, we're pretty used to you voting Democrat, anyway.

This remark is just idiotic. Of course he wants any votes he can get, just like every other politician. They aren't choosy.

His first wife never had cancer, dipwad. She had a benign growth removed. And they had already agreed to divorce some time BEFORE she went in for her surgery.

And that's just for starters.

Maybe if you read something other than the Internet equivalent of Jerry Springer, you'd know something real.

Jackie had undergone surgery for cancer of the uterus during the 1978 campaign, a fact Gingrich was not loath to use in conversations or speeches that year. After the separation in 1980, she had to be operated on again, to remove another tumor.

The truth about Newt and his cancer-stricken wife - Newt Gingrich -

So this particular surgery was a for removal of a tumor AFTER she had had earlier surgery for uterine cancer. Yes, his first wife had cancer.

“He can say that we had been talking about [a divorce] for 10 years, but the truth is that it came as a complete surprise,” says Jackie Gingrich, in a telephone interview from Carrollton.
“He’s a great wordsmith … He walked out in the spring of 1980 and I returned to Georgia. By September, I went into the hospital for my third surgery. The two girls came to see me, and said Daddy is downstairs and could he come up? When he got there, he wanted to discuss the terms of the divorce while I was recovering from the surgery … To say I gave up a lot for the marriage is the understatement of the year.”

Asked if, in fact, he handled the divorce as insensitively as portrayed, Gingrich responded: “All I can say is when you’ve been talking about divorce for 11 years and you’ve gone to a marriage counselor, and the other person doesn’t want the divorce, I’m not sure there is any sensitive way to handle it.”

The truth about Newt and his cancer-stricken wife - Newt Gingrich -

His first wife says it came as a complete surprise.

But for solace, apparently the yellow legal pad was an embellishment. WIN! :lol:
Oh, now she's an underachiever. Before, she was incredibly clever, in an incredibly devious way.

Yeah, isn't that what you guys say about Sarah Palin, who is both stupid and cleverly duping us out of money. I don't think she was 'clever'. I think she was an oppurtunist and a backstabber. She's "clever" like Snooki is "clever".

No, I live in Chicago. We've dealt with Wright and Jackson and Meeks and all the other demogogues and phonies for years who live in big mansions while their parishoners live in ghettos... And we all see them for what they are.

Wright lives in a gated community in Tinley Park while his followers live in slums. That about says it all.

More adjectives, more hyperbole. No fact. Just Joe, and the movie in Joe's head.

Do you now what "adjective" actually means? It means a word that modifies a noun. I think the ony ones I used was "big" and "gated".

No, I brought it up. Is that OK with you? Gosh, I sure hope so.

Why bring it up when no one was talking about it. I was talking about the IC Law, which didn't exist with Watergate. It usually leads to the kinds of witch hunts you whine about... when it's your guy.
So, Starr was a fanatic who lost sight of his goals, but we can't blame him?

Yeah, you can't blame him for doing what a bad law is designed to do. He should have been shut down the minute he found out Clinton lost money. Walsh should have been shut down when North and Pointdexter won their appeals. Fitzfong should have been shut down the minute he figured out Plame wasn't really a spy and Armitage not Rove had outed her.

The law doesn't allow that. It lets them keep going. And going. And Going. It turns a political process into a legal one. That's why it was a bad law.
Yeah, isn't that what you guys say about Sarah Palin, who is both stupid and cleverly duping us out of money. I don't think she was 'clever'. I think she was an oppurtunist and a backstabber. She's "clever" like Snooki is "clever".

So now Professor Hill is like Sarah Palin and Snooki? :cuckoo:

Hill was humiliated on TV. She did not want to come in and testify, and had no way of knowing if she'd get speaking fees or if she'd never work in the law again. This is reality. You are allowing your imagination to run away with you.

More adjectives, more hyperbole. No fact. Just Joe, and the movie in Joe's head.

Do you now what "adjective" actually means? It means a word that modifies a noun. I think the ony ones I used was "big" and "gated".

You have been using adjectives, and hyperbole, as if adjectives and hyperbole made what you said real. In your other post, you went on about her "bored" students.

Watergate was the impetus for the creation of the position of Independent Council/Office of the Special Prosecutor.

I'm sorry that your side got caught in the Watergate scandal, the Iran-Contra Scandal, and the Valerie Plame scandal, compared on the other side to Whitewater, but you might want to think about the differences between those and reconsider your views.

Fitzfong should have been shut down the minute he figured out Plame wasn't really a spy and Armitage not Rove had outed her.

Plame was a covert agent at the time of the leak.

Plame was

Yes, Valerie Plame Was Covert - CBS News

The CIA declassified Plame's employment status because "public interest ... outweighed the damage to national security that might reasonably be expected from the official disclosure of [Plame's] employment and cover status."

CIA: Plame Was "Covert"

Putting The Myth To Rest| Crooks and Liars

Rove used several avenues to get the Plame story out.

"Two senior administration officials told me his wife (Valerie Plame) suggested sending Wilson to Niger to investigate," Novak said.

Columnist testifies Rove confirmed Plame was CIA - CNN
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So now Professor Hill is like Sarah Palin and Snooki? :cuckoo:

Hill was humiliated on TV. She did not want to come in and testify, and had no way of knowing if she'd get speaking fees or if she'd never work in the law again. This is reality. You are allowing your imagination to run away with you.

Actually, I wouldn't want to insult Snooki like that. Snooki is an honest whore.

She wasn't working in the law then. she hadn't worked in the law since 1984. She had been in academia in the "those who can do, those who can't teach" theory of ineptitude. A teaching position she ONLY got because Thomas wrote her letters of recommendation. (This is what makes her contemptable, really. Sorry you don't get that.)

But you do get that if Donna Rice made millions, then she could expect similar rewards....

You have been using adjectives, and hyperbole, as if adjectives and hyperbole made what you said real. In your other post, you went on about her "bored" students.

Oh, damn me and my literacy...

Watergate was the impetus for the creation of the position of Independent Council/Office of the Special Prosecutor.

I'm sorry that your side got caught in the Watergate scandal, the Iran-Contra Scandal, and the Valerie Plame scandal, compared on the other side to Whitewater, but you might want to think about the differences between those and reconsider your views.

Actually, I consider what Clinton did was worse. Real people lost money in Whitewater, and Paula Jones was a real person seeking justice. I have no problem with the politicians screwing each other or foreigners, but when they screw Joe Average, that's sort of contemptable.

But the problem with the IC law was that it sets up these guys to investigate indefinitely, where a real prosecutors office would actually prioritize on cases that are provable.

My problem with the IC Law is that when they can't prove their case, they got to get someone for something. In Iran-Contra, they couldn't get North. He had immunity. So they went after Cap Weinberger, who thought that it was a horrible idea from the get go.

Couldn't get Karl Rove (whom I have no love for these days since he started shilling for Romney), so they went after Scooter Libby, who never even talked to Novak.

Couldn't get Clinton on the crooked land deal, so they got him for lying about a blow job.

Plame was a covert agent at the time of the leak.

Then why was no one actually charged with outing her? Not even Scooter. It's a simple enough proposition. If she was a spy, identifying her was a crime. Of course, they were deviously hiding her name in "Who's Who in America"... so that wasn't very "covert".
Actually, I wouldn't want to insult Snooki like that. Snooki is an honest whore.

She wasn't working in the law then. she hadn't worked in the law since 1984. She had been in academia in the "those who can do, those who can't teach" theory of ineptitude. A teaching position she ONLY got because Thomas wrote her letters of recommendation. (This is what makes her contemptable, really. Sorry you don't get that.)

What you find contemptible about her is that she accused a conservative.

But you do get that if Donna Rice made millions, then she could expect similar rewards....

No, and neither do you. The comparison is stupid, and again, you're crediting her with psychic abilities, along with the ability to make herself get subpoenaed.

Oh, damn me and my literacy...

Not literacy. You think that your words can alter reality. Like most wingers.

Actually, I consider what Clinton did was worse. Real people lost money in Whitewater, and Paula Jones was a real person seeking justice. I have no problem with the politicians screwing each other or foreigners, but when they screw Joe Average, that's sort of contemptable.

Try to focus. The issue is damage to the nation, not what bothers Joe.

But the problem with the IC law was that it sets up these guys to investigate indefinitely, where a real prosecutors office would actually prioritize on cases that are provable.

My problem with the IC Law is that when they can't prove their case, they got to get someone for something. In Iran-Contra, they couldn't get North. He had immunity. So they went after Cap Weinberger, who thought that it was a horrible idea from the get go.

Couldn't get Karl Rove (whom I have no love for these days since he started shilling for Romney), so they went after Scooter Libby, who never even talked to Novak.

Couldn't get Clinton on the crooked land deal, so they got him for lying about a blow job.

The problem is that Republicans keep crapping on the nation, so we have to have special prosecutors to slow them down. Then they get angry over being investigated so they investigate a land deal and a blow job for revenge.

Then why was no one actually charged with outing her? Not even Scooter. It's a simple enough proposition. If she was a spy, identifying her was a crime. Of course, they were deviously hiding her name in "Who's Who in America"... so that wasn't very "covert".

Please be logical. The CIA says that she was covert. You are acting as if because no one could be convicted, she becomes non-covert.

Valerie Plame was a covert agent at the time she was outed. The CIA has verified this.
What you find contemptible about her is that she accused a conservative.

No, what I find contemptable is that she used this guy to advance herself, and then stabbed him in the back when that was advantageous. It lacks honor and decency. That goes beyond partisanship.

Ask some of the RW people about me. Half of them think I'm a liberal because I don't toe the idealogical line. I'm just as critical of Republicans and Democrats- when they deserve it.

No, and neither do you. The comparison is stupid, and again, you're crediting her with psychic abilities, along with the ability to make herself get subpoenaed.

Well, if she said, "Clarance, Great Guy" like everyone else who was asked about Judge Thomas by the FBI, she wouldn't have gotten supeoned. Instead she said, "Ummm, he said something bad once, what a bad guy... you aren't going to put my name to this, are you? I might need another letter of recommendation."

Try to focus. The issue is damage to the nation, not what bothers Joe.

Iran Contra HELPED the nation. Got our hostages out, helped defeat the Commie Sandinistas... Are you kidding?

The problem is that Republicans keep crapping on the nation, so we have to have special prosecutors to slow them down. Then they get angry over being investigated so they investigate a land deal and a blow job for revenge.

Actually, going back to your psychic powers bullshit, how did those mean old Republcans actually make Clinton lie?

Here's how Clinton could have avoided problems.

"Did you get a blow job from Monica".

Problem solved. Now, Hillary might have brained him with an ashtray, but he wouldn't have been in legal trouble. Or better yet, he could have settled with Jones when she was only asking for a third of what she eventually got and an apology.

Please be logical. The CIA says that she was covert. You are acting as if because no one could be convicted, she becomes non-covert.

Valerie Plame was a covert agent at the time she was outed. The CIA has verified this.

I always find it hysterically funny when a leftist suddenly develops a love for the CIA. No, really. After years of thinking the CIA is putting microchips in their butts, they suddenly loooooove the CIA when it has a problem with Bush.

Let's be blunt. This was intergency office politics... and it was bullshit. The CIA told Bush, "It's a slam dunk, Mr. President" on WMD's. Then there weren't any WMD's and the fingerpointing started. Please.

She becomes "non-covert" because no one was actually charged with that. Because her name was publically out there where even Nancy Drew could have figured out who she was. It isn't covert when half the reporters and politicians in Washington knows you work at the CIA and you sent your house husband off on a junket because he looked bored around the house.

Here's the gag about Joe Wilson. In Febuary of 2003, he wrote an op-ed where he not only said he believed Saddam had WMD's, but we shouldn't invade because he might use them. So much for him knowing the "truth".

A 'Big Cat' With Nothing to Lose - Los Angeles Times

But after it all goes south and it looks like they might start firing people at the CIA, he goes public that he "knew" there were no WMD's, and people asked, "Who the heck is Joe Wilson?"
No, what I find contemptable is that she used this guy to advance herself, and then stabbed him in the back when that was advantageous. It lacks honor and decency. That goes beyond partisanship.

That might be believable, had you not brought up so many other women and made such comparisons.

Ask some of the RW people about me. Half of them think I'm a liberal because I don't toe the idealogical line. I'm just as critical of Republicans and Democrats- when they deserve it.

Yes, like all conservatives, you do that. :)

Well, if she said, "Clarance, Great Guy" like everyone else who was asked about Judge Thomas by the FBI, she wouldn't have gotten supeoned. Instead she said, "Ummm, he said something bad once, what a bad guy... you aren't going to put my name to this, are you? I might need another letter of recommendation."

And we're back to the movie in your head.

Iran Contra HELPED the nation. Got our hostages out, helped defeat the Commie Sandinistas... Are you kidding?

Are you? Iran Contra was an abuse of executive power. The administration violated a law passed by Congress against aiding the Contras. Mining the harbor in Nicaragua was an act of war.

The problem is that Republicans keep crapping on the nation, so we have to have special prosecutors to slow them down. Then they get angry over being investigated so they investigate a land deal and a blow job for revenge.

Actually, going back to your psychic powers bullshit, how did those mean old Republcans actually make Clinton lie?

:cuckoo: Never said that they did.

You are crediting an average person with getting herself subpoenaed, and an ordinary human for knowing that she'd get speaking fees instead of becoming unemployable. That is bullshit. I'm just calling you on it.

I always find it hysterically funny when a leftist suddenly develops a love for the CIA.

Again, be logical. I have told you that the CIA verified that Plame was covert. This is reality, and my feelings about the CIA do not alter reality.

The CIA has verified that she was a covert agent. This is fact.

I can love or hate the CIA, and it does not alter the reality that she was a covert agent.

She was not an invisible person. Her role in the CIA was covert. Not her existence as a human.
What "transgressions"? Clinton got a blowjob. That's it.

Reagan made a deal with Iran to get elected and funded terrorists that raped and killed American nuns.

Bush II lied about Iraq. And completely lied about it. Killed thousands.

Those are REAL transgression.

Nothing will happen to either man.

The transgressions I was referring to were Obstruction of Justice and Perjury. This guy was a sitting POTUS. Don't know about you but I expect a bit more from the supreme leader of America.

As for his blowjob? I could care if he blew every intern in DC.

Clintons morals or lack thereof don't bother me one bit. Just as Newts don't. Clintons not the first Prez nor will he be the last to chase skirts. Or blowjobs.

You absolutely don't hold the same standard for either Reagan, who lied to a investigatory body or Bush...who lied to the American people.

So your argument here is specious.

No your argument is just plain stupid my friend. Show me where Reagan was impeached or otherwise censored by Congress or anybody else. Was he brought up on perjury or obstruciton of justice charges?? Don't think so.

YOU say Bush lied to the American people. Wheres your proof??

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