Re-Evaluating Newt..

PB is not on the edge, he's a white supremacist.

Newt's just an opportunistic asshole.
His personal life aside--that is only fair since apparently only Republicans are fair game to have their personal lives closely scrutinized and criticized--Newt is by far the best educated, has the highest IQ, and the most impressive knowledge, recall ability, and vision of any of the candidates running this year.

In his professional life he has pulled two major blunders. One was in taking on the dishonest and corrupt James Wright and forcing his resignation over a book deal in the Reagan Administration and then writing his own book which of course triggered the same kinds of accusations. Hypocrisy is allowed on the left, but is not to be tolerated on the right.

The second was the same sort of thing when he imprudently forced the impeachment of President Clinton on grounds that most of us didn't think rose the the level of high crimes and misdemeanors. Those grounds had nothing to do with Monica Lewinsky, but the left, having a less sophisticated constituency, was able to make it look like it did and then could trash Newt from engaging in his own infidelity. More hypocrisy that is allowed on the left, but is not to be tolerated on the right.

Can Newt live down that kind of baggage in a head to head contest with Barack Obama? Given that the MSM will play up all of Newt's baggage while continuing to ignore Obama's, I don't know.

Newt right now is not my favorite of the candidates, but I wouldn't have to hold my nose to vote for him a year from November, and he would be heads and shoulders above the current occupant of the White House.

He's also just about as big a bigot and racist as Pat Buchanan. Who's also very smart and savvy.

I'm sure in your mind he is Sallow. Most leftists buy into all the hate stuff put out there on somebody like Newt. I have not seen any bigotry or racism in Gingrich however, nor in Buchanan for that matter--Buchanan has been right on the edge of anti-semitism a time or two however--but both have focused mostly on the truth of the human condition which, to the left, is not allowed in our politically correct world.

Oh gosh, really?

And you write for a newspaper or something like that?

Bigotry is holding that one's culture or religion is superior to others and racism is holding that one's race is superior to others.

Both Newt and Pat have commented and wrote about the superiority of the west, Christainity and the white race. Google is your friend.
Clintons transgressions appear to be forgiven by the left. Aw whats a little obstruction of justice and perjury. Jeeze the guy was only a sitting POTUS.

As for Newt well lets get out the tar and feathers.

Newt the smartest guy in the room and is way more competant that the joker sitting in the oval office right now.

Of course I would be very surprised if the got the nomination even though he is way more than able.

What "transgressions"? Clinton got a blowjob. That's it.

Reagan made a deal with Iran to get elected and funded terrorists that raped and killed American nuns.

Bush II lied about Iraq. And completely lied about it. Killed thousands.

Those are REAL transgression.

Nothing will happen to either man.
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He's also just about as big a bigot and racist as Pat Buchanan. Who's also very smart and savvy.

I'm sure in your mind he is Sallow. Most leftists buy into all the hate stuff put out there on somebody like Newt. I have not seen any bigotry or racism in Gingrich however, nor in Buchanan for that matter--Buchanan has been right on the edge of anti-semitism a time or two however--but both have focused mostly on the truth of the human condition which, to the left, is not allowed in our politically correct world.

Oh gosh, really?

And you write for a newspaper or something like that?

Bigotry is holding that one's culture or religion is superior to others and racism is holding that one's race is superior to others.

Both Newt and Pat have commented and wrote about the superiority of the west, Christainity and the white race. Google is your friend.

I am aware of the slant that people like you put on it. I have also read what both have written on the subject. And your take is mean spirited and based on the leftist political correct notion that the white race or the American/European culture is NEVER to be recognized for any accomplishments and anyone who presumes to do so shall be branded white supremacist and/or racist.

Ability to analyze content critically, reading comprehension, and honest critique would be your friend if you would allow it to be.
I'm sure in your mind he is Sallow. Most leftists buy into all the hate stuff put out there on somebody like Newt. I have not seen any bigotry or racism in Gingrich however, nor in Buchanan for that matter--Buchanan has been right on the edge of anti-semitism a time or two however--but both have focused mostly on the truth of the human condition which, to the left, is not allowed in our politically correct world.

Oh gosh, really?

And you write for a newspaper or something like that?

Bigotry is holding that one's culture or religion is superior to others and racism is holding that one's race is superior to others.

Both Newt and Pat have commented and wrote about the superiority of the west, Christainity and the white race. Google is your friend.

I am aware of the slant that people like you put on it. I have also read what both have written on the subject. And your take is mean spirited and based on the leftist political correct notion that the white race or the American/European culture is NEVER to be recognized for any accomplishments and anyone who presumes to do so shall be branded white supremacist and/or racist.

Ability to analyze content critically, reading comprehension, and honest critique would be your friend if you would allow it to be.

There's nothing wrong with regonizing the accomplishments of cultures. Absolutely nothing. But when you start saying they are superior to get into some really dodgy terroritory.
I am aware of the slant that people like you put on it. I have also read what both have written on the subject. And your take is mean spirited and based on the leftist political correct notion that the white race or the American/European culture is NEVER to be recognized for any accomplishments and anyone who presumes to do so shall be branded white supremacist and/or racist.

Ability to analyze content critically, reading comprehension, and honest critique would be your friend if you would allow it to be.

Please take your own advice.

I'm not viewing PB with any slant. I'm reading what he says. He's a racist and anti-Semite. He says we should have sided with Hitler. He questions the Holocaust. He says that we need white people in power or the culture will fall.

As for PC, you're setting up a straw man. Your claim is not even close to mainstream liberal, left, or Democratic rhetoric.
I am aware of the slant that people like you put on it. I have also read what both have written on the subject. And your take is mean spirited and based on the leftist political correct notion that the white race or the American/European culture is NEVER to be recognized for any accomplishments and anyone who presumes to do so shall be branded white supremacist and/or racist.

Ability to analyze content critically, reading comprehension, and honest critique would be your friend if you would allow it to be.

Please take your own advice.

I'm not viewing PB with any slant. I'm reading what he says. He's a racist and anti-Semite. He says we should have sided with Hitler. He questions the Holocaust. He says that we need white people in power or the culture will fall.

As for PC, you're setting up a straw man. Your claim is not even close to mainstream liberal, left, or Democratic rhetoric.

I challenge you to prove that with ANY quotation IN CONTEXT from either of them.
MAY: Trump is gonna kick Obama's ass!

JULY: Bachmann is gonna kick Obama's ass!

SEPTEMBER: Perry is gonna kick Obama's ass!

OCTOBER: Cain is gonna kick Obama's ass!

NOVEMBER: Newt is gonna kick Obama's ass!


If Santorum can just hold out a while longer, he'll be kicking Obama's ass, too! And when it's all over, and wingnuts have finished running their mouth, Romney will get demolished by Obama. :lol:


Don't ya just love the chest thumpers?
Yup! And I love saving their posts and rubbing them in their face down the road. :)
Clintons transgressions appear to be forgiven by the left. Aw whats a little obstruction of justice and perjury. Jeeze the guy was only a sitting POTUS.

As for Newt well lets get out the tar and feathers.

Newt the smartest guy in the room and is way more competant that the joker sitting in the oval office right now.

Of course I would be very surprised if the got the nomination even though he is way more than able.

What "transgressions"? Clinton got a blowjob. That's it.

Reagan made a deal with Iran to get elected and funded terrorists that raped and killed American nuns.

Bush II lied about Iraq. And completely lied about it. Killed thousands.

Those are REAL transgression.

Nothing will happen to either man.

The transgressions I was referring to were Obstruction of Justice and Perjury. This guy was a sitting POTUS. Don't know about you but I expect a bit more from the supreme leader of America.

As for his blowjob? I could care if he blew every intern in DC.

Clintons morals or lack thereof don't bother me one bit. Just as Newts don't. Clintons not the first Prez nor will he be the last to chase skirts. Or blowjobs.
Clintons transgressions appear to be forgiven by the left. Aw whats a little obstruction of justice and perjury. Jeeze the guy was only a sitting POTUS.

As for Newt well lets get out the tar and feathers.

Newt the smartest guy in the room and is way more competant that the joker sitting in the oval office right now.

Of course I would be very surprised if the got the nomination even though he is way more than able.

What "transgressions"? Clinton got a blowjob. That's it.

Reagan made a deal with Iran to get elected and funded terrorists that raped and killed American nuns.

Bush II lied about Iraq. And completely lied about it. Killed thousands.

Those are REAL transgression.

Nothing will happen to either man.

The transgressions I was referring to were Obstruction of Justice and Perjury. This guy was a sitting POTUS. Don't know about you but I expect a bit more from the supreme leader of America.

As for his blowjob? I could care if he blew every intern in DC.

Clintons morals or lack thereof don't bother me one bit. Just as Newts don't. Clintons not the first Prez nor will he be the last to chase skirts. Or blowjobs.

Those however who get most of their information on leftist "I hate conservatives, Republicans, and the American way" sites can't see beyond the distorted view of the world that is offered there. They honestly believe the unsubstantiated myth of Gingrich and Buchanan's 'white supremacy' and want to believe it so much they aren't about to do the research themselves. Same with the Clinton impeachment. The 'blow job' story is so much more attractive to them to believe they can't or won't even look at the actual charges in the impeachment process lest it blow the myth they have created.
Clintons transgressions appear to be forgiven by the left. Aw whats a little obstruction of justice and perjury. Jeeze the guy was only a sitting POTUS.

As for Newt well lets get out the tar and feathers.

Newt the smartest guy in the room and is way more competant that the joker sitting in the oval office right now.

Of course I would be very surprised if the got the nomination even though he is way more than able.

What "transgressions"? Clinton got a blowjob. That's it.

Reagan made a deal with Iran to get elected and funded terrorists that raped and killed American nuns.

Bush II lied about Iraq. And completely lied about it. Killed thousands.

Those are REAL transgression.

Nothing will happen to either man.

The transgressions I was referring to were Obstruction of Justice and Perjury. This guy was a sitting POTUS. Don't know about you but I expect a bit more from the supreme leader of America.

As for his blowjob? I could care if he blew every intern in DC.

Clintons morals or lack thereof don't bother me one bit. Just as Newts don't. Clintons not the first Prez nor will he be the last to chase skirts. Or blowjobs.

You absolutely don't hold the same standard for either Reagan, who lied to a investigatory body or Bush...who lied to the American people.

So your argument here is specious.
I've been done this road with her.

It's really no use. She knows the material. She just doesn't think it's racist or bigotted.

Incredible. I assumed when I was asked for quotes in context, that she really hadn't heard PB's rhetoric.

If you've been down this road with me, you apparently forgot that I don't consider leftist anti-conservative, anti-GOP, anti-the-American-way sites distorting somebody's words or somebody else's written opinion as being 'in context' which is what I asked for. And anybody who considers the George Soros funded Media Matters DEVOTED to distorting and disparaging ANYTHING that isn't Marxist/socialist left to be a valid source will be written off by me as having a clue about much of anything.
If you've been down this road with me, you apparently forgot that I don't consider leftist anti-conservative, anti-GOP, anti-the-American-way sites distorting somebody's words or somebody else's written opinion as being 'in context' which is what I asked for. And anybody who considers the George Soros funded Media Matters DEVOTED to distorting and disparaging ANYTHING that isn't Marxist/socialist left to be a valid source will be written off by me as having a clue about much of anything.

The funnel doesn't change wine into vinegar. It's just a funnel.

Media Matters doesn't make PB say something he didn't really say.

There are direct quotes from PB in those links.

Read his quotes and justify them.
If you've been down this road with me, you apparently forgot that I don't consider leftist anti-conservative, anti-GOP, anti-the-American-way sites distorting somebody's words or somebody else's written opinion as being 'in context' which is what I asked for. And anybody who considers the George Soros funded Media Matters DEVOTED to distorting and disparaging ANYTHING that isn't Marxist/socialist left to be a valid source will be written off by me as having a clue about much of anything.

The funnel doesn't change wine into vinegar. It's just a funnel.

Media Matters doesn't make PB say something he didn't really say.

There are direct quotes from PB in those links.

Read his quotes and justify them.

No, YOU made the accusation that the quotes are racist or bigoted. So YOU put them INTO CONTEXT and justify your opinion that they are racist or bigoted. Sallow did not do that with the highly biased and bigoted links he posted.
Manufacturers are not moving jobs overseas because they fear sexual harassment lawsuits. Just give it up. Jobs are going overseas because of $$$$ for the manufacturer.

Exactly. Sexual harrassment lawsuits from malingerers cost $$$$. That's part of the equation. Glad you are finally getting it, I was beginning to think you were stupid.

Again, stop the movie in your head. At the time she testified, she wasn't receiving speaking fees for anything.

But she got millions AFTER she stuck the knife in. Amazing.

You're making my point. Women take harassment for years because they fear no one will believe them, and they might never get another good job.

Then they should stop whining about it. Actually, no one believes them because they usually end up suing for bullshit. Frankly, never saw a SH case brought that wasn't complete BS, but good people got fired for petty BS because HR departments are running scared. True, they later find ways of getting rid of the malingerers, because that's just a bomb waiting to go off.

Yeah, it is about you. You keep insisting that you are in charge of what is and is not harassment. Even though nobody's sexually harassed you, and you basically disallow the entire concept, and make excuses right and left, you're somehow in charge.

Only because I'm totally fucking awesome and once I've spoken on a subject, there really isn't anything more to be said.

He's doing a very good job.

yeah, the 20 people who got laid off from my workplace last month might have something to say about that.

Newt served his first wife with divorce papers while she was recovering from cancer surgery.

Newt had to be forced to pay his child support.

according to his daughter, Jackie Gingrich Cushman, niether of these claims is true. Next.

Newt attacked Clinton for having an affair with a subordinate while Newt was having an affair with a subordinate.

She was a lobbyist, not a subordinate.... Next.

Newt divorced his second wife when she was diagnosed with MS.

Being that you were completely wrong on the last three, and wrong on Hill being a judge's clerk and a lot of little things called "facts", I'd really like to see a link to that one.

I think that should clear things up.

Again, you ignored the issue. Obama called his grandmother a racist on national TV because he couldn't bring himself to denounce the nasty, anti-American racist bile pouring out of the mouth of his pastor. The woman who raised him when his parents couldn't be bothered.

Seems a lot worse than getting divorces from marriages that aren't working to me.
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You really believe that the impeachment was on solid ground?

Legally. Yes. Clinton broke several federal statues. People have gone to prison and lost their jobs for a lot less.

Politically. Not so much. He was still popular and the country was willing to forgive him and frankly, his being acquitted was a forgone conclusion. If he had Obama's economic numbers, he'd have been run out on a rail.

The millage that could have been gotten out of it was gotten when Ken Starr nailed down that he lied. They should have censured him and left it at that.

If you've been down this road with me, you apparently forgot that I don't consider leftist anti-conservative, anti-GOP, anti-the-American-way sites distorting somebody's words or somebody else's written opinion as being 'in context' which is what I asked for. And anybody who considers the George Soros funded Media Matters DEVOTED to distorting and disparaging ANYTHING that isn't Marxist/socialist left to be a valid source will be written off by me as having a clue about much of anything.

Hyperbole and Demagoguery doesn't really hope your case much.


I don't call people bigots and racists casually. And I seriously don't have much of a problem with long as it's your personal thing and you aren't in charge of anything important.

But racists and bigots should not be writting legislation or setting policy.

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