Re-Evaluating Newt..

That might be believable, had you not brought up so many other women and made such comparisons.

You're right, I really did a disservice to Snooki, an honest, hard working whore, by comparing her to a backstabbing, lying sack of shit like Anita Hill. I'm sorry, Snooki. Carry on with what you were doing.

Seriously, she's the lowest of the low. There is nothing that gains my contempt more than people who stab people who help them in the back.

Are you? Iran Contra was an abuse of executive power. The administration violated a law passed by Congress against aiding the Contras. Mining the harbor in Nicaragua was an act of war.

Yup. They were the enemy, and we made war on them. Good show. Made a lot of them dead, too.

You are crediting an average person with getting herself subpoenaed, and an ordinary human for knowing that she'd get speaking fees instead of becoming unemployable. That is bullshit. I'm just calling you on it.

I think the fact she told malicious lies was what got her supeoned. And then the abortion industry paid her a bag of money.... I guess inflation is up from 30 pcs of silver.

Again, be logical. I have told you that the CIA verified that Plame was covert. This is reality, and my feelings about the CIA do not alter reality.

The CIA has verified that she was a covert agent. This is fact.

I can love or hate the CIA, and it does not alter the reality that she was a covert agent.

She was not an invisible person. Her role in the CIA was covert. Not her existence as a human.

the legal finding was that she wasn't under the law invoked. The CIA could claim she was the second incarnation of the Virgin Mary, but that don't make it so....

LEGALLY, no one was guilty of that because her identity was in the public arena, and if Robert Novak could find her name in "Who's who in America", so could some North Korean intelligence operative.

This was a lot of whining by the CIA because it screwed up and lots of people should have gotten fired.
What you find contemptible about her is that she accused a conservative.

No, what I find contemptable is that she used this guy to advance herself, and then stabbed him in the back when that was advantageous. It lacks honor and decency. That goes beyond partisanship.

Ask some of the RW people about me. Half of them think I'm a liberal because I don't toe the idealogical line. I'm just as critical of Republicans and Democrats- when they deserve it.

No, and neither do you. The comparison is stupid, and again, you're crediting her with psychic abilities, along with the ability to make herself get subpoenaed.

Well, if she said, "Clarance, Great Guy" like everyone else who was asked about Judge Thomas by the FBI, she wouldn't have gotten supeoned. Instead she said, "Ummm, he said something bad once, what a bad guy... you aren't going to put my name to this, are you? I might need another letter of recommendation."

Iran Contra HELPED the nation. Got our hostages out, helped defeat the Commie Sandinistas... Are you kidding?

The problem is that Republicans keep crapping on the nation, so we have to have special prosecutors to slow them down. Then they get angry over being investigated so they investigate a land deal and a blow job for revenge.

Actually, going back to your psychic powers bullshit, how did those mean old Republcans actually make Clinton lie?

Here's how Clinton could have avoided problems.

"Did you get a blow job from Monica".

Problem solved. Now, Hillary might have brained him with an ashtray, but he wouldn't have been in legal trouble. Or better yet, he could have settled with Jones when she was only asking for a third of what she eventually got and an apology.

Please be logical. The CIA says that she was covert. You are acting as if because no one could be convicted, she becomes non-covert.

Valerie Plame was a covert agent at the time she was outed. The CIA has verified this.

I always find it hysterically funny when a leftist suddenly develops a love for the CIA. No, really. After years of thinking the CIA is putting microchips in their butts, they suddenly loooooove the CIA when it has a problem with Bush.

Let's be blunt. This was intergency office politics... and it was bullshit. The CIA told Bush, "It's a slam dunk, Mr. President" on WMD's. Then there weren't any WMD's and the fingerpointing started. Please.

She becomes "non-covert" because no one was actually charged with that. Because her name was publically out there where even Nancy Drew could have figured out who she was. It isn't covert when half the reporters and politicians in Washington knows you work at the CIA and you sent your house husband off on a junket because he looked bored around the house.

Here's the gag about Joe Wilson. In Febuary of 2003, he wrote an op-ed where he not only said he believed Saddam had WMD's, but we shouldn't invade because he might use them. So much for him knowing the "truth".

A 'Big Cat' With Nothing to Lose - Los Angeles Times

But after it all goes south and it looks like they might start firing people at the CIA, he goes public that he "knew" there were no WMD's, and people asked, "Who the heck is Joe Wilson?"

Yeah. From what I've read Plame was the best "unkept" secret in DC. She was no more covert than I am. Her last assignment in Russia was a bust. They had to send her home because the Russkies knew who she was. She was assigned desk duty thereafter. Can't be covert when the enemy has you pegged.

As for WMD's Hell. Every intelligence agency in the world thought Saddam had em and thats what the invasion was based on. Incorrect intel from everyone.
Yeah. From what I've read Plame was the best "unkept" secret in DC. She was no more covert than I am. Her last assignment in Russia was a bust. They had to send her home because the Russkies knew who she was. She was assigned desk duty thereafter. Can't be covert when the enemy has you pegged.

As for WMD's Hell. Every intelligence agency in the world thought Saddam had em and thats what the invasion was based on. Incorrect intel from everyone.

Well, the reason why the intel agencies thought that was because that's what Saddam wanted them to think.

Because he thought the reason why he didn't get ousted in 1991 was becasue the alliance didn't want to fight a chemical war in Iraq. So as long as they thought he had them, he was safe, even as he gave most of them up and was unable to produce new ones.
What you find contemptible about her is that she accused a conservative.

No, what I find contemptable is that she used this guy to advance herself, and then stabbed him in the back when that was advantageous. It lacks honor and decency. That goes beyond partisanship.

Ask some of the RW people about me. Half of them think I'm a liberal because I don't toe the idealogical line. I'm just as critical of Republicans and Democrats- when they deserve it.

Well, if she said, "Clarance, Great Guy" like everyone else who was asked about Judge Thomas by the FBI, she wouldn't have gotten supeoned. Instead she said, "Ummm, he said something bad once, what a bad guy... you aren't going to put my name to this, are you? I might need another letter of recommendation."

Iran Contra HELPED the nation. Got our hostages out, helped defeat the Commie Sandinistas... Are you kidding?

Actually, going back to your psychic powers bullshit, how did those mean old Republcans actually make Clinton lie?

Here's how Clinton could have avoided problems.

"Did you get a blow job from Monica".

Problem solved. Now, Hillary might have brained him with an ashtray, but he wouldn't have been in legal trouble. Or better yet, he could have settled with Jones when she was only asking for a third of what she eventually got and an apology.

Please be logical. The CIA says that she was covert. You are acting as if because no one could be convicted, she becomes non-covert.

Valerie Plame was a covert agent at the time she was outed. The CIA has verified this.

I always find it hysterically funny when a leftist suddenly develops a love for the CIA. No, really. After years of thinking the CIA is putting microchips in their butts, they suddenly loooooove the CIA when it has a problem with Bush.

Let's be blunt. This was intergency office politics... and it was bullshit. The CIA told Bush, "It's a slam dunk, Mr. President" on WMD's. Then there weren't any WMD's and the fingerpointing started. Please.

She becomes "non-covert" because no one was actually charged with that. Because her name was publically out there where even Nancy Drew could have figured out who she was. It isn't covert when half the reporters and politicians in Washington knows you work at the CIA and you sent your house husband off on a junket because he looked bored around the house.

Here's the gag about Joe Wilson. In Febuary of 2003, he wrote an op-ed where he not only said he believed Saddam had WMD's, but we shouldn't invade because he might use them. So much for him knowing the "truth".

A 'Big Cat' With Nothing to Lose - Los Angeles Times

But after it all goes south and it looks like they might start firing people at the CIA, he goes public that he "knew" there were no WMD's, and people asked, "Who the heck is Joe Wilson?"

Yeah. From what I've read Plame was the best "unkept" secret in DC. She was no more covert than I am. Her last assignment in Russia was a bust. They had to send her home because the Russkies knew who she was. She was assigned desk duty thereafter. Can't be covert when the enemy has you pegged.

As for WMD's Hell. Every intelligence agency in the world thought Saddam had em and thats what the invasion was based on. Incorrect intel from everyone.

How covert can you be when you and your husband are plastered all over his website along with where you work and what you do? That was one huge scam from the word go and designed to embarrass certain people, which as far as the MSM was concerned, did. Even when the bogus 'leak' was revealed as an inside CIA thing, the MSM still tried to keep the illusion alive that it was Bush, Cheney & Co. who orchestrated the whole thing. But we have a MSM that is considerably less than honest and ethical.
Yep. To bad they didn't do as thorough a job on Barry as they did on Bush, Cheney and company.

Imagine sending 200 reporters to Alaska to try to dig up dirt on a woman running for the VP slot on the GOP ticket. Those same 200 could have done some digging on Barry Boy when he was running for POTUS.

Honest and ethical?? Our MSM ain't even in the ballpark.
:lmao: The Week? Muckraker? His ex-wife?! :lmao:

Thanks for proving my point about you being an ignorant shitstain too lazy to think and separate rumor from reality. Because EVERY intelligent person looks to a man's EX-WIFE for "the truth" about him. Sure they do. :eusa_hand:

Sit down and shut the fuck up before you humiliate yourself further, fucktard.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. That's not just from the ex-wife. It's from people who worked with him. Newt has admitted to most of what you would deny. And he came up with a wacky excuse for it. He just loved the country too much. :rofl:

Newt is not stable.

Perhaps you'd like to show me where Newt admitted to anything other than having an affair on his second wife. See if you can do it using REAL news sources, rather than blogs. Amazingly enough, just because someone says it on the Internet, that doesn't make it true.

Does he have a "One Free Affair" card?
[Well, I did. Far left kook websites letting an jilted ex-wife break bad don't count. And you did get the facts wrong about so many other things....

And you got one wrong AGAIN (bolded)> Callista is the THIRD wife, not the second... Again, do you bother to do ANY research before wasting my valuable time?

Get your FACTS right before you shoot off your mouth.

I'm sorry, I am usually much more careful. Ask Lone Laugher. I'm aware that Calista is his third wife.

Please stop the pretense that you can dismiss the messy details of Newt's life by attacking the sources.

Newt is a serial adulterer. He left his first wife when she had cancer. She had financial problems because Newt failed to pay her child support. He left his second wife after she was dx with MS. He's on his third marriage. He is not a moral man.

His first wife never had cancer, dipwad. She had a benign growth removed. And they had already agreed to divorce some time BEFORE she went in for her surgery.

And that's just for starters.

Maybe if you read something other than the Internet equivalent of Jerry Springer, you'd know something real.


"It was a very, very bad period of my life," Newt has admitted. "It had been getting steadily worse. I ultimately wound up at a point where suicide, or going insane, or divorce were the last three options." In April 1980, he told Jackie, who was suffering from uterine cancer, that he was filing for divorce.

He was soon having an affair with a woman known to a member of his staff as "the mystery lady."
For some time, Jackie tried to hold on. "He can say that we had been talking about it for 10 years, but the truth is that it came as a complete surprise," she told Lois Romano of The Washington Post. "He walked out in the spring of 1980...By September, I went into the hospital for my third surgery. The two girls came to see me, and said, 'Daddy is downstairs. Could he come up?' When he got there, he wanted to discuss the terms of the divorce while I was recovering from my surgery."
Gingrich himself was interviewed for the feature story; however, some of the juiciest insight into the life of the prominent conservative voice comes from his ex-wife, Marianne Gingrich, whom he divorced in 2000.

"He asked me to marry him way too early," she revealed. "And he wasn't divorced yet [from his first wife Jackie Battley]. I should have known there was a problem."

Marianne Gingrich suggested that the former House Speaker found himself in the same relationship pattern eighteen years later when he sought to marry his current wife, then-congressional aide Callista Bisek.

"I know," she explained. "I asked him. He'd already asked her to marry him before he asked me for a divorce. Before he even asked."
Jackie Gingrich, Newt and his first wife's daughter, however have refuted the story of him "divorcing his wife when she was battling cancer". Jackie said--I'm thinking in a Larry King interview but can't remember for sure--that it was her mother who requested the divorce and the tumor was benign, not cancer. He did start dating Marriane before the divorce was final and was cheating on Marianne when he confessed that infidelity.

However those who condemn Newt's personal life, which was pretty scuzzy, don't seem to have a problem with President Clinton's affair with Gennifer Flowers, various other 'bimbo eruptions, and getting blow jobs in the Oval Office and don't seem to think that impaired his ability to preside.

So either there is a huge double standard at play here or Newt's infidelities don't matter either.

How about it?
Plame was a covert agent. This is a fact. Let's don't argue about a simple fact.

Here's another fact: the Reagan administration broke the law in aiding the Contras. Congress forbade the aid, the Reagan administration went against the direct will of Congress.

And another: mining the harbors in Nicaragua was an act of war. The harbor was secretly mined, no one was told, and when Barry Goldwater found out about it, he tore Reagan administration officials a new one.

You can thump your chest and pretend that you like the President to break the law. But you can't pretend that what the Bush administration did, or what the Reagan administration did, was legal.

This is our system of government, under the USC. Have you heard of it?

Seriously, she's the lowest of the low. There is nothing that gains my contempt more than people who stab people who help them in the back.

You aren't even convincing yourself at this point. :lol:

Yup. They were the enemy, and we made war on them. Good show. Made a lot of them dead, too.

You are lost in the thread. We are talking about Iran-Contra.

the legal finding was that she wasn't under the law invoked.

The judge accepted Fitzgerald's evidence that Plame was covert.

The CIA could claim she was the second incarnation of the Virgin Mary, but that don't make it so....

Cute, but stupid. The CIA is the authority on their agents. If they say she's covert, she's covert.

LEGALLY, no one was guilty of that because her identity was in the public arena, and if Robert Novak could find her name in "Who's who in America", so could some North Korean intelligence operative.

This was a lot of whining by the CIA because it screwed up and lots of people should have gotten fired.

Her name being in Who's Who is irrelevant. Deal with the reality here. Her name was known. That she was a covert agent was not. We are not talking about a James Bond movie.

You're also mistaken about WMDs. The US was warned about the quality of the intelligence used making the case for war.

The famous sixteen words were taken out of the SOTU address Bush gave because the intell to back it up was not there. The Bush administration put them back in.

The case that Colin Powell made to the UN was based on some drawings by an agent called Curveball, who was talking out of his ass.

When Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, and George W. Bush campaigned to sell the Second Gulf War to the world, weapons inspectors had already concluded that there were no WMDs in Iraq. Exhaustive searching revealed no hint of an active WMD program. Scott Ritter, the Chief UN Weapons Inspector in Iraq, was emphatic: There were no WMDs.

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Jackie Gingrich, Newt and his first wife's daughter, however have refuted the story of him "divorcing his wife when she was battling cancer". Jackie said--I'm thinking in a Larry King interview but can't remember for sure--that it was her mother who requested the divorce and the tumor was benign, not cancer. He did start dating Marriane before the divorce was final and was cheating on Marianne when he confessed that infidelity.

However those who condemn Newt's personal life, which was pretty scuzzy, don't seem to have a problem with President Clinton's affair with Gennifer Flowers, various other 'bimbo eruptions, and getting blow jobs in the Oval Office and don't seem to think that impaired his ability to preside.

So either there is a huge double standard at play here or Newt's infidelities don't matter either.

How about it?

Republicans are the preacher party. So Republicans have to live up to that.

Republicans are the bulk of the ones who claimed that Clinton's infidelities mattered. I know a few Democrats spoke out against him but they were few and far between. I personally think that if Hyde hadn't rushed the matter through the House there might have been more time for some of the more serious allegations to be substantiated and for other people who had been keeping silent to speak up. There might even have been official rape charges to contend with, not just rumors. But Hyde did rush it. And basically the Republicans looked mean for it, so they justly have to carry extra baggage around with them when they transgress traditional mores.

Eneeeway ... some people do object to both Gingrich and Clinton.

But it's not necessarily an incorrect double standard to condemn one and not the other. Republicans are the ones who said it mattered. If you live by the sword, you die by the sword.

Democrats can have their Clintons and their Weiners and move on from it more quickly than we can. It's just plain not the indictment of their party which Republican cheaters are of ours.
Plame was a covert agent. This is a fact. Let's don't argue about a simple fact.

You mean except no one was charged with outing an agent and her name was in the public domain and half of Washington knew who she was.... I guess "covert" is one of those words that doesn't mean what it actually means. NEXT---

Here's another fact: the Reagan administration broke the law in aiding the Contras. Congress forbade the aid, the Reagan administration went against the direct will of Congress.

1) So what?
2) The Boland Amendment, which was what was broken here, had no criminal penalty or enforcement procedures.
3) Bonus cut- The Boland Amendment only forbade budget funds from going to the contras. It did not forbid the profits of other ventures from going to them.

Which is why no one was actually ever charged with sending arms to the Contras. They were charged with things like "lying to Congress" when Congress knew damned well what was going on.


I'm shocked that there's gambling going on here!

And another: mining the harbors in Nicaragua was an act of war. The harbor was secretly mined, no one was told, and when Barry Goldwater found out about it, he tore Reagan administration officials a new one.

Wasn't this when Barry was also claiming he believed in UFO's? Who cared what that senile old jerk thought at that point.

You can thump your chest and pretend that you like the President to break the law. But you can't pretend that what the Bush administration did, or what the Reagan administration did, was legal.

And if my dad was the guy who had a gun held to his head by a crazed Jihadi, I wouldn't care that Reagan did something "illegal" to save his life. Nor would you.

This is our system of government, under the USC. Have you heard of it?

And the Congress was free to impeach. Oh, but wait, they didn't do that! Because they weren't going to go out and impeach a president for not letting the commies win.

The judge accepted Fitzgerald's evidence that Plame was covert.

But again, no one was charged with that.

Cute, but stupid. The CIA is the authority on their agents. If they say she's covert, she's covert.

So if they shoot you and say you were an enemy spy, you'd take that on face value, too?

Her name being in Who's Who is irrelevant. Deal with the reality here. Her name was known. That she was a covert agent was not.

Except half of Washington knew she worked at the CIA and she was pulled out of Russia because the Russians knew who she was.
Jackie Gingrich, Newt and his first wife's daughter, however have refuted the story of him "divorcing his wife when she was battling cancer". Jackie said--I'm thinking in a Larry King interview but can't remember for sure--that it was her mother who requested the divorce and the tumor was benign, not cancer. He did start dating Marriane before the divorce was final and was cheating on Marianne when he confessed that infidelity.

However those who condemn Newt's personal life, which was pretty scuzzy, don't seem to have a problem with President Clinton's affair with Gennifer Flowers, various other 'bimbo eruptions, and getting blow jobs in the Oval Office and don't seem to think that impaired his ability to preside.

So either there is a huge double standard at play here or Newt's infidelities don't matter either.

How about it?

Republicans are the preacher party. So Republicans have to live up to that.

Republicans are the bulk of the ones who claimed that Clinton's infidelities mattered. I know a few Democrats spoke out against him but they were few and far between. I personally think that if Hyde hadn't rushed the matter through the House there might have been more time for some of the more serious allegations to be substantiated and for other people who had been keeping silent to speak up. There might even have been official rape charges to contend with, not just rumors. But Hyde did rush it. And basically the Republicans looked mean for it, so they justly have to carry extra baggage around with them when they transgress traditional mores.

Eneeeway ... some people do object to both Gingrich and Clinton.

But it's not necessarily an incorrect double standard to condemn one and not the other. Republicans are the ones who said it mattered. If you live by the sword, you die by the sword.

Democrats can have their Clintons and their Weiners and move on from it more quickly than we can. It's just plain not the indictment of their party which Republican cheaters are of ours.

I am one who said the infidelities did not affect Clinton's ability to president any more than it affected FDR or JFK that we KNOW fooled around and some others for whom there are suspicions. And while I do not condone anybody cheating on his/her spouse, and do think it calls their character into question, I am nevertheless fully qualified to comment on the reverse hypocrisy when Democrats didn't condemn their own but hold Republicans to a higher standard. Most especially when they have repeatedly accused us of condemning Clinton for the 'blow jobs' instead of the actual offenses.
The famous sixteen words were taken out of the SOTU address Bush gave because the intell to back it up was not there. The Bush administration put them back in.

The famous 16 words were correct. The British did have evidence the Iraqis were trying to buy uranium. MI-6 stood by that statement. So it was an accurate statement. they didn't get it, but they asked for it.

Look, guy, George Tenat went into Bush's office and said "It's a slam dunk, Mr. President!"

Joe Wilson wrote in the LA Times that no only did Saddam have WMD's, but we needed to give him a graceful way out because he'd use them.

This is a lot of people playing CYA when something goes wrong. If you had a real job, you see it happens every day in the business world, who ends up holding the bag of dog poop.

Myself. Saddam was a scumbag and I'm glad he's dead. Aren't you?
Jackie Gingrich, Newt and his first wife's daughter, however have refuted the story of him "divorcing his wife when she was battling cancer". Jackie said--I'm thinking in a Larry King interview but can't remember for sure--that it was her mother who requested the divorce and the tumor was benign, not cancer. He did start dating Marriane before the divorce was final and was cheating on Marianne when he confessed that infidelity.

However those who condemn Newt's personal life, which was pretty scuzzy, don't seem to have a problem with President Clinton's affair with Gennifer Flowers, various other 'bimbo eruptions, and getting blow jobs in the Oval Office and don't seem to think that impaired his ability to preside.

So either there is a huge double standard at play here or Newt's infidelities don't matter either.

How about it?

Republicans are the preacher party. So Republicans have to live up to that.

Republicans are the bulk of the ones who claimed that Clinton's infidelities mattered. I know a few Democrats spoke out against him but they were few and far between. I personally think that if Hyde hadn't rushed the matter through the House there might have been more time for some of the more serious allegations to be substantiated and for other people who had been keeping silent to speak up. There might even have been official rape charges to contend with, not just rumors. But Hyde did rush it. And basically the Republicans looked mean for it, so they justly have to carry extra baggage around with them when they transgress traditional mores.

Eneeeway ... some people do object to both Gingrich and Clinton.

But it's not necessarily an incorrect double standard to condemn one and not the other. Republicans are the ones who said it mattered. If you live by the sword, you die by the sword.

Democrats can have their Clintons and their Weiners and move on from it more quickly than we can. It's just plain not the indictment of their party which Republican cheaters are of ours.

I am one who said the infidelities did not affect Clinton's ability to president any more than it affected FDR or JFK that we KNOW fooled around and some others for whom there are suspicions. And while I do not condone anybody cheating on his/her spouse, and do think it calls their character into question, I am nevertheless fully qualified to comment on the reverse hypocrisy when Democrats didn't condemn their own but hold Republicans to a higher standard. Most especially when they have repeatedly accused us of condemning Clinton for the 'blow jobs' instead of the actual offenses.

The fact that Gingrich said it matters makes his case different from Clinton's.

A free country must have honest leaders if it is to remain free. We are in deep trouble as a society... People are looking for a guidepost as to how they should live, how their institutions should behave, and who they should follow.

That was in connection with the page scandals of 1983.

He stitched up his own baggage. He has to carry it. It's good of you to try to be fairminded, but Gingrich made his Samsonite. Deliberately and methodically. Now he has to carry it.

Republicans are the preacher party. So Republicans have to live up to that.

Republicans are the bulk of the ones who claimed that Clinton's infidelities mattered. I know a few Democrats spoke out against him but they were few and far between. I personally think that if Hyde hadn't rushed the matter through the House there might have been more time for some of the more serious allegations to be substantiated and for other people who had been keeping silent to speak up. There might even have been official rape charges to contend with, not just rumors. But Hyde did rush it. And basically the Republicans looked mean for it, so they justly have to carry extra baggage around with them when they transgress traditional mores.

Eneeeway ... some people do object to both Gingrich and Clinton.

But it's not necessarily an incorrect double standard to condemn one and not the other. Republicans are the ones who said it mattered. If you live by the sword, you die by the sword.

Democrats can have their Clintons and their Weiners and move on from it more quickly than we can. It's just plain not the indictment of their party which Republican cheaters are of ours.

I am one who said the infidelities did not affect Clinton's ability to president any more than it affected FDR or JFK that we KNOW fooled around and some others for whom there are suspicions. And while I do not condone anybody cheating on his/her spouse, and do think it calls their character into question, I am nevertheless fully qualified to comment on the reverse hypocrisy when Democrats didn't condemn their own but hold Republicans to a higher standard. Most especially when they have repeatedly accused us of condemning Clinton for the 'blow jobs' instead of the actual offenses.

The fact that Gingrich said it matters makes his case different from Clinton's.

A free country must have honest leaders if it is to remain free. We are in deep trouble as a society... People are looking for a guidepost as to how they should live, how their institutions should behave, and who they should follow.

That was in connection with the page scandals of 1983.

He stitched up his own baggage. He has to carry it. It's good of you to try to be fairminded, but Gingrich made his Samsonite. Deliberately and methodically. Now he has to carry it.


Difference of opiinion. Gingrich never looked directly into the camera and wagged his finger at me and said so very sincerely and earnestly: "I never had sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky" either.
Newt had sex with Monica, too?

Anyway, I'm sorry, as much as it pains me to agree with Amelia the RomneyBot, she has a point. Gingrich has destroyed his own reputation by his personal behavior. It's not fair, we should be mature enough to look beyond people's personal lives. I can't see him being viable.

Of course, all the other GOP choices are equally bad, especially Romney...

So I'm offering a new course, "Learning to Live with Obama"...
Newt had sex with Monica, too?

Anyway, I'm sorry, as much as it pains me to agree with Amelia the RomneyBot, she has a point. Gingrich has destroyed his own reputation by his personal behavior. It's not fair, we should be mature enough to look beyond people's personal lives. I can't see him being viable.

Of course, all the other GOP choices are equally bad, especially Romney...

So I'm offering a new course, "Learning to Live with Obama"...


That was great!
Well if you must condemn Newt, please at least hang him for the right crimes. Most of the stuff being quoted here has been pulled off leftwing "I hate anything Republican" sites and a whole lot of it has been made up but repeated so often it sounds like the truth.

Anyhow, Newt was not going after Clinton on infidelity charges but rather on perjury and obstruction of justice charges.

And those who condemn Gingrich for infidelity but give Clinton a pass are simply not being fair.
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Well if you must condemn Newt, please at least hang him for the right crimes. Most of the stuff being quoted here has been pulled off leftwing "I hate anything Republican" sites and a whole lot of it has been made up but repeated so often it sounds like the truth.

Anyhow, Newt was not going after Clinton on infidelity charges but rather on perjury and obstruction of justice charges.

And those who condemn Gingrich for infidelity but give Clinton a pass are simply not being fair.

And I did think I challenged SAT and others on their dubious repeated claims, like Newt served his wife divorce papers while she was dying of cancer.

My problem with Newt's position was that there was simply no way that Clinton was ever going to be removed. There was no way they were going to get 12 Democratic Senators to go along with convicting him, and they knew it. So at the end of the day, his game of brinksmanship left Clinton in power and he lost his job. He made political calculations and lost as badly as you possibly can.

He will be in a position where he might find himself in a game of brinksmanship with a foreign country, with economic or military consequences. I seriously have to wonder about his judgement.

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